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Dennis, R.W.G. 1964: Remarks on the genus Hymenoscyphus S.F. Gray, with observations on sundry species referred by Saccardo and others to the genera Helotium, Pezizella or Phialea. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 3(1): 29-80.

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Dennis, R.W.G. 1964: Remarks on the genus Hymenoscyphus S.F. Gray, with observations on sundry species referred by Saccardo and others to the genera Helotium, Pezizella or Phialea. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 3(1): 29-80.

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Spores I2-I4 x 4-5 µ.

Ciboriella Seaver, North Amer. Cup Fungi (Inop.) 107. 1951.

Soft-fleshed species with reddish tints, reminiscent of Sclerotiniaceae but with an excipulum composed of short-celled parallel hyphae and with no sclerotium or stromatic tissue; asci I+, on dead leaves.

Spores 8-9 x 2-2.5 µ.

Ciboriella Seaver, North Amer. Cup Fungi (Inop.) I07. 195I.

Soft-fleshed species with reddish tints, reminiscent of Sclerotiniaceae but with an excipulum composed of short-celled parallel hyphae and with no sclerotium or stromatic tissue; asci I+, on dead leaves.

Spores 18-22 X 4.5-5.5 um
Spores 14-17 x 4-5 µ.

SERIES 7. Prasinum. Stipitate species with a large-celled inner excipulum covered by dark encrusted hyphae or at least with brown walled hyphae covering the stipe

The series shows affinities with Rutstroemia but I think its addition to that genus inadvisable.

Spores 5 x 2 µ.
SERIES 6. Cupreum. Stipitate tropical or South temperate species on woody substrata, with excipulum of parallel hyphae, asci mostly I+ and small rod-like spores

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18 March 2001
17 November 2020
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