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Inderbitzin, P.; Shoemaker, R.A.; O'Neill, N.R.; Turgeon, B.G.; Berbee, M.L. 2006: Systematics and mating systems of two fungal pathogens of opium poppy: the heterothallic Crivellia papaveracea with a Brachypodium penicillatum asexual state and a homothallic species with a Brachypodium papaveris asexual state. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 1304-1326.

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Inderbitzin, P.; Shoemaker, R.A.; O'Neill, N.R.; Turgeon, B.G.; Berbee, M.L. 2006: Systematics and mating systems of two fungal pathogens of opium poppy: the heterothallic Crivellia papaveracea with a Brachypodium penicillatum asexual state and a homothallic species with a Brachypodium papaveris asexual state. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 1304-1326.

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8 June 2010
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