Petrini, L.E. 2003: Rosellinia and related genera in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41(1): 71-138.

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Petrini, L.E. 2003: Rosellinia and related genera in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41(1): 71-138.
has host
has host
SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: N of Kaukapakapa, vic. Glorit, Atuanui State Forest, Mt Auckland, on Cyathea dealbata, 11 Sep 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49673; Waitakere Ranges, Anawhata Rd, on Cyathea dealbata, 9 Jun 1981, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 42047,* immature, anamorph on host.
Stromata breaking through the host epidermis, splitting it in a stellate manner (Fig. 1E), exposing the conidial state as white tufts, sometimes with host epidermis attached to its surface as white scales at an early stage. Stromata (375)438 ± 43(500) µm high, (500)657 ± 75(750) µm wide (n = 10), cylindrical to conical with almost flattened top, initially appearing white to light brown due to the attached host epidermis, black when fully emerged, with smooth surface, solitary. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma 25-50 µm thick. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (2.4)2.7 ± 0.2(2.8) µm high, upper width 2.8-4 µm, lower width 1.9- 2.8 µm (n = 6), without bulge at upper margin, J+, pale blue. Ascospores (13)14.6 ± 0.8(16.8) µm long, (6.7)7.5 ± 0.3(8.2) µm wide ( n = 45), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit, running over the whole spore length, some ascospores with a basal, 1 x 1 µm large, cellular appendage. Conidiophores variable in length, 2.5-5 µm in width, hyaline to light brown at base, as white tufts on young stromata, arising from parenchymatous cell tissue. Conidia 3-4 x 3 µm (n = 10), globose, hyaline to light brown.
ANAMORPH: Acanthodochium.
ANAMORPH: Acanthodochium.
HOST: Cyathea dealbata.
MATRIX: Rachides.
MATRIX: Rachides.
Stromata e hospitis epidermide erumpentia, epidermidem stellae ad instar secedentia, (375)438 ± 43(500) µm alta, (500)657 ± 75(750) µm lata, cylindracea vel conica apice fere applanato, primo alba ad pallide brunnea ob hospitis epidermidem, nigra cum omnino erumpentia, superficie laevi, solitaria. Ostiola subtiliter papillata. Asci annulus apicalis (2.4)2.7 ± 0.2(2.8) µm altus, parte superiore 2.8-4 µm, inferiore 1.9-2.8 µm latus, margine superiore non protuberanti, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (13)14.6 ± 0.8(16.8) µm longae, (6.7)7.5 ± 0.3(8.2) µm latae, inaequilateraliter ellipsoideae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta, ascospora tota recurrenti praeditae. Ascosporae nonnullae appendice cellulari 1 1 µm dimensione praeditae. Status anamorphosis Acanthodochium.
ETYMOLOGY: Referring to the host plant, Cyathea spp.
NOTES: Astrocystis cyatheae has non-splitting stromata and is characterised by ascospores with a cellular appendage. No stromatic remnants were detectable on the host epidermis folded away, as described for other Astrocystis species with splitting stromata such as A. mirabilis Berk. & Broome. On very young stromata the anamorph was observed as white to cream tufts. Its morphology corresponds to Acanthodochium.
That a fern is the host for this Astrocystis species is remarkable, as all other species of this genus are known from monocotyledons. So far, xylariaceous fungi have not been reported on pteridophytes (Rogers 1979).
Astrocystis species with a spore size roughly similar to that of A. cyatheae and non-splitting stromata are A. hughesii Læssøe & Spooner, A. palmarum Læssøe & Spooner, A. rachidis (Pat.) K.D.Hyde & J.Fröhlich, Astrocystis selangorensis G.J.D.Smith & K.D.Hyde, and Rosellinia albocincta Petch. Astrocystis hughesii has smaller stromata and ascospores with a shorter germ slit that is less than spore length. Astrocystis palmarum has much larger stromata and ascospores lacking an appendage. Astrocystis rachidis has smaller ascospores without an appendage and smaller ascus apical rings. Astrocystis selangorensis has larger ascospores with a cellular appendage, and its stromata are softwalled; the ascus apical rings are also larger (Smith & Hyde 2001). Rosellinia albocincta Petch has larger stromata and smaller ascospores without appendages.
NOTES: Astrocystis cyatheae has non-splitting stromata and is characterised by ascospores with a cellular appendage. No stromatic remnants were detectable on the host epidermis folded away, as described for other Astrocystis species with splitting stromata such as A. mirabilis Berk. & Broome. On very young stromata the anamorph was observed as white to cream tufts. Its morphology corresponds to Acanthodochium.
That a fern is the host for this Astrocystis species is remarkable, as all other species of this genus are known from monocotyledons. So far, xylariaceous fungi have not been reported on pteridophytes (Rogers 1979).
Astrocystis species with a spore size roughly similar to that of A. cyatheae and non-splitting stromata are A. hughesii Læssøe & Spooner, A. palmarum Læssøe & Spooner, A. rachidis (Pat.) K.D.Hyde & J.Fröhlich, Astrocystis selangorensis G.J.D.Smith & K.D.Hyde, and Rosellinia albocincta Petch. Astrocystis hughesii has smaller stromata and ascospores with a shorter germ slit that is less than spore length. Astrocystis palmarum has much larger stromata and ascospores lacking an appendage. Astrocystis rachidis has smaller ascospores without an appendage and smaller ascus apical rings. Astrocystis selangorensis has larger ascospores with a cellular appendage, and its stromata are softwalled; the ascus apical rings are also larger (Smith & Hyde 2001). Rosellinia albocincta Petch has larger stromata and smaller ascospores without appendages.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland, N of Kaukapakapa, vic. Glorit, Atuanui State Forest, Mt Auckland, on Cyathea dealbata, 11 Sep 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49672.
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: SOUTH ISLAND: SOUTH CANTERBURY: Waitaki, on bark, ex Herb. M. C. Cooke, K 79240, as Rosellinia mammoidea.
Stromata 475-575 µm high, 550-675 µm wide (n = 10), erumpent through wood, when young covered by host epidermis, semiglobose to conical, black, solitary, crowded or 3 to 4 fused into small groups. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma 50 µm thick, black. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia detached. Ascus apical rings not seen. Ascospores (19)20.7 ± 1.2(23.5) long, (10)12 ± 1(14) µm wide (n = 21), broadly ellipsoidal, dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit. Anamorph not known.
NOTES: The original specimen from New Zealand collected by H. Krone was not located in any of the major herbaria or in those which may host some of Rabenhorst's exsiccata. One specimen in S, labelled as Rosellinia aucklandica from the Philippines, turned out to be R. merrillii Syd. The original description of R. aucklandica (Rabenhorst 1878) gives no stroma size, but the ascospores are described as 22 µm long and 10-12 µm wide. After extensive study of New Zealand material and additional type specimens of Rosellinia spp., the only specimen with ascospores matching the size of those of R. aucklandica is the one from the Kew herbarium previously classified as R. mammoidea. The specimen consists of two pieces, one in an envelope and one glued on a sheet, both containing stromata erumpent from heavily decomposed wood. The ascospores are not in excellent condition, but the sigmoid germ slit is still clearly visible.
TYPE: Oceaniae, Aucklandia, H. Krone; not located.
OTHER SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: GISBORNE: Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, Ngamoko Track, on wood of ?Weinmannia racemosa, 21 May 1981, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, E. Horak, A. P. Hawthorne, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 41978.
Stromata (750)867 ± 69(1000) µm high, (750)920 ± 105(1125) µm wide (n = 10), erumpent through the wood, covered with white or brown remnants of host epidermis, subglobose, conical to cupulate, dark brown to black, with rugose to slightly cracked surface, solitary in small groups. Ostioles coarsely papillate. Ectostroma 75-100 µm thick, black. Entostroma below perithecia white to cream. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 5.7-6.7 µm high, upper width 6.7-8.6 µm, lower width 4.8-6.7 µm (n = 10), almost rectangular, without bulge at upper margin, upper end blurred, J+, pale blue. Ascospores (29.7)32.7 ± 1.6(37.4) µm long, (14.4)16.7 ± 1(18.2) µm wide (n = 60), broadly ellipsoidal, dark brown, with spiral germ slit over one and a quarter turn, with a basal, up to 3 3 µm large, semiglobose, cellular appendage.
Cultures on CMD after 36 days at 15-18°C under diffused daylight 0.7 cm diam., scant aerial mycelium, dense, opaque, salmon-coloured with scattered, salmon-coloured sporodochial aggregates, sterile. On PDA under same conditions 1 cm diam., salmon-coloured, felty, dense, opaque, sterile.
Cultures on CMD after 36 days at 15-18°C under diffused daylight 0.7 cm diam., scant aerial mycelium, dense, opaque, salmon-coloured with scattered, salmon-coloured sporodochial aggregates, sterile. On PDA under same conditions 1 cm diam., salmon-coloured, felty, dense, opaque, sterile.
HOSTS: Beilschmiedia tawa, ?Weinmannia racemosa.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
Stromata e ligno erumpentia, albis vel brunneis hospitis epidermidis partibus tecta, (750)867 ± 69(1000) µm alta, (750)920 ± 105(1125) µm lata, subglobosa, conica ad cupulata, brunnea ad nigra, superficie rugosa ad rimulosa, singularia, gregaria. Ostiola grosse papillata. Ectostroma 75-100 µm crassum, nigrum. Annulus apicalis asci 5.7-6.7 µm altus, parte superiore 6.7-8.6 µm et inferiori 4.8- 6.7 µm latus, paene rectangularis, margine superiore non protuberanti, parte finali superiore indistincta, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (29.7)32.7 ± 1.6(37.4) µm longae, (14.4)16.7 ± 1(18.2) µm latae, late ellipsoideae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa spiraliter sporam una circumferentiae et quarta parte recurrenti, appendice semiglobosa, ad 3 x 3 µm dimensione, cellulari praeditae.
ETYMOLOGY: After the province Gisborne, where both specimens were collected.
NOTES: Helicogermslita gisbornia is characterised by its large, wide, dark brown ascospores with a spiral germ slit encircling them more than one time and with a cellular appendage.
NOTES: Helicogermslita gisbornia is characterised by its large, wide, dark brown ascospores with a spiral germ slit encircling them more than one time and with a cellular appendage.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Gisborne: on decorticated wood of Beilschmiedia tawa, 30 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, T. Matsushima, & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 45911, cultures on CMD, PDA
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CAMPBELL ISLAND: Boardwalk, vic. Beeman Hill, on Coprosma sp., 7 Mar 2000, H. Burdsall, PDD 71725; Boardwalk, coast side, Beeman Hill, on (?)Dacrophyllum longifolium, 6 Mar 2000, P. R. Johnston, E. H. C. McKenzie, & S. L. Stephenson, PDD 71727; Slopes of Mt Honey, old slip on south side, Perseverance Cove, on Coprosma sp., decort. wood, 7 Mar 2000, P. R. Johnston & E. H. C. McKenzie, PDD 71831.
Stromata (500)688 ± 119(850) µm high, (700)775 ± 104(1000) µm wide (n = 10), emerging gradually from the wood, initially covered by host material, later free, base often immersed, semiglobose, conical to pear-shaped, black, solitary or in small groups, sometimes fused together. Ostioles coarsely papillate or poorly differentiated, then stromata with bluntly rounded apex. Ectostroma 75-100 µm thick, black. Entostroma not formed. Perithecia immersed directly in the host material, detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 5-6 µm high, upper width 5-6 µm, lower width 4-5 µm (n = 5), almost rectangular, without bulge at upper margin, upper end blurred, J+, blue. Ascospores (22.5)26 ± 2(32) µm long, (9.5)11.5 ± 8(14) µm wide ( n = 60), ellipsoidal, dark brown with spiral germ slit over one turn, occasionally with one up to 1 x1 µm, semiglobose, cellular appendage. Anamorph not known.
HOSTS: Coprosma sp., ?Dracophyllum longifolium.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
Stromata e ligno paulatim erumpentia, primo hospitis partibus tecta, dein libera, basi saepe immersa, (500)688 ± 119(850) µm alta, (700)775 ± 104(1000) µm lata, semiglobosa, conica ad pyriformia, nigra, solitaria ad gregaria, interdum connata. Ostiola grosse papillata ad indistincta, apice stromatico dein obtuse rotundato. Annulus apicalis asci 5-6 µm altus, parte superiore 5-6 µm et inferiore 4-5 µm latus, paene rectangularis, margine superiore non protuberanti, parte finali superiore indistincta, iodo coerulescenti. Ascosporae (22.5)26 ± 2(32) µm longae, (9.5)11.5 ± 8(14) µm latae, ellipsoideae partibus finalibus late rotundatis, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa spiraliter unam circumferentiam recurrenti, interdum appendice semiglobosa, ad 1 x 1 µm dimensione, cellulari praeditae.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the New Zealand mycologist P. R. Johnston, who collected three specimens of this species.
NOTES: Helicogermslita johnstonii is characterised by ascospores with a coiled germ slit making about one turn. It has smaller ascospores with a less coiled germ slit than H. gisbornia and larger ascospores with a germ slit definitely more coiled than that found in H. mackenziei.
Helicogermslita gaudefroyi (H.Fabre) Læssøe & Spooner has larger stromata, smaller ascospores, less coiled germ slits; Anthostomella calligoni Frolov has a more coiled germ slit than H. johnstonii (Petrini et al. 1987; Læssøe & Spooner 1994; L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
NOTES: Helicogermslita johnstonii is characterised by ascospores with a coiled germ slit making about one turn. It has smaller ascospores with a less coiled germ slit than H. gisbornia and larger ascospores with a germ slit definitely more coiled than that found in H. mackenziei.
Helicogermslita gaudefroyi (H.Fabre) Læssøe & Spooner has larger stromata, smaller ascospores, less coiled germ slits; Anthostomella calligoni Frolov has a more coiled germ slit than H. johnstonii (Petrini et al. 1987; Læssøe & Spooner 1994; L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Taupo: vic. Kiko Road, Maungatere Road, on decort. wood, soft, white, rotten, 4 May 2001, P. R. Johnston & S. R. Whitton, PDD 74360.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN EXAMINED: STEWART ISLAND: Garden Round track, on decort. wood, 10 Nov 1998, P. R. Johnston, PDD 71919.
Stromata (475)530 ± 54(600) µm high, (575)620 ± 33(650) µm wide (n = 5), breaking through the wood, covered with white or brown remnants of host epidermis, conical to semiglobose, black, with surface shrivelled or finely cracked, single, forming small groups, on wood free, otherwise immersed in bark and only ostioles exposed. Ostioles finely papillate or not pronounced, seldom seated on a disk. Ectostroma 50-75 µm thick, black. Entostroma dark brown, soft, confined to base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 4.8-5.8 µm high, upper width 5.7-6.7 µm, lower width 4.8-6.7 µm (n = 4), almost rectangular, without bulge at upper margin, upper end blurred, J+, light blue. Ascospores (20.2)23.4 ± 1.4(25.5) µm long, (9.6)11 ± 0.7(12.5) µm wide (n = 30), ellipsoidal with broadly rounded ends, dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit running almost over the whole spore length, occasionally with a basal, 0.5 x 0.5 µm large, semiglobose, cellular appendage.
Anamorph unknown.
Anamorph unknown.
HOST: Undetermined.
MATRIX: On bark or wood of small heavily decomposed twigs, c. 1 cm diam.
MATRIX: On bark or wood of small heavily decomposed twigs, c. 1 cm diam.
Stromata e ligno erumpentia, albis vel brunneis hospitis epidermidis partibus tecta, (475)530 ± 54(600) µm alta, (575)620 ± 33(650) µm lata, subglobosa, conica ad semiglobosa, nigra, superficie rugosa ad rimulosa, singularia, gregaria, in ligno libera, in cortice autem immersa, ostiolis tantum liberis. Ostiola laeviter papillata vel indistincta, rare in disco insidentia. Annulus apicalis asci 4.8-5.8 µm altus, parte superiore 5.7-6.7 µm et inferiore 4.8- 6.7 µm latus, paene rectangularis, margine superiore non protuberanti, parte finali superiore indistincta, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (20.2)23.4 ± 1.4(25.5) µm longae, (9.6)11 ± 0.7(12.5) µm latae, ellipsoideae partibus finalibus late rotundatis, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa spiraliter sporam totam recurrenti, interdum appendice semiglobosa, ad 0.5 0.5 µm dimensione, cellulari praeditae.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of one of the collectors, the New Zealand mycologist E. H. C. McKenzie.
NOTES: Helicogermslita mackenziei has ascospores with a sigmoid germ slit. The stroma ontogeny and morphology and the ascus apical rings, however, are similar to those of the other two species that have coiled germ slits, thus, a placement in Helicogermslita is justified. The specimen PDD 71919 has larger stromata than the type specimen, but they do not differ in ascospore size and morphology. Therefore, the specimens are considered as conspecific.
Helicogermslita aucklandica, represented by a specimen from the Cooke herbarium (K), has similar but statistically significantly smaller and more broadly rounded ascospores than H. mackenziei.
NOTES: Helicogermslita mackenziei has ascospores with a sigmoid germ slit. The stroma ontogeny and morphology and the ascus apical rings, however, are similar to those of the other two species that have coiled germ slits, thus, a placement in Helicogermslita is justified. The specimen PDD 71919 has larger stromata than the type specimen, but they do not differ in ascospore size and morphology. Therefore, the specimens are considered as conspecific.
Helicogermslita aucklandica, represented by a specimen from the Cooke herbarium (K), has similar but statistically significantly smaller and more broadly rounded ascospores than H. mackenziei.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, Chatham Island: Tuku Reserve, 19 Nov 1992, P. R. Johnston & E. H. C. McKenzie, PDD 61685.
AUTHENTIC SPECIMENS: Sri Lanka, Hakgala, on bark, May 1910, Petch 3145, K*; on twigs, Jan 1914, Petch 3941, K*; on bark, Sep 1908, Petch 2856, K*.
ADDITIONAL COLLECTIONS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Waitemata county, Waitakere Ranges, Walker's Bush, on unknown host, 13 Dec 1973, J. M. Dingley, PDD 32101. BAY OF PLENTY: Mamaku State Forest, unknown host, 22 Mar 1963, J. Gilmour, PDD 21685; GISBORNE: Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana: on root of dead tree, 29 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, T. Matsushima, & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 45803; on root of dead tree, 29 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, T. Matsushima, & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 45804. NORTHLAND: South of Kaitaia, Omahuta State Forest, Omahuta Kauri Sanctuary, on Freycinetia banksii, 12 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 41969, anamorph on host, cultures on OA, CMD; vic. Mangamuka Bridge, Omahuta State Forest, Omahuta Kauri Sanctuary, on tree, 12 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 49960.
ADDITIONAL COLLECTIONS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Waitemata county, Waitakere Ranges, Walker's Bush, on unknown host, 13 Dec 1973, J. M. Dingley, PDD 32101. BAY OF PLENTY: Mamaku State Forest, unknown host, 22 Mar 1963, J. Gilmour, PDD 21685; GISBORNE: Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana: on root of dead tree, 29 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, T. Matsushima, & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 45803; on root of dead tree, 29 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, T. Matsushima, & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 45804. NORTHLAND: South of Kaitaia, Omahuta State Forest, Omahuta Kauri Sanctuary, on Freycinetia banksii, 12 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 41969, anamorph on host, cultures on OA, CMD; vic. Mangamuka Bridge, Omahuta State Forest, Omahuta Kauri Sanctuary, on tree, 12 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 49960.
Subiculum persistent, brown to dark brown, wiry, appressed, with synnemata. Stromata (1250)1766 ± 330(2500) µm high, (1125)1740 ± 312(2250) µm wide (n = 30), globose to subglobose with almost flattened top, cupulate, often with a short cylindrical base immersed in the subiculum, copper brown, dark brown, black around the ostioles, smooth, solitary to crowded and laterally compressed. Ostioles finely to coarsely papillate. Ectostroma (75)100-125 µm thick, black. Entostroma white, confined to base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical ring (6.7)8.3 ± 0.8(9.6) µm high, upper width 5.7-6.2 µm, lower width 3.8-5.7 µm (n = 16), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (37.4)48.6 ± 4.2(58.5) µm long, (4.8)7.6 ± 0.8(9.6) µm wide (n = 167), inequilateral, narrowly ellipsoidal to needle shaped, with narrowly rounded ends, brown to dark brown, with straight, 8-12 µm long germ slit centred on the flat side, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2-3 µm thick at ends, 1 µm thick at side. Synnemata up to 2000 µm, conidia 4-5 x 3-4 µm.
Culture on OA after 20 days under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light 7 cm diam., centre (3 cm) black from confluent tufts of black hyphae shaped as witches' brooms, otherwise white, hyphae very short, sterile. On CMD after 43 days under same conditions covering whole plate (9 cm diam.), black with cottony white margin. Synnemata profusely arising at the margin and on the original inoculum, 0.5-1 mm long, acute, unbranched, black, without stromatic base, composed of 3-4 µm wide smooth, brown, branching, septate hyphae, often sterile. Free conidiophores forming on one area of the original inoculum, long, heavily and irregularly branched. Conidiogenous cells 18-48 3-4 µm (n = 9), terminal, geniculate, smooth, subhyaline to pale tantowards the base. Conidia 3.5-5(7) x 2-3.5 µm (n = 22), forming at the tip of each synnema as loose, white-grey areas, oblong with flat, non-protuberant base bearing a minute frill being more refractive than the rest of the conidial wall, smooth, subhyaline.
Culture on OA after 20 days under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light 7 cm diam., centre (3 cm) black from confluent tufts of black hyphae shaped as witches' brooms, otherwise white, hyphae very short, sterile. On CMD after 43 days under same conditions covering whole plate (9 cm diam.), black with cottony white margin. Synnemata profusely arising at the margin and on the original inoculum, 0.5-1 mm long, acute, unbranched, black, without stromatic base, composed of 3-4 µm wide smooth, brown, branching, septate hyphae, often sterile. Free conidiophores forming on one area of the original inoculum, long, heavily and irregularly branched. Conidiogenous cells 18-48 3-4 µm (n = 9), terminal, geniculate, smooth, subhyaline to pale tantowards the base. Conidia 3.5-5(7) x 2-3.5 µm (n = 22), forming at the tip of each synnema as loose, white-grey areas, oblong with flat, non-protuberant base bearing a minute frill being more refractive than the rest of the conidial wall, smooth, subhyaline.
HOSTS: Freycinetia baueriana subsp. banksii, unidentified wood.
MATRIX: Corticated twigs, roots.
MATRIX: Corticated twigs, roots.
NOTES: The New Zealand collections were compared with the Sri Lankan specimens of R. arcuata collected by Petch. The subiculum and the Dematophora anamorph as well as the ascospore shape and the short germ slit are identical. In addition, the statistical analyses revealed that there are no differences among the collections regarding quantifiable characters such as size of stromata, ascospores, or the ascus apical rings.
Macroscopically R. arcuata resembles R. necatrix Prill., but its ascospores are statistically significantly larger (Fig. 9A). Roger (1953) and Saccas (1956) reported R. arcuata among other host plants on roots of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and Coffea arabica L., damaging them severely. The stromata and ascospore sizes are similar to those reported for the New Zealand and the Petch specimens, but both authors describe a germ slit about twice as long. According to Saccas (1956) the geographical distribution of R. arcuata is confined to tropical and humid regions of Africa and Asia. In fact, the Petch specimens are from a mountainous region of Sri Lanka. In New Zealand, R. arcuata was mainly collected in the northern part of the North Island in national parks and state forests with subtropical vegetation and has not been reported from cultivated trees.
There are some specimens in PDD labelled as R. necatrix, with only the Dematophora anamorph present. They originate from Narcissus sp., Vitis vinifera L., Juglans regia, Malus sylvestris L., and Malus x domestica Borkh. (PDD 50725, PDD 49923, PDD 26403, PDD 17391, PDD 24985, respectively) and may be, indeed, R. necatrix, as these are typical hosts for this species. In fact, root diseases caused by R. necatrix were reported by Bösewinkel (1977) and are listed in the New Zealand Plant Disease Database. Most Rosellinia species reported as severe root pathogens have ascospores similar to those of R. arcuata or R. necatrix, slender with tapering ends, short germ slit, and slimy sheath, varying only in size. Molecular biological studies are needed to confirm or reject conspecificity for suchtaxa.
Rosellinia asperata Massee, R. bothrina Berk. & Broome, R. desmazieresii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. var. acutispora Theiss., R. gigantea Ellis & Ever., R. pepo Pat., and R. puiggiari Pat. possess ascospores with a morphology similar to those of R. arcuata.
Examination of the type materials from the herbaria FH, K, NY, and PACA revealed that character combinations such as stroma shape and size and ascospore size do not match those of R. arcuata (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
Macroscopically R. arcuata resembles R. necatrix Prill., but its ascospores are statistically significantly larger (Fig. 9A). Roger (1953) and Saccas (1956) reported R. arcuata among other host plants on roots of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and Coffea arabica L., damaging them severely. The stromata and ascospore sizes are similar to those reported for the New Zealand and the Petch specimens, but both authors describe a germ slit about twice as long. According to Saccas (1956) the geographical distribution of R. arcuata is confined to tropical and humid regions of Africa and Asia. In fact, the Petch specimens are from a mountainous region of Sri Lanka. In New Zealand, R. arcuata was mainly collected in the northern part of the North Island in national parks and state forests with subtropical vegetation and has not been reported from cultivated trees.
There are some specimens in PDD labelled as R. necatrix, with only the Dematophora anamorph present. They originate from Narcissus sp., Vitis vinifera L., Juglans regia, Malus sylvestris L., and Malus x domestica Borkh. (PDD 50725, PDD 49923, PDD 26403, PDD 17391, PDD 24985, respectively) and may be, indeed, R. necatrix, as these are typical hosts for this species. In fact, root diseases caused by R. necatrix were reported by Bösewinkel (1977) and are listed in the New Zealand Plant Disease Database. Most Rosellinia species reported as severe root pathogens have ascospores similar to those of R. arcuata or R. necatrix, slender with tapering ends, short germ slit, and slimy sheath, varying only in size. Molecular biological studies are needed to confirm or reject conspecificity for suchtaxa.
Rosellinia asperata Massee, R. bothrina Berk. & Broome, R. desmazieresii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. var. acutispora Theiss., R. gigantea Ellis & Ever., R. pepo Pat., and R. puiggiari Pat. possess ascospores with a morphology similar to those of R. arcuata.
Examination of the type materials from the herbaria FH, K, NY, and PACA revealed that character combinations such as stroma shape and size and ascospore size do not match those of R. arcuata (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: NORTHLAND: Omahuta State Forest, No. 3 Road, Waikoropupu River, vic. Mangamuka Bridge, on twig, 15 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 49483.
Subiculum evanescent, white to light brown. Stromata (625)695 ± 48(750) µm high, (550)760 ± 146(950) µm wide (n = 5), cupulate with a short cylindrical base, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma to 50 µm thick, black. Entostroma dark brown, confined to base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 6.7- 7 µm long, upper width 4.8-5.6 µm, lower width 3.8-4.8 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (20.1)23.5 ± 1.6(26.4) µm long, (7.2)8.3 ± 0.5(9.6) µm wide (n = 30), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit running over the whole spore length, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2-4 µm thick at ends, 1 µm thick at side.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
HOST: Undetermined.
MATRIX: Corticated small twigs.
MATRIX: Corticated small twigs.
NOTES: Contrary to the re-description of the type by Petrini (1993), in which the subiculum is described as being distinctly brown, the subiculum of the New Zealand collection is of a lighter colour.
Rosellinia chusqueae differs from R. franciscae L.E.Petrini by its wider ascospores and a longer germ slit (Fig. 9B). Rosellinia mammaeformis (Pers. : Fr.) Ces. & De Not. and R. britannica L.E.Petrini, Petrini & S.M.Francis have ascospores with a similar size; they possess, however, a straight germ slit and their stromata differ in shape and size (Petrini 1993).
Rosellinia chusqueae differs from R. franciscae L.E.Petrini by its wider ascospores and a longer germ slit (Fig. 9B). Rosellinia mammaeformis (Pers. : Fr.) Ces. & De Not. and R. britannica L.E.Petrini, Petrini & S.M.Francis have ascospores with a similar size; they possess, however, a straight germ slit and their stromata differ in shape and size (Petrini 1993).
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Huia, on unknown host, Mar 1953, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16900; Huia, on unknown host, Jul 1953, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16906; Hunua Ranges, Cossey's Creek, on unknown host, 15 Mar 1958, J. M. Dingley, PDD 18413, anamorph on host, culture on PDA; One Tree Hill, on Populus sp., Oct 1955, S. D. Baker, PDD 16905; Orere Point, on Neopanax arboreum, 22 Jun 1958, J. M. Dingley, PDD 18414, anamorph on host; Purewa Bush, Orakei, D. W. on Sophora microphylla, Nov 1948, D. W. MacKenzie, PDD 16902; Rangitoto I., on dead wood, 3 Jun 1947, J. M. Dingley, PDD 5539, anamorph on host; Titirangi, on Brachyglottis repanda, Feb 1951, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16897; Titirangi, Titirangi Beach Reserve, on decorticated wood, 18 Sep 1980, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & A. E. Esler, PDD 49679; Waikowhai, on Macropiper excelsum, Nov 1956, S. D. Brook, PDD 16895*; Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Trail, trail off Mountain Road, on decorticated wood, 12 Aug 1981, G. J. Samuels, R. P. Korf, P. R. Johnston, J. W. Paden, & R. E. Beever, PDD 49529, culture on CMD; Waitakere Ranges, Piha, rotten wood, 17 Dec 1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 23203; Waitakare Ranges, Piha Rd, Cowan Tr., on Freycinetia banksii, 4 Jun 1983, G. J. Samuels & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 46318; Waitakere Ranges, Upper Piha, 500 ft, on rotten wood, Aug 1948, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16901; Waitakere Ranges, Upper Piha Valley, on Hedycarya arborea, 9 Oct 1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 21823; Waitakere Ranges, Kauri Knoll Track, dead wood, 20 Aug 1963, S. J. Hughes, PDD 21443; Waitakere Ranges, Huia, Parau Tr., on scales of Rhopalostylis sapida, 23 Oct 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49687, cultures on OA, CMD; Waitakere Ranges, Mountain Rd, Walkers Bush, on decort. wood, 4 Aug 1982, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & E. H. C. McKenzie, PDD 44418; Waitakere Ranges, Shaw Rd, on unknown host, Jul 1955, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16907; Waitakere Ranges, Cascades, on wood, 12 Aug 1981, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & J. W. Paden, PDD 41985, anamorph on host. BAY OF PLENTY: Rotorua, Rotoehu, on unknown host, 22 May 1964, J. M. Dingley, PDD 23308; Rotorua, Te Whaiti, on Beilschmiedia tawa, Jun 1950, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16896. COROMANDEL PENINSULA: Little Barrier I., onBeilschmiedia tawa, Jun 1956, F. J. Newhook, PDD 16903, anamorph on host; Whitianga Rd, on Schefflera digitata, Aug 1954, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16904. SOUTH ISLAND: MID CANTERBURY: Upper Waimakiriri River, on dead wood, 1882, T. Kirk, PDD 457; upper Waimakariri, J. Kirk 72, K 79241*; Craigieburn Range, Cave Stream, on rotting wood of Nothofagus solandri, E. Horak, 31 Mar 1983, ZT*. KAIKOURA: Hapuku, on Melicytus ramiflorus, 29 Mar 1959, J. M. Dingley, PDD 23568. SOUTH CANTERBURY: Waitaki, S. Berggren 250, UPS*.
Subiculum evanescent, restricted, approx. to 1 mm in extension, as white, cream patches in early stages, later light brown, felty, bearing conidiophores, subsequently reduced while stromata progressively emerge, until absent in old material. Stromata (400)687 ± 119.5(1050) µm high, (550)804 ± 131(1250) µm wide (n = 134), conical to columnar with bluntly rounded top, side walls often with concentric rings, wavy (Fig. 11E,H), dark brown, black around the ostioles, completely black when old, solitary or crowded, touching each other, sometimes 2-3 fused together, when young completely covered by the subiculum, during development gradually exposed. Ostioles finely papillate to pointed or not pronounced. Ectostroma 50-75 µm thick, black. Entostroma light brown, confined to the base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (1.9)2.7 ± 0.5(3.8) µm high, upper width 3.3- 4.8 µm, lower width 2-2.8 µm (n = 63), J+, pale blue. Ascospores (13.4)17.3 ± 1.3(21.6) µm long, (6.7)8.9 ± 0.7(11.5) µm wide (n = 710), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit, extending almost over the whole spore length. Conidia 3-4 x 2.5-3 µm.
Cultures on OA after 13 days at 20°C under diffused daylight 0.7-1 cm diam., white to pale pink, sterile, after 30 days 2.5-3 cm, flat, densely cottony, white when sterile, grey from conidial production, reverse white. Conidiophores 100-200 µm long, 3- 4 µm wide, forming a continuous layer over the colony surface, mononematous, macronematous, loosely and irregularly branched, smooth, pale olivaceous. Conidiogenous cells 19-60 x 2.5-3 µm when terminal (n = 21), terminal and intercalary alsobearing terminal and intercalary conidiogenous loci, geniculate with a circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3-4(5) x (2)2.5- 3 µm (n = 44), ovoid to subglobose with a flat, c. 1 µm wide basal frill, refractive. On CMD after 29 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light 1.5 cm in diam., pale orange, transparent, aerial hyphae short. Conidiophores 80- 160 µm high, 1.5-2 µm wide, freely branched, bearing a head of conidia at the tip of each branch, subhyaline to pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 30-55 x 2-3 µm (n = 9), terminal, sometimes intercalary, geniculate with a circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3-4(5) x 2-3 µm (n = 44), subglobose to ovate with protuberant, 1 µm wide flat basal abscission scar bearing a minute frill, smooth, subhyaline. On PDA restricted, white, felty, forming concentric rings, with large grey areas bearing conidiophores.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Cultures on OA after 13 days at 20°C under diffused daylight 0.7-1 cm diam., white to pale pink, sterile, after 30 days 2.5-3 cm, flat, densely cottony, white when sterile, grey from conidial production, reverse white. Conidiophores 100-200 µm long, 3- 4 µm wide, forming a continuous layer over the colony surface, mononematous, macronematous, loosely and irregularly branched, smooth, pale olivaceous. Conidiogenous cells 19-60 x 2.5-3 µm when terminal (n = 21), terminal and intercalary alsobearing terminal and intercalary conidiogenous loci, geniculate with a circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3-4(5) x (2)2.5- 3 µm (n = 44), ovoid to subglobose with a flat, c. 1 µm wide basal frill, refractive. On CMD after 29 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light 1.5 cm in diam., pale orange, transparent, aerial hyphae short. Conidiophores 80- 160 µm high, 1.5-2 µm wide, freely branched, bearing a head of conidia at the tip of each branch, subhyaline to pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 30-55 x 2-3 µm (n = 9), terminal, sometimes intercalary, geniculate with a circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3-4(5) x 2-3 µm (n = 44), subglobose to ovate with protuberant, 1 µm wide flat basal abscission scar bearing a minute frill, smooth, subhyaline. On PDA restricted, white, felty, forming concentric rings, with large grey areas bearing conidiophores.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOSTS: Beilschmiedia tawa, Brachyglottis repanda, Freycinetia baueriana subsp. banksii, Hedycarya arborea, Macropiper excelsum, Melicytus ramiflorus, Neopanax arboreum, Nothofagus solandri, Populus sp., Rhopalostylis sapida, Schefflera digitata, Sophora microphylla.
MATRIX: Corticated or decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Corticated or decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
Subiculum primo album ad cremeum, dein pallide brunneum aetate provecta, lanosum, conidiophora ferens. Stromata (400)687 ± 119.5(1050) µm alta, (550)804 ± 131(1250) µm lata, conica ad columnaria apice obtuse rotundato, parietibus lateralibus undulatis, concentricos annulos ferentibus, atrobrunnea, nigra ostiola circa, omnino nigra aetate provecta, singula vel conferta, interdum 2-3 connata, omnino subiculo dum juvena tectis, dein paulatim exposita. Ostiola laeviter papillata ad acuta sive indistincta. Annulus apicalis asci (1.9)2.7 ± 0.5(3.8) µm altus, parte superiore 3.3-4.8 µm et inferiore 2- 2.8 µm latus, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (13.4)17.3 ± 1.3(21.6) µm longae, (6.7)8.9 ± 0.7(11.5) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta, ascosporam totam recurrenti praeditae. Status anamorphosisGeniculosporium.
ETYMOLOGY: communis (common), referring to the frequent occurrence of this species.
NOTES: Rosellinia communis is characterised by itsconical to columnar, black stromata covered by a whitish cream subiculum when young. The side walls regularly show concentric rings, thus giving their surface a wavy appearance. Rosellinia communis can be distinguished easily from R. johnstonii and R. mammoidea by its larger, differently shaped stromata and ascospore size. Many specimens of R. communis were assigned to R. mammoidea, as the spore size erroneously published for the latter by Cooke (1879) corresponds to that of R. communis ascospores. Cooke (1879) gave 16-18 x 8 µm for the Travers collection (the type of R. mammoidea), whereas the spores of this specimen actually measure 11-14 x 7-8 µm (see R. mammoidea below).
The closest species is R. picta (Berk.) Cooke described from Sri Lanka. The type material has regular, conical to semiglobose stromata lacking wavy side walls and ascospores with pinched ends. The stroma and ascospore size, however, do not differ among the two species as revealed by analysis of variance and discriminant analysis, respectively (results not shown).
The type material of R. griseo-cincta Starbäck, R. indica Thind, and R. rickii Bres. show roughly the same shape for stromata and ascospores; the stromata, however, are larger and lack the wavy surface and the ascospores are smaller (L. E. Petrinu unpubl. data). Rosellinia communis differs from R. subiculata by stroma shape, size, and subiculum colour as well as much larger ascospores (Petrini 1993).
NOTES: Rosellinia communis is characterised by itsconical to columnar, black stromata covered by a whitish cream subiculum when young. The side walls regularly show concentric rings, thus giving their surface a wavy appearance. Rosellinia communis can be distinguished easily from R. johnstonii and R. mammoidea by its larger, differently shaped stromata and ascospore size. Many specimens of R. communis were assigned to R. mammoidea, as the spore size erroneously published for the latter by Cooke (1879) corresponds to that of R. communis ascospores. Cooke (1879) gave 16-18 x 8 µm for the Travers collection (the type of R. mammoidea), whereas the spores of this specimen actually measure 11-14 x 7-8 µm (see R. mammoidea below).
The closest species is R. picta (Berk.) Cooke described from Sri Lanka. The type material has regular, conical to semiglobose stromata lacking wavy side walls and ascospores with pinched ends. The stroma and ascospore size, however, do not differ among the two species as revealed by analysis of variance and discriminant analysis, respectively (results not shown).
The type material of R. griseo-cincta Starbäck, R. indica Thind, and R. rickii Bres. show roughly the same shape for stromata and ascospores; the stromata, however, are larger and lack the wavy surface and the ascospores are smaller (L. E. Petrinu unpubl. data). Rosellinia communis differs from R. subiculata by stroma shape, size, and subiculum colour as well as much larger ascospores (Petrini 1993).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Northland: Hokianga County, on decorticated wood, 13 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, T. Matsushima, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45775, anamorph on host, culture on OA examined.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: NORTHLAND: Hokianga County, vic. Mangamuka Bridge, Mangamuka Gorge Track, on indet. wood, 14 Apr 1982, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 44329, culture on OA.
Subiculum evanescent, extension restricted to stromata, chocolate brown, felty, covering completely young stromata, absent in mature material. Stromata (475)617 ± 99(750) µm high, (425)602 ± 78(675) µm wide (n = 10), subglobose to cupulate, brown when young, black at maturity, sometimes seated on a disk, solitary or 2-3 fused together, crowded, during development gradually emerging from the subiculum. Ostioles pointed to papillate. Ectostroma 25-50 µm thick, black. Entostroma brown. Perithecia detached in older material. Ascus apical rings (6.7)7.5 ± 0.5(8.1) µm high, upper and lower width 4.8-5.7 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (26)30.7 ± 2.6(36) µm long, (6.7)8.8 ± 0.6(10) µm wide (n = 60), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, often with pinched ends, brown to dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit about 2.3 of the spore length, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath.
Culture on OA cream-coloured, felty to velutinous, sterile.
Culture on OA cream-coloured, felty to velutinous, sterile.
HOST: Macropiper excelsum.
MATRIX: Decorticated wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated wood.
Subiculum evanescens, circa stroma restrictum, badium, lanosum, primo stromata juvena omnino tegens, aetate provecta abest. Stromata (475)617 ± 99(750) µm alta, (425)602 ± 78(675) µm lata, subglobosa ad cupulata, brunnea dum juvena, nigra aetate provecta, interdum in disco insita, singularia ad 2-3 connata, conferta, paulatim e subiculo emergentia. Ostiola acuta ad papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (6.7)7.5 ± 0.5(8.1) µm altus, parte superiore et inferiore 4.8-5.7 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (26)30.7 ± 2.6(36) µm longae, (6.7)8.8 ± 0.6(10) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, apicibus obtuso-acuminatis, brunneae ad atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa sigmoidea, duas e tribus partibus ascosporae totae recurrenti praeditae, utrisque apicibus et parte plana vagina mucosa circumdatae.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the New Zealand mycologist J. M. Dingley, who collected the type specimen and several other Rosellinia specimens deposited at PDD.
NOTES: Rosellinia dingleyae differs from R. chusqueae and R. franciscae by its larger ascospores (Fig. 9B). Ascospores of R. dingleyae have a shorter germ slit than those of R. chusqueae, but larger than that of ascospores of R. franciscae.
NOTES: Rosellinia dingleyae differs from R. chusqueae and R. franciscae by its larger ascospores (Fig. 9B). Ascospores of R. dingleyae have a shorter germ slit than those of R. chusqueae, but larger than that of ascospores of R. franciscae.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland: Piha, on Macropiper excelsum, J. M. Dingley, 17 Dec 1963, PDD 23199.
Subiculum persistent, woolly to felty appressed, with synnemata. Stromata (1500)1785 ± 185(2000) µm high, (2050)2180 ± 124(2375) µm wide (n = 5), globose to subglobose with flattened top, copper brown, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary, crowded. Ostioles finely papillate, poorly differentiated. Ectostroma up to 150 µm thick, black. Entostroma cream, confined to sides and base, gradually reduced and absent in older material. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 7.6-8.6 µm long, upper width 6.5-7 µm, lower width 4.8-5.7 µm (n = 3), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (52.8)61.7 ± 4.3(70) µm long, (6.7)8 ± 0.5(8.6) µm wide (n = 30), inequilateral, narrowly ellipsoidal to needle shaped, with narrowly rounded ends, brown, with straight, 9-12 µm long germ slit centred on the flat side, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2-3 µm thick at ends, 1 µm thick at side. Synnemata 500- 1000 µm high, conidia 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µm.
ANAMORPH: Dematophora.
ANAMORPH: Dematophora.
HOST: Freycinetia baueriana subsp. banksii.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
Subiculum perdurans, lanosum ad appressum,b synnemata ferens. Stromata (1500)1785 ± 185(2000) µm alta, (2050)2180 ± 124(2375) µm lata, globosa vel subglobosa apice applanato, cupreobrunnea ad atrobrunnea, nigra ostiola circa, singularia, conferta. ostiola laeviter papillata, indistincta. Annulus apicalis asci 7.6-8.6 µm altus, parte superiore 6.5- 7 µm et inferiore 4.8-5.7 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (52.8)61.7 ± 4.3(70) µm longae, (6.7)8 ± 0.5(8.6) µm latae, asymmetricae, anguste ellipticae ad aciculares, apicibus anguste rotundatis, brunneae, fissura germinativa recta 9- 12 µm longa, in parte plana insita praeditae, utrisque apicibus et parte plana vagina mucosa 2-3 µm in apicibus et 1 µm in latere crassa circumdatae. Status anamorphosis Dematophora.
ETYMOLOGY: Referring to the host plant.
NOTES: Rosellinia freycinetiae exhibits the typical character combination of Rosellinia spp. with a Dematophora anamorph: large, coarse stromata and arge, slender ascospores with a short germ slit and both extremities and flattened side surrounded by a slimy sheath. It can be distinguished from R. arcuata and R. necatrix by its larger ascospores and from R. gigantea and R. pepo by its smaller stromata, being about half the size of the stromata of the two latter species. For a discussion on the differences from other related species, see R. arcuata.
NOTES: Rosellinia freycinetiae exhibits the typical character combination of Rosellinia spp. with a Dematophora anamorph: large, coarse stromata and arge, slender ascospores with a short germ slit and both extremities and flattened side surrounded by a slimy sheath. It can be distinguished from R. arcuata and R. necatrix by its larger ascospores and from R. gigantea and R. pepo by its smaller stromata, being about half the size of the stromata of the two latter species. For a discussion on the differences from other related species, see R. arcuata.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland: Walkers Bush, Henderson, on Freycinetia banksii, 30 Jan 1963, F. J. Morton, PDD 20580.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: GISBORNE: Urewera National Park, L. Waikaremoana, on indet. tree, 4 Nov 1982, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & P. K. Buchanan, PDD 43808. SOUTH ISLAND: BULLER: on decorticated wood, 17 Apr 1983, G. J. Samuels, R. E. Beever, P. R. Johnston, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45917, cultures on OA, PDA.
Subiculum evanescent, of restricted extension, cream to light brown, gradually disappearing, absent in mature material. Stromata (550)690 ± 100(850) µm high, (600)738 ± 84(825) µm wide (n = 15), semiglobose, cupulate to conical, black, lower part slightly rugose, solitary or densely crowded in small groups, when young completely covered by the subiculum, becoming exposed when growing and subiculum gradually worn away. Ostioles finely papillate or not pronounced. Ectostroma 50-75 µm, black, brittle. Entostroma dark brown, absent in old material. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (4.8)6.2 ± 1.4(8.6) µm high, upper width 2.8-4.8 µm, lower width 2.8- 3.8 µm (n = 13), J+, blue to pale blue. Ascospores (21.2)25.5 ± 2.3(31.7) µm long, (6.7)7.7 ± 0.5(8.6) µm wide (n = 90), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, brown to dark brown, with straight germ slit running over the whole spore length on flat side, ending shortly before ends, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2-3 µm thick at ends, 1-2 mm thick at side.
Culture on OA white to cream with brown patches in the centre, felty to velutinous, reverse cream, sterile. On PDA hyaline to white, centre brown, felty, appressed, reverse centre brown, light brown towards margin, sterile.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
Culture on OA white to cream with brown patches in the centre, felty to velutinous, reverse cream, sterile. On PDA hyaline to white, centre brown, felty, appressed, reverse centre brown, light brown towards margin, sterile.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
HOSTS: Undetermined.
MATRIX: On bark or wood of twigs, c. 1.5 cm diam.
MATRIX: On bark or wood of twigs, c. 1.5 cm diam.
Subiculum evanescens, restrictum, cremeum ad pallide brunneum. Stromata (550)690 ± 100(850) µm alta, (600)738 ± 84(825) µm lata, semiglobosa vel cupulata ad conica, nigra, parte inferiore laeviter rugosa, solitaria vel in parvis gregibus conferta, subiculo dum juvena omnino tecta e subiculo emergentia aetate provecta, finaliter subiculo absenti. Ostiola laeviter papillata ad indistincta. Annulus apicalis asci (4.8)6.2 ± 1.4(8.6) µm altus, parte superiore 2.8-4.8 µm et inferiore 2.8-3.8 µm latus, iodo manifeste ad pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (21.2)25.5 ± 2.3(31.7) µm longae, (6.7)7.7 ± 0.5(8.6) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, brunneae ad atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta, totam ascosporam recurrenti et in parte plana insita praeditae, utrisque apicibus et parte plana vagina mucosa 2-3 µm in apicibus et 1-2 µm in parte plana lata circumdatae.
ETYMOLOGY: Referring to Gisborne Province, where the type specimen was collected.
NOTES: Rosellinia gisbornia is characterised by an evanescent, cream to light brown subiculum and ascospores with slimy caps and sheath on one side. The germ slit runs straight over the whole spore length. The ascospores present in the specimen PDD 45917 are up to 4 µm longer than those seen in the other two collections.
Rosellinia gisbornia differs from R. chusqueae and R. dingleyae by having ascospores with straight germ slit and asci with smaller apical rings. It can be distinguished from the morphologically similar R. britannica by the stromatal shape and size, and the characters of the subiculum (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia hyalospora Theiss. has ascospores with a similar size, but they are light brown and lack the slimy sheath. Its stromata are also smaller (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
NOTES: Rosellinia gisbornia is characterised by an evanescent, cream to light brown subiculum and ascospores with slimy caps and sheath on one side. The germ slit runs straight over the whole spore length. The ascospores present in the specimen PDD 45917 are up to 4 µm longer than those seen in the other two collections.
Rosellinia gisbornia differs from R. chusqueae and R. dingleyae by having ascospores with straight germ slit and asci with smaller apical rings. It can be distinguished from the morphologically similar R. britannica by the stromatal shape and size, and the characters of the subiculum (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia hyalospora Theiss. has ascospores with a similar size, but they are light brown and lack the slimy sheath. Its stromata are also smaller (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Gisborne: Urewera National Park, c. 15 km SE of Ruatahuna, along SH 38, Taupeupe Saddle, indet. wood, 3 Nov 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & P. K. Buchanan, PDD 43800.
Subiculum persistent, dark brown, wiry, with synnemata. Stromata (750)850 ± 60(950) µm high, (700)1007 ± 194(1250) µm wide (n = 10), cupulate, subglobose to globose, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary, often crowded, when young completely embedded in the subiculum, gradually emerging while growing. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma 75-100 µm thick, black, hard, brittle. Entostroma cream, confined to base, absent in mature material. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (4.8)5.9 ± 0.5(6.7) µm high, upper width 4.3-4.8 µm, lower width 2.8-3.8 µm (n = 10), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (17.3)20.5 ± 1.4(24) mm long, (6.7)7.6 ± 0.5(8.6) µm wide (n = 60), inequilaterally ellipsoidal with one flat side, often broadly rounded, dark brown, with straight germ slit running over the whole spore length. Synnemata up to 1000 µm high, conidia 7-8 x 3-4.5 µm.
ANAMORPH: Dematophora.
ANAMORPH: Dematophora.
HOST: Hoheria populnea.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
Subiculum perdurans, atrobrunneum, filo metallico simile, synnemata ferens. Stromata (750)850 ± 60(950) µm alta, (700)1007 ± 194(1250) µm lata, cupulata, subglobosa vel globosa, atrobrunnea, ostiola circa nigra, singularia, saepe conferta, in subiculo omnino dum juvena immersa, aetate paulatim emergentia. Ostiola laeviter papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (4.8)5.9 ± 0.5(6.7) µm altus, parte superiore 4.3-4.8 µm et inferiore 2.8-3.8 µm µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (17.3)20.5 ± 1.4(24) µm longae, (6.7)7.6 ± 0.5(8.6) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae et lato applanato, late rotundatae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta totam ascosporam recurrenti praeditae. Status anamorphosis Dematophora.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the mycologist S. J. Hughes, who collected the paratype.
NOTES: Rosellinia hughesii is characterised by its Dematophora anamorph and the shape and size of its ascospores with a long germ slit. Only ascospores without slimy sheath or caps were observed. This, however, may be due to the age of the material. It would not be surprising in the future to find material having ascospores with slimy sheaths or caps.
Most Rosellinia species with a Dematophora anamorph have long, slender ascospores with a very short straight germ slit as seen in R. arcuata. In this respect, R. hughesii resembles R. buxi Fabre, as both have similar ascospore shapes. The latter, however, has larger ascospores with a short germ slit, taller stromata, and smaller synnemata. The size of conidia is almost the same in both species (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia hughesii differs from R. gisbornia by its persistent dark brown subiculum with the Dematophora conidial state, larger stromata, and smaller ascospores, and from R. mammaeformis by the larger stromata, persistent subiculum, and anamorph.
NOTES: Rosellinia hughesii is characterised by its Dematophora anamorph and the shape and size of its ascospores with a long germ slit. Only ascospores without slimy sheath or caps were observed. This, however, may be due to the age of the material. It would not be surprising in the future to find material having ascospores with slimy sheaths or caps.
Most Rosellinia species with a Dematophora anamorph have long, slender ascospores with a very short straight germ slit as seen in R. arcuata. In this respect, R. hughesii resembles R. buxi Fabre, as both have similar ascospore shapes. The latter, however, has larger ascospores with a short germ slit, taller stromata, and smaller synnemata. The size of conidia is almost the same in both species (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia hughesii differs from R. gisbornia by its persistent dark brown subiculum with the Dematophora conidial state, larger stromata, and smaller ascospores, and from R. mammaeformis by the larger stromata, persistent subiculum, and anamorph.
HOLOTYPE: South Island: Mid Canterbury: Kaituna, Waiwera County, on unknown host, 31 Oct 1963, H. C. Smith, PDD 22120; PARATYPE: South Island: Mid Canterbury: Kaituna Valley, Banks Peninsula, on Hoheria populnea, 15 Oct 1963, S. J. Hughes, PDD 21799.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Kawakawa Bay, on decorticated wood, 5 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, T. Matsushima,&R. H. Petersen, PDD 45801, PDD 45802; Titirangi, Titirangi Beach Reserve, on decorticated wood, 24 Mar 1981, G. J. Samuels, B. Segedin, & H. Thiers, PDD 49612, anamorph on host; Waitakere Ranges, Kauri Grove Trail, on decorticated wood, 27 Nov 1980, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, &M. Rattray, PDD 62377, culture on CMD; Waitakere Ranges, Piha Valley, Winstone Trail, 18 Mar 1992, P. R. Johnston, PDD 60016. COROMANDEL PENINSULA: Little Barrier Island, Thumb Track, 500 ft, on Nothofagus truncata, 30 Aug 1958, J. M. Dingley, PDD 18638, culture on PDA, PDD 18639; Little Barrier Island, Thumb Track, 500 ft, on Coprosma arborea 30 Aug 1958, J. M. Dingley, PDD 18655, culture on PDA; Little Barrier Island, Shag Track, on Pittosporum umbellatum, 29 Aug 1958, F. J. Newhook, PDD 18642, culture on PDA; Little Barrier Island, Shag Track, 100 ft, on Pittosporum umbellatum, 29 Aug 1959, F. J. Newhook, PDD 18663; Little Barrier, Summit Track, 200 ft, on dead wood, Nov 1947, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16892; Little Barrier Island, on Dysoxylon spectabile, 28 Aug 1958, J. M. Dingley, PDD 18666; Thames, Waiomo, on Elaeocarpus dentatus, 26 Aug 1958, J. M. Dingley, PDD 18656*. NORTHLAND: Omahuta State Forest, Omahuta Kauri Sanctuary, on Agathis australis, 10 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 41967. AUCKLAND ISLANDS: Auckland Island, Port Ross, Beacon Point, on decort., rotten wood, 22 Mar 2000, P. R. Johnston, PDD 71829.
Subiculum evanescent, cream to light brown, with grey patches bearing conidiophores and, when very young, ascomatal initials can be seen, on some hosts developing under the epidermis, later erumpent. Stromata (400)563 ± 73(725) µm high, (550)760 ± 91.5(950) µm wide (n = 85), cylindrical to barrelshaped with flattened, disk-like top, 350-550 µm diam., often with discoid base, dark brown to black, shiny, solitary or crowded in small groups, sometimes 2-3 fused together, young stromata covered by the felty subiculum and progressively emerging during development until completely free at maturity; sometimes additionally covered by host epidermis, thus appearing white. Ostioles finely to coarsely papillate. Ectostroma 50-75(100) µm thick, black. Entostroma initially white, then cream, brown, absent in mature material. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (1)2 ± 0.4(2.8) µm high (n = 41), upper width 2.4- 2.8 µm, lower width 1.9-2.8 µm, without bulge at upper margin, J+, pale blue. Ascospores (9.6)12.5 ± 1(16) µm long, (4.8)6.2 ± 0.6(9) µm wide (n = 385), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, brown to dark brown, with straight germ slit, typically extended to the entire length of the spore, but often situated closer at one end than at the other (Fig. 17H). Conidia 3- 4.5 x 2.5-3.5 µm.
Cultures on OA after 20 days at 20°C under diffused daylight with centre slightly raised, hyphae restricted, margin flat, white, some red pigment spreading, sterile. On CMD under same conditions, 1.5 cm diam., flat, appressed, without aerial mycelium, centre opaque, waxy, margin translucent, slightly orange, after 34 days 2 cm diam. After 24 days 2-2.5 cm, centre flat, compact, grey-green due to fruiting structures, outside loosely cottony, white. Conidiophores over 200 µm long, 2-3 µm wide, mononematous, unbranched or roughly dichotomously branched, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan towards base. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, terminal and intercalary, geniculate with conspicuous, circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3.5-4.5(6) x 2-3(4) µm (n = 43), subglobose to elliptical, rarely clavate, with protuberant, flat basal abscission scar bearing a minute frill, smooth, subhyaline. On PDA white to cream with large grey-brown areas bearing the conidiophores, felty, forming concentric rings, reverse light brown.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Cultures on OA after 20 days at 20°C under diffused daylight with centre slightly raised, hyphae restricted, margin flat, white, some red pigment spreading, sterile. On CMD under same conditions, 1.5 cm diam., flat, appressed, without aerial mycelium, centre opaque, waxy, margin translucent, slightly orange, after 34 days 2 cm diam. After 24 days 2-2.5 cm, centre flat, compact, grey-green due to fruiting structures, outside loosely cottony, white. Conidiophores over 200 µm long, 2-3 µm wide, mononematous, unbranched or roughly dichotomously branched, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan towards base. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, terminal and intercalary, geniculate with conspicuous, circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3.5-4.5(6) x 2-3(4) µm (n = 43), subglobose to elliptical, rarely clavate, with protuberant, flat basal abscission scar bearing a minute frill, smooth, subhyaline. On PDA white to cream with large grey-brown areas bearing the conidiophores, felty, forming concentric rings, reverse light brown.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOSTS: Agathis australis, Coprosma arborea, Dysoxylon spectabile, Elaeocarpus dentatus, Nothofagus truncata, Pittosporum umbellatum.
MATRIX: Decorticated heavily decomposed wood, bark.
MATRIX: Decorticated heavily decomposed wood, bark.
Subiculum evanescens, cremeum ad pallide brunneum, cum maculis cinereis conidiophora ferentibus. Stromata (400)563 ± 73(725) µm alta, (550)760 ± 91.5(950) µm lata, cylindracea ad doliformia apice applanato, disciformi 350-550 µm diametro praedita, atrobrunnea ad nigra, nitida, solitaria vel in parvis gregibus conferta, interdum 2- 3 connata, lanoso subiculo dum juvena tecta, paulatim dum evoluentia emergentia, libera omnino aetate provecta. Ostiola laeviter ad crasse papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (1)2 ± 0.4(2.8) µm altus, parte superiore 2.4-2.8 µm et inferiore 1.9-2.8 µm latus, margine superiore non protuberanti, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (9.6)12.5 ± 1(16) µm longae, (4.8)6.2 ± 0.6(9) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, brunneae ad atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta, ad totam ascosporam recurrenti in ascospora asymmetrice locata praeditae. Statusanamorphosis Geniculosporium.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the New Zealand mycologist P. R. Johnston.
NOTES: Distinctive features of R. johnstonii are the flattened top of the stroma and the asymmetrical position of the germ slit on the ascospore. It is closer o one spore end and more distant towards the other (Fig. 17H). The subiculum can be observed only in young material. At first sight, this species may be confused with Astrocystis spp. However, it clearly belongs to Rosellinia as young stromata develop in a subiculum and the anamorph belongs to the form genus Geniculosporium, contrary to Astrocystis, in which the stromata break through the host epidermis and may split in a stellate manner, and the anamorphs belong to form genus Acanthodochium (Ju & Rogers 1990; Læssøe & Spooner 1994). The anamorph in culture differs from the one of R. communis by more frequent intercalary conidiogenous areas having more loci.
Rosellinia johnstonii also resembles R. mammoidea, but it has smaller, narrowly ellipsoidal ascospores with an asymmetrical germ slit and larger stromata with flattened discoid-like tops. The stroma and ascospore sizes are statistically significantly different, as shown by the 65% confidence ellipses (Fig. 9C) and the discriminant analysis (data not shown). R. subiculata (Schw.) Sacc. has slightly smaller ascospores than R. johnstonii. These two species also differ from each other with respect to subiculum, stroma shape, and germ slit (Petrini 1993).
NOTES: Distinctive features of R. johnstonii are the flattened top of the stroma and the asymmetrical position of the germ slit on the ascospore. It is closer o one spore end and more distant towards the other (Fig. 17H). The subiculum can be observed only in young material. At first sight, this species may be confused with Astrocystis spp. However, it clearly belongs to Rosellinia as young stromata develop in a subiculum and the anamorph belongs to the form genus Geniculosporium, contrary to Astrocystis, in which the stromata break through the host epidermis and may split in a stellate manner, and the anamorphs belong to form genus Acanthodochium (Ju & Rogers 1990; Læssøe & Spooner 1994). The anamorph in culture differs from the one of R. communis by more frequent intercalary conidiogenous areas having more loci.
Rosellinia johnstonii also resembles R. mammoidea, but it has smaller, narrowly ellipsoidal ascospores with an asymmetrical germ slit and larger stromata with flattened discoid-like tops. The stroma and ascospore sizes are statistically significantly different, as shown by the 65% confidence ellipses (Fig. 9C) and the discriminant analysis (data not shown). R. subiculata (Schw.) Sacc. has slightly smaller ascospores than R. johnstonii. These two species also differ from each other with respect to subiculum, stroma shape, and germ slit (Petrini 1993).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland: N of Kaukapakapa, vic. Glorit, Atuanui State Forest, Mt Auckland, on bark, 11 Sep 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49674, culture and anamorph on CMD. PARATYPUS (hic designatus): North Island, Northland: Hokianga Co., Waipoua State Forest, vic. Forest Headquarters, on decorticated wood, 29 May 1982, G. J. Samuels, H. P. Hawthorne, P. R. Johnston, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 43197, anamorph on host, on CMD, cultures on OA, CMD.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: BRAZIL: São Leopoldo, in ligno frondoso, cf. Acer biella, 1929, Rick, PACA 19025*, probably isotype, includes hand-written description; São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, 1929, Rick, FH*; São Leopoldo, 1929, Rick, PACA 19004*; São Leopoldo, 1929, Braun, PACA 19058*. NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: NORTHLAND: Hokianga Co., on Rhopalostylis sapida, 11 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, PDD 45780.
Subiculum evanescent, in young material white to grey, felty, absent in mature and old material. Stromata (600)710 ± 76(800) µm high, (575)730 ± 105(850) µm wide (n = 5), conical, black, leaving a ring on the substrate when detached, solitary or crowded in small groups, sometimes fused together, seating on a common stromatal base. Ostioles pointed, hardly differentiated. Ectostroma 25- 50 µm, black. Entostroma absent in mature material. Perithecia detached in older material. Ascus apical rings (13.4)14.2 ± 0.8(15.4) µm high, upper width 7.6-8.6 µm, lower width 5.7-7.7 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (60.5)71.2 ± 3.8(78.7) µm long, (9.6)11.5 ± 0.9(13.4) µm wide (n = 30), banana-shaped, brown to dark brown, with straight germ slit extending the whole spore length, both extremities and flattened to concave side surrounded by a slimy sheath.
HOST: Rhopalostylis sapida.
MATRIX: Rachides.
MATRIX: Rachides.
NOTES: Rosellinia longispora is characterised by long ascospores with a germ slit extending the whole spore length and a poorly developed, evanescent subiculum. It was possible to compare the New Zealand specimen with original material of R. longispora from the Rick collections held at FH and PACA. The discriminant analysis revealed that there is no statistically significant difference in the size of the ascospores; analysis of variance demonstrated the same for stromata, and ascus apical rings (results not shown). The Rick material is on decorticated dicotyledonous wood, whereas the New Zealand specimen is on palm fronds.
The type material of R. emergens (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., K, has morphologically similar ascospores, but the subiculum is persistent and well developed, dark brown, and wiry (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data). R. formosana Y.-M.Ju & J.D.Rogers has wider, differently shaped stromata and larger ascospores than R. longispora (Ju & Rogers 1999).
The type material of R. emergens (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., K, has morphologically similar ascospores, but the subiculum is persistent and well developed, dark brown, and wiry (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data). R. formosana Y.-M.Ju & J.D.Rogers has wider, differently shaped stromata and larger ascospores than R. longispora (Ju & Rogers 1999).
TYPE: Brazil: Rick expeditions in Brazil, São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, 1929, Rick, FH*.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: WELLINGTON: Days Bay, on dead wood, Mar 1925, D. W. McKenzie, PDD 2097; Days Bay, on dead wood, May 1947, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16891. AUCKLAND ISLANDS: Auckland Island, Erebus Cove, on decort. wood, 20 Mar 2000, H. Burdsall, PDD 71726, culture; Enderby Island, Sandy Bay, on Metrosideros robusta, 21 Mar 2000, P. R. Johnston, PDD 71830.
Subiculum evanescent, white, cream to light brown to grey. Stromata (350)482 ± 80(650) µm high, (500)658 ± 105(900) µm wide (n = 25), cylindrical to semiglobose, black, shiny, solitary or crowded in small groups, rarely 2-3 fused together. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma 50-75 µm thick, black. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia detached in mature material. Ascus apical rings 2-3 µm high, upper width 2.8-4 µm, lower width 1.9-3 µm (n = 17), without bulge at upper margin, J+, blue. Ascospores (11)13 ± 1(16) µm long, (6.2)7.5 ± 0.5(9) µm wide (n = 150), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, brown to dark brown, with 8-10 µm long straight germ slit (Fig. 20G), some of them with a basal, 1 x 1 µm large, cellular appendage (Fig. 20G).
Culture on MA white, felty, grey areas with conidiophores. Conidia 3.5-5 x 3-4 µm.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Culture on MA white, felty, grey areas with conidiophores. Conidia 3.5-5 x 3-4 µm.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOSTS: Metrosideros robusta, unidentified dicotyledonous wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated heavily decomposed wood.
NOTES: Rosellinia mammoidea is characterised by a cream to light brown subiculum present only in a very early state, and dark brown ascospores with rounded side walls with a germ slit about two thirds of their length. In the original description the ascospore size ranges from 16 to 18 x 8 µm (Cooke 1879). The Kew herbarium has three specimens labelled as R. mammoidea from the period when Cooke described the fungi from New Zealand (Cooke 1879). One originates from Wellington, collected by Travers, the second from the South Island, J. Kirk 72, the third from Waitaki, ex herb. M. C. Cooke. The Travers collection is cited by Cooke and is labelled as the type. The ascospore size in this specimen ranges from 11 to 14 x 6.5 to 8 µm, clearly much smaller than the dimensions given in the literature. The Kirk specimen is R. communis: its ascospores measure 16-21 x 8.5-10 µm. The third specimen has ascospores measuring 19-23 x 10-13 µm with a sigmoid germslit and is Helicogermslita aucklandica. At first sight, all three have similarstromata. The wrong ascospore size indicated in the literature was very likely the reason why most Rosellinia from New Zealand identified as R. mammoidea are actually R. communis.
Rosellinia mammoidea can be distinguished from R. communis by smaller stromata and smaller ascospores, and from R. johnstonii by smaller stromata with mostly rounded tops, larger (usually wider) ascospores, occasionally with a cellular appendage and shorter germ slits positioned symmetrically. The results of the discriminant analysis of the ascospore size indicated statistically significant differences among these three species, as also shown by the 65% confidence ellipses in Fig. 9C. The stromatal size was also statistically significantly different (data not shown). R. mammoidea differs also from R. subiculata (Schwein. : Fr.) Sacc. by the subiculum colour, larger ascospores, and a shorter germ slit (Petrini 1993).
Martin (1968) treated R. mammoidea as a synonym of Hypoxylon mastoideum (Fr.) P.M.D.Martin ( Rosellinia mastoidea (Fr.) Sacc.) and gave its spore size as 10-22 x 5-10 µm. Such a large variability in ascospore size is most likely the result of including more than one taxon in the species concept. According to Petrini (1993) its basionym, Sphaeria mastoidea Fr., remains doubtful. Martin (1968) drew his taxonomic conclusions mainly from material collected in South Africa. Based on my experience, the geographical distribution of most species of Rosellinia is restricted. Therefore, the New Zealand material, which originates from an isolated area, is almost certainly different from Sphaeria mastoidea which very likely originates from Europe. South African material still needs to be studied in order to establish its identity.
Rosellinia mammoidea can be distinguished from R. communis by smaller stromata and smaller ascospores, and from R. johnstonii by smaller stromata with mostly rounded tops, larger (usually wider) ascospores, occasionally with a cellular appendage and shorter germ slits positioned symmetrically. The results of the discriminant analysis of the ascospore size indicated statistically significant differences among these three species, as also shown by the 65% confidence ellipses in Fig. 9C. The stromatal size was also statistically significantly different (data not shown). R. mammoidea differs also from R. subiculata (Schwein. : Fr.) Sacc. by the subiculum colour, larger ascospores, and a shorter germ slit (Petrini 1993).
Martin (1968) treated R. mammoidea as a synonym of Hypoxylon mastoideum (Fr.) P.M.D.Martin ( Rosellinia mastoidea (Fr.) Sacc.) and gave its spore size as 10-22 x 5-10 µm. Such a large variability in ascospore size is most likely the result of including more than one taxon in the species concept. According to Petrini (1993) its basionym, Sphaeria mastoidea Fr., remains doubtful. Martin (1968) drew his taxonomic conclusions mainly from material collected in South Africa. Based on my experience, the geographical distribution of most species of Rosellinia is restricted. Therefore, the New Zealand material, which originates from an isolated area, is almost certainly different from Sphaeria mastoidea which very likely originates from Europe. South African material still needs to be studied in order to establish its identity.
HOLOTYPUS: New Zealand, North Island, Wellington: on wood, Travers 308, Herb. Cooke 1885, K 69372.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: TAUPO: Kaimanawa Ranges, Tree Trunk Gorge, on Nothofagus sp., 25 Aug 1999, P. R. Johnston & B. M. Spooner, PDD 70789, anamorph on host. SOUTH ISLAND: NORTH CANTERBURY: Mt Thomas forest, Wooded Gully Track, on bark of fallen branches of Nothofagus solandri, 4 May 1995, P. R. Johnston, PDD 70112.
Subiculum persistent, reduced in mature material, dark reddish brown, felty to wiry, bearing conidiophores in young material. Stromata (1050)1330 ± 200(1750) µm high, (1175)1440 ± 194(1775) µm wide (n = 15), cupulate to globose, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary to crowded. Ostioles coarsely papillate. Ectostroma to 125 µm thick, black, hard. Entostroma light brown, confined to the base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (7.6)8.2 ± 0.5(9) µm high, upper width 5-6 µm, lower width 4-6 µm (n = 15), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (25)29 ± 2.4(37.5) µm long, (6)8.3 ± 0.7(9.6) µm wide (n = 90), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit, extending almost over the whole spore length, ending shortly before the extremities, each extremity with one 3-4 µm long, 3 µm wide, conical, cellular appendage, one of them being more pointed and the other more rounded and shorter, the whole spore completely surrounded by a thin slimy sheath.
Conidiogenous cells 4-5 µm wide, light brown. Conidia 10-13 x 5-5.5.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Conidiogenous cells 4-5 µm wide, light brown. Conidia 10-13 x 5-5.5.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOST: Nothofagus.
MATRIX: Corticated twigs 3-4 cm diam.
MATRIX: Corticated twigs 3-4 cm diam.
Subiculum perdurans, aetate provecta deminutum, atrobrunneum rubescens, lanosum ad filo metallico simile, conidiophora dum juvene ferens. Stromata (1050)1330 ± 200(1750) µm alta, (1175)1440 ± 194(1775) µm lata, cupulata vel globosa, atrobrunnea, ostiola circa nigra, solitaria ad conferta. Ostiola distincte et grosse papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (7.6)8.2 ± 0.5(9) µm altus, parte superiore 5- 6 µm et inferiore 4-6 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (25)29 ± 2.4(37.5) µm longae, (6)8.3 ± 0.7(9.6) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta totam ascosporam, usque ad extremitates fere sed non omnino recurrenti praeditae, vagina mucosa omnino tenui circumdatae. Apices utrique conica, cellulari appendice 3-4 µm longa 3 µm lataque praediti, appendix altera acuta, altera rotundata curtiorque. Status anamorphosis Geniculosporium.
ETYMOLOGY: According to the host plant.
NOTES: Rosellinia nothofagi is easily recognised by its ascospores which bear two cellular, conical appendages surrounded by a slimy sheath, massive stromata, and large conidia. Rosellinia subsimilis P.Karst. has similar, but, on the average, smaller ascospores, and its stromata are about half the size and more delicate (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia thelena (Fr. : Fr.) Rabenh. has also ascospores with smaller, very pronounced appendages. In addition, anamorph and stromata characters are also different (Petrini 1993).
NOTES: Rosellinia nothofagi is easily recognised by its ascospores which bear two cellular, conical appendages surrounded by a slimy sheath, massive stromata, and large conidia. Rosellinia subsimilis P.Karst. has similar, but, on the average, smaller ascospores, and its stromata are about half the size and more delicate (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia thelena (Fr. : Fr.) Rabenh. has also ascospores with smaller, very pronounced appendages. In addition, anamorph and stromata characters are also different (Petrini 1993).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, South Island, Otago: Otago Beech Forest, Blue Mts, Tapanui, on Nothofagus sp., Jan 1924, G. H. Cunningham & J. C. Neill, PDD 74976.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Epsom, on cultivated Rosa sp., 13 Jan 1963, S. Davison, PDD 20511; Epsom, on Solanum auriculatum, 28 Oct 1962, D. Davison, PDD 20576; Mt Albert, Plant Disease Division area, on Salix sp., Oct 1955, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16422, anamorph on host; Mt Eden, Albizia lophantha, Mar 1942, F. J. Newhook, PDD 4444; Three Kings, on Pittosporum crassifolium, Jul 1956, F. J. Newhook, PDD 16411; Three Kings, on Salix caprea, Jul 1956, F. J. Newhook, PDD 16412, PDD 16415; Three Kings, on Prunus persica, Jul 1956, F. J. Newhook, PDD 16414; Three Kings, on Euonymus japonicus, Jul 1956, F. J. Newhook, PDD 16888; Waiheke Island, Palm Beach, on dead wood of Actinidia chinensis, 5 Jan 2000, P. R. Johnston, PDD 71054; Waitakere Ranges, on indet. tree, 29 Apr 1983, G. J. Samuels & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45797. BAY OF PLENTY: Whakarewarewa, on Salix sp., Jan 1948, G. B. Rawlings, PDD 16413. NORTHLAND: Bay of Islands, Puketi State Forest, Loop trail, on decorticated wood, 2 Jun 1982, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 43205; Hokianga County, Waipoua State Forest, Kauri Ricker Trail, along Waipoua River, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 31 May 1982, G. J. Samuels, A. P. Hawthorne, P. R. Johnston, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 44410; Hokianga County, on ?Pseudopanax, 13 May 1983, G. J. Samuels, PDD 45776.
Subiculum persistent, purplish brown, coarse, wiry, woolly to felty, appressed, when young producing conidiophores in a grey-brown layer, subiculum reduced in old material. Stromata (675)899 ± 137(1300) µm high, (625)832 ± 116(1175) µm wide (n = 80), conical to pear-shaped to ampulliform, often with a short cylindrical base, sometimes with wrinkles on the surface or faint cracks at the base, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary but densely aggregated forming a compact layer; when young completely embedded in the subiculum, later gradually exposed and subiculum reduced. Ostioles coarsely papillate, often poorly differentiated and forming a cone-like top. Ectostroma 50-100 µm thick, black. Entostroma c. 75 µm thick, cream to black, confined to stroma base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material, often remaining as a central peg. Ascus apical rings (5.7)7.5 ± 1.2(10.5) µm high, upper width 4-5.7 µm, lower width 4.3- 6.7 µm (n = 63), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (20)24.3 ± 1.7(30) µm long, (5.7)8.5 ± 0.6(11.5) µm wide (n = 450), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, brown, with straight germ slit running over the whole spore length, with a basal, 1.5-2 1.5-2 µm large, cellular appendage, the whole spore completely surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2 µm thick at extremities, 1 µm thick at the sides. Conidia 6.5-8.5 x 4-5 µm.
Culture on OA after 24 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light covering plate (9 cm diam.), mottled with black, effused, stromatic and white, flat, dense hyphal splotches, cottony, cinerescent hyphae at the contact line between two inocula. Conidiophores in restricted areas, variable in length, without central axis, repeatedly and irregularly branched, widely spread, ultimate cells conidiogenous, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan towards base. Conidiogenous cells 16-43 x 3-3.5 µm (n = 13), disposed in 2s or 3s in a roughly verticillate fashion, mostly geniculate over c. 10 µm length of the tips, or less frequent, with swollen tips bearing conidiogenous scars, smooth, with conspicuous, circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia (4)7-10 x 3- 4 µm (n = 22), oblong to elliptic with a basal frill, smooth, pale tan.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Culture on OA after 24 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light covering plate (9 cm diam.), mottled with black, effused, stromatic and white, flat, dense hyphal splotches, cottony, cinerescent hyphae at the contact line between two inocula. Conidiophores in restricted areas, variable in length, without central axis, repeatedly and irregularly branched, widely spread, ultimate cells conidiogenous, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan towards base. Conidiogenous cells 16-43 x 3-3.5 µm (n = 13), disposed in 2s or 3s in a roughly verticillate fashion, mostly geniculate over c. 10 µm length of the tips, or less frequent, with swollen tips bearing conidiogenous scars, smooth, with conspicuous, circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia (4)7-10 x 3- 4 µm (n = 22), oblong to elliptic with a basal frill, smooth, pale tan.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOSTS: Actinidia chinensis, Albizzia lophantha, Beilschmiedia tawa, Euonymus japonicus, Pittosporum crassifolium, Populus sp., Prunus persica, ?Pseudopanax sp., Rosa sp. cultivated, Salix caprea, Salix spp., Solanum auriculatum.
MATRIX: Corticated and decorticated wood, twigs, detached bark.
MATRIX: Corticated and decorticated wood, twigs, detached bark.
Subiculum perdurans, purpureobrunneum, grossum, filo metallico simile ad lanosum, appressum, conidiophora cinereum stratum formantia dum juvene ferens, aetate provecta deminutum. Stromata (675)899 ± 137(1300) µm alta, (625)832 ± 116(1175) µm lata, conica ad pyriformia vel ampulliformia, saepe basi brevicylindrica, interdum rugis levibusque fissuris ad basim praedita, atrobrunnea, ostiola circa nigra, solitaria ad dense gregaria, strato compacto formantia, dum juvena omnino in subiculo insita, dein paulatim emergentia subiculoque deminuto. Ostiola grosse papillata, saepe indistincta apice conico. Annulus apicalis asci (5.7)7.5 ± 1.2(10.5) µm altus, parte superiore 4- 5.7 µm et inferiore 4.3-6.7 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (20)24.3 ± 1.7(30) µm longae, (5.7)8.5 ± 0.6(11.5) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, brunneae, fissura germinativa recta totam ascosporam recurrenti praeditae, vagina mucosa omnino 2 µm ad apicibus, 1 µm ad latera crassa circumdatae. Apex alter cellulari appendice 1.5-2 x 1.5-2 µm mensa praeditus. Status anamorphosis Geniculosporium.
ETYMOLOGY: Referring to the geographical origin, New Zealand.
NOTES: The most striking feature of R. novae-zelandiae is the pear-shaped, conical stroma with coarse ostioles that are often poorly differentiated. Cultures of R. novae-zelandiae resemble those of R. aquila and R. corticium as all develop black discolorations of the colony. The conidial sizes of the anamorph of R. novae-zelandiae and R. corticium are similar. Conidia of R. aquila are smaller than those of the other two species (Petrini 1993).
Many specimens previously identified as R. aquila are R. novae-zelandiae. The latter has larger ascospores with one cellular appendage completely surrounded by a slimy sheath. Ascospores of R. aquila have two cellular appendages surrounded by slimy caps (Petrini 1993). The ascospores of R. novae-zelandiae are similar to those of R. caudata Petch, R. corticium (Schwein. : Fr.) Sacc., R. immersa Petch, and R. merrilli Syd., but the stromatal shape of these species is subglobose to semiglobose and they have papillate to pointed ostioles. Mature spores of the type material of R. caudata have no cellular appendage and have a rather thick epispore; those of R. immersa are larger, as illustrated by the 65% confidence ellipses (Fig. 9D). R. merrillii has larger stromata, larger ascus apical rings, and larger ascospores (Petrini 1993; L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
NOTES: The most striking feature of R. novae-zelandiae is the pear-shaped, conical stroma with coarse ostioles that are often poorly differentiated. Cultures of R. novae-zelandiae resemble those of R. aquila and R. corticium as all develop black discolorations of the colony. The conidial sizes of the anamorph of R. novae-zelandiae and R. corticium are similar. Conidia of R. aquila are smaller than those of the other two species (Petrini 1993).
Many specimens previously identified as R. aquila are R. novae-zelandiae. The latter has larger ascospores with one cellular appendage completely surrounded by a slimy sheath. Ascospores of R. aquila have two cellular appendages surrounded by slimy caps (Petrini 1993). The ascospores of R. novae-zelandiae are similar to those of R. caudata Petch, R. corticium (Schwein. : Fr.) Sacc., R. immersa Petch, and R. merrilli Syd., but the stromatal shape of these species is subglobose to semiglobose and they have papillate to pointed ostioles. Mature spores of the type material of R. caudata have no cellular appendage and have a rather thick epispore; those of R. immersa are larger, as illustrated by the 65% confidence ellipses (Fig. 9D). R. merrillii has larger stromata, larger ascus apical rings, and larger ascospores (Petrini 1993; L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Bay of Plenty, Te Puke, Reid Property, Lombardy shelter belt, on Populus sp., 15 Jul 1981, G. J. Samuels & S. R. Pennycook, PDD 42074, culture on OA.
Subiculum not seen. Stromata (500)530 ± 27(550) µm high, (550)80 ± 21(600) µm wide ( n = 5), conical with a large, wide conical top, black, solitary or crowded in small groups, sometimes up to three fused together, some of them with stromatal margin, confluent over the whole substrate in crowded areas. Ostioles undifferentiated. Ectostroma 25-50 µm thick, black. Entostroma absent in mature material. Perithecia remaining attached to the stromata. Ascus apical rings (10.5)11.5 ± 0.7(12.5) µm long, upper width 7.6-8.6 µm, lower width 6.7-7.7 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (38.4)42.2 ± 2.3(47) µm long, (9.1)10.3 ± 0.7(11.5) µm wide (n = 30), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit extending over the whole spore length, both extremities and convex side surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2-3 µm thick and 5-6 µm wide at spore ends.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
HOST: Rhopalostylis baueri var. cheesemanii.
MATRIX: Rachides.
MATRIX: Rachides.
Subiculum non visum. Stromata (500)530 ± 27(550) µm alta, (550)580 ± 21(600) µm lata, conica, apice magno, late conico praedita, nigra, solitaria ad gregibus parvis gregaria, interdum ad tria stromata connata, margine stromatico interdum presenti, in regiones substrati totius conferta. Ostiola indistincta. Annulus apicalis asci (10.5)11.5 ± 0.7(12.5) µm altus, parte superiore 7.6-8.6 µm et inferiore 6.7- 7.7 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae(38.4)42.2 ± 2.3(47) µm longae, (9.1)10.3 ± 0.7(11.5) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta totam ascosporam recurrenti praeditae, vagina mucosa 2- 3 µm crassa 5-6 µm ad apicibus lataque circumdatae.
ETYMOLOGY: According to the host family.
NOTES: Rosellinia palmae is characterised by conical stromata with distinctive tops and undifferentiated ostioles. Ascospores are mid-sized with two slimy caps and a long germ slit. Only the type collection is known and does not show a subiculum. The ascus apical ring, however, is typical of Rosellinia spp.This species differs from R. radiciperda by stromatal characters, the absence of a subiculum in mature material, and ascospores without a cellular appendage. In addition to stromatal characters, R. palmae can be distinguished from R. longispora by smaller ascospores and ascus apical rings and from R. novae-zelandiae by larger ascospores of different shape without a cellular appendage. Rosellinia lamprospora Syd. resembles R. palmae; however, the former has larger, pear-shaped stromata and larger ascospores lacking a slimy sheath (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data). R. formosana has stromata of a similar shape as R. palmae, but they are larger and the ascospores are more than twice as long (Ju & Rogers 1999)
NOTES: Rosellinia palmae is characterised by conical stromata with distinctive tops and undifferentiated ostioles. Ascospores are mid-sized with two slimy caps and a long germ slit. Only the type collection is known and does not show a subiculum. The ascus apical ring, however, is typical of Rosellinia spp.This species differs from R. radiciperda by stromatal characters, the absence of a subiculum in mature material, and ascospores without a cellular appendage. In addition to stromatal characters, R. palmae can be distinguished from R. longispora by smaller ascospores and ascus apical rings and from R. novae-zelandiae by larger ascospores of different shape without a cellular appendage. Rosellinia lamprospora Syd. resembles R. palmae; however, the former has larger, pear-shaped stromata and larger ascospores lacking a slimy sheath (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data). R. formosana has stromata of a similar shape as R. palmae, but they are larger and the ascospores are more than twice as long (Ju & Rogers 1999)
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, Kermadec Islands, Raoul Island, on Rhopalostylis baueri var. cheesemanii, orchard, 20 Sep 1988, E. H. C. McKenzie, PDD 54730.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Henderson, on dead wood, 23 Aug 1947, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16423; Hunua Ranges, Moumoukai Valley, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 12 Oct 1946, J. M. Dingley, PDD 4729; Hunua Ranges, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 25 Apr 1950, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16417; Hunua Ranges, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 11 Jun 1949, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16425; Kawau Island, on Beilschmiedia tarairi, 22 Dec 1947, J. D. Atkinson, PDD 16416; Purewa, on dead wood, Feb 1931, M. Hodgkins, PDD 10393; Waitakere Ranges, Rua-te-whenua, on Beilschmiedia tawa, Aug 1949, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16419 (two specimens); Waitakere Ranges, Cascade Kauri Park, on Coprosma australis, 17 Mar 1956, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16421; Waitakere Ranges, on unknown host, Feb 1931, M. Hodgkins, PDD 16889; Waitakere Ranges, Upper Piha Valley, on Olearia rani, 9 Oct 1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 21738. BAY OF PLENTY: Rotorua, Rotoehu forest, on Beilschmiedia tawa, May 1862, L. Bassar, K*; Rotorua, 1914, Cheeseman, K*; Rotorua, on Beilschmiedia tawa, Dec 1949, G. B. Rawlings, PDD 16418; Rotorua, Waiotapu, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 17 Jun 1950, J. M. Dingley, PDD 16420; Rotorua, Rotoehu Forest, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 15 May 1962, C. Bassett, PDD 20313. COROMANDEL: Kauaeranga Valley, Thames Co., on Weinmannia, 2 Sep 1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 28867; Whitianga Road,1000 ft, on Coprosma lucida, 21 Aug 1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 21447; Whitianga Road, 1000 ft, on Brachyglottis repanda, 21 Aug 1963, J. M. Dingley, PDD 21448, GZU 42478; vic. Thames, on bark of indet. tree, 1 May 1983, G. J. Samuels & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45800. GISBORNE: Urewera National Park, L. Waikaremoana, vic. Motor Camp, Ngamoko Track, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 24 May 1982, G. J. Samuels & C. E. Samuels, PDD 43175, cultures on OA, CMD (sterile). NORTHLAND: Hokianga Co., Waipoua State Forest, Kauri Ricker Trail, along Waipoua River, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 31 May 1982, G. J. Samuels, A. P. Hawthorne, P.R. Johnston,&R. H. Petersen, PDD 44410, cultures on OA (sterile), CMD; Trounson Kauri Park, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 17 Mar 1963, S. Davison, PDD 20996; Trounson Kauri Park, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 20 Dec 1963, F. J. Morton, PDD 23046. TAUPO: n bark of fallen branch, 23 Aug 1999, P. R. Johnston & B. M. Spooner, PDD 70783*; vic. Otorohanga, Rangitoto Station, zigzag track, on bark of fallen branch, 24 May 2000, P. R. Johnston, PDD 71728*; vic. Otorohanga, Rangitoto Station, Saddle Track, on unidentified host, 24 May 2000, P. R. Johnston, PDD 71916*. WAIKATO: Mt Pirongia, trail to Mahaukura, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 20 Aug 1980, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & M. E. Lanigan, PDD 49665, anamorph on host, cultures on OA, PDA; Te Awamutu, Mt Pirongia, track to Mahaukura, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 27 Aug 1979, G. J. Samuels &C. E. Samuels, PDD 40012, culture on PDA; vic. Te Awamutu, Mt Pironga, on Beilschmiedia tawa, 27 Mar 1982, G. J. Samuels & C. E. Samuels, PDD 44274, cultures on OA, CMD (sterile); on bark of undet. tree, 26 Apr 1983, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 45466; Waitomo caves, on bark of undet. tree, 26 Apr 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45467. WELLINGTON: Weraroa, on dead wood, 10 Jul 1919, G. H. Cunningham, PDD 897; Weraroa, on dead wood, 2 May 1923, G. H. Cunningham, PDD 1104; Weraroa, on dead wood, May 1923, J. C. Neill, PDD 1151. CHATHAM ISLANDS: Chatham Island, Kaingaroa, Weisner's Reserve, 5 Apr 1993, P. R. Johnston, PDD 63156*; Nikau Bush, on bark of fallen log, 5 Apr 1993, P. R. Johnston & E. H. C. McKenzie, PDD 63178*; Pitt Island: Glory Bay, 2 Jan 1969, B. G. Hamlin, PDD 39241*, as Hypoxylon bovei Speg. UNKNOWN LOCALITIES: J. Kirk, K* as R. mammiformis; on dead branch, Dec 1885, W. Colenso, K* as R. mastoidea Sacc.
Subiculum persistent, reduced in mature material, purplish brown, dark brown, woolly to felty. Stromata (1000)1405 ± 200(2000) µm high, (1125)1628 ± 224(2250) µm wide (n = 155), globose, semiglobose to cupulate, often with a short cylindrical base, copper-brown, reddish brown, black and shiny around the ostioles, when old dark brown to dull black, solitary or crowded forming a compact layer, often laterally compressed, when young completely embedded in the subiculum, only ostioles exposed. Ostioles bluntly rounded or often not differentiated and then stromatal apex conical. Ectostroma 100-150 µm thick, black, hard, brittle. Entostroma brown, confined to base, in mature material absent. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (7.7)10 ± 1.1(12.5) µm high, upper width 5.7-8.6 µm, lower width 4.8-9.6 µm (n = 52), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (31.7)39.2 ± 3.2(50) µm long, (6.7)11.9 ± 0.8(16.3) µm wide (n = 460), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit extending over the whole spore length, both extremities with one 2-3 x 2-3 µm, semiglobose, cellular appendage, the whole spore surrounded by a 1 µm thick slimy sheath which is absent in older material. Conidia 6-8 x 3.5-4 µm.
Cultures on OA after 26 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light covering plate (9 cm diam.), surface with velutinous black coating of 4-5 µm thick, shortly branched, melanised hyphae, centre sometimes remaining white, black areas sterile. Conidiophores variable in length forming at the edge of the plate on plastic or on white contact mycelium among different isolates, mononematous, mostly dichotomously branched, smooth, pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 7-51 x 3- 4 µm (n = 21), terminal or less frequently intercalary,cylindrical, geniculate with conspicuous, circular refractive frill, 1-1.5 µm diam., at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 5-9 x 2.5-3(4) µm (n = 44), elliptic to oblong, clavate, with flat, 1-1.5 µm broad base bearing a minute frill, smooth, subhyaline to light tan. On CMD after 9 days at 20°C under diffused daylight, 2-3 cm diam., flat, white, transparent, scant aerial mycelium, margin plumelike; after 25 days and under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light, 4-5 cm diam., grey-brown to dark grey-brown, transparent, no aerial mycelium, margin feathery, dendroidal. Conidiophores up to 250 µm long, scarce, only at colony margin, branched once or twice, each branch producing a penicillus of secondary branches and conidiogenous cells, smooth, pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 8-54 x 3 µm (n = 13), geniculate with prominent circular refractive frill, 1-1.5 µm diam., at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia (4)6-8(9) x 3-4 µm (n = 22), elliptic, with flat, non protuberant, 1-1.5 µm wide base bearing a refractive ring, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan. On PDA after 36 days at 20°C under diffused daylight, rapidly spreading, cottony, with dark brown patches composed of many shortly branched black hyphae; around the original inoculum velvety, with erect much-branched hyphae, reverse with some brown discolorations. Areas of conidia formation grey-tan, at lines of contact between isolates. Conidiophores mononematous, erect, branched, smooth, hyaline to pale tan.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Cultures on OA after 26 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light covering plate (9 cm diam.), surface with velutinous black coating of 4-5 µm thick, shortly branched, melanised hyphae, centre sometimes remaining white, black areas sterile. Conidiophores variable in length forming at the edge of the plate on plastic or on white contact mycelium among different isolates, mononematous, mostly dichotomously branched, smooth, pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 7-51 x 3- 4 µm (n = 21), terminal or less frequently intercalary,cylindrical, geniculate with conspicuous, circular refractive frill, 1-1.5 µm diam., at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 5-9 x 2.5-3(4) µm (n = 44), elliptic to oblong, clavate, with flat, 1-1.5 µm broad base bearing a minute frill, smooth, subhyaline to light tan. On CMD after 9 days at 20°C under diffused daylight, 2-3 cm diam., flat, white, transparent, scant aerial mycelium, margin plumelike; after 25 days and under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light, 4-5 cm diam., grey-brown to dark grey-brown, transparent, no aerial mycelium, margin feathery, dendroidal. Conidiophores up to 250 µm long, scarce, only at colony margin, branched once or twice, each branch producing a penicillus of secondary branches and conidiogenous cells, smooth, pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 8-54 x 3 µm (n = 13), geniculate with prominent circular refractive frill, 1-1.5 µm diam., at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia (4)6-8(9) x 3-4 µm (n = 22), elliptic, with flat, non protuberant, 1-1.5 µm wide base bearing a refractive ring, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan. On PDA after 36 days at 20°C under diffused daylight, rapidly spreading, cottony, with dark brown patches composed of many shortly branched black hyphae; around the original inoculum velvety, with erect much-branched hyphae, reverse with some brown discolorations. Areas of conidia formation grey-tan, at lines of contact between isolates. Conidiophores mononematous, erect, branched, smooth, hyaline to pale tan.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOSTS: Beilschmiedia tarairi, Beilschmiedia tawa, Brachyglottis repanda, Coprosma australis, Coprosma lucida, Olearia rani, (Pirus malus), Weinmannia sp., unidentified hosts.
MATRIX: Corticated, decorticated, heavilydecomposed wood.
MATRIX: Corticated, decorticated, heavilydecomposed wood.
NOTES: Rosellinia radiciperda is easily recognised by the crowded stromata with a blunt apex and soft slopes, the subiculum with a purplish tinge, and its large, dark brown ascospores with a long germ slit, two cellular appendages, and slimy sheath.
Saccardo (1899) mentioned a Dematophora anamorph for R. radiciperda. Massee (1896) described a damaging effect of the mycelial stage of this fungus on its host plants similar to that known for D. necatrix Hartig. On the North Island only, common orchard trees and also several native trees and plants, especially growing on the border between indigenous forest and crop land, were affected. Massee (1896), therefore, postulated that the fungus had to be native to New Zealand. In fact, recent collections are from the North Island and exclusively on endemic hosts. He was not able to produce a Dematophora state in his inoculation experiment with the New Zealand mycelium and soil sample. Later, however, he received a parcel containing material, also from New Zealand, with fertile stromata collected from the base of a fallen and decayed Pirus malus. His illustrations of the ascospores match the spore shape of the type specimen of R. radiciperda. The type is rather old, the subiculum is worn away, and a dematiaceous hyphomycete and some mosses are present (Fig. 24E). Features of R. radiciperda are well documented due to the many specimens examined, none of them on roots. Conidiophores typical of Geniculosporium were once found in the subiculum; in culture they were also mononematous.
The species most resembling R. radiciperda is R. merrillii, described from the Philippines. The latter has smaller ascospores and stromata that also lack the bluntly conical apex characteristic of the New Zealand species.
Saccardo (1899) mentioned a Dematophora anamorph for R. radiciperda. Massee (1896) described a damaging effect of the mycelial stage of this fungus on its host plants similar to that known for D. necatrix Hartig. On the North Island only, common orchard trees and also several native trees and plants, especially growing on the border between indigenous forest and crop land, were affected. Massee (1896), therefore, postulated that the fungus had to be native to New Zealand. In fact, recent collections are from the North Island and exclusively on endemic hosts. He was not able to produce a Dematophora state in his inoculation experiment with the New Zealand mycelium and soil sample. Later, however, he received a parcel containing material, also from New Zealand, with fertile stromata collected from the base of a fallen and decayed Pirus malus. His illustrations of the ascospores match the spore shape of the type specimen of R. radiciperda. The type is rather old, the subiculum is worn away, and a dematiaceous hyphomycete and some mosses are present (Fig. 24E). Features of R. radiciperda are well documented due to the many specimens examined, none of them on roots. Conidiophores typical of Geniculosporium were once found in the subiculum; in culture they were also mononematous.
The species most resembling R. radiciperda is R. merrillii, described from the Philippines. The latter has smaller ascospores and stromata that also lack the bluntly conical apex characteristic of the New Zealand species.
HOLOTYPUS: New Zealand, on Pirus malus, W. Colenso, K 69382*.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Track, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 12 Aug 1981, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, R. E. Beever, R. P. Korf, & J. W. Paden, PDD 42073; Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Trail, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 25 Jan 1980, G. J. Samuels & W. B. Kendrick, PDD 49625, anamorph on host; Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Trail, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 7 May 1981,G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston&E. Horak, PDD 45719, culture on CMD; Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Trail, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 27 Apr 1983, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45782; Waitakere Ranges, Cascades, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 9 Mar 1981, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49599, anamorph on host; Waitakere Ranges, Kauri Grove Trail, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 1 Jul 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49658, culture on OA; Waitakere Ranges, Kauri Grove Trail, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 1 Jul 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49659, culture on OA. NORTHLAND: Hokianga Co., Waipoua State Forest, between Forest Headquarters and a point c. 1.2 hr walk N of headquarters along Yakas Track, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 30 May 1982, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, A. P. Hawthorne, & P. R. Johnston, PDD 43199, anamorph on host; Hokianga Co., Waipoua State Forest, Kauri Ricker Track, on sheathing base of Rhopalostylis sapida, 22 Jun 1981, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, A. P. Hawthorne, & P. R. Johnston, PDD 41981. SOUTH ISLAND: BULLER: Karamea, Kohaihai, Nikau Walk, on Rhopalostylis sapida, 11 May 1994, P. R. Johnston, PDD 66226.
Subiculum evanescent, restricted in extension approx. 2-6 x 1-2 mm, in white, cream, to light brown patches, bearing conidiophores, covering stromatal initials, subsequently reduced while stromata progressively emerge and eventually confined to stromatal margins until absent in old material. Stromata (225)507 ± 112(825) µm high, (375)628 ± 107(875) µm wide (n = 60), semiglobose, cupulate to conical, black, smooth, shiny, adhering to the substrate with a flat ring composed of hard stromatic material, solitary or in small groups on a common stromatic layer, occasionally containing more than one perithecium. Young stromata covered by a cream to light brown to grey, felty, hyphal mat, progressively emerging during development until completely free at maturity. Ostioles finely papillate, sometimes minimally pronounced. Ectostroma 25-50 µm thick, hard, splintering. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia detached and collapsed in older material, located in the centre of cavity. Ascus apical rings (1.9)2.3 ± 0.4(2.8) long, upper width 2-3.6 µm, lower width 1.5-2 µm (n = 26), without bulge at upper margin, J+, pale blue. Ascospores (10.5)13 ± 0.8(15.4) µm long, (4.3)6 ± 0.5(10.5) wide (n = 290), ellipsoidal, brown, with straight germ slit extending the whole spore length or ending shortly before. Conidia 3.5- 5.5 x 2.5-3.5 µm.
Cultures on OA after 33 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light (2.5)6- 6.5 cm diam., velvety from short hyphae, dense, felty, white to tan, light grey in the centre, restricted grey pustules with conidiophores. Conidiophores up to 200 µm long, 3 µm wide, mononematous, macronematous, erect, irregularly dichotomously branched, smooth, pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 9- 28 x 3 µm (n = 28), terminal or integrated, cylindrical, geniculate with circular refractive frill,1 µm diam., at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia (2.5)3-5 x 2-3(4) µm (n = 44), subglobose to obovate, with flat, protuberant, c. 1 µm wide base bearing a refractive ring, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan. On CMD after 21 days under same conditions 2 cm diam., transparent, light grey-tan, with erect, short, much branched aerial hyphae, conidial production poor, restricted to few scattered tufts. Conidiophores variable in length, more than 150 µm, repeatedly branched, without main axis, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan. Conidiogenous cells variable in length, 2-3 µm wide, cylindrical, geniculate terminal, rarely intercalary with circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3.5-5 x 2.5-3.5 µm (n = 22), subglobose to clavate, with flat, protuberant, base bearing a refractive ring, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Cultures on OA after 33 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light (2.5)6- 6.5 cm diam., velvety from short hyphae, dense, felty, white to tan, light grey in the centre, restricted grey pustules with conidiophores. Conidiophores up to 200 µm long, 3 µm wide, mononematous, macronematous, erect, irregularly dichotomously branched, smooth, pale tan. Conidiogenous cells 9- 28 x 3 µm (n = 28), terminal or integrated, cylindrical, geniculate with circular refractive frill,1 µm diam., at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia (2.5)3-5 x 2-3(4) µm (n = 44), subglobose to obovate, with flat, protuberant, c. 1 µm wide base bearing a refractive ring, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan. On CMD after 21 days under same conditions 2 cm diam., transparent, light grey-tan, with erect, short, much branched aerial hyphae, conidial production poor, restricted to few scattered tufts. Conidiophores variable in length, more than 150 µm, repeatedly branched, without main axis, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan. Conidiogenous cells variable in length, 2-3 µm wide, cylindrical, geniculate terminal, rarely intercalary with circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 3.5-5 x 2.5-3.5 µm (n = 22), subglobose to clavate, with flat, protuberant, base bearing a refractive ring, smooth, subhyaline to pale tan.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOSTS: Rhopalostylis sapida.
MATRIX: Pieces of rachides.
MATRIX: Pieces of rachides.
Subiculum evanescens, restrictum extensione 2-6 x 1-2 mm, album, cremeum ad pallide brunneum, conidiophora ferens. Stromata (225)507 ± 112(825) µm alta, (375)628 ± 107(875) µm lata, semiglobosa ad cupulata, nigra, nitida, substrato ope disci applanati maeriale stromatico compositi adhaerentia, solitaria vel in parvis gregibus stromatico strato insitis conferta, interdum plus quam unum perithecium continentia. Ostiola laeviter papillata, interdum parum evoluta. Annulus apicalis asci (1.9)2.3 ± 0.4(2.8) µm altus, parte superiore 2- 3.6 µm et inferiore 1.5-2 µm latus, margine superiore non protuberanti, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (10.5)13 ± 0.8(15.4) µm longae, (4.3)6 ± 0.5(10.5) µm latae, ellipsoideae, brunneae, fissura germinativa recta, ad totam ascosporam recurrenti vel paululo breviter praeditae. Status anamorphosis Geniculosporium.
ETYMOLOGY: Referring to the most frequent host, Rhopalostylis.
NOTES: Rosellinia rhopalostilicola has black, shiny stromata covered by a cream to light brown subiculum when young. It differs from R. johnstonii by apically rounded stromata, larger ascospores, and a symmetrical germ slit; from R. mammoidea by cupulate stromata with more pronounced ostioles, ascospores without a cellular appendage, and a germ slit extending the whole spore length; and from R. communis by stromatal shape and much smaller ascospores. It can be distinguished from R. subiculata by the subiculum colour and larger ascospores (Petrini 1993).
The presence of a subiculum in young stages as well as the Geniculosporium anamorph justify placement of this species in Rosellinia. Mature specimens without subiculum might be confused with Astrocystis spp. at first sight, because they occur on palm and most species of Astrocystis are described from such hosts (Smith & Hyde 2001). The stromata of R. rhopalostilicola, however, show the regular nearly cupulate shape of typical Rosellinia and have well-pronounced papillate ostioles and the surface is smooth and shiny, without traces of a splitted stroma or adhering host material. Rosellinia euterpes Rehm, also described from a palm, has wider, semiglobose, opaque stromata with less pronounced ostioles, smaller ascus apical rings and smaller ascospores than R. rhopalostilicola
NOTES: Rosellinia rhopalostilicola has black, shiny stromata covered by a cream to light brown subiculum when young. It differs from R. johnstonii by apically rounded stromata, larger ascospores, and a symmetrical germ slit; from R. mammoidea by cupulate stromata with more pronounced ostioles, ascospores without a cellular appendage, and a germ slit extending the whole spore length; and from R. communis by stromatal shape and much smaller ascospores. It can be distinguished from R. subiculata by the subiculum colour and larger ascospores (Petrini 1993).
The presence of a subiculum in young stages as well as the Geniculosporium anamorph justify placement of this species in Rosellinia. Mature specimens without subiculum might be confused with Astrocystis spp. at first sight, because they occur on palm and most species of Astrocystis are described from such hosts (Smith & Hyde 2001). The stromata of R. rhopalostilicola, however, show the regular nearly cupulate shape of typical Rosellinia and have well-pronounced papillate ostioles and the surface is smooth and shiny, without traces of a splitted stroma or adhering host material. Rosellinia euterpes Rehm, also described from a palm, has wider, semiglobose, opaque stromata with less pronounced ostioles, smaller ascus apical rings and smaller ascospores than R. rhopalostilicola
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Northland, Waipoua Forest, trail between Yakas Kauri and Forest Headquarters, onRhopalostylis sapida, 24 Jun 1981, G. J. Samuels, A. P. Hawthorne, E. Horak, & R. Petersen, PDD 49441.
Subiculum persistent, dark brown, wiry, partially without stromata but with many synnemata. Stromata (1050)1160 ± 125(1375) µm high, (1125)1245 ± 99(1300) µm wide (n = 5), globose, with a short broad cylindrical base, copper brown, black around the ostioles, with rugose to wrinkled surfaces, solitary to crowed, becoming laterallycompressed. Ostioles coarsely papillate. Ectostroma 75-100 µm thick, black, hard, splintering. Entostroma cream, later dark brown, confined to base, absent in mature material. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (6.7)7.3 ± 0.5(7.6) µm long, upper width 4.5-5 µm, lower width 3.5-4 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (21.6)23.3 ± 1.4(26.9) µm long, (6.7)7.7 ± 0.5(8.6) µm wide (n = 30), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, brown to dark brown, with 10-13 µm long straight germ slit centred on the flat side, both extremities and the flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath, up to 4.5 x 3-4 µm thick at the ends, 1 µm thick at side.
Synnemata up to 650 µm high. Conidia 6-10 x 3-4 µm.
ANAMORPH: Dematophora.
Synnemata up to 650 µm high. Conidia 6-10 x 3-4 µm.
ANAMORPH: Dematophora.
HOST: Undetermined hardwood.
MATRIX: Decorticated wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated wood.
Subiculum perdurans, atrobrunneum, filo metallico simile, stromata orbum sed multis synnematibus praeditum. Stromata (1050)1160 ± 125(1375) µm alta, (1125)1245 ± 99(1300) µm lata, globosa, basi lata brevicylindricaque, cupreobrunnea, ostiola circa nigra, superficie rugosa ad corrugata, solitaria ad gregaria lateraliter compressa. Ostiola grosse papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (6.7)7.3 ± 0.5(7.6) µm altus, parte superiore 4.5-5 µm et inferiore 3.5- 4 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (21.6)23.3 ± 1.4(26.9) µm longae, (6.7)7.7 ± 0.5(8.6) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, brunneae ad atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta 10-13 µm longa in regione centrali partis planae ascosporae locata praeditae, apicibus parteque plana vagina mucosa 4.5 x 3-4 µm ad apices et 1 µm ad latus crassa circumdatis. Status anamorphosis Dematophora.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the mycologist G. Samuels who collected and cultured many of the Rosellinia specimens deposited at PDD.
NOTES: Rosellinia samuelsii combines characters of massive stromata, flattened, ellipsoidal ascospores with a short germ slit and a Dematophora anamorph. Many fertile synnemata are present in parts of the subiculum devoid of stromata.
Rosellinia samuelsii differs from R. hughesii by its larger stromata and larger ascospores with a short germ slit, and from R. buxi by a thinner ectostroma, larger ascus apical rings, ascospores surrounded partially by a slimy sheath and shorter germ slits, as well as larger conidia (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia paraguayensis Starbäck and R. petrakii Narendra have similarly shaped but larger ascospores than R. samuelsii. Rosellinia paraguayensis has also a Dematophora anamorph, in contrast to R. petrakii.
Rosellinia britannica has ascospores of similar size, but it differs from R. samuelsii by the smaller stromata of a different shape, an evanescent subiculum with a Geniculosporium anamorph, and ascospores with a longer germ slit (Petrini et al. 1989).
NOTES: Rosellinia samuelsii combines characters of massive stromata, flattened, ellipsoidal ascospores with a short germ slit and a Dematophora anamorph. Many fertile synnemata are present in parts of the subiculum devoid of stromata.
Rosellinia samuelsii differs from R. hughesii by its larger stromata and larger ascospores with a short germ slit, and from R. buxi by a thinner ectostroma, larger ascus apical rings, ascospores surrounded partially by a slimy sheath and shorter germ slits, as well as larger conidia (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia paraguayensis Starbäck and R. petrakii Narendra have similarly shaped but larger ascospores than R. samuelsii. Rosellinia paraguayensis has also a Dematophora anamorph, in contrast to R. petrakii.
Rosellinia britannica has ascospores of similar size, but it differs from R. samuelsii by the smaller stromata of a different shape, an evanescent subiculum with a Geniculosporium anamorph, and ascospores with a longer germ slit (Petrini et al. 1989).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, Huia, Parau Tr., on decorticated wood, 23 Oct 1980, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49690.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: COROMANDEL PENINSULA: Thames, Kauaeranga Valley, on decorticated wood, 1 May 1983, G. J. Samuels & R. H. Petersen, PDD 46267.
Subiculum evanescent, brown, felty, remnants between brown stromata, black stromata free of subiculum. Stromata (500)610 ± 72(700) µm high, (525)615 ± 58(675) µm wide (n = 5), conical to columnar, with bluntly rounded top, dark brown to black, solitary, crowded, touching each other. Ostioles finely papillate or not differentiated. Ectostroma 50 µm thick, black. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia remaining attached to the stromatal wall. Ascus apical rings 1.9-2.9 µm high, upper width 2.4-2.8 µm, lower width 1.9-2.8 µm (n = 5), J+, pale blue. Ascospores (9.6)11 ± 0.6(11.5) µm long, (4.3)4.8 ± 0.3(5.3) µm wide (n = 30), ellipsoidal, broadly rounded, light brown, with unclear, straight germ slit running over the whole spore length, one 0.5 x 2 µm large semiglobose, cellular appendage on immature spores and occasionally on mature ones.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
HOST: Undetermined.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed hardwood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed hardwood.
NOTES: Rosellinia stenasca has small ascospores for a Rosellinia. Its stromata are extremely crowded and therefore laterally compressed to form a uniform layer. In young material a subiculum is present and its remnants are still visible when mature, thus justifying the placement of this species in Rosellinia (Fig. 28E). Two original specimens collected by Rick held at FH and PACA (type) exhibit the same characteristics (L. E. Petrini unpubl. data). A discriminant analysis of ascospore size revealed no differences between the South American and the New Zealand collections (results not shown); the stroma size of the two species was also similar. The germ slit, faintly visible on the ascospores of the New Zealand material, could not be detected in either Rick collection. The age of the material and the very light coloured ascospores might have obscured the slit.
Rosellinia breensis Starbäck, R. erianthi Chona & Munjal, and R. pardalios (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Cooke have ascospores of similar size as R. stenasca, but they are darker brown and their stromata differ in shape and size, especially in height.
Rosellinia breensis Starbäck, R. erianthi Chona & Munjal, and R. pardalios (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Cooke have ascospores of similar size as R. stenasca, but they are darker brown and their stromata differ in shape and size, especially in height.
ISOTYPI: Brazil, São Leopoldo, in ligno frondoso, Rick, PACA; São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, 1907, FH*.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: COROMANDEL: Oamaru Bay, on Metrosideros robusta, 8 Aug 1963, S. J. Hughes, PDD 21817, anamorph on host.
Subiculum evanescent, white to cream, felty. Stromata (500)525 ± 35(575) µm high, (550)585 ± 22(600) µm wide (n = 5), conical, semiglobose to globose with broadly rounded top, black, crowded. Ostioles finely papillate or not differentiated. Ectostroma 50 µm thick, black. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia remaining attached to the stroma. Ascus apical ring 2.8-3.8 µm high, upper width 2.4- 2.8 µm, lower width 1.9-2.8 µm (n = 5), J+, blue. Ascospores (11.5)12.9 ± 0.8(14.4) mm long, (5.3)5.7 ± 0.3(6.7) µm wide (n = 30), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit extending the whole spore length, occasionally one extremity with a 1 x 1 µm large, semiglobose, cellular appendage. Conidia 5-6 x 3 µm.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOST: Metrosideros robusta.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
NOTES: Rosellinia victoriae is characterised by a white to cream, evanescent subiculum, by small, almost globose stromata with poorly developed ostioles, and dark brown ascospores bearing a cellular appendage that is visible at maturity. Examination of the type material from S revealed no differences between the two specimens. Therefore, the name R. victoriae can be applied also to the New Zealand collection.
Rosellinia victoriae differs from R. rhopalostilicola by the stroma shape, poorly expressed ostioles, ascospores with a cellular appendage and larger conidia.
Rosellinia victoriae differs from R. rhopalostilicola by the stroma shape, poorly expressed ostioles, ascospores with a cellular appendage and larger conidia.
HOLOTYPUS: Australia, Victoria, County of Follett, on inner part of bark of tree, 16 Jun 1907, F. M. Reader, S*.
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND: Henderson, Mountain Road, Walker Bush Track, on dead wood (monocotyledonous), 13 Dec 1973, W. B. Kendrick, PDD 40453; Te Morehu Scenic Reserve, between Kawakawa Bay and Orere Point, on Cyathea medullaris, 25 Jun 1980, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & M. E. Lanigan, PDD 49657, culture on OA, PDA; vic. Kawakawa Bay, Te Morehu Scenic Reserve, on Cyathea medullaris, 4 Dec 1980, G. J. Samuels, M. E. Lanigan, P. R. Johnston, & M Rattray, PDD 49707, culture on CMD; Waitakere Ranges, Marguerite Track, on Cyathea medullaris, 27 Sep 1997, G. J. Samuels, Y. Joe,&P. R. Johnston, PDD 40013; Waitakere Ranges, Cascades, on rachis of Cyathea dealbata, 12 Aug 1981, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & J. W. Paden, PDD 41986; Waitakere Ranges, Piha Road, Cowan Trail, on Dicksonia squarrosa, 4 Jun 1983, G. J. Samuels & A. Y. Rossman, PDD 46320, cultures on OA, CMD; Waitakere Ranges, Huia, on Cyathea medullaris, 26 Mar 1981, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, J. M. Dingley,&H. Thiers, PDD 49615, culture on CMD; Waitemata City, Titirangi, Clarke's Bush, on Cyathea medullaris, 19 Apr 1979, G. J. Samuels, W. Versluys, P. R. Johnston, & Y. Joe, PDD 39481, culture on PDA; Waitemata City, Titirangi, Clarke's Bush, on Cyathea dealbata, 3 May 1979, G. J. Samuels, E. H. C. McKenzie, P. R. Johnston, & Y. Joe, PDD 39482; c. 15 km south of Wellsford, Waiwhiu Valley, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, 6 Jun 1981, G. J. Samuels, P. R. Johnston, & E. Horak, PDD 41975. COROMANDEL: vic. Thames, Kauaeranga Valley, on Cyathea dealbata, Apr 1980, G. J. Samuels&W. B. Kendrick, PDD 49681, culture on OA. NORTHLAND: Hokianga Co., Puketi State Forest, Loop Track from Forest Headquarters, on Dicksonia squarrosa, 2 Jun 1982, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 44414; North Cape, Te Paki Coastal Reserve, Pandora, on Cyathea sp., 7 Feb 1975, J. C. Watt & G. J. Samuels, PDD 37128; vic. Mangamuka Bridge, Omahuta State Forest, No. 3 Road, Waikoropupu R., on Cyathea medullaris, 15 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 49473, culture on OA; vic. Mangamuka Bridge, Omahuta State Forest, No. 3 Road, Waikoropupu River, on Cyathea medullaris, 15 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 49482. WAIKATO: Mt Pirongia, on Cyathea dealbata, 7 Jul 1977, G. J. Samuels, C. E. Samuels, & R. Ferguson, PDD 47529; Waitomo Caves, on Dicksonia squarrosa, 26 Apr 1983, G. J. amuels, P. R. Johnston, & R. H. Petersen, PDD 45465.
Stromata (350)485 ± 70(700) µm high, (400)553 ± 82(775) µm wide (n = 95), developing as small pegs below the epidermis, breaking through while growing, later seen as protuberances on the adult stroma, soon breaking off, globose to semiglobose, cupulate, black, lower part rugose with small cracks, more pronounced in older material, soft, leathery, solitary or densely crowded, forming small groups. Ostioles finely to coarsely papillate, sometimes ampulliform, rarely seating in a disk, up to 175 µm diam. Ectostroma less than 25 µm thick, black, completely adhering to the entostroma. Entostroma white, soft, absent in old material. Perithecia remaining tightly attached to the entostromata. Ascus apical rings (1.9)2.3 ± 0.4(3.3) µm high, upper width 2.4-3.8 µm, lower width 1.9-2.8 µm (n = 54), without bulge at upper margin, J+, pale blue. Ascospores (9.6)15.3 ± 1(18.2) µm long, (5.8)6.7 ± 0.4(8.2) µm wide (n = 377), ellipsoidal to inaequilateral ellipsoidal, brown to dark brown, with sigmoid or straight germ slit; one minute, 0.5-1 x 0.5-1 µm, semiglobose, cellular appendage present on some mature spores.
Cultures on OA after 25 to 30 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light 8-9 cm diam., white at the margin, composed of short hyphae, otherwise with dark olivaceous black stromatic areas bearing upright stromata up to 350 µm high and 300 µm, brown at base, white to pink towards top, sterile or with conidiophores on upper parts, sometimes concentric rings of growth. Conidiophores up to 100 µm long, 5 µm wide, compact, interwoven to form tight and uniform 40-50 µm high palisades arising from a small-celled pseudoparenchymatous base, irregularly dichotomously branched, ultimate cell conidiogenous, smooth, subhyaline, pale tan towards the base. Conidiogenous cells 9-15 x 3 µm (n = 16), polyblastic, cylindrical, terminal, integrated, denticulate with a thin-walled separating cell, rupturing across the middle and leaving a minute circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 5-7.5 x 2-3 µm (n = 66), clavate to elliptic with a broad tip and a truncate 0.5- 1 µm wide base bearing a minute refractive frill, smooth, subhyaline. On CMD after 25 days under same conditions, 4-5 cm diam., white, transparent, without aerial mycelium, occasionally some immersed, discrete, brown stromal masses with conidial production or remaining sterile at all. Conidiophores formed on sporodochial structures, 50-70 µm long, poor, characters as on OA. On PDA after 30 days under same conditions, 8.5-9 cm diam., flat, cottony, white, with brown stromatic pustules breaking through the agar surface, becoming tubercular, discrete, sterile, composed of broad filaments arranged in palisades or bearing conidiophores and conidia, powdery, white, characters as on OA.
ANAMORPH: Unnamed coremium.
Cultures on OA after 25 to 30 days at 20°C under 12 h dark and 12 h UV and fluorescent light 8-9 cm diam., white at the margin, composed of short hyphae, otherwise with dark olivaceous black stromatic areas bearing upright stromata up to 350 µm high and 300 µm, brown at base, white to pink towards top, sterile or with conidiophores on upper parts, sometimes concentric rings of growth. Conidiophores up to 100 µm long, 5 µm wide, compact, interwoven to form tight and uniform 40-50 µm high palisades arising from a small-celled pseudoparenchymatous base, irregularly dichotomously branched, ultimate cell conidiogenous, smooth, subhyaline, pale tan towards the base. Conidiogenous cells 9-15 x 3 µm (n = 16), polyblastic, cylindrical, terminal, integrated, denticulate with a thin-walled separating cell, rupturing across the middle and leaving a minute circular refractive frill at each point of conidial dehiscence. Conidia 5-7.5 x 2-3 µm (n = 66), clavate to elliptic with a broad tip and a truncate 0.5- 1 µm wide base bearing a minute refractive frill, smooth, subhyaline. On CMD after 25 days under same conditions, 4-5 cm diam., white, transparent, without aerial mycelium, occasionally some immersed, discrete, brown stromal masses with conidial production or remaining sterile at all. Conidiophores formed on sporodochial structures, 50-70 µm long, poor, characters as on OA. On PDA after 30 days under same conditions, 8.5-9 cm diam., flat, cottony, white, with brown stromatic pustules breaking through the agar surface, becoming tubercular, discrete, sterile, composed of broad filaments arranged in palisades or bearing conidiophores and conidia, powdery, white, characters as on OA.
ANAMORPH: Unnamed coremium.
HOSTS: Cyathea dealbata, Cyathea medullaris, Cyathea sp., Dicksonia squarrosa.
MATRIX: Rachides.
MATRIX: Rachides.
Stromata (350)485 ± 70(700) µm alta, (400)553 ± 82(775) µm lata, sub epidermide ut minuta strobila formantia, erumpentia dum crescentia, strobilis dein in stromate formato insidentibus citoque disrumpentibus, globosa vel semiglobosa, cupulata, nigra, parte inferiori rugosa minutis fissuris in vetustis speciminibus distinctioribus praedita, mollia, coriacea, solitaria ad dense gregaria, greges parvos formantia. Ostiola minute ad grosse papillata, interdum ampulliformia, raro in disco ad 175 µm diametro insita. Ectostroma ad 25 µm crassum, nigrum, entostromati omnino adhaerens. Annulus apicalis asci (1.9)2.3 ± 0.4(3.3) µm altus, parte superiore 2.4-3.8 µm et inferiore 1.9-2.8 µm latus, margine superiori non protuberanti, iodo pallide coerulescenti. Ascosporae (9.6)15.3 ± 1(18.2) µm longae, (5.8)6.7 ± 0.4(8.2) µm latae, ellipsoideae ad asymmetrice ellipsoideae, brunneae ad atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta vel sigmoidea. Cellularis semiglobosa appendix 0.5-1 0.5-1 µm magna in nonnullis ascoporis adest.
ETYMOLOGY: Refers to the geographical origin, in New Zealand.
NOTES: Stilbohypoxylon novae-zelandiae shows the typical stromatal features of the genus such as a thin, soft, leathery ectostroma with a persistent, white entostroma and an attached peridium (Fig. 30H). In young material the anamorph-bearing structures can be observed as white to pink pegs directly on the host or on the stroma (Fig. 30A,B). On OA, anamorphic structures were readily produced.
This species seems to be specific on pteridophytes, Cyathea spp. being the preferred hosts. Pteridophytes, especially tree ferns, as hosts are remarkable for this species, as they have not previously been recorded as substrates for xylariaceous fungi (Rogers 1979). Ju & Rogers (1999) reported this species previously as
Stilbohypoxylon sp. In addition to material from New Zealand, this species is recorded from Taiwan and Venezuela on palm fronds.
Stilbohypoxylon novae-zelandiae has ascospores of a similar size as those of S. moelleri, but the ascospores of the former species have a cellular appendage and a sigmoid germ slit whereas those of the latter have slimy caps and a straight germ slit. Stromata of S. mölleri are larger and less aggregated. Other described species of Stilbohypoxylon (S. quisquiliarum and S. samuelsii J.D.Rogers & Y.M.Ju) have larger stromata and ascospores than S. novae-zelandiae (Rogers & Ju 1997). S. novaezelandiae has a similar anamorph as described for S. moelleri and S. quisquiliarum (Rogers & Ju 1997).
NOTES: Stilbohypoxylon novae-zelandiae shows the typical stromatal features of the genus such as a thin, soft, leathery ectostroma with a persistent, white entostroma and an attached peridium (Fig. 30H). In young material the anamorph-bearing structures can be observed as white to pink pegs directly on the host or on the stroma (Fig. 30A,B). On OA, anamorphic structures were readily produced.
This species seems to be specific on pteridophytes, Cyathea spp. being the preferred hosts. Pteridophytes, especially tree ferns, as hosts are remarkable for this species, as they have not previously been recorded as substrates for xylariaceous fungi (Rogers 1979). Ju & Rogers (1999) reported this species previously as
Stilbohypoxylon sp. In addition to material from New Zealand, this species is recorded from Taiwan and Venezuela on palm fronds.
Stilbohypoxylon novae-zelandiae has ascospores of a similar size as those of S. moelleri, but the ascospores of the former species have a cellular appendage and a sigmoid germ slit whereas those of the latter have slimy caps and a straight germ slit. Stromata of S. mölleri are larger and less aggregated. Other described species of Stilbohypoxylon (S. quisquiliarum and S. samuelsii J.D.Rogers & Y.M.Ju) have larger stromata and ascospores than S. novae-zelandiae (Rogers & Ju 1997). S. novaezelandiae has a similar anamorph as described for S. moelleri and S. quisquiliarum (Rogers & Ju 1997).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland, Waitemata City, Titirangi, Clarke's Bush, G. J. Samuels, W. Versluys, P. R. Johnston, & Y. Joe, 19 Apr 1979, PDD 39480; PARATYPUS (hic designatus): Waitakere Ranges, Cascades, on Cyathea dealbata, 9 Mar 1981, G. J.Samuel & P. R. Johnston, PDD 49602, cultures on OA, PDA.
Cited scientific names
- Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F.Liang & A.R.Ferguson
- Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
- Astrocystis cyatheae L.E. Petrini 2003
- Beilschmiedia tarairi (A.Cunn.) Kirk
- Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Kirk
- Brachyglottis repanda J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Coprosma
- Coprosma arborea Kirk
- Coprosma grandifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma lucida J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Cyathea
- Cyathea dealbata (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Cyathea medullaris (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Dicksonia squarrosa (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Dracophyllum longifolium (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Dysoxylum spectabile (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Elaeocarpus dentatus (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Vahl
- Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
- Freycinetia baueriana subsp. banksii (A.Cunn.) B.C.Stone
- Hedycarya arborea J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini 2003
- Helicogermslita gisbornia L.E. Petrini 2003
- Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
- Helicogermslita mckenziei L.E. Petrini 2003
- Hoheria populnea A.Cunn.
- Macropiper excelsum (G.Forst.) Miq.
- Malus ×domestica Borkh.
- Melicytus ramiflorus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn.
- Nothofagus
- Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
- Olearia rani (A.Cunn.) Druce
- Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
- Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
- Pittosporum umbellatum Gaertn.
- Populus
- Populus nigra L.
- Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
- Pseudopanax
- Pseudopanax arboreus (Murray) Philipson
- Rhopalostylis baueri var. cheesemanii (Becc.) Sykes
- Rhopalostylis sapida H.Wendl. & Drude
- Rosa sp. cult.
- Rosellinia arcuata Petch 1916
- Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
- Rosellinia communis L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia freycinetiae L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia gisbornia L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia hughesii L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia longispora Rick 1932
- Rosellinia mammoidea (Cooke) Sacc. 1882
- Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia novae-zelandiae L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia palmae L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia radiciperda Massee 1896
- Rosellinia rhopalostylidicola L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia samuelsii L.E. Petrini 2003
- Rosellinia stenasca Rick 1932
- Rosellinia victoriae Syd. & P. Syd. 1908
- Salix
- Salix ×reichardtii A.Kern.
- Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Solanum mauritianum Scop.
- Sophora microphylla Aiton
- Stilbohypoxylon novae-zelandiae L.E. Petrini 2003
- Weinmannia
- Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
2 May 2003