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Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965

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M.M. Moser
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser
NZ holotype
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus

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Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965

Holotype (PDD 1099): 'On ground, Mt. Dun, Nelson, May 1923; leg. J.C. Neill'. - Herb. HK. ZT 67/147: 'Cave Stream, Craigieburn Range., Prov. Canterbury, N.Z.; leg Horak, 12.X.1967'. - Herb. HK. ZT 67/171: 'Lake Rotoiti. Prov. Nelson, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 25.X.1967'.
Gastrocarp 5-40 x 15-30 mm, globose or depressed globose, peridium up to 2 mm diam., enrolled towards the margin and dehiscent from upper parts of the marginate base of the stipe, excavated, ochraceous to deep apricot yellow (especially at the centre), paler on drying, densely covered with fibrillose, concolorous squamules of the veil, scabrid, dry. Gleba cellular, chambers oval, up to 3 mm diam., irregularly arranged, exposed only in aged carpophores, rust brown. Stipe (columella) absent or obliquely developed, -30 x 2-3(-22) mm, base of stipe marginate, turbiniform, columella tapering towards the apex and emerging into the peridium or irregularly branched or lacking altogether, base of stipe concolorous with peridium, squamulose from remnants of the veil. Context whitish to yellow-brown. Odor and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on peridium: KOH - brown; HCl - yellowish; NH3 - negative.
Spores 12-15 x 8,5 µm, broadly ovate, coarsely warted, perisporium well developed, axially symmetric, ferruginous. Basidia 35-50 x 10-12 µm, 4-spored Cystidia absent. Epicutis consisting of cylindric, repent, not gelatinised hyphae (3-12 µm diam.) forming a cutis, membranes encrusted with brownish pigment. Clamp connections present
On ground under Nothofagus spp. and Leptospermum scoparium. New Zealand.
The description has been drawn from the type and from two fresh collections made in the beech forests of South Island. The macroscopic characters of this species are well described by Cunningham who says that the peridium in appearance and to the touch closely resembles chamois leather. However, it seems that Cunningham never saw this fungus in fresh condition because he overlooked the significant turbinate base of the stipe. Microscopically this species also may be distinguished by the broadly ovate and strongly warted spores (Cunningham 1942: 86; Horak & Moser 1965: 228).

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Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser (1965)
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser (1965)
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser (1965)
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser (1965)

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Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Thaxterogaster cartilagineus (G. Cunn.) M.M. Moser 1965
New Zealand

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1 January 2000
4 December 2002
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