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Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982

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Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj, Canad. J. Bot. 60 2607 (1982)
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982

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Nag Raj
Nag Raj
as 'gelatinosus'
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
NZ holotype
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa
HAB ITAT : On decaying leaves of Weinmannia racemosa, Haast Pass, Westland, South Island, New Zealand, 31.m. 1980, B . Kendrick, holotype PDD 41405

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Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982

Foliicolous, associated with leaf spots. Conidiomata stromatic, amphigenous, scattered to gregarious, intraepidermal in origin, initially appearing as straw-coloured, minute specks, then becoming erumpent through the overlying host tissue and appearing as yellowish to orange yellow, gelatinous crusts, variable from acervuloid and irregularly divided to shallow cupulate, 140-310 µm diam., 150-190 µm deep; basal stroma up to 50 µm deep, of "textura angularis" of thick-walled, hyaline cells aggregated in the host epidermis and merging into a moderately developed excipulum of "textura prismatica" and "textura intricata" of thick-walled, hyaline elements in gel. Conidiophores arising in the concavity of the conidioma, septate, branched, hyaline, thin and smooth walled, branches terminating in conidiogenous cells and sterile hyphae, invested in mucus. Sterile hyphae filamentous, apex blunt, simple or occasionally irregularly branched and irregularly coiled in the apical part, septate, hyaline, smooth walled, 140-210 µm long, 2 µm wide at the base, and 1.5-2 µm wide at the apex. Conidiogenous cells phialides, cylindrical to subcylindrical, hyaline, smooth walled, 15-18 x 1-1.5 (mean = 16.6 x 1.2) µm, proliferating percurrently once or twice, invested in a thin layer of mucus. Conidia blastic-phialidec, mostly tetraradiate, occasionally five radiate; main axis clavate to subcylindrical, zero to one septate, cells unequal, base narow-truncate with minute marginal frills, hyaline, smooth walled, guttulate, 15-22 x 1.5-2 (mean = 18.2 x 1.7) µm, bearing a simple, attenuated, tubular appendage 2-10 µm long; arms three (to four), inserted at different loci at the apex of the main axis and separated from it by septa, attenuated, two to five septate, hyaline, smooth walled, without constrictions at the septa, 45-78 (mean = 60) x 1.5 µm.
HABITAT: On decaying leaves of Weinmannia racemosa L.
Foliicola, maculicola. Conidiomata stromatica, amphigena, dissita ad gregaria, originem intraepidermalia, initio guttae minutae, stromaticae crescentia, deinde erumpenti, atque crustis gelatinosis, cemus ad aurantiacis praebenti, ab acervuloideo et irregulatim diviso vel vadoso cupulato varianti, 140-310 µm diam., 150-190 µm alt.; stroma basalis usque ad 50 µm cr., ex textura angularis e cellulis crassiparietibus, hyalinis, epidermide hospitis aggregatis, composita, et in excipulo moderate evoluto ex textura prismatica ad textura intricata transientia. Conidiophora cavitatem condiomatis enascentia, septata, ramosa, hyalina, laevia, ramuli in cellulis conidiogenis et hyphis sterilibus terminantes, in muco involuto. Hyphae steriles filamentosae, simplices vel interdum partem apicalem ramosae, apicem obtusam, partem distali irregulatim torsivae, septatae, hyalinae, laeviae, 140-210 µm long., ad basim 2 µm lat., et apicem 1.5-2 µm lat. Cellulae conidiogenae cylindraceae ad subcylindraceae, hyalinae, laeviae, 15-18 x 1-1.5 (mean = 16.6 x 1.2) µm, semel vel bis percurrenter prolificantes, in muco involuto. Conidia blasticophialidica, plerumque 4 radiata, subinde 5 radiata; axis principalis clavatus ad subcylindraceus, 0-1 septatus, cellulis inaequalibus, base anguste truncata cum minutis fimbriis marginalis praedita, hyalinis, laevis, guttulatis, 15-22 x 1.5-2 (mean = 18.2 x 1.7) µm, unam simplicem, attenuatam, tubularem appendicem 2-10 µm long. ferentis; brachia 3-4, apicem axis principalis ad ali loci inserta, et eo septiis sejuncta, attenuata, 2-5 septata, hyalina, laevia, haud constrictione ad septa, 45-78 (x = 60) x 1.5 µm.
The leaf spots, on which the conidiomata appear, are amphigenous, vein bounded, separate to occasionally gregarious and confluent, oval to irregular in outline, centre brown, rims dark brown, up to 20 mm diameter.
>For comparison with the two species of Crucellisporiopsis described above, photographic illustrations of Eriosporella calami (Figs. 15-20) are provided below. For generic and species descriptions of Eriosporella Höhn, and E. calami see Sutton (1980) and Nag Raj and DiCosmo (1980).
Sutton (1977, 1980) included Pseuderiospora Keissler and Pseuderiospora castanopsidis Keissler in the synonymy of Eriosporella and E. calami respectively. I have not been able to examine the type of P. castanopsidis, and cannot offer any comments on its status.
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: PDD 41405 (Holotype), Haast Pass, Westland, South Island, New Zealand, 31.111.1980, B. Kendrick.

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Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj (1982)
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj (1982)
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj (1982)
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj (1982)

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Crucellisporiopsis gelatinosa Nag Raj 1982
[Not available]

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HAB ITAT : On decaying leaves of Weinmannia racemosa, Haast Pass, Westland, South Island, New Zealand, 31.m. 1980, B . Kendrick, holotype PDD 41405

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