Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini 2003
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Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini, New Zealand J. Bot. 41 80 (2003)
Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini 2003
L.E. Petrini
(Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini
Helicogermslita aucklandica
Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini 2003
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: SOUTH ISLAND: SOUTH CANTERBURY: Waitaki, on bark, ex Herb. M. C. Cooke, K 79240, as Rosellinia mammoidea.
Stromata 475-575 µm high, 550-675 µm wide (n = 10), erumpent through wood, when young covered by host epidermis, semiglobose to conical, black, solitary, crowded or 3 to 4 fused into small groups. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma 50 µm thick, black. Entostroma not seen. Perithecia detached. Ascus apical rings not seen. Ascospores (19)20.7 ± 1.2(23.5) long, (10)12 ± 1(14) µm wide (n = 21), broadly ellipsoidal, dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit. Anamorph not known.
NOTES: The original specimen from New Zealand collected by H. Krone was not located in any of the major herbaria or in those which may host some of Rabenhorst's exsiccata. One specimen in S, labelled as Rosellinia aucklandica from the Philippines, turned out to be R. merrillii Syd. The original description of R. aucklandica (Rabenhorst 1878) gives no stroma size, but the ascospores are described as 22 µm long and 10-12 µm wide. After extensive study of New Zealand material and additional type specimens of Rosellinia spp., the only specimen with ascospores matching the size of those of R. aucklandica is the one from the Kew herbarium previously classified as R. mammoidea. The specimen consists of two pieces, one in an envelope and one glued on a sheet, both containing stromata erumpent from heavily decomposed wood. The ascospores are not in excellent condition, but the sigmoid germ slit is still clearly visible.
TYPE: Oceaniae, Aucklandia, H. Krone; not located.
Rosellinia aucklandica n. sp. Stromate confluenti-expanso, subtomentoso-pannoso, nigricante, perithecia plus minusve obtegente; perithecis solitariis subsparsis, opacoatris, ostiolo subconico prominulo nitidulo, nucleo griseo-albo; ascis linearibus brevistipitaris, paraphysibus filiformibus ascos superantibus obvallatis; sporis ovato-subfusiformibus, uniseriatis rectis, utroque polo acute acuminatis, guttulatis, fuscis, 22 µ longis, 10-12 latís.
An einem Stück Rinde ohne nähere Bezeichnung. Ausser diesen 3 neuen Arten hat Herr Krone noch 2 Polyporen von Auckland mitgebracht, nämlich den auf der südlichen Hemisphäre verbreiteten Polyporus chilensis Fr. novae Symbolae p. 47, nr. 38*, und den auch in Europa eben nicht seltnen Polyporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.) Fr. Syst.
An einem Stück Rinde ohne nähere Bezeichnung. Ausser diesen 3 neuen Arten hat Herr Krone noch 2 Polyporen von Auckland mitgebracht, nämlich den auf der südlichen Hemisphäre verbreiteten Polyporus chilensis Fr. novae Symbolae p. 47, nr. 38*, und den auch in Europa eben nicht seltnen Polyporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.) Fr. Syst.
Taxonomic concepts
Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini 2003
Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini (2003)
Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini 2003
Helicogermslita aucklandica (Rabenh.) L.E. Petrini (2003)
Rosellinia aucklandica Rabenh. (1878)
Global name resources
scientific name
2 May 2003
28 January 2005