Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871

Vernacular names
Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
This species is readly recognised by its brilliant red colour, the ± triangular lamellae and the scurfy pileus, composed of rather large, non gelatinised hyphae (Amolds,1977). New Zealand and Australian records of H. miniata have already been reported in the last century by Cooke (1879), Colenso (1890), and Massee (1898). It is likely that H. coccineus (Fr.) Fr. ss. Massee (1898) and Stevenson (1962) also represent the same taxon.
In some of the New Zealand collections of H. miniata reported here with the colour of the gills was observed to vary from whitish (cf. H. helobius. Arnolds 1974) or red-orange to scarlet. Since this often age-dependent colour change is noted also on basidiomes within the same population this character obviously has no significant taxonomic value.