Poa antipoda Petrie

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Poa antipoda Petrie, Subantarctic Is. N. Z., 478 (1909)
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda
Poa antipoda Petrie
2n = 28
Poa antipoda Petrie
Soft, ± drooping, light green perennial tufts, c. 20-60 cm tall, stoloniferous, rooting at nodes; shoots extravaginal; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown, submembranous, distinctly nerved, smooth; ligule 1-4.5 mm long, entire, gradually narrowed to smooth, subacute top, slightly scabrous abaxially; lamina 7.5-25 cm × 2-4.5 mm, flat, soft, almost entirely smooth throughout but minutely scabrous adaxially just above ligule and abaxially near straight-sided narrow acute tip. Culm (8)-18-50 cm tall, smooth. Panicle 5-15 cm long, ± lax and usually open with spreading branchlets; rachis usually almost smooth, branches almost smooth to sparsely scabrous. Spikelets 4-6 mm long, (2)-3-4-flowered, brownish-green. Glumes ± unequal, narrow-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, smooth, apart from a few teeth on midrib in upper half; lower glume 1.5-3 mm long, 1-nerved, upper 2-3.5 mm long, 3-nerved. Lemma 2.5-5 mm long, 3-(5)-nerved, ± elliptic, acute, with longer hairs on lower half of midnerve and at base of lateral nerves and fine teeth on midnerve above hair, internerves smooth or sometimes slightly scabrous near tip. Palea 2-4 mm long, smooth between shortly ciliate- scabrous keels. Lodicules 0.4-0.5 mm long. Callus with narrow tuft of long fine hairs. Rachilla 0.5 mm long, smooth, projection twice as long. Anthers 0.5-1 mm long, mainly pollen-sterile. Caryopsis not seen. Endemic
Poa antipoda Petrie
Soft, ± drooping, light green stoloniferous perennial tufts, c. 20-60 cm, rooting at nodes; branching extravaginal; leaf-blades persistent. Leaf-sheath light green to light brown, submembranous, distinctly ribbed, glabrous. Ligule 1-4.5 mm, entire, apically glabrous, gradually narrowed and subacute, abaxially slightly scabrid. Leaf-blade 7.5-25 cm × 2-4.5 mm, flat, soft, smooth almost throughout but minutely scabrid abaxially near straight-sided narrow acute tip and adaxially just above ligule. Culm (8)-18-50 cm, internodes glabrous. Panicle 5-15 cm, ± lax and usually open with spreading branches; rachis usually ± smooth, branches ± smooth to sparsely scabrid. Spikelets 4-6 mm, (2)-3-4-flowered, brownish green. Glumes ± unequal, narrow-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, glabrous, apart from a few prickle-teeth on midrib in upper ½; lower 1.5-3 mm, 1-nerved, upper 2-3.5 mm, 3-nerved. Lemma 2.5-5 mm, 3-(5)-nerved, ± elliptic, acute, with long hairs on lower ½ of midnerve and at base of lateral nerves and fine prickle-teeth on midnerve above, internerves glabrous or sometimes slightly scabrid near tip. Palea 2-4 mm, keels shortly ciliate-scabrid, interkeel glabrous. Callus with narrow tuft of long fine hairs. Rachilla 0.5 mm, glabrous; prolongation twice as long. Lodicules 0.4-0.5 mm. Anthers 0.5-1 mm, mainly pollen-sterile. Caryopsis not seen.
Taxonomic concepts
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda Petrie
Poa antipoda Petrie
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
4 May 2006