Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
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Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini, New Zealand J. Bot. 41 112 (2003)
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
L.E. Petrini
L.E. Petrini
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
NZ holotype
Rosellinia nothofagi
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: TAUPO: Kaimanawa Ranges, Tree Trunk Gorge, on Nothofagus sp., 25 Aug 1999, P. R. Johnston & B. M. Spooner, PDD 70789, anamorph on host. SOUTH ISLAND: NORTH CANTERBURY: Mt Thomas forest, Wooded Gully Track, on bark of fallen branches of Nothofagus solandri, 4 May 1995, P. R. Johnston, PDD 70112.
Subiculum persistent, reduced in mature material, dark reddish brown, felty to wiry, bearing conidiophores in young material. Stromata (1050)1330 ± 200(1750) µm high, (1175)1440 ± 194(1775) µm wide (n = 15), cupulate to globose, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary to crowded. Ostioles coarsely papillate. Ectostroma to 125 µm thick, black, hard. Entostroma light brown, confined to the base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings (7.6)8.2 ± 0.5(9) µm high, upper width 5-6 µm, lower width 4-6 µm (n = 15), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (25)29 ± 2.4(37.5) µm long, (6)8.3 ± 0.7(9.6) µm wide (n = 90), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with straight germ slit, extending almost over the whole spore length, ending shortly before the extremities, each extremity with one 3-4 µm long, 3 µm wide, conical, cellular appendage, one of them being more pointed and the other more rounded and shorter, the whole spore completely surrounded by a thin slimy sheath.
Conidiogenous cells 4-5 µm wide, light brown. Conidia 10-13 x 5-5.5.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
Conidiogenous cells 4-5 µm wide, light brown. Conidia 10-13 x 5-5.5.
ANAMORPH: Geniculosporium.
HOST: Nothofagus.
MATRIX: Corticated twigs 3-4 cm diam.
MATRIX: Corticated twigs 3-4 cm diam.
Subiculum perdurans, aetate provecta deminutum, atrobrunneum rubescens, lanosum ad filo metallico simile, conidiophora dum juvene ferens. Stromata (1050)1330 ± 200(1750) µm alta, (1175)1440 ± 194(1775) µm lata, cupulata vel globosa, atrobrunnea, ostiola circa nigra, solitaria ad conferta. Ostiola distincte et grosse papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (7.6)8.2 ± 0.5(9) µm altus, parte superiore 5- 6 µm et inferiore 4-6 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (25)29 ± 2.4(37.5) µm longae, (6)8.3 ± 0.7(9.6) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa recta totam ascosporam, usque ad extremitates fere sed non omnino recurrenti praeditae, vagina mucosa omnino tenui circumdatae. Apices utrique conica, cellulari appendice 3-4 µm longa 3 µm lataque praediti, appendix altera acuta, altera rotundata curtiorque. Status anamorphosis Geniculosporium.
ETYMOLOGY: According to the host plant.
NOTES: Rosellinia nothofagi is easily recognised by its ascospores which bear two cellular, conical appendages surrounded by a slimy sheath, massive stromata, and large conidia. Rosellinia subsimilis P.Karst. has similar, but, on the average, smaller ascospores, and its stromata are about half the size and more delicate (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia thelena (Fr. : Fr.) Rabenh. has also ascospores with smaller, very pronounced appendages. In addition, anamorph and stromata characters are also different (Petrini 1993).
NOTES: Rosellinia nothofagi is easily recognised by its ascospores which bear two cellular, conical appendages surrounded by a slimy sheath, massive stromata, and large conidia. Rosellinia subsimilis P.Karst. has similar, but, on the average, smaller ascospores, and its stromata are about half the size and more delicate (Petrini 1993). Rosellinia thelena (Fr. : Fr.) Rabenh. has also ascospores with smaller, very pronounced appendages. In addition, anamorph and stromata characters are also different (Petrini 1993).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, South Island, Otago: Otago Beech Forest, Blue Mts, Tapanui, on Nothofagus sp., Jan 1924, G. H. Cunningham & J. C. Neill, PDD 74976.
Taxonomic concepts
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini (2003)
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini (2003)
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia nothofagi L.E. Petrini (2003)
Global name resources
New Zealand, South Island, Otago: Otago Beech Forest, Blue Mts, Tapanui, on Nothofagus sp., Jan 1924, G. H. Cunningham & J. C. Neill, holotype PDD 74976.
scientific name
4 February 2002
23 June 2014