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Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838

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(Fr.) Fr.
Hygrophorus miniatus

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Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838

On the ground. Maungaroa (154).

Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838

Pileus 1.5-2-5 cm. across, flesh thin, convex, obtuse, then umbilicate, at first even, glabrous, and crimson, then becoming pale, opaque, and squamulose ; gills adnate, not at all decurrent, distant, distinct, rather thick and firm, yellow, or sometimes more or less tinged with crimson; stem 3-5 cm. long, about 2 mm. thick, even, glabrous, shining, crimson, equal, round, imperfectly stuffed; spores elliptical, 10 x 6 µ.
Maungaroa, New Zealand. Europe, Australia, Ceylon.
Among grass, in pastures, roads, &c.
Pileus becoming umbilicate, bleached, and squamulose when old.

Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838

This was also recorded by Massee, i.e. supra, but the writer has not collected it. Both these species are described and illustrated by Lange and others.

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Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. 1838
Hygrophorus miniatus (Fr.) Fr. (1838)

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scientific name
23 June 1998
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