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Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895

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Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. in Patouillard & Lagerheim, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 11 224 (1895)
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae

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Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895

SPECIMEN EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: NORTHLAND: Omahuta State Forest, No. 3 Road, Waikoropupu River, vic. Mangamuka Bridge, on twig, 15 May 1981, G. J. Samuels & E. Horak, PDD 49483.
Subiculum evanescent, white to light brown. Stromata (625)695 ± 48(750) µm high, (550)760 ± 146(950) µm wide (n = 5), cupulate with a short cylindrical base, dark brown, black around the ostioles, solitary. Ostioles finely papillate. Ectostroma to 50 µm thick, black. Entostroma dark brown, confined to base. Perithecia detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 6.7- 7 µm long, upper width 4.8-5.6 µm, lower width 3.8-4.8 µm (n = 5), J+, dark blue. Ascospores (20.1)23.5 ± 1.6(26.4) µm long, (7.2)8.3 ± 0.5(9.6) µm wide (n = 30), inequilaterally ellipsoidal, dark brown, with sigmoid germ slit running over the whole spore length, both extremities and flat side surrounded by a slimy sheath, 2-4 µm thick at ends, 1 µm thick at side.
ANAMORPH: Unknown.
HOST: Undetermined.
MATRIX: Corticated small twigs.
NOTES: Contrary to the re-description of the type by Petrini (1993), in which the subiculum is described as being distinctly brown, the subiculum of the New Zealand collection is of a lighter colour.
Rosellinia chusqueae differs from R. franciscae L.E.Petrini by its wider ascospores and a longer germ slit (Fig. 9B). Rosellinia mammaeformis (Pers. : Fr.) Ces. & De Not. and R. britannica L.E.Petrini, Petrini & S.M.Francis have ascospores with a similar size; they possess, however, a straight germ slit and their stromata differ in shape and size (Petrini 1993).

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Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. (1895)
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. (1895)
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. (1895)
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Speg. 1921
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. (1895)

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Rosellinia chusqueae Pat. 1895
New Zealand

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scientific name
2 May 2003
17 March 2014
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