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Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis 1964

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Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis, Persoonia 3 77 (1964)
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis 1964

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New Zealand
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(Dennis) Dennis
NZ holotype
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae

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Apothecia gregaria, stipitata, cyathiformia, disco vix 1 mm. lato, castaneo, excipulo ex hyphis elongatis, parallelis, 5-6 µ crassis contexto. Asci clavati, octospori, 55-60 x 4-5 µ, apice subacutati, jodo coerulescentes; ascosporae monostichae vel subdistichae, hyalinae, continuae, ellipticae, 5 x 2 µ; paraphyses filiformes, 2 µ crassae, apicem versus baud incrassatae.
The densely clustered apothecia suggest the presence of some kind of stroma within the bark but I can detect neither sclerotium nor black line in sections cut through the bark beneath the clusters. I am, therefore, constrained to refer the species to Helotiun instead of to some genus of the Sclerotiniaceae as its appearance would at first sight suggest. Pseudohelotiurn microcenangium Penz. & Sacc. looks rather similar but with shorter stipe and apparently a different structure, 'contextu excipuli parenchymatico flavicante'.
In cortice Quintiniae serratae (Saxifragaceae), The Forks, Okarito, Westland, 21.4.1955, Dingley 19041 (typus).

Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis 1964

Spores 5 x 2 µ.
SERIES 6. Cupreum. Stipitate tropical or South temperate species on woody substrata, with excipulum of parallel hyphae, asci mostly I+ and small rod-like spores
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] On bark amongst sooty moulds. There are other collections in PDD given this name, need to check them. Type with translucent brown apothecia with long, thin stipes, looks a bit like a Crocicreas. – but no mention of gelatinous tissue in description. Small apothecia barely visible in the photos

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Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis 1964
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis (1964)
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis 1964
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis (1964)
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis 1964
Hymenoscyphus quintiniae (Dennis) Dennis (1964)

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15 June 1993
19 March 2010
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