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Poria oviformis G. Cunn. 1947

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
as 'oviforma'
invalid publication, invalidly published
Poria oviformis G. Cunn. 1947
Poria oviformis

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Poria oviformis G. Cunn. 1947

Nothopanax sp., on decorticated fallen branch. Auckland. Waitakere Ranges, Nov. 1945, Joan Dingley, type collection.

Hymenophore oviform, discrete, to 7 x 3 cm., 1-2 mm. thick, firm, with several orbicular or oviform outlying islands, white, becoming cream or pallid isabelline when dry; margin 1-3 mm. wide, definite, even, cream, byssoid, nearly smooth, not lifting; surface even, slightly glancing, dissepiments not toothed. Pores not in strata, round or slightly angular, in section cream, 0.5-2 mm. deep, 60-200 µ diameter, or 3-4 to mm.; dissepiments 50-200 µ thick, of closely woven mainly parallel hyphae, apex tapering, not tufted. Context 0.2-1 mm. thick, of closely woven hyphae, more dense beneath the hymenium, not cemented, crystals present ; skeletal hyphae to 3.5 µ thick, lumen 1 µ, slightly staining, aseptate, branched near ends, sometimes freely, occasionally irregularly nodose; generative hyphae to 2 µ thick, delicate walled, branched, septate, clamp connections present. Basidial type clavate, basidia clavate, 10-12 x 5-6 µ, soon collapsing. Spores broadly elliptical, oblong, ovate, truncate or angular, 5-6 x 3.5-4 µ, smooth, hyaline, abundant, staining deeply.
New Zealand.
Macroscopic features resemble those of a North American collection (ex J.R.Weir, Idaho, No. 11,666) of P. cinerescens. The species differs in the dimitic hyphal system, different skeletal hyphae and spores, those of P. cinerescens being allantoid and 4.5-5 x 1 µ. It also somewhat resembles P. illudens, differing mainly in the peculiar spores.

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Poria oviformis G. Cunn. 1947
Poria oviformis G. Cunn. (1947)

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9 February 1995
5 October 2001
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