Edgar, E. 1986: Poa L. in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 24: 425–503.

Edgar, E. 1986: Poa L. in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 24: 425–503.
Taxonomic concepts
Poa anceps var. chathamica (Petrie) Zotov
Poa anceps var. polyphylla (Hack.) Zotov
Poa colensoi var. guthrie-smithiana (Petrie) Zotov
Poa colensoi var. intermedia (Buchanan) Cheeseman
Poa foliosa var. tennantiana (Petrie) Cheeseman
Poa imbecilla var. breviglumis (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Poa imbecilla var. matthewsii (Petrie) Hack.
Poa kirkii var. aucklandica (Petrie) Zotov
Poa kirkii var. campbellensis (Petrie) Zotov
Poa kirkii var. cheesemanii (Hack.) Zotov
Poa kirkii var. incrassata (Petrie) Zotov
Poa kirkii var. mackayi (Buchanan) Hack.
Poa novae-zelandiae f. humilior Hack.
Poa novae-zelandiae f. laxiuscula Hack.
Poa novae-zelandiae var. desiliens Zotov
Poa novae-zelandiae var. subvestita Hack.
Poa novae-zelandiae var. wallii Petrie
Poa polyphylla f. compacta Hack.
Poa pusilla var. seticulmis (Petrie) Cockayne
Cited vernacular names
Small, blue-green perennial, 10-20 cm tall at flowering with culms far overtopping leaves; from a woody, much-branched rhizome, with wiry, very long-creeping roots at nodes and numerous fine rootlets; shoots intravaginal; laminae disarticulating at ligule. Sheaths light cream to later greyishbrown, much wider than laminae, membranous with few nerves and very wide hyaline margins, smooth; ligule 1-5 mm long, tapered, smooth across top, scabrous abaxially near base or smooth, occasionally extending as a short membranous rim round abaxial side of lamina; lamina 0.5-2.5 cm long, rolled and c. 0.5 mm wide, surfaces smooth, margins sparsely toothed, slightly narrowed to firm, abruptly, shortly-curved, sometimes pungent tip. Culms (3)-5-15cm tall, smooth, with 1-2 small cauline leaves. Panicle 1.5-3.5 cm long, lax, rachis glabrous, branchlets capillary, sometimes crimped, glabrous and smooth or very finely scabrous, with 1-2 spikelets at branchlet tips. Spikelets 4-8 mm long, (2)-3-5-flowered, light grey-green. Glumes subequal, 2-3.5 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic-ovate, midnerve scabrous near subobtuse tip, margins often finely scabrous. Lemma 3-4 mm long, 5- nerved, oblong-elliptic, obtuse, short-ciliate throughout lower 1/3 to ½ but sometimes glabrous between midnerve and lateral nerves, scabrous above on midnerve and margins and occasionally on surface towards tip. Palea 2.5-3.5 mm long, ciliate on lower half between ciliate-dentate keels. Lodicules 0.5 mm long. Callus with a ring of short soft hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, usually ciliate, projection twice as long. Anthers 1.8-3 mm long.
Forming low tight mats of interlacing, stiff, short, hard, curved leaves. 2n = 28.
In small tufts with erect leaves; sometimes tufts aggregated or rhizomes interconnecting to form loose mats.
Differt a subspecie acicularifolia habitu caespitoso crectoque, primo adspectu P. colensoi simulans.
Very variable perennial; coarse light green to greenish-brown to bluish-green tufts to c. 70 cm tall, with stiff erect leaves shorter than stems, or often scrambling and trailing with hanging leaves and stems drooping from thick stolons to 2 m long, rooting at nodes below tufts; new shoots extravaginal, with up to three, short, smooth, obtuse, bractlike sheaths at base; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown, coriaceous, folded and strongly keeled, lateral nerves conspicuous, smooth or slightly scabrous above, rarely minutely scabrous throughout; ligule c. 0.5 mm long, a truncate rim, scabrous abaxially and usually longer-ciliate across top; lamina coriaceous, folded to flat, abaxially with prominent, thickened keel, and numerous, distinct lateral nerves, smooth apart from prickle-teeth near tip, adaxially without prominent nerves, and smooth between nerves, margins thickened, tips acuminate or abruptly acute, scabrous. Culms smooth, often not far exserted beyond uppermost leaf sheath. Panicle much-branched, branches whorled, very slender; rachis and primary branchlets often smooth, secondary branchlets finely, sharply, densely or sparsely scabrous or smooth, often spikelet-bearing throughout, or almost throughout. Spikelets numerous, light green. Glumes subequal, narrow- to elliptic-lanceolate, acute to subobtuse, upper 2/3 scabrous throughout, or occasionally glumes entirely smooth; lower glume slightly shorter, upper (2.5)-3-4-(5) mm long, 3- nerved. Lemma 3-4.5 mm long, elliptic-oblong, with short crimped hairs to lh length midnerve and near base of outer lateral nerves, margins minutely scabrous. Palea 2.5-4 mm long, finely scabrous along keels, smooth or minutely scabrous between keels and on margins. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long, occasionally hair-tipped. Callus with a thick tuft of soft crimped hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth or minutely, sparsely scabrous, projection about twice as long. 2n = 28.
Very variable in habit, stiff and erect or scrambling and trailing. Sheaths smooth or variably scabrous; lamina 10-30-(40)cm × 1-6.5 mm wide, adaxially smooth, or scabrous along nerves, rarely papillose-scabrous, occasionally with fringe of stiff short hairs above ligule, margins smooth or scabrous. Culms (15)-25-50-(70)cm long. Panicle c. 10-25 cm long, usually open with spreading branches, sometimes contracted. Spikelets (3)-4- 7.5 mm long, (2)-3-5-(8)-flowered. Lower glume (2)-2.5-3.5-(4.5) mm long, 3-nerved. Lemma 5-7- nerved, acute to subobtuse, internerves finely scaberulous throughout, occasionally only minutely papillose. Anthers 1.5-2.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 2 × 0.5 mm. Endemic
Loose tufts, with trailing culms, equalled or overtopped by numerous distichous dull green leaves; sheaths smooth; lamina 6.5-20 cm × 1- 2.5 mm, adaxially covered with minute papillae or smooth, minutely ciliate-scabrous just above ligule, margins with a few cilia near ligule, and scabrous near tip. Culms (7)-20-30-(70) cm long. Panicle (3.5)—5—15 cm long, contracted, ± oblong, with few, stiff, erect, branches, or slightly more open with finer branches. Spikelets 4.5-5.5 mm long, 3-4-flowered. Lower glume 2-3.5 mm long, (1)-3-nerved. Lemma 5-nerved, acute or occasionally apiculate, internerves smooth. Anthers c. 1.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28. Endemic
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Soft, ± drooping, light green perennial tufts, c. 20-60 cm tall, stoloniferous, rooting at nodes; shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown, submembranous, distinctly nerved, smooth; ligule 1-4.5 mm long, entire, gradually narrowed to smooth, subacute top, slightly scabrous abaxially; lamina 7.5-25 cm × 2-4.5 mm, flat, soft, almost entirely smooth throughout but minutely scabrous adaxially just above ligule and abaxially near straight-sided narrow acute tip. Culm (8)-18-50 cm tall, smooth. Panicle 5-15 cm long, ± lax and usually open with spreading branchlets; rachis usually almost smooth, branches almost smooth to sparsely scabrous. Spikelets 4-6 mm long, (2)-3-4-flowered, brownish-green. Glumes ± unequal, narrow-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, smooth, apart from a few teeth on midrib in upper half; lower glume 1.5-3 mm long, 1-nerved, upper 2-3.5 mm long, 3-nerved. Lemma 2.5-5 mm long, 3-(5)-nerved, ± elliptic, acute, with longer hairs on lower half of midnerve and at base of lateral nerves and fine teeth on midnerve above hair, internerves smooth or sometimes slightly scabrous near tip. Palea 2-4 mm long, smooth between shortly ciliate- scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.4-0.5 mm long. Callus with narrow tuft of long fine hairs. Rachilla 0.5 mm long, smooth, projection twice as long. Anthers 0.5-1 mm long, mainly pollen-sterile. Caryopsis not seen. Endemic
Tightly packed, wiry-leaved small glaucous tussocks, 10-40 cm tall, spreading in narrow fans from a slender rhizome; new shoots intravaginal; laminae disarticulating above ligule at maturity. Sheaths light brownish to straw-coloured, sometimes purple, smooth, glabrous, shining, ± coriaceous with broad membranous margins, nerves not distinct; ligule 1-2 mm long, slightly narrowed to the rounded smooth top, abaxially slightly scabrous near base, or densely scabrous throughout; lamina (5)-10-30-(40)cm × 0.5-1 mm, inrolled, not keeled, abaxially smooth and glabrous, adaxially ciliate-dentate, usually erect, occasionally curled above, tip long-acicular. Culm (5)-20-30-(45) cm long, equalling or often shorter than leaves, smooth and glabrous below panicle. Panicle 5-10-(12) cm long, narrow, stiff, with short, smooth and glabrous to finely ciliate-scabrous, ± erect branchlets, with few, large spikelets. Spikelets 5.5-12 mm long, 3- 6-(8)-flowered, light greenish-brown. Glumes subequal, subacute to acuminate, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, ± smooth and glabrous, occasionally a few teeth on midnerve near tip, margin finely ciliate; lower glume 2—5—(6) mm long, 1-3-nerved, upper 2-5.5-(7) mm long, 3-(5)-nerved. Lemma 3.5- 7 mm long, 3-5-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, usually shortly mucronate, outer lateral nerves very distinct, internerves short-scabrous or very rarely smooth, or teeth fewer between lateral nerves and keel, but always very dense and in several rows along keel, with longer crisped hairs on lower half of midnerve, and near base of lateral nerves, often also on internerves near base, margins finely fimbriate. Palea 3-6 mm long, shortly ciliate-dentate between keels, often almost glabrous centrally, closely short ciliate-dentate on keels and margins with the teeth arranged in several rows along keel, rarely palea smooth except at fimbriate tip. Lodicules 0.5-1 mm long, occasionally hairtipped. Callus with short tuft of crisped hairs. Rachilla 0.5-c. 1 mm long, with sparse, short, fine hairs, or densely to minutely finely scabrous, projection twice as long. Anthers c. 2-3 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28. Endemic
Tufted, dull green perennial, from a slender rhizome, leaves narrow, ± erect; ± reaching top of culms; new shoots extravaginal at plant base, intravaginal above; laminae persistent. Sheaths very light green or pale brown, membranous, shredding into fibres; ligule ± obtuse and slightly erose across top, slightly scabrous abaxially; lamina 0.5-c. 1.5 mm wide, abaxially smooth, adaxially minutely ciliatescabrous along nerves, margins and midrib smooth, tip curved. Culms usually slightly scabrous below panicle. Panicle lax, with few large spikelets borne singly at tips of filiform, finely scabrous branchlets. Spikelets 3-5-flowered, brownish-green or greenish- purple. Glumes smooth, but occasionally scabrous on midnerve near tip; lower glume 3-nerved, upper 3-(5)-nerved. Lemma 5-7-nerved, nerves minutely scabrous with a few short hairs near base of midnerve and outer lateral nerves, internerves glabrous, often scabrous towards tip. Palea minutely closely scabrous on keels, smooth elsewhere. Lodicules 0.5-0.7 mm long. Callus with a very small tuft of long crinkled hairs. Rachilla c. 1 mm long, sparsely scabrous, projection to twice as long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.7 mm. Endemic
Slender lax tufts with culms (4.5)-6.5-12-(30) cm tall. Leaves flaccid, soft, flat to folded; sheaths smooth; ligule 1-1.3 mm long; lamina 4-12-(16) cm long. Panicle 3—5.5—(8) cm long. Spikelets 4.5-8 mm long. Glumes subequal, oblong-elliptic, with acute tips; lower 3.5-5 mm long, upper 4-5.5 mm long. Lemma 4-5.5 mm long, oblong-elliptic, acute, occasionally with midnerve very shortly excurrent. Palea 3-4.5 mm long. Anthers 0.4-0.7 mm long. 2n = 28.
Small tufts with close-packed culms 2-10 cm tall. Leaves stiff, inrolled; sheaths smooth; ligule 0.3- 1 mm long; lamina 2-5 cm long. Panicle 1.5-5 cm long. Spikelets 4.5-6.5 mm long. Glumes unequal, elliptic-ovate, acute to subacute; lower glume 3- 4 mm long, upper 4-4.5 mm long. Lemma 4- 4.5 mm long, elliptic-ovate, subacute to acute, occasionally with midnerve very slightly excurrent. Palea 3-4 mm long. Anthers 0.3-0.4 mm long. 2n = 28 (recorded as P. aucklandica).
Lax, rhizomatous, 25-35 cm tall, with narrow, folded leaves inrolled at margins; laminae persistent. Sheaths glabrous; ligule 1.5-2.5 mm long; lamina abaxially smooth, adaxially short-ciliate or scabrous, margins smooth, tip pointed. Panicle 6- 10 cm long, open, with few smooth branchlets tipped by few large greenish-brown spikelets 7- 9.5 mm long. Glumes 4-5.5 mm long, acute to acuminate, lower 1-nerved, upper 3-nerved. Lemma 5.5-6 mm long, 5-nerved, acute to acuminate, nerves ciliate below, scabrous above, internerves smooth, but scabrous near tip. Callus with hairtuft. Anthers 2-2.5 mm long, pollen-sterile; gynoecium 1-1.5 mm long, stigmas imperfect.
Slender lax tufts with culms 15-40 cm tall. Leaves flaccid, soft, flat to folded; sheaths smooth or sometimes shortly ciliate-scabrous near margins; ligules (0.5)-1-2 mm long; lamina (4)-8-20cm long, occasionally entirely smooth or with finely scabrous midrib and margins. Panicle 4-7.5 cm long. Spikelets 5.5-7.5 mm long. Glumes ± unequal, elliptic, acute; lower glume 3-4.5 mm long, upper 4-5 mm long. Lemma 3.5-4.5 mm long, oblong-elliptic, obtuse. Palea 3-4 mm long. Anthers 0.5-0.7 mm long.
Gramen perenne altius, flaccidum, a ceteris Poae aucklandicae subspeciebus differt statura maiore, lemmatibus obtusis, vaginisque interdum ad margines minutissime ciliato-scabris.
Soft, weak, loosely tufted, stoloniferous or rhizomatous perennial, c. 5-40 cm tall, rooting at lower nodes, smaller tufts sometimes with close-packed shoots; leaves shorter than culms, bright green, laminae persistent; new shoots extravaginal near plant base, intravaginal above. Sheaths light green, sometimes purplish, later very light brown, membranous, distinctly nerved, smooth; ligule 0.5-1.5- (3) mm long, entire, smooth across subobtuse top and smooth abaxially; lamina c. 2-9 cm × 0.5- 1.5 mm, flat, slightly scabrous adaxially and on margins, and abaxially near acute, ± incurved tip. Culms (3)-10-25-(35)cm tall, smooth. Panicle 3- 10—(16) cm long, lax and delicate; branchlets often in pairs, very fine, scabrous, spreading, bearing few spikelets, pedicels scabrous on angles, often purplish. Spikelets 2-3-(5) mm long, 2-3-(5)-flowered, light green, often purple-tinged. Glumes usually noticeably unequal, often purplish, smooth, margins entire; lower glume 0.3-0.8-(1) mm long, 1-nerved, triangular, subacute; upper (0.8)—1— 1.5 mm long, 3-nerved, more ovate, subobtuse, rarely with a few teeth on midnerve. Lemma 1.2- 2 mm long, 3-nerved, subobtuse, glabrous, smooth apart from a few teeth on midnerve, margins entire, usually purplish towards tip. Palea 1.0-1.5 mm long, keels smooth, or with a few prickle-teeth near tip, smooth between keels. Lodicules c. 0.4 mm long, rarely hair-tipped. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth. Anthers 0.2-0.3 mm long. Caryopsis 0.9-1 × 0.3-0.5 mm. 2n = 28 (also for plants recorded as P. breviglumis var. brockiei). Endemic
Glaucous, small, stiff perennial, forming dense tufts, 7-25 cm tall; shoots comparatively stout, with + distichous leaves, laminae persistent; new shoots intravaginal, with a few extravaginal shoots at plant base. Basal sheaths very light brown, upper ones purple-green, coriaceous, distinctly nerved, smooth, very much wider than lamina; ligule 0.5-1.5 mm long, rounded, ± erose, abaxially scabrous; lamina (0.5)-1.5-5 cm long, folded, with scabrous incurved margins, c. 3 mm wide if flattened, rigid, coriaceous, prominently nerved, abaxially usually smooth, adaxially densely, minutely scabrous, midrib scabrous near curved scabrous tip. Culms 6-18-(25) cm tall, minutely scabrous below panicle, often entirely enclosed by sheaths of uppermost leaves. Panicle 1.5-5.5 cm long, contracted, oblong, narrow and spike-like, with numerous, densely packed spikelets; rachis and short stiff branchlets minutely scabrous. Spikelets 2.5-3.5 mm long, (2)-3-4-flowered. light green, often purpletinged. Glumes + equal, almost overtopping spikelets, (1.5)—2—2.5—(3) mm long, 3-nerved, sparsely scabrous on midnerve and margins; lower glume elliptic-lanceolate, subacute, upper oblong-elliptic, subobtuse, often scabrous near tip on lateral nerves and internerves. Lemma 2-2.5 mm long, 5-nerved, ovate-elliptic, obtuse, glabrous, midnerve scabrous, internerves minutely papillose and often minutely scabrous, membranous margin wide, with scattered minute teeth on edge. Palea c. 1.5 mm long, minutely papillose with a few prickle-teeth between scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.3-0.4 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, minutelypapillose, projection occasionally twice as long. Anthers 0.4-0.6 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28 (recorded as P. sclerophylla). Endemic
Tightly packed, bulbous-based perennial, forming intravaginal tufts to c. 10 cm tall; laminae persistent. Sheaths cream, membranous, smooth, later shredding into fibres; inner basal sheaths thick, swollen and hard at base; sheaths of cauline leaves light green, some purplish; ligule 0.5-2.5 mm long, entire, very sparingly ciliate or smooth near pointed top, abaxially smooth; lamina 2.5-5 cm long, rather stiff, folded, grey-green, smooth with minutely scabrous margins, midrib also scabrous near abruptly pointed tip. Culms 5-10 cm long, smooth. Panicle 2-4 cm long, contracted, ± oblong, with densely packed spikelets; rachis smooth, branches few, ± erect, sparsely scabrous. Spikelets 3-3.5 mm long, 2-3-flowered, light green to purplish. Glumes ± equal, 2-3 mm long, ovate, acute, with wide purplish membranous margins and distinct, green scabrous keel; lower glume 1-nerved, upper 3-nerved. Lemma c. 3 mm long, 5-nerved, ovate, acute, membranous, smooth and glabrous apart from dense fringe of short fine hairs along lower ½ of mid- and lateral nerves and scabrous on midnerve above hairs. Palea c. 2.5 mm long, glabrous between minutely ciliate keels. Lodicules c. 0.4 mm long. Callus with tuft of tangled hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth, projection much shorter. Anthers 1- 1.5 mm long. Caryopsis not seen.
Erect, light purplish-green perennial tufts to 50 cm tall, culms overtopping leaves; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths purplish, to later greyish, subcoriaceous, nerves not very distinct, abaxially minutely ciliate-scabrous especially on midnerve especially just below, and sometimes for a short distance above ligule, the minute teeth often very dense; ligule c. 1.5-3 mm long, entire, rounded across smooth top, sometimes erose, ciliate- scabrous abaxially; lamina 6-20 cm × (2)-3- 6 mm, folded or flat, subcoriaceous, abaxially ± minutely scabrous on nerves, adaxially scabrous in lower half and along nerves above, margins scabrous, with some stiff short hairs at collar region, tip + curved, acuminate to often apiculate. Culms 10-40 cm tall, erect, scabrous below panicle. Panicle 8-15 cm long, lax, with large spikelets on slender spreading scabrous branchlets. Spikelets 6- 8 mm long, (2)-3-4-(5)-flowered, green or purplish. Glumes + equal, 3-nerved, ovate-elliptic, margins, nerves and internerves near tip ± scabrous; lower glume 3.5-5.5 mm long, subacute, upper 4-5.5-(6) mm long, subobtuse. Lemma 4.5- 6 mm long, 5-nerved, oblong, obtuse, ciliate-scabrous on nerves, margins, and often on internerves. Palea 3.5-4.5 mm long, scabrous between ciliate-scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.5-0.6 mm long. Callus with tuft of a few long crimped hairs. Rachilla c. 1 mm long, with a few long hairs, projection twice as long. Anthers 1-1.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1-2 × 0.5 mm. Endemic
Gramen perenne primo adspectu Poae kirkii simile vero validius. ab eo distinguendum vaginis minutissime ciliato-scabris, spiculis maioribus, antheris longioribus.
Perennial, forming dense, drooping swards from long, narrow rhizomes, or in stiff tufts to 90 cm tall, with light green leaves about equalling culms; new shoots extravaginal near plant base, intravaginal above; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown or straw-coloured, coriaceous, nerved, smooth to finely scabrous, keeled; ligule (0.2)-0.5-1 mm long, a truncate ciliate rim, stiffciliate across top and matted stiff-ciliate abaxially; lamina 5-30 cm × 2.5-4.5 mm, folded to flat, or inrolled and about 1 mm diam., coriaceous, abaxially smooth, adaxially ribbed, covered with short prickle-teeth and sometimes short stiff hairs, smooth to sparsely scabrous on ± thickened margins, midrib scabrous near straightsided, pungent tip. Culms 10-80 cm tall, smooth to densely scabrous below panicle. Panicle 5.5-12 cm long, lax or contracted, branchlets spreading or erect, sparsely to densely scabrous. Spikelets 6.5-14.5 mm long, (2)-3-5-flowered, greyish-green to light greenishbrown. Glumes subequal, 3-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, ciliate-scabrous on midnerve, especially on upper half, finer ciliate on margins and often near tip, occasionally scabrous throughout; lower glume 4.5-7.5 mm long, upper 4.5-8 mm long. Lemma 4.5-9 mm long, 5-nerved, elliptic- to oblong-lanceolate, tip subobtuse to subacute, midnerve with long fine hairs to lh length, and lateral nerves hairy near base, internerves scabrous above, occasionally scabrous throughout, margins minutely ciliate. Palea 3.5-7.5 mm long, rather stiffly ciliate-scabrous on keels, sparsely shortciliate between. Lodicules 0.5-2 mm long, occasionally hair-tipped. Callus with a loose web of long fine crinkled hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, glabrous to sparsely ciliate, projection twice as long. Anthers 2-3.5 mm long. Caryopsis 2 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 112. Endemic
Dense rather shining tussock, 30-100 cm tall, sometimes hanging down steep banks and up to 2 m long, with light brownish-green sometimes glaucous leaves smooth to the touch; new shoots intravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths pale green, later creamy brown, shining, nerves thickened but not very prominent abaxially, internerves ± membranous, glabrous and smooth, or very minutely scabrous throughout; ligule c. 0.5 mm long, truncate, short-ciliate across top, minutely ciliate abaxially; lamina (10)-20-60cm × c. 1-1.5-(2.5) mm, folded or ± flat, coriaceous, abaxially smooth, somewhat ridged with keel not very prominent, adaxially closely short-ciliate throughout, margins inrolled, scabrous, midnerve scabrous near acicular, often stiff-pungent tip. Culms (10)-20-50- (70) cm tall, ± equalling or shorter than leaves, smooth to scabrous below panicle. Panicle (5)—10— 20-(25) cm long, open, branchlets slender, ± erect to spreading, sparsely to very closely scabrous, naked below, the numerous spikelets borne along shorter secondary branchlets. Spikelets (3.5)-6- 9 mm long, (2)-3-5-flowered, light green to later light brown. Glumes subequal, (2)-3.5-5-(6) mm long, midnerve with sparse teeth in upper half, membranous margins with scattered fine teeth above, or almost throughout, elsewhere sparsely short-scabrous to smooth, tip acute to subacuminate; lower glume 1-(3)-nerved, narrow-lanceolate, upper 3-(5)-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate. Lemma 3- 5-(6) mm long, 5-nerved, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, internerves minutely short-scabrous throughout, midnerve with long crimped hairs to half-way, scabrous above, outer lateral nerves with crimped hair near base, membranous margins sparsely minutely scabrous. Palea (2)-3-4 mm long, short-scabrous to ciliate-dentate between densely ciliate-dentate keels, short-scabrous on margins. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long, occasionally hair-tipped. Callus with tuft of crimped hairs. Rachilla c. 1 mm long, scabrous or with some longer hairs. Anthers (1)- 2-3 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 84 (as P. laevis R. Br.). Endemic
Large green perennial, forming clumps or extensive swards, up to c. 40 cm tall, not tussock-forming, stoloniferous between tufts, and shoots + decumbent at base; new shoots intravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths straw-brown to reddishbrown or grey-brown, smooth, nerves distinct, internerves membranous; ligule c. 0.5 mm long, truncate, ciliate across top and abaxially; lamina (6)-10-3 5 cm long, to 4 mm wide, flat, coriaceous, abaxially glabrous and smooth, nerves prominent, adaxially short-ciliate throughout, margins scabrous or smooth, midnerve scabrous near acicular tip. Culms 20-40-(55) cm long, usually shorter than leaves, smooth to slightly scabrous below panicle. Panicle 10-20 cm long, very lax with few rather large spikelets in clusters of 2-3 at tips of very slender, widely spreading, ciliate-scabrous branchlets. Spikelets 7-9.5 mm long, 3-5-flowered, light green. Glumes ± equal, (4)-5-6.5-(7) mm long, midnerve scabrous in upper half, and membranous margins with scattered fine teeth above or almost throughout, internerves sparsely short scabrous to glabrous, tip subacuminate; lower glume (1)-3- nerved, narrow-lanceolate, upper 3-(5)-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate. Lemma 5—6.5 mm long, prominently 5-nerved, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, short-scabrous to ciliate-scabrous throughout, midnerve with long fine crimped hairs in lower half and lateral nerves with hairs along lower third, membranous margins sparsely scabrous above or almost throughout. Palea 4-4.5 mm long, surface of lower 2/3 ciliate-dentate between ciliate-dentate keels, margin smooth to slightly scabrous, toothed at edge near top. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long. Callus with long tuft of crisped hairs. Rachilla 1-1.5 mm long, almost smooth with a few prickle-teeth or with longer scattered hairs, projection twice as long. Anthers c. 2 mm long. Caryopsis c. 2 × 1 mm. 2n = 112. Endemic
Small, blue-green or light green, narrow-leaved, stiff tussocks 5-30 cm tall, with tightly-packed intravaginal shoots; laminae disarticulating at ligule. Sheaths light straw-coloured, later greyish-brown, upper sheaths sometimes purpled, somewhat coriaceous, tightly rolled with narrow hyaline margins, nerves indistinct, smooth; ligule 0.5- 5.5 mm long, smooth and rounded across top, tapered when longer, minutely scabrous or smooth abaxially; lamina 5-15-(30)cm long, normally tightly rolled and c. 0.5 mm wide, glabrous, adaxially slightly to densely short ciliate-scabrous, abaxially smooth, margins finely scabrous, tip truncate, almost smooth, apart from a few minute teeth, or fine-acicular and finely scabrous. Culms 5-20- (40) cm long, erect, usually overtopping but often equalling leaves, smooth and glabrous below panicle. Panicle 1 —10—(15) cm long, with few to many, often short, almost filiform, smooth to + finely scabrous, ± spreading branchlets, tipped by 1-3 comparatively large spikelets. Spikelets (3.5)—5-7- (10.5) mm long, 2-5-(7)-flowered, light green to brownish. Glumes subequal, subacute to acute, glabrous apart from a few minute teeth on midnerve near tip and minutely fimbriate margins; lower glume 2-3-(4) mm long, 1-3-nerved, narrow elliptic- lanceolate, upper (2)-2.5-3.5-(4) mm long, 3- nerved, ovate, elliptic-lanceolate. Lemma (2.5)—3— 4-(5) mm long, 5-nerved, ovate- to elliptic-lanceolate, subobtuse, some long-liguled forms with fine hairs on lower ½-1/3 of midnerve and short hair near base of lateral nerves, otherwise nerves scabrous or smooth, internerves densely scabrous to smooth, glabrous or rarely with a few scattered hairs near base, margins entire to finely ciliate-scabrous. Palea 2-4-(5) mm long, finely ciliate-scabrous on, and between, keels. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long. Callus in long-liguled forms sometimes with a tuft of tangled hairs, otherwise glabrous or very rarely with a few short wispy hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, glabrous and smooth to strongly densely scabrous. Anthers 1-2 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1-2 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28.
Stiff, loosely tufted, bluish- or greyish-green perennial with erect, or geniculate and ascending culms from wiry rhizomes, to c. 40 cm tall; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light yellowish- green to light brown, subcoriaceous, keeled, otherwise indistinctly nerved, smooth and glabrous; ligule c. 0.5-1 mm long, ± truncate to somewhat rounded across very minutely ciliate top, scabrous abaxially; lamina 2-7 cm × 1.5-2.5 mm, subcoriaceaus, folded or flat, abaxially smooth, but scabrous on nerves and keel near curved tip, adaxially finely scabrous throughout, margins short scabrous. Culms (8)-12-40 cm tall, flattened, glabrous and smooth, nodes usually purplish. Panicle (1)- 3-8 cm long, usually contracted, stiff, with numerous, densely clustered spikelets, rarely more open and somewhat branched; rachis, branches and pedicels sparsely scabrous. Spikelets 3-6 mm long, 3- 6-flowered, green or purplish. Glumes ± equal, 3- nerved, ovate-elliptic, acute, smooth, but slightly scabrous on midnerve near tip; lower glume 2- 2.3 mm long, upper 2.2-2.5 mm long. Lemma 2.2- 2.7 mm long, 5-nerved but lateral nerves faint, oblong, obtuse, with broad, purple, thin hyaline band near top, internerves smooth and glabrous, midnerve glabrous or softly hairy in lower ½, lateral nerves glabrous or softly hairy near base. Palea ± = lemma, smooth between short-scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.3-0.4 mm long. Callus usually with small tuft of soft hairs. Rachilla c. 0.4 mm long, very minutely papillose. Anthers 1-1.3 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm.
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Erect, open, rather stiff, shortly rhizomatous perennial, forming extravaginal tufts, to c. 30 cm tall, with leaves bright green adaxially, and blue-green abaxially; laminae persistent. Sheaths lightcoloured, green to creamy-brown or purplish, later grey, membranous, shining, glabrous and smooth, nerves obvious; ligule c. 0.5-1 mm long, entire, truncate to obtuse, smooth across top, glabrous or with a few minute teeth abaxially; lamina (1.5)-5- 20-(25) cm × 1.5-3-(4)mm, flat or folded, subcoriaceous, abaxially glabrous, usually minutely scabous adaxially along nerves and on midrib near blunt, curved tip, margins smooth or scabrous, sometimes longer ciliate-scabrous just above ligule. Culms (4.5)-10-20-(35) cm tall, erect, often only slightly overtopping leaves but sometimes much longer, smooth. Panicle (2.5)-4-6-(9.5) cm long, open, with few [1-(3)] large spikelets borne at tips of slender smooth branchlets, pedicels rarely slightly scabrous. Spikelets 5-8.5 mm long, (3)-4-5-(7)- flowered, light green to usually purplish. Glumes rather unequal, elliptic, subacute to subobtuse, submembranous, smooth except occasionally for some minute teeth on midnerve; lower glume 2.5-5 mm long, (1)-3-nerved, upper 3.5-5-(6) mm long, 3-(5)- nerved. Lemmas 3.5-5.5 mm long, 5-(7)-nerved, elliptic-oblong, subobtuse, long-ciliate on midnerve to about ½ length and on lateral nerves near base, scabrous on midnerve above and usually on lateral nerves, internerves usually smooth and glabrous. Palea 3-4.5 mm long, ciliate-scabrous on keels, sparsely ciliate between keels, or glabrous. Lodicules 0.5-0.7 mm long. Callus with web of soft tangled hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, very minutely papillose. Anthers 1.6-2.7 mm long. Caryopsis c. 2 × 0.7 mm. 2n = 28 (also for plant determined as P. cheesemanii).
Massive, lush green tussocks to 1.5 m tall, from short, narrow, woody stolons, with extravaginal shoots covered at base by abundant fibrous remnants of sheaths; laminae persistent. Sheaths light brown, coriaceous, smooth and glabrous, nerves numerous, keel prominent above; ligule 1-3 mm long, entire, smooth and rounded across top, finely scabrous abaxially; lamina 15-40-(50) cm × (1)-3- 6 mm, coriaceous, tough, flat, abaxially smooth with prominent keel and numerous lateral nerves, adaxially short-scabrous throughout, two prominent ridges along centre, margins thickened, smooth, tip straight-sided, smooth, semi-pungent. Culms 20- 40-(60) cm tall, smooth and glabrous. Panicle 10- 25 cm long, dense, with all branches, except the longer ones, bearing spikelets almost to base; rachis and branches smooth or with very occasional teeth. Spikelets (5.5)-7-9 mm long, (3)-4-6-flowered, light greenish-brown. Glumes subequal, long-acuminate, membranous, except for thickened nerves, smooth, but with a few prickle-teeth on nerves above and occasionally on margins; lower glume 3-5-(6)mm long, 1-(3)-nerved, narrow-lanceolate, upper 4-5.5-(6.5) mm long, 3-nerved, narrow elliptic- lanceolate. Lemma 5-6-(7) mm long, 5-nerved, acute or with midnerve very shortly excurrent, scabrous throughout except near base, midnerve ciliate to more than halfway, outer lateral nerve, internerves, and margins ciliate in lower third. Palea 3.5-4.5 mm long, keel rather densely ciliate-scabrous, elsewhere sparsely ciliate-scabrous. Lodicules 0.4-0.7 mm long, occasionally hair-tipped. Callus with a large tuft of crisped hairs just below midnerve of lemma and a few hairs below lateral nerves. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth. Dioecious; ♂ with anthers (2)-2.5-3.3 mm long, gynoecium 0; ♀ with pollen-sterile anthers c. 0.6-1 mm long, often on long filaments, stigma-style c. 2 mm long, caryopsis c. 2 mm long; rarely hermaphrodite. 2n = 28. Endemic
Very fine-leaved, light green perennial, forming small, lax tufts 10-50 cm tall, with conspicuous light-coloured sheaths, and slender, erect culms much exceeding drooping leaves, topped by extremely delicate, green panicles; shortly rhizomatous, new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green, later creamy-brown sometimes purplish, membranous, nerved, smooth; ligule 0.2-0.4-(1) mm long, entire, ± curved across smooth top, slightly scabrous abaxially; lamina (2)- 5-12-(16) cm × 0.5-1 mm, folded, usually filiform, soft, culm leaves 1-3 mm wide, flat, minutely scabrous adaxially just above ligule and on margins, and abaxially on midrib towards long, fine, acute, triangular tip. Culms (4)-10-32-(50) cm tall, smooth, with swollen nodes, rarely scabrous below panicle. Panicle (3.5)-8-15-(25) cm long, lax and delicate; rachis smooth to finely scabrous above, elongate branchlets and pedicels filiform, finely scabrous, spreading, with few spikelets. Spikelets 3-4 mm long, 3-4-(5)-flowered, light green, often purplish. Glumes ± unequal, obtuse, margins finely scabrous, midnerve often with a few prickle-teeth; lower glume 0.8-1.5 mm long, 1-nerved, linear-lanceolate, upper 1.3-1.8 mm long, 3-nerved, ovatelanceolate. Lemma (1.6)-1.8-2.2 mm long, 5- nerved, inner lateral nerves often rather faint, glabrous, margin and nerves near obtuse tip minutely scabrous, elsewhere smooth. Palea 1.2-2 mm long, obviously ciliate on keels, slightly fine-scabrous between keels and often on margins. Lodicules c. 0.2 mm long. Callus glabrous, very rarely with a few fine hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, glabrous. Anthers 0.2-0.4 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.3 mm, tightly enclosed by lemma and palea. 2n = 28, listed by Hair (1968) as "P. sp." Endemic
Perennial; tufts small, 5-15 cm tall, narrow, glaucous; new shoots extravaginal at plant base, intravaginal above; laminae persistent. Sheaths shining, greenish or reddish-purple, later light greybrown, membranous, smooth, veins conspicuous; ligule 0.2-0.7 mm long, entire, smooth across top, rounded or sometimes narrowed to a point at centre, abaxially minutely papillose; lamina 1-6- (9) cm × 0.6-2 mm, usually folded, with inrolled shortly scabrous margins, abaxially smooth except on midnerve near curved tip, adaxially smooth and glabrous but shortly hairy above ligule and occasionally with a few teeth along midnerve, veins indistinct. Culms 2-9-(16)cm tall, often closely short-scabrous below panicle or smooth. Panicle 0.5-2.5 cm long, compact, spike-like or racemose, very rarely more open with few, very short branchlets; rachis and minute, stiff, angled ± densely short-scabrous branchlets with few spikelets on scabrous pedicels. Spikelets 2.5-3.5 mm long, 2-3- (4)-flowered, light green tinged purple. Glumes subequal, usually 1.5-2.5 mm long, smooth, with a few teeth on nerves in upper half; lower glume occasionally smaller, 1-1.5 mm long, 1-(3)-nerved, narrow- to ovate-elliptic, subobtuse to obtuse, upper 3-nerved, ovate, obtuse. Lemma c. 2-2.5 mm long, 5-(7)-nerved, ovate, strongly folded about midnerve, obtuse, sometimes almost hooded, midnerve scabrous towards tip, elsewhere surface minutely papillose, occasionally minutely scabrous near distinct membranous margin. Palea 1.5- 2.3 mm long, scabrous on upper ½ of keels, elsewhere smooth. Lodicules 0.4-0.5 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth and glabrous, projection usually twice as long. Anthers 0.2- 0.5 mm long. Caryopsis 1-1.3 × c. 0.5 mm. Endemic
Loosely tufted, yellow-green, very short-lived, free-seeding annual, to 25 cm tall; shoots intravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths very pale green to light brown, hyaline, smooth, keeled; ligule 0.5- 3 mm long, entire, smooth, and rounded or tapering at top, elsewhere smooth; lamina 1-5 cm × 1.5- 4 mm, flat or folded, thin, smooth, margins sparsely and minutely scabrous, tip rounded to blunt point. Culms 0.5-20 cm long, erect, spreading or prostrate, smooth. Panicle 0.5-6 cm long, lax, erect, with very fine, smooth branchlets erect to spreading after anthesis. Spikelets 3-5 mm long, with 2-5 rather distant florets, light green. Glumes subequal to unequal, smooth and glabrous; lower glume 1- 2 mm long, 1-nerved, elliptic, subobtuse, upper 1.5- 2.5 mm long, 3-nerved, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Lemma 2-2.5 mm long, 5-nerved, ovate-oblong, strongly silky-hairy on nerves for more than ½ length, nerves smooth above hairs, internerves glabrous and smooth, often purplish on hyaline band across obtuse tip, margins hyaline. Palea 2-2.5 mm long, equalling lemma, glabrous between strongly ciliate, often purplish keels. Lodicules c. 0.2 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth, projection much shorter. Anthers (0.1)- 0.2-0.4 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm, tightly enclosed by lemma and palea.
Loose, green to purple-green perennial tufts to 60 cm tall, culms usually only slightly overtopping leaves at flowering, later elongating; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green, often slightly purplish, later greyish, shining, submembranous, smooth, distinctly veined, keeled, occasionally scabrous just below ligule on keel, and sometimes on surface; ligule 0.5—1.5—(2.5) mm long, evenly narrowed to a short point, strongly finely ciliate across top and abaxially; lamina 7-15.5 cm × 2-3.5 mm, flat or folded, subcoriaceous, abaxially smooth except near curved, shortly apiculate scabrous tip, adaxially minutely scabrous, margins finely scabrous, with a few slightly longer ci-lia just above ligule. Culms 15-45 cm tall, erect, smooth below panicle. Panicle 6.5-18 cm long, branches slender, spreading, minutely scabrous, tipped by 2- 4 large spikelets. Spikelets 6.5-9.5 mm long, 3-5- flowered, usually purplish. Glumes ± equal, c. 4- 5 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic- to ovate-lanceolate, subobtuse, midrib scabrous, tip minutely ciliate. Lemma 4.5-5 mm long, 5-nerved, ± oblong, obtuse, minutely scabrous along and between nerves especially in lower half, rarely with a few sparse short hairs near base of keel, minutely scabrous at tip. Palea 4.5-5 mm long, scabrous-ciliate between keels and on margins, longer ciliate-dentate on keels. Lodicules 0.7-0.9 mm long. Callus glabrous, rarely with a few sparse hairs. Rachilla c. 1 mm long, sparsely, minutely scabrous, projection twice as long. Anthers 1.2-1.7-(2) mm long. Caryopsis c. 2 × 0.7 mm. Endemic
Gramen perenne, altum, culmis primo folia rigida vix superantibus, paniculae ramis gracilibus patentibusque. Poam kirkii aemulans differt tamen statura plerumque maiore, ligulis brevioribus apicem secus minutissime ciliatis, spiculis maioribus, antherisque longioribus.
Usually slender perennial tufts, c. 20-50 cm tall, occasionally stoloniferous, with brownish-green leaves much overtopped by erect culms; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths often reddish- purple, later grey-brown, submembranous, smooth or rarely slightly scabrous, nerves conspicuous; ligule 1-4 mm long, entire, smooth across tapered top, smooth to finely ciliate-scabrous abaxially; lamina (3.5)-7.5-20cm long, c. 1-3 mm wide, subcoriaceous, often flat, scabrous adaxially just above ligule and for some distance above along nerves, abaxially smooth or scabrous along nerves, margins finely scabrous with a few longer cilia just above ligule, midrib scabrous near curved tip. Culms (10)-15-35-(65)cm tall, smooth or occasionally finely scabrous below panicle. Panicle 5- 10-( 15) cm long, loosely spreading, with relatively large spikelets at tips of fine, smooth to scabrous branchlets. Spikelets 3-6.5 mm long, (2)-3-4-(6)- flowered, light green, often purplish. Glumes + equal, usually purplish, midnerve usually finely toothed near subacute to acute tip, margins entire or finely ciliate near tip; lower glume 1.5-4 mm long, 1 -3-nerved, narrow elliptic-lanceolate, upper 2-5 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic-ovate. Lemma (1.5)-2-5mm long, 5-(7)-nerved, ± ovate to oblong, obtuse to almost truncate at hyaline, usually purplish tip, nerves finely scabrous throughout or only in upper or lower part; in North I plants lower 1/3 to ½ of mid-nerve and lower ¼ of outer lateral nerves with short hairs, internerves glabrous and smooth; in plants from South and Stewart Is nerves usually glabrous, rarely with a few wispy hairs on midnerve, internerves glabrous and smooth or usually minutely ± sparsely scabrous. Palea 1.5- 4 mm long, smooth to shortly ciliate between ciliate- dentate keels. Lodicules 0.3-0.6 mm long, rarely hair-tipped. Callus glabrous, occasionally with few wispy hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, smooth, projection twice as long. Anthers 0.6-1-(1.2) mm long. Caryopsis 1-1.5 × c. 0.5 mm. 2n = 28. Endemic
Tufted annuals or perennials, sometimes forming large tussocks, often rhizomatous or stoloniferous, with intra- or extravaginal new shoots. Leaf sheaths open or closed, membranous to coriaceous, abaxially smooth or scabrous; ligule membranous, entire or rarely lacerate, sometimes ciliate across top, sometimes reduced to a truncate, minutely ciliatetipped rim, scabrous or smooth abaxially; laminae persistent or disarticulating at ligule, flat, folded, sometimes setaceous or filiform, margins sometimes inrolled, coriaceous, or soft and flaccid, abaxially smooth, scabrous, or rarely papillose, adaxially smooth, scabrous, very shortly hairy, or rarely papillose, margins smooth or scabrous, tip hooded, or finely acute to stiffly semi-pungent. Culms unbranched above, internodes hollow. Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle, with smooth, scabrous, or rarely papillose branchlets; spikelets pedicellate, laterally compressed, 2-several- flowered, uppermost florets reduced; rachilla disarticulating above glumes and between florets, prolonged beyond florets; hermaphrodite, dioecious, gynomonoecious; flowering chasmogamous in New Zealand species. Glumes subequal or unequal, usually shorter than adjacent lemmas, keeled, narrow-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, acute to subobtuse, smooth, or scabrous, at least in part; lower glume 1-3-nerved, upper 3-(5)- nerved. Lemma keeled, obtuse to acute to acuminate, awnless but midnerve occasionally slightly excurrent, (3)-5-(7)-nerved, nerves shortly hairy in lower half, or short scabrous, or smooth and glabrous, internerves variously short hairy, scabrous, smooth and glabrous, or occasionally papillose. Palea almost equalling lemma, keels and surface between keels scabrous to ciliate, or smooth and glabrous. Callus short, with loose woolly hairs or glabrous. Lodicules 2, glabrous, occasionally hairtipped. Stamens 3, yellow or purple. Ovary 2-styled. Caryopsis with punctiform or shortly elliptic hilum less than ½ length of caryopsis; embryo less than 1/3 length of caryopsis.
Coarse, dense, green or blue-green often very scabrous intravaginal tussocks, to c. 120 cm tall with a large bulk of dead dry leaves densely packed at the narrow base; laminae persistent. Sheaths light greenish-brown, later grey-brown, rarely slightly purplish, subcoriaceous, ± distinctly nerved, ± minutely scabrous; ligule 0.2-0.6 mm long, truncate, minutely ciliate across top and scabrous abaxially; lamina 35-65 cm × 1.8-3 mm, coriaceous, flat to folded, edges ± rolled, abaxially usually scabrous, occasionally almost smooth, adaxially finely ribbed, finely scabrous along ribs, margins obviously scabrous, tip ± acicular, straight-sided. Culms 60-110 cm high, erect or drooping, scabrous below panicle. Panicle 10-25 cm long, open; branchlets fine, not drooping, slightly spreading, finely scabrous, in clusters of 3-7, bare and undivided below, with numerous spikelets clustered at tips. Spikelets 3-7 mm long, 3-5-flowered, light green, often purplish. Glumes usually ± equal, 1.5- 3.5 mm long, 3-nerved, often scabrous near tip and on midnerve and margins, narrow- to ovate-lanceolate, acute. Lemma c. 2-4 mm long, 5-nerved, oblong-elliptic, obtuse, usually softly hairy on midnerve and lateral nerves near base, ± short scabrous elsewhere. Palea 2-3.5 mm long, scabrous on keels in upper 2/3 and smooth below, scabrous between keels. Lodicules 0.5-0.6 mm long. Callus with long tuft of soft tangled hairs. Rachilla slightly greater than 0.5 mm long, minutely scabrous with some longer hairs, projection sometimes twice as long. Anthers 1-2 mm long. Caryopsis 1-1.5 × 0.5- 1 mm.
Small, delicate grey-green or blue-green, rarely reddish perennial, forming intravaginal tufts 5- 40 cm tall, with a few extravaginal shoots at plant base; leaves usually much shorter than culms, densely packed, wiry, short and curved, or longer and erect; laminae persistent. Sheaths very pale brown, often purplish, membranous, distinctly nerved, minutely scabrous abaxially, occasionally smooth; ligule 0.2-0.7 mm long, truncate, erose, abaxially smooth; lamina 0.5-1.5-(5) cm × 1-1.5- (3) mm, usually fine and folded, adaxially with minute scattered teeth, abaxially smooth, but midnerve scabrous near boat-shaped tip, margins inrolled, sparingly scabrous. Culms (1.5)—5—15— (40) cm tall, very slender, purplish, smooth, usually bearing 2 small cauline leaves. Panicle 1.5-6.5- (8) cm long, open; rachis glabrous, branchlets capillary, sometimes flexuous, very minutely scabrous with teeth scarcely visible except at high magnification, with rather few spikelets, clustered 2-3 at branchlet tips. Spikelets 1.5-4.5 mm long, (1)-3- 5-(6)-flowered, silvery purple-green. Glumes subequal, 1-2 mm long, with wide hyaline margins, midnerve slightly scabrous in upper ½ or near tip; lower glume narrower, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 1- (3)-nerved, upper ovate, obtuse, 3-nerved, sometimes with a few teeth on margins and on lateral nerves above. Lemma 1-2 mm long, 5-nerved, ovate, obtuse, covered almost throughout or for about 2/3 length with long, appressed, silky hairs, c. 0.2 mm long, midnerve scabrous and internerves glabrous near membranous tip. Palea 1-2 mm long, long appressed-ciliate between long-ciliate keels, some hairs on margins. Lodicules 0.2-0.4 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla to 0.5 mm long, with scattered long hairs or almost glabrous. Anthers 0.2- 0.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28. Endemic
Stiff, wiry, straw-coloured tussock, to 1.8 m tall, with acicular-tipped leaves overtopping culms; rhizome slender, from base of tufts; new shoots intravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to straw-coloured to grey-brown, ± shining, coriaceous, distinctly nerved, smooth or short-scabrous between nerves; ligule 0.3-1 mm long, a truncate rim, ciliate across top and with a dense mat of cilia abaxially; lamina 10-65 cm long, coriaceous, inrolled and then about 1 mm diam., abaxially smooth, adaxially stiff-ciliate, tip straight-sided, pungent. Culms 5-50 cm tall, erect, usually very slightly scabrous just below panicle. Panicle (4,5)- 6-15 cm long, contracted, with few, short, erect, scabrous branches. Spikelets (7)-11-14mm long, 4-6-(7)-fiowered, light green, glumes and lemmas brown-tipped. Glumes unequal, 3-nerved, narrowlanceolate, subobtuse, ± scabrous above on nerves, margins and internerves; lower glume (4)—5.5—7 mm long, upper (5)—6—7-5 mm long. Lemma (5.5)-6- 7.5 mm long, 5-nerved, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, short-scabrous throughout, with longer hairs along lower third of mid- and outer lateral nerves. Palea 5.5-6.5 mm long, ciliate-scabrous on and between keels, tip bifid. Lodicules 0.8-1.5 mm long, occasionally hair-tipped. Callus with a narrow tuft of long crimped hairs. Rachilla 1-1.5 mm long, stiffciliate, projection twice as long. Anthers (2.5)—3— 4 mm long. Caryopsis c. 3 × 1 mm. 2n = c. 266. Endemic
Erect, shortly rhizomatous perennial, forming light green to purplish tufts to 40 cm tall, with loosely packed extravaginal shoots, and culms overtopping leaves; laminae persistent. Sheaths green or purplish, later light brown, membranous, smooth, distinctly nerved; ligule (0.4)-0.7-1.5 mm long, entire, smooth across obtuse top, slightly scabrous abaxially; lamina 1.5-16 cm × 0.5-1.5 mm, usually folded, rather wiry, often filiform rarely flat, smooth, but scabrous adaxially near ligule and abaxially on midrib near acute, ± incurved tip, scabrous also on margins. Culms (4)-12-35-(50) cm tall, smooth. Panicle (1.5)-3-9cm long, very lax; rachis smooth, branches often in pairs, finely, sparingly scabrous, spreading, often purplish, each bearing few, conspicuous spikelets. Spikelets (2.3)- 3-6 mm long, (1)-2-3-(5)-flowered, green, often purplish. Glumes rather unequal, usually purplish; lower glume 1-2.5 mm long, 1-nerved, linear-lanceolate, subacute, upper c. 2-3 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, often scabrous on nerves. Lemma (2)—2.5—3.5 mm long, 5-nerved, oblonglanceolate, glabrous and smooth apart from minute prickle teeth on midnerve near obtuse, usually purplish tip. Palea 2-3 mm long, smooth between keels, shortly scabrous on keels in upper half. Anthers (0.6)-0.8-1.2-(1.5) mm long. Lodicules 0.3-0.5 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth, projection almost twice as long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm.
Gramen perenne delicatius, foliis angustis, panicula subtiliter ramosa, spiculisque brevibus fere omnino laevibus et glabris praeditum; in sylvis humidis habitat. Ad Poam kirkii accedens a quo lemmatibus oblongis, foliisque angustioribus differt; a Poa imbecilla et P. matthewsii distinguendum foliis latioribus antherisque longioribus.
Small, compact, greyish perennial, forming intravaginal tufts, <10cm tall, with densely crowded rigid leaves overtopped by slender flowering culms; laminae disarticulating at ligule. Sheaths much wider than laminae, membranous, smooth, nerves distinct, lower sheaths whitish straw-coloured, shining, upper greenish; ligule consisting of 2 flaps at either side of lamina, 0.5-1 mm long, finely ciliate at top and sparsely ciliate abaxially, much shorter across lamina or absent there, usually extending abaxially round lamina as a minutely ciliate rim, to 0.2 mm long; lamina 0.25- 1.5 cm long, stiff, often curved, rolled and up to 0.5 mm wide, grey-green, nerves distinct, surfaces smooth, margins and curved tip scabrous. Culms 1.5-8 cm tall, smooth, longer culms often bearing a single cauline leaf about lh way up. Panicle 0.5- 1.5 cm long, compact, oblong, spike-like, branches and pedicels very short, sparsely scabrous. Spikelets c. 2-3.5 mm long, 3-5-flowered, silky greyishgreen to greyish-purple. Glumes ± equal, 1.5-2- (2.5) mm long, 3-nerved, glabrous; lower glume narrow-elliptic, subobtuse, upper ovate-elliptic, obtuse. Lemma c. 1.5-2—(2.5) mm long, faintly 3- 5-nerved, elliptic, subobtuse to obtuse, ciliate almost throughout with short fine hairs, ± glabrous near tip with wide membranous margins in upper third, rarely glabrous throughout. Palea c. 1.5-(2) mm long, + tangled ciliate throughout. Lodicules 0.2-0.3 mm long. Callus with small tuft of short crinkled hairs. Rachilla minute, c. 0.2- 0.3 mm long, ciliate, projection twice as long. Anthers 0.2-0.4 mm long. Caryopsis c. 0.5-1 × 0.3 mm. 2n = 28. Endemic
Markedly stoloniferous perennial, with bright green, rarely glaucous leaves, tending to lie along the ground, and erect or geniculate and ascending, very slender culms to 50 cm tall; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths pale green to light brown, membranous, mainly smooth but ciliate- scabrous near hyaline margin, occasionally on keel, and above near ligule; ligule 0.7-1.5 mm long, entire, smooth across obtuse top, closely, shortly, ciliate-scabrous abaxially; lamina (5.5)-10-17cm × 1-2 mm, flat, soft, abaxially glabrous, adaxially with very minute fine hairs, margins ciliate near ligule, midrib minutely scabrous especially near filiform, acuminate tip. Culms 10-25-(36) cm tall, very minutely scabrous just below panicle or rarely entirely smooth. Panicle 10-25 cm long, lax and delicate; rachis very minutely, sparsely scabrous, branchlets finely scabrous, spreading, with few spikelets at tip. Spikelets 3.5-5-(6) mm long, (2)-3- 4-(5)-flowered, green, rarely purplish. Glumes unequal; lower glume 0.8-1.5 mm long, 1-nerved, narrow-lanceolate, subobtuse, upper 1.5-2 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, scabrous along midnerve. Lemma 2-3 mm long, 5-nerved, narrow-lanceolate, subobtuse, nerves minutely scabrous above, lateral nerves occasionally with long hairs near base, internerves smooth and glabrous. Palea 1.5-2 mm long, ± ciliate between ciliate-scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.2-0.4 mm long. Callus glabrous, or often with a few fine long hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, glabrous or with a few hairs. Anthers 0.3-0.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.3 mm. 2n = 28 (also for plants recorded as P. matthewsii var. minor and as P. imbecilla with footnote equating it to P. matthewsii var. tenuis). Endemic
Loose, bright green perennial tufts, not rhizomatous, to 50 cm tall; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown, membranous, smooth, or lower sheaths sparsely scabrous, finely nerved; ligule 0.4-0.5- (0.8) mm long, with fringe of minute hairs along truncate top, minutely scabrous abaxially; lamina 5-12-(15) cm × 1.5-2 mm, weak, flat, abaxially smooth and glabrous, adaxially minutely ciliatescabrous, often densely scabrous just above ligule, margins minutely scabrous, tip finely to abruptly acute. Culms 20-30-(40) cm tall, erect or spreading, terete, smooth. Panicle 5-20 cm long, lax and open, branchlets few to many, filiform, finely scabrous, naked below with few small spikelets near tips. Spikelets 3-4.5 mm long, 2-4-flowered, light green. Glumes equal or subequal, acute to acuminate, 3-nerved, midnerve finely scabrous above, margins glabrous; lower glume 2.2-3 mm long, narrow-lanceolate, upper (2.2)-2.5-3.5 mm long, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. Lemma c. 3.0 mm long, finely 5-nerved but inner lateral nerves not always distinct, narrow oblong-lanceolate, midnerve and outer lateral nerves with fine hairs to ½ length, margins, midnerve and internerves minutely scabrous near subacute tip. Palea c. = lemma, smooth between densely, minutely scabrous keels. Lodicules c. 0.4 mm long. Callus with a small tuft of long soft hairs or a few wispy hairs. Rachilla c. 1 mm long, softly short-ciliate, projection usually twice as long. Anthers c. 1.5 mm long. Caryopsis 1.2-1.3 × 0.3-0.4 mm.
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Loosely tufted, bright green perennial, to 80 cm tall, with flaccid leaves overtopped by culms; new shoots extravaginal at base, intravaginal above; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown, membranous, glabrous and smooth, or scabrous above, distinctly nerved but not strongly keeled except near ligule; ligule 1.5-3 mm long, oblong, slightly rounded and slightly short-ciliate across top, sparsely short-ciliate abaxially; lamina 10-20 cm × 2-4 mm, flat, minutely scabrous throughout, tip acute. Culms 30-70 cm tall, erect, smooth and glabrous, or rarely papillose and minutely ciliate just below nodes. Panicle 10-25 cm long, very loose and open; rachis smooth and glabrous, branches delicate, finely scabrous, spreading and flexuous, bare below, branched above with few spikelets on each branchlet. Spikelets 3.5-5 mm long, 3-4-flowered, light green tinged purple and brown. Glumes equal or subequal, 3-nerved, acute to acuminate, scabrous above on keel; lower glume 2.3-2.8 mm long, lanceolate, upper 2.5-3.2 mm long, narrowly-ovate. Lemma 2.6-2.8 mm long, 5- nerved but inner lateral nerves often obscure, oblong, smooth and glabrous apart from fringe of short hairs to ½ length on midnerve and on outer lateral nerves, scabrous on midnerve above hairs, sometimes purplish, with shining yellow-brown band near obtuse top. Palea 2.3-2.6 mm long, glabrous between ciliate keels. Lodicules c. 0.4 mm long. Callus with long tuft of soft crinkled hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, minutely scabrous, projection twice as long. Anthers 0.7-1 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.3 × 0.5 mm.
Rather narrow, loose to compact perennial tufts from slender rhizomes c. 10—50 cm tall; leaves ± soft, bright green to greyish-green, shorter than culms; shoots extravaginal at base, sometimes intravaginal above; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to very light brown, membranous to ± coriaceous, distinctly nerved, smooth, or slightly shortscabrous to shortly hairy near ligule; ligule 0.2- 0.5 mm long, truncate in lower leaves and often very short-ciliate across top and abaxially, 1-2 mm long, smooth and rounded across top in upper leaves; lamina (1.5)-10-20-(35) cm × (1.5)-2- 4 mm, flat or folded, subcoriaceous, glabrous or sparsely finely hairy adaxially, or on both surfaces especially near ligule, margins sparsely scabrous to smooth, sometimes sparsely finely hairy near ligule, midrib scabrous near blunt, curved tip. Culms (5)-20-55cm tall, smooth. Panicle (2)-5-10- (15) cm long, ovate to pyramidal, or oblong, erect or nodding, loose and open to somewhat dense and contracted; rachis smooth, branches in clusters of 3-5, spreading, filiform, flexuous, smooth or finely scabrous with spikelets clustered at tips. Spikelets 4-6 mm long, (2)-3-6-flowered, light green or purplish. Glumes + unequal, acute, membranous, midnerve scabrous; lower glume 1.5-3 mm long, 1-3-nerved, narrow-ovate, upper 2-3.5-(4)mm long, 3-nerved, ovate-elliptic. Lemma 2.5-4 mm long, 5-(7)-nerved, ovate-oblong, subobtuse to acute, midnerve and marginal nerves thinly to densely hairy to about ½ length, finely scabrous on remainder of midnerve, internerves smooth and glabrous. Palea 2-3 mm long, smooth between finely scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.6-0.8 mm long. Callus with tuft of long crinkled hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth or very minutely sparsely papillose, projection twice as long. Anthers 1.2- 1.7 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm, tightly enclosed by lemma and palea.
Slender, often delicate perennial, forming open tufts 5-c. 35 cm tall, with few, very narrow, flaccid, bright green leaves, rhizome slender, long-creeping; new shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths greenish-purple becoming light brown, ± membranous, distinctly keeled with strong whitish lateral nerves, shaggy ciliate-dentate throughout, or minutely scabrous, or ciliate-scabrous only near hyaline margins, occasionally with a few longer hairs on margins near ligule, rarely completely glabrous; ligule 0.2-0.5 mm long, truncate, ciliate across top, sometimes erose, ciliate abaxially; lamina (1)-5-15-(25)cm long, c. 0.5 mm wide when folded, rarely flat, margins inrolled, abaxially distinctly nerved, smooth, but scabrous on midrib near tip, adaxially with scattered short hairs especially along midrib, tip subacute to curved. Culms 3-30- (50) cm tall, very slender, erect or drooping above, smooth. Panicle 1.5-8.5 cm long, with few, filiform, scabrous spreading branchlets bearing 1-4 spikelets at tips. Spikelets 3-7.5 mm long, 2-5-(7)- flowered, yellow-green, faintly purplish. Glumes subequal, 2-4-(4.5) mm long, 3-nerved, narrow elliptic- to ovate-lanceolate, acute or subacute, internerves smooth, midnerve and sometimes lateral nerves sparsely scabrous. Lemma 2-4-(5) mm long, 5-nerved, oblong- to ovate-elliptic, obtuse, midnerve with long silky crimped hairs to ½ length, sometimes scabrous above hairs, lateral nerves usually with conspicuous silky hairs near base or to ½ length, internerves usually smooth, rarely finely scabrous, with hyaline band at slightly erose tip. Palea 2-3.5 mm long, short ciliate-dentate on keels, short ciliate-scabrous between keels, margins smooth to scabrous. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long. Callus with a thick tuft of long, silky crimped hairs. Rachilla (0.3)-0.6-0.8 mm long, with scattered long hairs. Anthers 1-2 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28 (and also for plant determined as P. seticulmis). Endemic
Small, dull green, much-branched, very densely packed perennial, rooting from the short prostrate branches and forming compact, rigid cushions to 10 cm across and 2.5 cm high, slightly overtopped by filiform flowering culms with few spikelets; new snoots intravaginal with densely imbricating leaves; laminae persistent. Sheaths much wider than laminae, pale greyish-brown, membranous, nerves rather indistinct, smooth, shining; ligule 0.5-1 mm long, entire, smooth across top, narrowed at centre to a short point, abaxially sparsely to densely shortciliate; lamina 0.3-0.7 cm × 1-2 mm, stiff, inrolled, abaxially glabrous, nerves prominent, adaxially strongly ribbed, very finely ciliate-dentate along whitish nerves, midrib scabrous near very curved, subobtuse or occasionally acute tip. Culms 1.5- 2.5 cm tall, mainly smooth with a few minute teeth above. Panicle 0.5-1 cm long, contracted, racemose, with 1-3 spikelets, branchlets and pedicels smooth. Spikelets 4.5-5.5 mm long, 2-5-flowered, light green to purplish. Glumes equal, 2.5-3.5 mm long, 3-nerved, ovate-elliptic, subobtuse, smooth or rarely with a few teeth on midnerve near tip, margins entire. Lemma 3-3.5 mm long, 5-nerved, ovate, obtuse, lower ½ with fine, often crisped hairs on nerves and sparse somewhat shorter hairs on internerves, upper ½ sparsely scabrous on midnerve and laterally just inside wide membranous margin, midnerve occasionally minutely excurrent. Palea 2.5-3 mm long, sparsely ciliate between ciliate keels. Lodicules 0.4-0.6 mm long. Callus with a few long hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, sparsely ciliate, projection twice as long. Anthers 1.2- 1.6 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5-2 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28. Endemic
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Small, stoloniferous perennial, almost completely smooth and glabrous, forming brownishgreen, extravaginal tufts, c. 5-12 cm tall, culms overtopping leaves; laminae persistent. Sheaths membranous, smooth, nerved, keeled; ligule 0.5- 1.5 mm long, entire, smooth across tapered top, and abaxially smooth; lamina 1-3.5 cm × 1-2 mm, flat or folded, subcoriaceous, smooth apart from finely scabrous margins and midrib near curved tip. Culms 3-12 cm long, smooth, very slender, erect. Panicle 1-3 cm long, ± open or contracted, with few, ovate spikelets; rachis, branchlets and pedicels slender, with sparse, scattered prickle-teeth. Spikelets 2-3 mm long, 2-3-flowered, light green, tinged purple. Glumes unequal, submembranous with hyaline margins, a few prickle-teeth on midnerve near tip; lower glume 1.5-2 mm long, 1- nerved, narrow-lanceolate, acute, upper 2-2.5 mm long, (1)-3-nerved, elliptic-oblong, subobtuse to obtuse. Lemma 2-2.5 mm long, 5-nerved, ellipticovate, obtuse, smooth apart from a few prickle-teeth on midnerve near tip, midnerve with short crinkled hairs to c. ½ length, lateral nerves with a few hairs near base, internerves glabrous. Palea 1.5- 1.8 mm long, smooth apart from minutely scabrous keels. Lodicules c. 0.1 mm long. Callus with a few wispy hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth. Anthers 0.3-0.4 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm. Endemic
Gramen perenne alpinum parvum stoloniferum spiculis parvis antherisque brevissimis, primo adspcctu Poac sublimi et P. incrassatae simile ab utraque specie differt lemmatis nervis pilis indutis, a priore etiam panicula contractiore, ramulisque minus nliformibus, a posteriore foliis plerumque latioribus, paniculae rhachidc ramulique paene laevibus. lemmatis apice piano non paene cucullato internervisque laevibus non minute papillosis.
Stiff, fine-leaved, greyish-green, small, wiry, intravaginal tussocks to c. 80 cm tall, from a narrow base packed with dead dry leaves; laminae persistent. Sheaths light brown, becoming dull greybrown, coriaceous, smooth or slightly scabrous; ligule c. 0.3 mm long, a truncate rim, minutely ciliate across top and scabrous abaxially; lamina 15-25- (35) cm long, inrolled and c. 0.5 mm diam., abaxially usually finely scabrous, adaxially densely shortscabrous, margins finely scabrous, tip long, fine, acicular. Culms 30-75 cm tall, erect, smooth to finely scabrous. Panicle 10-20 cm long, contracted at first, later lax with spreading, slender, finely scabrous branchlets tipped by numerous spikelets. Spikelets (3.5)-4-5-(6.5) mm long, 3-6-(8)-flowered, light green often purpled. Glumes ± unequal, narrow-lanceolate to narrow-ovate, acute to subacuminate, scabrous on keels and at times on internerves, margins minutely scabrous; lower glume 1.5-2 mm long, 1-3-nerved, upper 2-2.5 mm long, 3-nerved. Lemma c. 2.5 mm long, 5-nerved, elliptic- oblong, ± closely pubescent on lower ½, usually with slightly longer hairs on keel and marginal nerves, tip obtuse, short-ciliate. Palea 2-2.5 mm long, pubescent between keels especially in lower ½, keels scabrous above and finely ciliolate below middle. Lodicules 0.4-0.6 mm long. Callus glabrous or with a few long hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, with a few short hairs. Anthers 1.2-1.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm.
Low-growing perennial, forming small extravaginal tufts or cushions to c. 15 cm tall, culms usually somewhat overtopping the rather stiff, green or purplish leaves; laminae persistent. Sheaths creamy-brown or purple, hyaline, nerves distinct, smooth; ligule c. 0.5-(1)mm long, entire, smooth across top, narrowed to a subobtuse point, abaxially smooth; lamina 1-5 cm × (0.5)—1 — 1.5 mm, folded, smooth except for a few teeth abaxially on midrib near incurved tip, and on margins near ligule and tip. Culms 1 — 10—(15) cm tall, smooth. Panicle 1-4.5 cm long, lax; rachis and slender spreading branchlets and pedicels filiform, smooth, rarely sparsely scabrous below the very few spikelets. Spikelets 3-4 mm long, 3-4-flowered, light green, usually purplish. Glumes subequal, smooth except on midrib in upper ½, lower glume 1.5-2.5 mm long, 1-nerved, ovate-lanceolate, acute, upper 1.8-3.2 mm long, 3-nerved, ovate, subobtuse. Lemma 2-3.5 mm long, 5-7-nerved, ovate, obtuse, glabrous and smooth, but sparsely scabrous on midnerve in upper third. Palea 1.5-2.5 mm long, smooth between short-scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.3-0.6 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth and glabrous. Anthers (0.2)-0.3-(0.5) mm long. Caryopsis c. 1 × 0.5 mm. Endemic
Gramen perenne, demissum, pulvinos saepe formans, foliis rigidioribus viridibus vel purpurascentibus; Poae kirkii affine differt statura multo minore, lemmatibus paene omnino laevibus, antherisque brevissimis.
Often robust perennial, forming extra vaginal bright green tufts to 40 cm tall, with erect, wide, rather stiff leaves overtopped by culms; laminae persistent. Sheaths green to light brown, membranous, distinctly nerved, smooth and glabrous, midrib thickened above; ligule 1—2.5—(6.5) mm long, entire, sometimes ± erose, smooth across top, shortly tapered, often narrowed to a long point, short-ciliate abaxially, rarely glabrous; lamina 5- 20 cm × 2-4-(6.5) mm, flat, abaxially smooth, adaxially with minute, ± appressed teeth, margins thickened, smooth, rarely with a few teeth near base, abruptly narrowed and curved to + thickened, ovate to acute tip. Culms 10-20-(40) cm long, smooth and glabrous. Panicle (3)-6-10-(15) cm long, lax and often drooping above or sometimes dense, with short, fine, ± crowded, smooth, very rarely sparsely toothed branchlets tipped by large spikelets. Spikelets (6)-8-10mm long, 4-6-flowered, light green to purple. Glumes subequal, smooth throughout or sparsely scabrous on midnerve above; lower glume (2.5)-3-4.5 mm long, 1- nerved, narrow-lanceolate, usually acuminate, upper 3-5.5 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute or subobtuse. Lemma (3.5)-4.5-6 mm long, 3- nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute to obtuse, glabrous except for soft tangled hairs on lower part of nerves, smooth, membranous margins wide, occasionally with a few sparse teeth. Palea (3)-3.5-4- (4.5) mm long, sparsely ciliate along keels in upper half, elsewhere glabrous. Lodicules 0.5-1 mm long. Callus with thick tufts of long hairs just below midnerve and lateral nerves of lemma. Rachilla c. 1 mm long, glabrous, or with occasional hairs. Dioecious: ♂ with anthers (1.5)—2—3 mm long, gynoecium c. 0.2 mm long; ♀ with ovary c. 1 mm long, stigmastyle c. 1.5 mm long, staminodes 0.3-0.7 mm long, caryopsis 0.5-0.8 × 0.2-0.3 mm.
Long-rhizomatous, narrow-leaved perennial, forming greyish-green extravaginal tufts, to 25 cm tall; laminae persistent. Sheaths light greenishbrown, faintly purpled above, smooth or occasionally scabrous between nerves, membranous, keeled, with a few prominent nerves; ligule 0.5—1—(1.5) mm long, entire, smooth across top, truncate but ± abruptly pointed at centre, minutely ciliate-scabrous abaxially; lamina (2)—5—9—(12) mm long, wiry, inrolled and c. 1 mm wide, smooth, adaxially quite glabrous or with scattered short hairs especially near margins, abaxially glabrous, tip acicular. Culms 10- 25 cm tall, slender, glabrous, smooth. Panicle 2- 4.5-(6) cm long, with few, ± spreading branchlets; rachis glabrous, smooth, branchlets very slender, glabrous, smooth, tipped by very few, narrow spikelets. Spikelets 6-9 mm long, 3-4-flowered, greenish- brown. Glumes subequal, glabrous, smooth, rarely with a few minute teeth on midnerve near apex, acute to subobtuse; lower glume (3)-3.5- 4 mm long, 1-3-nerved, narrow-elliptic, upper (3.5)-4-4.5 mm long, 3-5-nerved, more broadly ovate. Lemma 4.5—5-(6) mm long, 5-7-(9)-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, glabrous apart from short hairs on midnerve for 2/3 length and on lateral nerves near base, with some longer hairs at very base, smooth apart from minute prickle teeth on midnerve and lateral nerves near tip, margins narrowmembranous, entire. Palea 3-4-(5) mm long, much narrower, and noticeably shorter than lemma, sparsely, minutely fine-ciliate on keels, elsewhere smooth and glabrous. Callus with tufts of long fine hairs just below mid- and lateral nerves of lemma. Rachilla less than 1 mm long, glabrous, smooth, or occasionally with a few microscopic prickle-teeth. Dioecious: ♂ with anthers 2.9-3.3 mm long, gynoecium 0.7-1.3 mm long; ♀ with pollen-sterile anthers 0.6—1—( 1.4) mm long, gynoecium (1.5)-2- 2.5 mm long, caryopsis 1-2 mm long.
Gramen pcrenne rhizomate longissimo, marginibus foliorum griseoviridium involutis: Poae novae-zelandiae affine lacvibus paniculae ramulis lemmatis nervis ad basem pilosis calloque villoso-barbato, differt autem habitu et foliis sed praesertim plantis dioecis non gynomonoecis ut in Poa novae-zelandiae.
Stout, stiff-leaved, yellow-green perennial, with intravaginal tufts to c. 1 m tall, from a strong rhizomatous base covered by abundant fibrous remnants of sheaths; laminae persistent. Sheaths submembranous, many-nerved, densely, retrorsely, minutely ciliate-scabrous between nerves in basal leaves, smooth and glabrous in cauline leaves, very light brown, later becoming darker and shredding into fibres; ligule 6-16 mm long, entire., smooth across top, narrowed to a long fine point, shortciliate abaxially; lamina 16-38 cm × 4.5-9 mm, flat, finely many-nerved, abaxially smooth, adaxially minutely papillose, very rarely minutely ciliate-scabrous along nerves, margins ciliate-fimbriate for a short distance above ligule, otherwise glabrous, gradually narrowed to straight-sided acute tip. Culms 15-33 cm tall, smooth and glabrous. Panicle 9-16 cm long, broad, dense but much-branched, upper branches almost completely hidden by numerous, rather small spikelets, lower branches bare towards base; rachis smooth, branches and pedicels ± scabrous to occasionally smooth. Spikelets 3.5-4.5 mm long, 2-3-flowered, light brown. Glumes subequal, ovate-lanceolate, acute, smooth apart from sparse teeth on midnerve near tip and on margins; lower glume 2-2.5 mm long, 1-nerved, upper 2.5-3 mm long, 3-nerved. Lemma 3-3.5 mm long, 5-nerved, minutely ciliate-scabrous, longer ciliate on lower third of mid- and lateral nerves, ovate-elliptic, acute, or midnerve very shortly excurrent. Palea 2.5-3 mm long, almost smooth, but keels scabrous in upper half, and with a few teeth between. Lodicules 0.5-0.8 mm long. Callus glabrous. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth, projection twice as long. Anthers 1-1.5 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 56. Endemic
Small, compact perennial, forming light green tufts to c. 15 cm tall; new shoots intravaginal, with a few extravaginal shoots at base; laminae persistent. Sheaths light creamy-brown to reddish-purple, membranous, nerved, smooth or papillose above, especially on keel; ligule 0.5-1 mm long, tapered at centre, erose, abaxially ciliate; lamina 1-3.5 cm × 1-2 mm, flat, subcoriaceous, adaxially minutely scabrous, abaxially smooth, margins densely, finely scabrous, tip curved. Culms 2-10 cm tall, slender, purplish, smooth or slightly scabrous below panicle, usually with one short cauline leaf. Panicle (1)- 2-4.5-(7)cm long, open; rachis slender, finely, sparsely scabrous, branchlets few, filiform, finely scabrous, tipped by 1-2 relatively large, ovate spikelets. Spikelets 3-4.5 mm long, 3-5-flowered, purplish- green. Glumes subequal, 1.5-2 mm long, with wide hyaline margins, scabrous on midnerve; lower glume 1-3-nerved, ovate-elliptic, acute, upper 3- nerved, ovate, obtuse, often scabrous on lateral nerves and on internerves near tip and hyaline margin. Lemma 2-2.5 mm long, 5-7-nerved, ovate, obtuse, ciliate in lower ½, scabrous above with midnerve closely distinctly scabrous, hyaline margins very wide. Palea 1.5-2 mm long, ciliate between scabrous keels and with a few hairs on margins. Lodicules c. 0.2 mm long. Callus with a few wispy hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth. Anthers 0.3-0.6 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1-1.5 × 0.5 mm. Endemic
Gramen perenne, parvum, pallido-viride, panicula gracili folia plana superanti, lemmatibus pilosis in dimidio inferiore antherisque brevissimis; Poam lindsayi multo simulans differt autem foliis planioribus, lemmatibus amplioribus minus pilosisque pilis ad margincs hyalinos latos non attingentibus.
Open, often wide-leaved, light to darkish green perennial tufts, c. 20-90 cm tall, stoloniferous; shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green, sometimes purplish, ± membranous, usually finely scabrous on nerves, especially near ligule, keeled; ligule 2.5-10 mm long, entire, smooth across top and tapered to a point, smooth abaxially apart from scattered very minute teeth; lamina 10- 20 cm × 1.5-7 mm, soft, flat, finely scabrous along nerves on both surfaces or smooth, margins and fine pointed tip finely scabrous. Culms 40-70 cm tall, erect, smooth, or finely scabrous below panicle. Panicle (5)-10-20 cm long, usually open and very loose; rachis smooth to finely scabrous above, branches fine, spreading, finely, densely scabrous, with numerous spikelets toward tips. Spikelets 3- 4 mm long, 2-3-flowered, green or purplish. Glumes ± unequal, finely scabrous on nerves, tips fine, acute; lower glume 1.5-2.5 mm long, 1-nerved, narrow-lanceolate, upper 2-3 mm long, 3-nerved, elliptic- to ovate-lanceolate. Lemma 2-3 mm long, 5-nerved, narrow-oblong, smooth and glabrous apart from short fine hairs to xh length on midnerve and a few short hairs on marginal nerves near base, and midnerve scabrous above hairs, margins and acute tip membranous. Palea 2-2.5 mm long, smooth between extremely minutely scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.2-0.4 mm long. Callus with a long slender tuft of fine crinkled hairs. Rachilla ± 0.5 mm long, smooth. Anthers 1.5-2 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm, tightly enclosed by lemma and palea.
Identification keys
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to Poa acicularifolia subspecies
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to Poa anceps subspecies
Leaf-lamina 1-6.5 mm wide; panicle 10-25 cm long; anthers 1.5-2.5 mm long; North and South Is
Leaf-lamina 1-2.5 mm wide; panicle (3.5)-5-15cm long; anthers c. 1.5 mm long; Kermadec Is
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to Poa aucklandica subspecies
Close-packed tufts with stiffinrolled leaves; ligule 0.3-1 mm long; anthers 0.3- 0.4 mm long
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
- Cuscuta campestris Yunck.
- Eragrostis eximia Steud.
- Eragrostis imbecilla (Spreng.) Benth.
- Festuca cookii Hook.f.
- Festuca foliosa Hook.f.
- Festuca foliosa var. β Hook.f.
- Festuca scoparia Hook.f.
- Festuca scoparia var. β Hook.f.
- Poa ×poppelwellii Petrie
- Poa acicularifolia Buchanan
- Poa acicularifolia Buchanan subsp. acicularifolia
- Poa acicularifolia subsp. ophitalis Edgar
- Poa affinis var. α multiflora Hook.f.
- Poa affinis var. β agrostoidea Hook.f.
- Poa albida Buchanan
- Poa alpina L.
- Poa anceps G.Forst.
- Poa anceps G.Forst. subsp. anceps
- Poa anceps subsp. polyphylla (Hack.) Edgar
- Poa anceps var. chathamica (Petrie) Zotov
- Poa anceps var. condensata Cheeseman
- Poa anceps var. gracilis Cheeseman
- Poa anceps var. polyphylla (Hack.) Zotov
- Poa anceps var. α elata Hook.f.
- Poa anceps var. β foliosa Hook.f.
- Poa anceps var. γ breviculmis Hook.f.
- Poa anceps var. δ densiflora Hook.f.
- Poa anceps var. ε alpina Hook.f.
- Poa anceps var. ε debilis Kirk
- Poa anceps var. ζ minima Buchanan
- Poa annua L.
- Poa antipoda Petrie
- Poa astonii Petrie
- Poa aucklandica Petrie
- Poa aucklandica Petrie subsp. aucklandica
- Poa aucklandica subsp. campbellensis (Petrie) Edgar
- Poa aucklandica subsp. campbellensis × foliosa
- Poa aucklandica subsp. rakiura Edgar
- Poa breviglumis Hook.f.
- Poa breviglumis var. brockiei Zotov
- Poa breviglumis var. moarii Zotov
- Poa buchananii Zotov
- Poa bulbosa L.
- Poa caespitosa Spreng.
- Poa caespitosa var. leioclada Hack.
- Poa caespitosa var. planifolia Petrie
- Poa celsa Edgar
- Poa chathamica Petrie
- Poa cheesemanii Hack.
- Poa cita Edgar
- Poa cockayneana Petrie
- Poa colensoi Hook.f.
- Poa colensoi var. guthrie-smithiana (Petrie) Zotov
- Poa colensoi var. intermedia (Buchanan) Cheeseman
- Poa compressa L.
- Poa cookii (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Poa dipsacea Petrie
- Poa exigua Hook.f.
- Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Poa foliosa var. tennantiana (Petrie) Cheeseman
- Poa foliosa var. β Hook.f.
- Poa hamiltonii Kirk
- Poa hesperia Edgar
- Poa hypopsila Steud.
- Poa imbecilla Spreng.
- Poa imbecilla var. breviglumis (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Poa imbecilla var. matthewsii (Petrie) Hack.
- Poa incrassata Petrie
- Poa infirma Kunth
- Poa intermedia Buchanan
- Poa intrusa Edgar
- Poa kirkii Buchanan
- Poa kirkii var. aucklandica (Petrie) Zotov
- Poa kirkii var. campbellensis (Petrie) Zotov
- Poa kirkii var. cheesemanii (Hack.) Zotov
- Poa kirkii var. collinsii Hack.
- Poa kirkii var. dipsacea (Petrie) Zotov
- Poa kirkii var. incrassata (Petrie) Zotov
- Poa kirkii var. mackayi (Buchanan) Hack.
- Poa L.
- Poa labillardierei Steud.
- Poa laevis sensu Zotov
- Poa laevis var. α brevifolia Hook.f.
- Poa laevis var. β filifolia Hook.f.
- Poa lindsayi Hook.f.
- Poa litorosa Cheeseman
- Poa mackayi Buchanan
- Poa maia Edgar
- Poa maniototo Petrie
- Poa matthewsii Petrie
- Poa matthewsii var. minor Petrie
- Poa matthewsii var. tenuis Petrie
- Poa nemoralis L.
- Poa novae-zelandiae f. humilior Hack.
- Poa novae-zelandiae f. laxiuscula Hack.
- Poa novae-zelandiae Hack.
- Poa novae-zelandiae var. desiliens Zotov
- Poa novae-zelandiae var. subvestita Hack.
- Poa novae-zelandiae var. wallii Petrie
- Poa palustris L.
- Poa polyphylla f. compacta Hack.
- Poa polyphylla Hack.
- Poa pratensis L.
- Poa purpurea Kirk
- Poa pusilla Berggr.
- Poa pusilla var. seticulmis (Petrie) Cockayne
- Poa pygmaea Buchanan
- Poa ramosissima Hook.f.
- Poa ramosissima var. β Hook.f.
- Poa remota Forselles
- Poa sclerophylla Berggr.
- Poa senex Edgar
- Poa seticulmis Petrie
- Poa sieberiana Spreng.
- Poa sprengelii Kunth
- Poa sublimis Edgar
- Poa subvestita (Hack.) Edgar
- Poa sudicola Edgar
- Poa tennantiana Petrie
- Poa tonsa Edgar
- Poa trivialis L.
- Poa wallii Petrie
19 July 2005