Rigidoporus aureofulvus (Lloyd) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

Rigidoporus aureofulvus (Lloyd) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
The holotype, and only collection of C. cartilaginea, is a young specimen of Coltricia aureofulva (holotype PDD 175; several other PDD collections also examined). In Cunningham (1965: 191) the two species are mainly separated on the mistaken difference in spore wall ornamentation. Spores of C. aureofulva are hyaline, smooth, subglobose, nonamyloid, (4.7-)5-6.5(-7.3) x (3.7-)4.5-5.5(-6) µm. Septa of generative hyphae were most readily observed in the trama. Pilei in the holotype of C. cartilaginea are smaller than those typical of C. aureofulva.
Coltricia aureofulva does not belong in Coltricia S.F. Gray, a member of the Hymenochaetaceae, as it does not share the brown hyphal colour nor the black xanthochroic reaction with KOH common to species in the genus. The orange colour, type of consistency, spores, and simple septate generative hyphae indicate that the species belongs in Rigidoporus Murr. The distinct reddening of hyphae in KOH reminds one of Pycnoporellus Murr. emend. Kotl. & Pouz. but other characters such as pore size, spore shape, and absence of cystidia do not conform to this genus.
Fruit-bodies shortly effuso-reflexed, sessile, dark ferruginous brown. Pileus -7 mm radius, slightly ascending, inoderm or subtomentose, even, neither sulcate nor zoned; margin thin, acute, entire, pale fulvous. Tubes -3 mm long; pores 150¬300 µm wide, angular, entire, with minutely fimbriate entire dissepiments 40-150 µm thick, greyish brown. Flesh 1-1.5 mm thick at the base of the pileus, sappy, dark brown, without crust.
Spores 9-11.5 x 4-5.5 µm, golden fulvous, rather mango-shaped, subacute to subtruncate at the apex, with slightly thickened and minutely punctate verruculose wall, 1 large gutta 3-4 µm wide in the dried spore. Basidia 20-27 x 7-8 µm; sterigmata 4, 5 µm long. Setae and cystidia none. Hyphae monomitic without clamps, as in C. deceptiva, 5-8 µm wide in the pileus, dilated in places -12 µm, longitudinal, loose, with Y-branching, rather closely septate at intervals 20-150 µm apart; in the dissepiments 3-5(-6) µm wide, rather loose, not strictly longitudinal, the smooth yellowish brown walls 0.5-1 µm thick. Surface of pileus with loosely appressed hyphal ends projecting forwards, not in a distinct tomentum.
Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.Auckland. Erua Track, Mt. Hauhangatahi, 2,200 feet, Jan. 1932, G.H.C. Canterbury. Lake Sumner, Sept. 1947, G.B.Rawlings. Weinmannia racemosa L.f. Westland. Weheka, 600 feet., Dec. 1946, Joan Dingley.Unknown Hosts. Wellington. Lake Papaetonga, 50 feet, Jan. 1919, G.H.C., type collection; Pukematawai, Tararua Ranges, 1,700 feet, Feb. 1933, E.E.Chamberlain; Ruahine Ranges, October 1946, A.P.Druce.
Growing usually imbricate on decorticated rotting logs.
LOCALITY: Lake Papaetonga, New Zealand.
LOCALITY: Tararua Ranges, Wellington.