Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
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Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini, New Zealand J. Bot. 41 96 (2003)
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
L.E. Petrini
L.E. Petrini
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
NZ holotype
Rosellinia dingleyae
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: NORTHLAND: Hokianga County, vic. Mangamuka Bridge, Mangamuka Gorge Track, on indet. wood, 14 Apr 1982, G. J. Samuels & P. R. Johnston, PDD 44329, culture on OA.
Subiculum evanescent, extension restricted to stromata, chocolate brown, felty, covering completely young stromata, absent in mature material. Stromata (475)617 ± 99(750) µm high, (425)602 ± 78(675) µm wide (n = 10), subglobose to cupulate, brown when young, black at maturity, sometimes seated on a disk, solitary or 2-3 fused together, crowded, during development gradually emerging from the subiculum. Ostioles pointed to papillate. Ectostroma 25-50 µm thick, black. Entostroma brown. Perithecia detached in older material. Ascus apical rings (6.7)7.5 ± 0.5(8.1) µm high, upper and lower width 4.8-5.7 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (26)30.7 ± 2.6(36) µm long, (6.7)8.8 ± 0.6(10) µm wide (n = 60), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, often with pinched ends, brown to dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit about 2.3 of the spore length, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath.
Culture on OA cream-coloured, felty to velutinous, sterile.
Culture on OA cream-coloured, felty to velutinous, sterile.
HOST: Macropiper excelsum.
MATRIX: Decorticated wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated wood.
Subiculum evanescens, circa stroma restrictum, badium, lanosum, primo stromata juvena omnino tegens, aetate provecta abest. Stromata (475)617 ± 99(750) µm alta, (425)602 ± 78(675) µm lata, subglobosa ad cupulata, brunnea dum juvena, nigra aetate provecta, interdum in disco insita, singularia ad 2-3 connata, conferta, paulatim e subiculo emergentia. Ostiola acuta ad papillata. Annulus apicalis asci (6.7)7.5 ± 0.5(8.1) µm altus, parte superiore et inferiore 4.8-5.7 µm latus, iodo valde coerulescenti. Ascosporae (26)30.7 ± 2.6(36) µm longae, (6.7)8.8 ± 0.6(10) µm latae, asymmetrice ellipsoideae, apicibus obtuso-acuminatis, brunneae ad atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa sigmoidea, duas e tribus partibus ascosporae totae recurrenti praeditae, utrisque apicibus et parte plana vagina mucosa circumdatae.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the New Zealand mycologist J. M. Dingley, who collected the type specimen and several other Rosellinia specimens deposited at PDD.
NOTES: Rosellinia dingleyae differs from R. chusqueae and R. franciscae by its larger ascospores (Fig. 9B). Ascospores of R. dingleyae have a shorter germ slit than those of R. chusqueae, but larger than that of ascospores of R. franciscae.
NOTES: Rosellinia dingleyae differs from R. chusqueae and R. franciscae by its larger ascospores (Fig. 9B). Ascospores of R. dingleyae have a shorter germ slit than those of R. chusqueae, but larger than that of ascospores of R. franciscae.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland: Piha, on Macropiper excelsum, J. M. Dingley, 17 Dec 1963, PDD 23199.
Taxonomic concepts
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini (2003)
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini (2003)
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini 2003
Rosellinia dingleyae L.E. Petrini (2003)
Global name resources
New Zealand, North Island, Auckland: Piha, on Macropiper excelsum, J. M. Dingley, 17 Dec 1963, holotype PDD 23199
scientific name
4 February 2002
23 June 2014