Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878

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Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc., Michelia 1 386 (1878)
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Anamorph: Phomopsis sarmentella (Sacc.) Traverso (1906). Alpha-conidia 5-6 x 2-3 µm.
Teleomorph: barely visible on the host surface, internally with a black zone line. Ascomata ca 300 µm diam., gregarious, immersed in bark or with the base sunk into the wood, ostioles scarcely exceeding the epidermis. Asci 45 x 7-8 µm. Ascospores 10 x 4-5 µm, cylindrical, constricted at the septum, 4-guttulate, initally with a gelatinous sheath.
Description contributed by Graham Kinsey, CABI.
Abstract: A fungus disease, which was first observed on hops in 1937 and not hitherto mentioned in scientific literature, has been taken as a new species which the author has called Plenodomus humuli Kuznecova. Burning the old hop vines is one of the measures for preventing the spread of the disease. Bordeaux mixture and certain other chemical compounds in solution have been found effective when hop cuttings have been soaked in them
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
in sarmentis emortuis Humuli Lupulirt Selva, Apr. 1874 et Oct. 1877.
Stromate caules late ambiente, at superiicie vix manifesto, intra lignum vero zona nigra tortuosa excurrente circumscripto ; peritheciis gregariis, globosis , l / 3 mill. diam., in cortice nidulantibus v. basi ligno insculptis ostiolis epidermidem nonnihil excedentibus; ascis oblongo-fusoideis, 45 * 7-8, utrinque obtusiusculis, aparaphysatis, octosporis; sporidiis inordinate distichis, oblongis, 10*? 4-5, constricto-1-septatis, utrinque subacutis, 4-guttulatis, hyalinis, strato mucoso initio obvolutis.
Taxonomic concepts
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc.
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc.
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc.
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Phoma sarmentella Sacc.
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Phomopsis sarmentella (Sacc.) Traverso
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Plenodomus humuli A.P. Kusnezowa
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Plenodomus humuli A.P. Kusnezowa
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc. 1878
Plenodomus humuli Kusnezova
Global name resources
scientific name
8 April 2022
8 April 2022