Nag Raj, T.R. 1993: Coelomycetous Anamorphs with Appendage-bearing Conidia. Mycologue Publications.
Taxonomic concepts
Foliicolous. Conidiomata stromatic, acervular, amphigenous, scattered to gregarious, subepidermal in origin, innate-erumpent, oval to rounded or irregular in outline, 170-300 µm wide, 80-130 µm deep, unilocular, glabrous, dark brown to black, dehiscing by an irregular rupture of the overlying host tissue, often with the conidia extruded in long dark brown cirrhi; basal stroma 10-20 µm thick, of textura angularis, cells pale brown, smooth. Conidiophores arising from the upper cells of the basal stroma, reduced to Condiogenous cells, rarely 1-septate and branched, almost colourless, invested in mucus. Conidiogenous cells lageniform to subcylindrical, almost colourless, smooth, 7-13 X 2-3 [mean = 9.2 X 2.5] µm, with up to 5 annellations. Conidia acerose, mostly 4-septate, occasionally 3- to 5-septate, periclinal wall in the median part thicker than the transverse septa, wall smooth and slightly constricted at the septa, 44-73 X 3-4 [mean = 62 X 3.5] µm, bearing appendages; basal cell obconic with a truncate base bearing minute marginal frills and a dark attachment scar, colourless in the basal part, almost colourless above, 7-9.5 [mean = 8] µm long; 3 (or 2, or 4) median cells cylindrical, almost colourless, together (20-)24-47 [mean = 35] µm long (second cell from base 9-15 [mean = 13.2] µm, central cell 7-14 [mean = 11.4] µm, fourth cell from base 8-16 [mean = 13] µm long); apical cell conic, almost colourless in the basal part, colourless above, 12-28 [mean = 19] µm long (including appendage), abruptly attenuated at the apex into a single, unbranched, tubular appendage 2-9 µm long; basal appendage tubular, single, unbranched, attenuated, flexuous, excentric, 5-11 [mean = 8] µm long; mean conidium length/width ratio = 17.5:1.
Presumed holomorph: Discostromopsis leptospermi Swart, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 73: 218, 1979. Bagnall & Sheridan (1972) and Swart (1979) reported the fungus on L. juniperinum from Australia.
Cited scientific names
- Allantophomopsis pseudotsugae (M. Wilson) Nag Raj 1993
- Chaetospermum artocarpi (Nag Raj) Nag Raj 1993
- Coryneum pestalozzioides Sacc. 1877
- Coryneum salicis Tognini
- Coryneum vaccinii Fuckel 1873
- Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
- Didymosporium salicinum Corda 1837
- Diploceras (Sacc.) Died. 1915
- Diploceras dilophosporum (Cooke) Sacc. 1892
- Diploceras hypericinum (Ces.) Died. 1915
- Diploceras kriegerianum (Bres.) Nag Raj 1993
- Diploceras leptospermi (R.G. Bagn. & Sheridan) Nag Raj 1993
- Disaeta arbuti Bonar 1928
- Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
- Discosiella novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1982 [1981]
- Discostromopsis leptospermi H.J. Swart 1979
- Entomosporium mespili (DC.) Sacc. 1880
- Harknessia eucalypti Cooke 1881
- Harknessia eucrypta (Cooke & Massee) Nag Raj & DiCosmo 1981
- Harknessia globosa B. Sutton 1971
- Harknessia liquidambaris (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Nag Raj & DiCosmo 1981
- Hendersonia atramentaria J. Schröt.
- Hyaloceras Durieu & Mont. 1849
- Hyaloceras hypericinum (Ces.) Sacc. 1892
- Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Mastigonetron affine (Ellis & Everh.) Petr.
- Monochaetiella themedae M. Kandasw. & Sundaram
- Neottiospora caricina (Desm.) Höhn. 1924
- Pestalotia thuemenii Speg. 1878
- Pestalotiopsis karstenii (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Steyaert 1949
- Pestalotiopsis leucopogonis Nag Raj 1993
- Pestalotiopsis maculans (Corda) Nag Raj 1985
- Pestalotiopsis stevensonii (Peck) Nag Raj 1993
- Phacidium coniferarum (G.G. Hahn) DiCosmo, Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1983
- Phyllosticta spinarum (Died.) Nag Raj & M. Morelet 1978
- Podocarpus hallii Kirk
- Podocarpus totara D.Don
- Sarcostroma arbuti (Bonar) M. Morelet 1985
- Sarcostroma arbuti (Bonar) Nag Raj 1993
- Sarcostroma brevilatum (H.J. Swart & D.A. Griffiths) Nag Raj 1993
- Sarcostroma grevilleae (Loos) Nag Raj 1993
- Sarcostroma hakeae (B. Sutton) M. Morelet 1985
- Sarcostroma hakeae (B. Sutton) Nag Raj 1993
- Sarcostroma kennedyae (McAlpine) Nag Raj 1993
- Seimatosporium arbuti (Bonar) Shoemaker 1964
- Seimatosporium grevilleae (Loos) Shoemaker 1964
- Seimatosporium hypericinum (Ces.) B. Sutton 1975
- Seimatosporium kennedyae (McAlpine) Shoemaker 1964
- Seimatosporium salicinum (Corda) Nag Raj 1993
- Seimatosporium vaccinii (Fuckel) B. Erikss. 1974
- Seiridium cardinale (W.W. Wagener) B. Sutton & I.A.S. Gibson 1972
- Seiridium eucalypti Nag Raj 1993
- Seiridium Nees 1816-17
- Seiridium unicorne (Cooke & Ellis) B. Sutton 1975
- Septoriella phragmitis Oudem. 1889
- Sphaerellopsis filum (Biv.) B. Sutton 1977
- Sporocadus pestalozzioides (Sacc.) M. Morelet 1985
- Sporocadus vaccinii (Fuckel) M. Morelet 1985
- Stagonospora phragmitis (Oudem.) Leuchtm. 1984
- Strasseria geniculata (Berk. & Broome) Höhn. 1919
- Tracylla aristata (Cooke) Tassi 1904
- Truncatella angustata (Pers.) S. Hughes 1958
- Truncatella truncata (Lév.) Steyaert 1949
- Vermisporium cylindrosporum (H.J. Swart) Nag Raj 1993
- Vermisporium eucalypti (McAlpine) Nag Raj 1993
- Vermisporium falcatum (B. Sutton) Nag Raj 1993
- Vermisporium verrucisporum Nag Raj 1993
- Xepicula leucotricha (Peck) Nag Raj 1993
- Xepicula Nag Raj 1993
- Xepiculopsis graminea (Lib.) Nag Raj 1993
- Xepiculopsis Nag Raj 1993
- Zelandiocoela ambigua (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) Nag Raj 1993
- Zelandiocoela Nag Raj 1993
- Zetesimomyces setibicolor (R.F. Castañeda) Nag Raj 1988
- Zetiasplozna Nag Raj 1993
- Zetiasplozna thuemenii (Speg.) Nag Raj 1993