Corner, E.J.H. 1991: Ad Polyporaceas VII. The xanthochroic polypores. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 101.
Fruit-bodies shortly effuso-reflexed, sessile, dark ferruginous brown. Pileus -7 mm radius, slightly ascending, inoderm or subtomentose, even, neither sulcate nor zoned; margin thin, acute, entire, pale fulvous. Tubes -3 mm long; pores 150¬300 µm wide, angular, entire, with minutely fimbriate entire dissepiments 40-150 µm thick, greyish brown. Flesh 1-1.5 mm thick at the base of the pileus, sappy, dark brown, without crust.
Spores 9-11.5 x 4-5.5 µm, golden fulvous, rather mango-shaped, subacute to subtruncate at the apex, with slightly thickened and minutely punctate verruculose wall, 1 large gutta 3-4 µm wide in the dried spore. Basidia 20-27 x 7-8 µm; sterigmata 4, 5 µm long. Setae and cystidia none. Hyphae monomitic without clamps, as in C. deceptiva, 5-8 µm wide in the pileus, dilated in places -12 µm, longitudinal, loose, with Y-branching, rather closely septate at intervals 20-150 µm apart; in the dissepiments 3-5(-6) µm wide, rather loose, not strictly longitudinal, the smooth yellowish brown walls 0.5-1 µm thick. Surface of pileus with loosely appressed hyphal ends projecting forwards, not in a distinct tomentum.
Cited scientific names
- Coltricia cartilaginea G. Cunn. 1965
- Coltricia cinnamomea (Jacq.) Murrill 1904
- Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill 1903
- Coltricia salpincta (Cooke) G. Cunn. 1948
- Coltriciella cartilaginea (G. Cunn.) Corner 1991
- Coltriciella dependens (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Murrill 1904
- Fomes hamatus (Corner) Imazeki 1940
- Fomes scruposus (Fr.) G. Cunn. 1948
- Fomes setulosus sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Inonotus tabacinus (Mont.) G. Cunn. 1948
- Phellinus gilvus (Schwein.) Pat. 1900
- Phellinus setulosus sensu G. Cunn. 1965
- Phellinus wahlbergii (Fr.) D.A. Reid 1975