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Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957

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Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 85 46 (1957)
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
NZ holotype
Hymenochaete vallata
New Zealand, Wilson's Point, Coromandel Peninsula, August 1954, J. M. Dingley, type collection, PDD 16529, isotype BPI 279753, DAOM 94335

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Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957

Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth. Auckland: Awhitu Central, Awhitu Peninsula, 300ft, April 1946, G.H.C.; Huia, 100ft, January 1954, E.E.Chamberlain. Coprosma arborea Kirk. Auckland: Papatoetoe Flat, 50ft, August 1947, J.M.Dingley; Cascade Kauri Park, Waitakeres, 700ft, September 1948, J.M.Dingley; Scenic Drive, Waitakeres, 900ft, June 1949, J.M.Dingley; Atkinson Park, Titirangi, 900ft, June 1953, J.M.Dingley; Huia, October 1953, February 1954, J.M.Dingley; Wilson's Point, Coromandel Peninsula, August 1954, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16529; Titirangi, coast, September 1956. S.D.Brook. Hedycarya arborea Forst. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, 500ft, May 1951, J.M.Dingley. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Upper Mohaka River, Kaimanawas, 2,000ft, May 1953, J.M.Dingley; Kawakawa, Bay of Islands, January 1954, J.M.Dingley. Pittosporum tenuifolium Banks & Sol. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, 500ft,. May 1951, J.M.Dingley. Weinmannia racemosa L.f. Auckland: Rereatukahia Reserve, Katikati, 500ft, October 1955, G.H.C.
Hymenophore resupinate, annual or biennial, membranous, adnate, effused forming linear areas 5-25 x 1-2.5 cm, following closely the contours of the substratum. Hymenial surface at first olivaceous, soon sepia or chocolate, colliculose, velutinate, at length deeply areolately creviced; margin thinning out, fulvous or concolorous; fibrillose, adnate. Context sepia, 100-260 µ thick, composed of numerous overlapping irregular rows of setae, sometimes arranged in strata with cemented compacted parallel hyphae between, embedded in upright hyphae, arising from a narrow basal, cemented, intertwined zone; hyphal system dimitic; skeletal hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, walls 1 µ thick, yellow brown, sparsely branched, septate; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate. Setae projecting to 25 µ, subulate, crowded, 30-60 x 6-8 µ, walls reddish-brown, finely verruculose on apices, with narrow lumina. Hymenial layer a dense palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subcylindrical, 12-18 x 4-4.5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata erect, slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical, shorter and narrower than the basidia. Spores suballantoid, 3.5-4 x 1.5-2 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
HABITAT: Effused on bark and decorticated dead branches associated with a white rot.
Resupinata, annua vel biennalis, membranacea, adnata. Superficies hymenii olivacea deinde sepiacea vel badia, colliculosa, rimosa; margine fulvo vel concolori, fibrilloso, adnato. Contextus sepiaceus, ordinibus setarum partim superimpositis, in hyphis erectis inclusis. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Setae subulatae, ad 25 µ eminentes, subtiliter verruculosae, 30-60 x 6-8 µ. Basidia subcylindricalia, 12-18 x 4-4.5 µ, 4 sporis suballantoidibus, 3.5-4 x 1.5-2 µ.
Characters of the species are the small setae crowded into overlapping rows occupying the entire context, suballantoid small spores, small cylindrical basidia, and effused adnate fructifications with sepia or chocolate colliculose surface. At first fructifications are olivaceous with fulvous margins; they soon change to sepia or chocolate with concolorous margins. Finally plants become deeply areolately creviced,. and may peel away in segments from the substratum. Sometimes a second stratum develops upon a preceding season's fructification. Setae are usually arranged in overlapping rows embedded in scanty erect hyphae. Sometimes definite strata are visible, each setal layer then arising from an interrupted zone of compacted, intertwined and cemented hyphae. Spores are small, suballantoid and basidia slender and almost cylindrical.
Most closely resembling H. magnahyphae, the species may be separated by the dimitic hyphal system, much smaller spores and basidia, narrower hyphae and larger setae.
Wilson's Point, Coromandel Peninsula, August 1954, J.M.Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 16529

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Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. (1957)
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. (1957)
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. (1957)
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. (1957)
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. (1957)
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. (1957)

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Hymenochaete vallata G. Cunn. 1957
[Not available]

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New Zealand, Wilson's Point, Coromandel Peninsula, August 1954, J. M. Dingley, type collection, PDD 16529, isotype BPI 279753, DAOM 94335

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8 July 1998
15 December 2003
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