Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003

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Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini, New Zealand J. Bot. 41 82 (2003)
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
L.E. Petrini
L.E. Petrini
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
NZ holotype
Helicogermslita johnstonii
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CAMPBELL ISLAND: Boardwalk, vic. Beeman Hill, on Coprosma sp., 7 Mar 2000, H. Burdsall, PDD 71725; Boardwalk, coast side, Beeman Hill, on (?)Dacrophyllum longifolium, 6 Mar 2000, P. R. Johnston, E. H. C. McKenzie, & S. L. Stephenson, PDD 71727; Slopes of Mt Honey, old slip on south side, Perseverance Cove, on Coprosma sp., decort. wood, 7 Mar 2000, P. R. Johnston & E. H. C. McKenzie, PDD 71831.
Stromata (500)688 ± 119(850) µm high, (700)775 ± 104(1000) µm wide (n = 10), emerging gradually from the wood, initially covered by host material, later free, base often immersed, semiglobose, conical to pear-shaped, black, solitary or in small groups, sometimes fused together. Ostioles coarsely papillate or poorly differentiated, then stromata with bluntly rounded apex. Ectostroma 75-100 µm thick, black. Entostroma not formed. Perithecia immersed directly in the host material, detached and collapsed in mature material. Ascus apical rings 5-6 µm high, upper width 5-6 µm, lower width 4-5 µm (n = 5), almost rectangular, without bulge at upper margin, upper end blurred, J+, blue. Ascospores (22.5)26 ± 2(32) µm long, (9.5)11.5 ± 8(14) µm wide ( n = 60), ellipsoidal, dark brown with spiral germ slit over one turn, occasionally with one up to 1 x1 µm, semiglobose, cellular appendage. Anamorph not known.
HOSTS: Coprosma sp., ?Dracophyllum longifolium.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
MATRIX: Decorticated, heavily decomposed wood.
Stromata e ligno paulatim erumpentia, primo hospitis partibus tecta, dein libera, basi saepe immersa, (500)688 ± 119(850) µm alta, (700)775 ± 104(1000) µm lata, semiglobosa, conica ad pyriformia, nigra, solitaria ad gregaria, interdum connata. Ostiola grosse papillata ad indistincta, apice stromatico dein obtuse rotundato. Annulus apicalis asci 5-6 µm altus, parte superiore 5-6 µm et inferiore 4-5 µm latus, paene rectangularis, margine superiore non protuberanti, parte finali superiore indistincta, iodo coerulescenti. Ascosporae (22.5)26 ± 2(32) µm longae, (9.5)11.5 ± 8(14) µm latae, ellipsoideae partibus finalibus late rotundatis, atrobrunneae, fissura germinativa spiraliter unam circumferentiam recurrenti, interdum appendice semiglobosa, ad 1 x 1 µm dimensione, cellulari praeditae.
ETYMOLOGY: In honour of the New Zealand mycologist P. R. Johnston, who collected three specimens of this species.
NOTES: Helicogermslita johnstonii is characterised by ascospores with a coiled germ slit making about one turn. It has smaller ascospores with a less coiled germ slit than H. gisbornia and larger ascospores with a germ slit definitely more coiled than that found in H. mackenziei.
Helicogermslita gaudefroyi (H.Fabre) Læssøe & Spooner has larger stromata, smaller ascospores, less coiled germ slits; Anthostomella calligoni Frolov has a more coiled germ slit than H. johnstonii (Petrini et al. 1987; Læssøe & Spooner 1994; L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
NOTES: Helicogermslita johnstonii is characterised by ascospores with a coiled germ slit making about one turn. It has smaller ascospores with a less coiled germ slit than H. gisbornia and larger ascospores with a germ slit definitely more coiled than that found in H. mackenziei.
Helicogermslita gaudefroyi (H.Fabre) Læssøe & Spooner has larger stromata, smaller ascospores, less coiled germ slits; Anthostomella calligoni Frolov has a more coiled germ slit than H. johnstonii (Petrini et al. 1987; Læssøe & Spooner 1994; L. E. Petrini unpubl. data).
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Taupo: vic. Kiko Road, Maungatere Road, on decort. wood, soft, white, rotten, 4 May 2001, P. R. Johnston & S. R. Whitton, PDD 74360.
Taxonomic concepts
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini (2003)
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini 2003
Helicogermslita johnstonii L.E. Petrini (2003)
Global name resources
New Zealand, North Island, Taupo: vic. Kiko Road, Maungatere Road, on decort. wood, soft, white, rotten, 4 May 2001, P. R. Johnston & S. R. Whitton, holotype PDD 74360
scientific name
4 February 2002
5 May 2003