Poa sudicola Edgar

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Poa sudicola Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 24: 437-439, Figs 1 & 13 (1986)
Poa sudicola Edgar
437-439, Figs 1 & 13
Poa sudicola Edgar
Poa sudicola
Poa sudicola Edgar
2n = 28
Poa sudicola Edgar
Long-rhizomatous, narrow-leaved perennial, forming greyish-green extravaginal tufts, to 25 cm tall; laminae persistent. Sheaths light greenishbrown, faintly purpled above, smooth or occasionally scabrous between nerves, membranous, keeled, with a few prominent nerves; ligule 0.5—1—(1.5) mm long, entire, smooth across top, truncate but ± abruptly pointed at centre, minutely ciliate-scabrous abaxially; lamina (2)—5—9—(12) mm long, wiry, inrolled and c. 1 mm wide, smooth, adaxially quite glabrous or with scattered short hairs especially near margins, abaxially glabrous, tip acicular. Culms 10- 25 cm tall, slender, glabrous, smooth. Panicle 2- 4.5-(6) cm long, with few, ± spreading branchlets; rachis glabrous, smooth, branchlets very slender, glabrous, smooth, tipped by very few, narrow spikelets. Spikelets 6-9 mm long, 3-4-flowered, greenish- brown. Glumes subequal, glabrous, smooth, rarely with a few minute teeth on midnerve near apex, acute to subobtuse; lower glume (3)-3.5- 4 mm long, 1-3-nerved, narrow-elliptic, upper (3.5)-4-4.5 mm long, 3-5-nerved, more broadly ovate. Lemma 4.5—5-(6) mm long, 5-7-(9)-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, glabrous apart from short hairs on midnerve for 2/3 length and on lateral nerves near base, with some longer hairs at very base, smooth apart from minute prickle teeth on midnerve and lateral nerves near tip, margins narrowmembranous, entire. Palea 3-4-(5) mm long, much narrower, and noticeably shorter than lemma, sparsely, minutely fine-ciliate on keels, elsewhere smooth and glabrous. Callus with tufts of long fine hairs just below mid- and lateral nerves of lemma. Rachilla less than 1 mm long, glabrous, smooth, or occasionally with a few microscopic prickle-teeth. Dioecious: ♂ with anthers 2.9-3.3 mm long, gynoecium 0.7-1.3 mm long; ♀ with pollen-sterile anthers 0.6—1—( 1.4) mm long, gynoecium (1.5)-2- 2.5 mm long, caryopsis 1-2 mm long.
Gramen pcrenne rhizomate longissimo, marginibus foliorum griseoviridium involutis: Poae novae-zelandiae affine lacvibus paniculae ramulis lemmatis nervis ad basem pilosis calloque villoso-barbato, differt autem habitu et foliis sed praesertim plantis dioecis non gynomonoecis ut in Poa novae-zelandiae.
Poa sudicola Edgar
Long-rhizomatous, narrow-leaved, greyish green perennial tufts, to 25 cm; branching intravaginal; leaf-blades persistent. Leaf-sheath light greenish brown, faintly purpled above, smooth or occasionally scabrid between ribs, membranous, keeled, with a few prominent ribs. Ligule 0.5-1-(1.5) mm, apically glabrous, entire, truncate with ± abrupt central peak, abaxially minutely pubescent-scabrid. Leaf-blade (2)-5-9-(12) cm, inrolled, c. 1 mm diam., wiry, abaxially glabrous, adaxially glabrous or with scattered short hairs especially near margins; tip acicular. Culm 10-25 cm, slender, internodes glabrous. Panicle 2-4.5-(6) cm, with few, ± spreading branches; rachis glabrous, branches very slender, glabrous, tipped by very few, narrow spikelets. Spikelets 6-9 mm, 3-4-flowered, greenish brown. Glumes subequal, glabrous, rarely with a few minute prickle-teeth on midnerve near tip, acute to subobtuse; lower (3)-3.5-4 mm, 1-3-nerved, narrow-elliptic, upper (3.5)-4-4.5 mm, 3-5-nerved, more broadly ovate. Lemma 4.5-5-(6) mm, 5-7-(9)-nerved, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, glabrous apart from short hairs on lower ⅔ of midnerve and on lateral nerves near base, with some longer hairs at very base, smooth apart from minute prickle-teeth on nerves near tip, and near narrow-membranous, entire margins. Palea 3-4-(5) mm, much narrower and « lemma, keels sparsely, minutely fine-ciliate, interkeel finely scabrid, flanks glabrous. Callus with tufts of long fine hairs below lemma nerves. Rachilla < 1 mm, smooth, or occasionally with a few microscopic prickle-teeth. Lodicules 0.3-0.5 mm. Dioecious: ♂ with anthers 2.9-3.3 mm, gynoecium 0.7-1.3 mm; ♀ with pollen-sterile anthers 0.6-1-(1.2) mm, ovary 0.3-0.5 mm, stigma-styles 0.75-2.2 mm, mature caryopses not seen.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
3 May 2006