Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie 2008
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Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie, Mycoscience 49 9 (2008)
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie 2008
(Cooke) McKenzie
Uromyces inflatus
Amphigena. Soris irregularibus, bullatis, din tectis (2 mm. long), pallidis. Uredosporis subglobosis, laevibus (18 x 14 µ). hyalinis, vix tinctis (siccis) episporio crassis, pedicello brevi.
On living leaves of Ligusticum latifolium. Campbell Island, New Zealand. (Kirk, 346.)
Host: Anisotome latifolia Hook. f. (=Ligusticum latifolium Hook. f.). On leaves. Herb. No. 41. Campbell Islands, T. Kirk! 1890. (Type collection.)
II. Uredosori amphigenous, crowded or scattered, seldom confluent, irregular in shape, usually elliptical when up to 4 mm. long, bullate, pallid ferruginous, long covered by the epidermis. Spores globose or shortly elliptical, 25-35 X 22-32 mmm.; epispore hyaline, minutely and densely verruculose (appearing smooth when wet), up to 6 mmm. thick, slightly thickened at the apex (2-3 mmm.), cell-contents granular, tinted cinnamon; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 25 X 5 mmm.; germ-pores indistinct.
Distribution: Campbell Islands.
The host is endemic, and confined to the Campbell and Auckland Islands. (Cheeseman, 1906. p. 215.)
This species is characterized by the almost smooth thick and hyaline epispore. This may prove to be a species of Uromyces, but this can be verified only by germinating the spores, and as the material at hand is too old (all attempts to germinate the spores having failed) it is retained here for the present.
This species is characterized by the almost smooth thick and hyaline epispore. This may prove to be a species of Uromyces, but this can be verified only by germinating the spores, and as the material at hand is too old (all attempts to germinate the spores having failed) it is retained here for the present.
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie 2008
Auckland Islands, Adams Island, Fairchild’s Garden, on Anisotome sp. [Apiaceae], March 22,2006, P.R. Johnston (PDD 87920–II). Campbell Island (Cooke 1890; Cunningham 1924, 1931; McKenzie and Foggo1989), on Anisotome antipoda Hook. f., February 1984, T.K. Crosby (PDD 53798 – II); on A. latifolia Hook. f., 1890,T. Kirk (PDD 41 – III – holotype of Uredo inflata); on A.latifolia, January 1981, M.N. Foggo (PDD 53586 – III);on A. latifolia, January 29, 1984, T.K. Crosby (PDD 45179– II, III); South Col, by track to Asimuth, on A. latifolia, February 6, 1984, T.K. Crosby (PDD 83459 – III); NorthWest Bay, on A. latifolia, March 13, 2000, P.R. Johnston (PDD 72455 – III); hills above head of North East Stream,on A. latifolia, March 14, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD73902 – III); fence line from Tucker Cove, on A. latifolia, March 2000, E. Edwards (PDD 72457 – III).
Pycnia and aecia not known. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered, yellowish, bullate, ellipsoidal, up to 3 x 1 mm,long-covered by epidermis. Urediniospores 28–38(–48) x (15–)17.5–21.5(–23) µm (av. of 50 x 34.0 x 19.7 µm), obovoid, ellipsoidal or pyriform, contents yellow, wall 1.25–2.5 µm thick, colorless, coarsely echinulate, germ pores obscure. Telia amphigenous, scattered or crowded, yellowish, bullate, ellipsoidal, up to 3 x 1 mm, long covered by epidermis. Teliospores 19.5–25 x 16–20(–21.5) µm, (mean of 60 spores, 21.9 x 18.5 µm), subglobose, contents pale luteus, wall 2.5–4 µm thick, sometimes slightly thickened at apex, smooth or slightly verruculose especially near apex, luteus, germ pore obscure, pedicels up to 15 x 3 µm, but usually broken shorter, hyaline.
This endemic rust is known only from Auckland Islands and Campbell Island. Although originally described in the genus Uredo, Cunningham (1931) suggested that the spores resembled teliospores of a Uromyces. The sole specimen from Auckland Islands and two specimens from Campbell Island have a second spore type present; these spores are obviously urediniospores. The spores originally described by Cooke (1890) and redescribed by Cunningham (1931) are teliospores. The new combination, Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie, is made following Article 59 of the Botanical Code.
Taxonomic concepts
Uredo inflata Cooke (1890)
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie 2008
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie 2008
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie (2008)
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie 2008
Uromyces inflatus (Cooke) McKenzie (2008)
Global name resources
scientific name
26 September 2005
26 March 2008