Recorded name | Association type | Associated organism (recorded name) | Associated organism (current name) | Country | Reference | Substrate |
Claviceps microcephala (Wallr.) Tul. 1853
has host |
Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
Germany | PDD (Records from Germany.) | |
Claviceps microcephala (Wallr.) Tul. 1853
has host |
Phragmites communis Trin. 1820
Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.
Germany | PDD (Records from Germany.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum L.
Triticum aestivum L.
Braithwaite, M.; Alexander, B.J.R.; Adams, R.L.M.
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agrostis capillaris L.
Agrostis capillaris L.
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus hordeaceus L.
Bromus hordeaceus L.
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Brien, R.M. (1939)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1951)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1951)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1953)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1955)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1955)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agrostis capillaris L.
Agrostis capillaris L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. elatius
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. elatius
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus hordeaceus L.
Bromus hordeaceus L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium perenne L.
Lolium perenne L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phleum pratense L.
Phleum pratense L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa cita Edgar
Poa cita Edgar
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa pratensis L.
Poa pratensis L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub
Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P.Baeuv.
Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P.Baeuv.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum L.
Triticum aestivum L.
Dingley, J.M. (1954)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agrostis capillaris L.
Agrostis capillaris L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. elatius
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. elatius
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus hordeaceus L.
Bromus hordeaceus L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium perenne L.
Lolium perenne L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phleum pratense L.
Phleum pratense L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa cita Edgar
Poa cita Edgar
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa pratensis L.
Poa pratensis L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub
Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P.Baeuv.
Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P.Baeuv.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum L.
Triticum aestivum L.
Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa litorosa Cheeseman
Poa litorosa Cheeseman
Godley, E.J. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca glauca Vill.
Festuca glauca Vill.
Harvey, I.C.; Braithwaite, M. (1982)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Kirk, T.W. (1906)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
Kirk, T.W. (1906)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
Kirk, T.W. (1907)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Kirk, T.W. (1907)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium perenne L.
Lolium perenne L.
Kirk, T.W. (1907)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P.Baeuv.
Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P.Baeuv.
Kirk, T.W. (1907)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum × perenne
Lolium multiflorum × perenne
Latch, G.C.M. (1966)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium perenne L.
Lolium perenne L.
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Rytidosperma unarede (Raoul) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma unarede (Raoul) Connor & Edgar
McKenzie, E.H.C. (1991)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum vulgare subsp. distichon L.
Hordeum vulgare subsp. distichon L.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Dingley, J.M. (1996)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Johnston, P.R. (1999)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria declinata Bréb.
Glyceria declinata Bréb.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Johnston, P.R. (1999)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
×Agropogon littoralis (Sm.) C.E.Hubb.
×Agropogon littoralis (Sm.) C.E.Hubb.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Alopecurus pratensis L.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rigida (Raoul) Zotov
Chionochloa rigida (Raoul) Zotov
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa teretifolia (Petrie) Zotov
Chionochloa teretifolia (Petrie) Zotov
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca rubra subsp. commutata Gaudin
Festuca rubra subsp. commutata Gaudin
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hierochloe novae-zelandiae Gand.
Hierochloe novae-zelandiae Gand.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst.
Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev
Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris aquatica L.
Phalaris aquatica L.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris canariensis L.
Phalaris canariensis L.
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Rytidosperma buchananii (Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma buchananii (Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
McKenzie, E.H.C.; Latch, G.C.M. (1984)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phleum pratense L.
Phleum pratense L.
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa pratensis L.
Poa pratensis L.
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub
Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum L.
Triticum aestivum L.
Neill, J.C. (1941)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Argentina | PDD (Records from Argentina.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. 1993
Australia | PDD (Records from Australia.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Austria | PDD (Records from Austria.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
Austria | PDD (Records from Austria.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris arundinacea L. 1753
Phalaris arundinacea L. 1753
Canada | PDD (Records from Canada.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca gigantea Vill.
Lolium giganteum Darbysh.
Germany | PDD (Records from Germany.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agropogon littoralis C.E. Hubb.
Agropyron lutosus P. Fourn.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Alopecurus pratensis L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agropyron scabrum (R.Br.) P.Beauv. 1812
Anthosachne scabra Nevski
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Austroderia fulvida (Buchanan) N.P.Barker & H.P.Linder
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Austroderia toetoe (Zotov) N.P.Barker & H.P.Linder
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa pallens Zotov 1963
Chionochloa pallens Zotov 1963
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rigida (Raoul) Zotov
Chionochloa rigida (Raoul) Zotov
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa teretifolia (Petrie) Zotov
Chionochloa teretifolia (Petrie) Zotov
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Ehrharta diplax F.Muell. 1870
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agropyron repens (L.) P.Beauv.
Elymus repens (L.) Gould
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca glauca Vill.
Festuca glauca Vill.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria ×pedicellata F.Towns. 1850
Glyceria ×pedicellata F.Towns. 1850
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria declinata Bréb.
Glyceria declinata Bréb.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hierochloe fusca Zotov
Hierochloe fusca Zotov
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hierochloe novae-zelandiae Gand.
Hierochloe novae-zelandiae Gand.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum distichon L.
Hordeum distichon L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum murinum L.
Hordeum murinum L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum vulgare L.
Hordeum vulgare L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus arenarius L.
Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus giganteus Vahl
Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. 1993
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.
Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. 1993
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca gigantea Vill.
Lolium giganteum Darbysh.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium perenne L.
Lolium perenne L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca pratensis
Lolium pratense (Huds.) Darbysh. 1993
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Paspalum distichum L.
Paspalum distichum L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris tuberosa L. 1771
Phalaris aquatica L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris canariensis L.
Phalaris canariensis L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phleum pratense L.
Phleum pratense L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
Poa colensoi Hook.f.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa caespitosa Poiret 1804
Poa nemoralis L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Notodanthonia buchananii (Hook.f.) Zotov 1963
Rytidosperma buchananii (Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Rytidosperma unarede (Raoul) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma unarede (Raoul) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cockaynea gracilis (Hook.f.) Zotov 1943
Stenostachys gracilis (Hook.f.) Connor
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum L.
Triticum aestivum L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum var. monococcum L.H. Bailey
Triticum monococcum
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | flower head |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | flowering heads |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | grass |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | inflorescence |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria declinata Bréb.
Glyceria declinata Bréb.
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | inflorescence, live |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | is host of |
Cerebella andropogonis Ces. 1851
Epicoccum andropogonis (Ces.) Schol-Schwarz 1959
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | is host of |
Gibberella gordonii C. Booth 1971
Fusarium heterosporum Nees & T. Nees 1818
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | is host of |
Fusarium heterosporum var. congoense (Wollenw.) Wollenw. 1931
Fusarium heterosporum var. congoense (Wollenw.) Wollenw. 1931
New Zealand | PDD (Records from New Zealand.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
Switzerland | PDD (Records from Switzerland.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
United Kingdom | PDD (Records from United Kingdom.) | |
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
×Agropogon littoralis (Sm.) C.E.Hubb.
×Agropogon littoralis (Sm.) C.E.Hubb.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Agrostis capillaris L.
Agrostis capillaris L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Alopecurus pratensis L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. elatius
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl subsp. elatius
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Bromus inermis Leyss.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Bromus mollis L.
Bromus mollis L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Chionochloa flavescens Zotov
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rigida (Raoul) Zotov
Chionochloa rigida (Raoul) Zotov
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Chionochloa rubra Zotov
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Chionochloa teretifolia (Petrie) Zotov
Chionochloa teretifolia (Petrie) Zotov
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve subsp. murinum
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Cynosurus cristatus L.
Cynosurus cristatus L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dactylis glomerata L.
Dactylis glomerata L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Echinopogon ovatus (G.Forst.) P.Beauv.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus narduroides (Turcz.) A.Löve & Connor 1982
Elymus narduroides (Turcz.) A.Löve & Connor 1982
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca glauca Vill.
Festuca glauca Vill.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Festuca pratensis
Festuca pratensis
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hierochloe novae-zelandiae Gand.
Hierochloe novae-zelandiae Gand.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Holcus lanatus L.
Holcus lanatus L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst.
Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev
Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum × perenne
Lolium multiflorum × perenne
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Lolium perenne L.
Lolium perenne L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Microlaena avenacea (Raoul) Hook.f.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris aquatica L.
Phalaris aquatica L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phalaris canariensis L.
Phalaris canariensis L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Phleum pratense L.
Phleum pratense L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa cita Edgar
Poa cita Edgar
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Poa foliosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Poa pratensis L.
Poa pratensis L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Puccinellia stricta (Hook.f.) Blom
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Rytidosperma buchananii (Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma buchananii (Hook.f.) Connor & Edgar
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Secale cereale L.
Secale cereale L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. 1853 | has host |
Triticum aestivum L.
Triticum aestivum L.
Pennycook, S.R. (1989)
scientific name
5 February 1993
20 October 2004