de Lange, P.J.; Heenan, P.B.; Given, D.R.; Norton, D.A.; Ogle, C.C.; Johnson, P.N.; Cameron, E.K. 1999: Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 37: 603–628.

de Lange, P.J.; Heenan, P.B.; Given, D.R.; Norton, D.A.; Ogle, C.C.; Johnson, P.N.; Cameron, E.K. 1999: Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 37: 603–628.
Taxonomic concepts
Brachyscome (a) (WELT 10278; Ward)
Brachyscome (b) (CHR 518295; Pareora River)
Calochilus aff. herbaceus (CHR 65825; Kaimaumau)
Celmisia aff. discolor (CHR 197967; Fiordland)
Celmisia aff. gracilenta (a) (CHR 282958; Te Mata Peak)
Celmisia aff. gracilenta (b) (CHR 469722; Mangaweka)
Coriaria (a) (CHR 469745; Rimutaka)
Craspedia (a) (CHR 511522; Clutha River)
Craspedia (b) (CHR 516324; Leatham)
Craspedia (c) (CHR 529115; Kaitorete Spit)
Craspedia (d) (CHR 245893; Otakeho)
Craspedia (e) (CHR 514391; "tarn")
Craspedia (f) (CHR 514362; Hackett River)
Craspedia (g) (CHR 469764; Pikikiruna Range)
Craspedia (h) (CHR 260312; Gouland Downs)
Craspedia (i) (CHR 395643; Fyfe River)
Craspedia (j) (CHR 516302; Lake Heron)
Craspedia aff. minor (AK 228704; Chatham Island)
Euphrasia (a) (CHR 471903; "white")
Galium aff. perpusillum (CHR 476063; Kaitorete)
Gentiana aff. divisa (CHR 494906; Mt. Barefell)
Geranium (a) (CHR 518296; Pareora River)
Geranium (b) (CHR 469918; Red Hills)
Helichrysum aff. aggregatum (AK 54473; Surville Cliffs)
Hypsela aff. rivalis (CHR 369981; Burgoo Stream)
Lepidium aff. oleraceum (a) (AK 230459; Chatham Islands)
Lepidium aff. oleraceum (b) (AK 208579; Antipodes Islands)
Lepidium aff. oleraceum (c) (CANU 5995; Snares Islands)
Melicytus (a) (CHR 355077; Matiri Range)
Melicytus aff. obovatus (AK 100107; Cook Strait)
Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau)
Notothlaspi (a) (CHR 363071; Red Hills)
Olearia (a) (AK 178700; Hauturu Range)
Peperomia aff. urvilleana (AK 206056; Great Barrier Island)
Phyllocladus aff. trichomanoides (AK 138439; Surville Cliffs)
Pimelea aff. arenaria (AK 216133; Southern New Zealand)
Pimelea aff. aridula (a) (CHR 282959; Te Mata Peak)
Pimelea aff. aridula (c) (CHR 402249; Moawhango)
Prasophyllum aff. patens (AK 236408; New Zealand)
Prasophyllum patens sensu Cheeseman
Pratia aff. angulata (AK 212143; Woodhill)
Pseudognaphalium (a) (CHR 365358; Zoo)
Ranunculus aff. royi (CHR 513327; Waihao)
Ranunculus aff. stylosus (CHR 515131; Manuhune)
Rhopalostylis aff. sapida (AK 227148; Chatham Islands)
Spiranthes "Motutangi"
Spiranthes aff. novae-zelandiae (CHR 518297; Motutangi)
Cited scientific names
- Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw.
- Brachyscome (a) (WELT 10278; Ward)
- Brachyscome (b) (CHR 518295; Pareora River)
- Calochilus aff. herbaceus
- Calochilus aff. herbaceus (CHR 65825; Kaimaumau)
- Celmisia aff. discolor (CHR 197967; Fiordland)
- Celmisia aff. gracilenta (a) (CHR 282958; Te Mata Peak)
- Celmisia aff. gracilenta (b) (CHR 469722; Mangaweka)
- Celmisia discolor Hook.f.
- Celmisia gracilenta Hook.f.
- Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy
- Coprosma aff. obconica (AK 36254; Surville Cliffs)
- Coriaria (a) (CHR 469745; Rimutaka)
- Craspedia (a) (CHR 511522; Clutha River)
- Craspedia (b) (CHR 516324; Leatham)
- Craspedia (c) (CHR 529115; Kaitorete Spit)
- Craspedia (d) (CHR 245893; Otakeho)
- Craspedia (e) (CHR 514391; "tarn")
- Craspedia (f) (CHR 514362; Hackett River)
- Craspedia (g) (CHR 469764; Pikikiruna Range)
- Craspedia (h) (CHR 260312; Gouland Downs)
- Craspedia (i) (CHR 395643; Fyfe River)
- Craspedia (j) (CHR 516302; Lake Heron)
- Craspedia aff. minor (AK 228704; Chatham Island)
- Craspedia minor (Hook.f.) Allan
- Euphrasia (a) (CHR 471903; "white")
- Galium aff. perpusillum (CHR 476063; Kaitorete)
- Galium perpusillum (Hook.f.) Allan
- Gentiana aff. divisa (CHR 494906; Mt. Barefell)
- Gentiana divisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Geranium (a) (CHR 518296; Pareora River)
- Geranium (b) (CHR 469918; Red Hills)
- Hebe bishopiana (Petrie) Hatch
- Hebe bollonsii (Cockayne) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe brevifolia (Cheeseman) de Lange
- Hebe ligustrifolia A.Cunn.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe scopulorum Bayly, de Lange & Garn.-Jones
- Helichrysum aff. aggregatum (AK 54473; Surville Cliffs)
- Hibiscus aff. trionum (AK 218967; North Island)
- Hypsela aff. rivalis (CHR 369981; Burgoo Stream)
- Hypsela rivalis E.Wimm.
- Isoetes kirkii A.Braun
- Lepidium aff. oleraceum (a) (AK 230459; Chatham Islands)
- Lepidium aff. oleraceum (b) (AK 208579; Antipodes Islands)
- Lepidium aff. oleraceum (c) (CANU 5995; Snares Islands)
- Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
- Leucopogon aff. parviflorus (AK 130914; Surville Cliffs)
- Limosella "Manutahi"
- Limosella "Opunake"
- Lobelia angulata G.Forst.
- Melicytus (a) (CHR 355077; Matiri Range)
- Melicytus aff. obovatus (AK 100107; Cook Strait)
- Melicytus obovatus (Kirk) Garn.-Jones
- Myosotis "Mossburn"
- Myosotis "Mt. Tapuaenuku"
- Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau)
- Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
- Notothlaspi (a) (CHR 363071; Red Hills)
- Olearia (a) (AK 178700; Hauturu Range)
- Parahebe catarractae (G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Peperomia aff. urvilleana (AK 206056; Great Barrier Island)
- Peperomia urvilleana A.Rich.
- Phyllocladus aff. trichomanoides (AK 138439; Surville Cliffs)
- Phyllocladus trichomanoides G.Benn ex D.Don
- Pimelea (a) (CHR 495025; Turakina)
- Pimelea aff. arenaria (AK 216133; Southern New Zealand)
- Pimelea aff. aridula (a) (CHR 282959; Te Mata Peak)
- Pimelea aff. aridula (c) (CHR 402249; Moawhango)
- Pimelea arenaria A.Cunn.
- Pimelea aridula Cheeseman
- Pimelea aridula Cockayne
- Polystichum vestitum (G.Forst.) C.Presl
- Prasophyllum aff. patens (AK 236408; New Zealand)
- Prasophyllum hectorii (Buchanan) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
- Prasophyllum patens sensu Cheeseman
- Pratia aff. angulata (AK 212143; Woodhill)
- Pseudognaphalium (a) (CHR 365358; Zoo)
- Ranunculus (a) (AKU 19876; Hope)
- Ranunculus aff. royi (CHR 513327; Waihao)
- Ranunculus aff. stylosus (CHR 515131; Manuhune)
- Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
- Ranunculus stylosus H.D.Wilson & Garn.-Jones
- Rhopalostylis aff. sapida (AK 227148; Chatham Islands)
- Rhopalostylis sapida H.Wendl. & Drude
- Spiranthes "Motutangi"
- Spiranthes aff. novae-zelandiae (CHR 518297; Motutangi)
- Thelymitra "Ahipara"
- Thelymitra (a) (WELT 79140; Ahipara)
12 September 2016