Poa colensoi Hook.f.

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Poa colensoi Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 340 (1864)
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi
Vernacular names
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
2n = 28
2n = 28
2n = 28
2n = 28
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Small, blue-green or light green, narrow-leaved, stiff tussocks 5-30 cm tall, with tightly-packed intravaginal shoots; laminae disarticulating at ligule. Sheaths light straw-coloured, later greyish-brown, upper sheaths sometimes purpled, somewhat coriaceous, tightly rolled with narrow hyaline margins, nerves indistinct, smooth; ligule 0.5- 5.5 mm long, smooth and rounded across top, tapered when longer, minutely scabrous or smooth abaxially; lamina 5-15-(30)cm long, normally tightly rolled and c. 0.5 mm wide, glabrous, adaxially slightly to densely short ciliate-scabrous, abaxially smooth, margins finely scabrous, tip truncate, almost smooth, apart from a few minute teeth, or fine-acicular and finely scabrous. Culms 5-20- (40) cm long, erect, usually overtopping but often equalling leaves, smooth and glabrous below panicle. Panicle 1 —10—(15) cm long, with few to many, often short, almost filiform, smooth to + finely scabrous, ± spreading branchlets, tipped by 1-3 comparatively large spikelets. Spikelets (3.5)—5-7- (10.5) mm long, 2-5-(7)-flowered, light green to brownish. Glumes subequal, subacute to acute, glabrous apart from a few minute teeth on midnerve near tip and minutely fimbriate margins; lower glume 2-3-(4) mm long, 1-3-nerved, narrow elliptic- lanceolate, upper (2)-2.5-3.5-(4) mm long, 3- nerved, ovate, elliptic-lanceolate. Lemma (2.5)—3— 4-(5) mm long, 5-nerved, ovate- to elliptic-lanceolate, subobtuse, some long-liguled forms with fine hairs on lower ½-1/3 of midnerve and short hair near base of lateral nerves, otherwise nerves scabrous or smooth, internerves densely scabrous to smooth, glabrous or rarely with a few scattered hairs near base, margins entire to finely ciliate-scabrous. Palea 2-4-(5) mm long, finely ciliate-scabrous on, and between, keels. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long. Callus in long-liguled forms sometimes with a tuft of tangled hairs, otherwise glabrous or very rarely with a few short wispy hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm long, glabrous and smooth to strongly densely scabrous. Anthers 1-2 mm long. Caryopsis c. 1-2 × 0.5 mm. 2n = 28.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Small, blue-green or light green, narrow-leaved, stiff tussocks, 5-30-(70) cm, with tightly-packed shoots; branching intravaginal; leaf-blades disarticulating at ligule. Leaf-sheath light straw-coloured, later greyish brown, somewhat coriaceous, glabrous, indistinctly ribbed, tightly inrolled with narrow hyaline margins; upper sheaths sometimes purplish. Ligule 0.5-5.5 mm, entire, apically glabrous, rounded to tapered, abaxially minutely scabrid or smooth. Leaf-blade 5-15-(30) cm, usually tightly inrolled and c. 0.5 mm diam., abaxially glabrous, adaxially slightly to densely short pubescent-scabrid; margins finely scabrid, tip truncate, almost smooth with a few minute prickle-teeth, or fine-acicular and finely scabrid. Culm 5-20-(40) cm, erect, usually overtopping but often = leaves, internodes glabrous. Panicle 1-10-(15) cm; branches ± spreading, few to many, often short, almost filiform, smooth to ± finely scabrid, tipped by 1-3 rather large spikelets. Spikelets (3.5)-5-7-(10.5) mm, 2-5-(7)-flowered, light green to brownish. Glumes subequal, subacute to acute, glabrous, midnerve with a few minute prickle-teeth near tip; lower 2-3-(4) mm, 1-3-nerved, narrow elliptic-lanceolate, upper (2)-2.5-3.5-(4) mm, 3-nerved, ovate- to elliptic-lanceolate; margins minutely fimbriate. Lemma (2.5)-3-4-(5) mm, 5-nerved, ovate- to elliptic-lanceolate, subobtuse, in some long-liguled plants with fine hairs on lower ½-⅓ of midnerve and short hairs near base of lateral nerves, otherwise nerves scabrid or smooth, internerves densely scabrid to smooth, rarely with a few scattered hairs near base; margins glabrous to finely ciliate-scabrid. Palea 2-4-(5) mm, keels finely ciliate-scabrid, interkeel minutely pubescent-scabrid. Callus in long-liguled forms sometimes with a tuft of tangled hairs, otherwise glabrous or very rarely with a few short wispy hairs. Rachilla 0.5-1 mm, smooth to strongly densely scabrid. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm. Anthers 1-2 mm. Caryopsis c. 1-2 × 0.5 mm. 2n= 28. Plate 7E.
Taxonomic concepts
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi var. breviligulata Petrie
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f. var. colensoi
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi var. guthrie-smithiana (Petrie) Zotov
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi var. intermedia (Buchanan) Cheeseman
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 April 2006