Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
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Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
Nag Raj
Nag Raj
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
NZ holotype
Discosia novae-zelandiae
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
Specimen examined: DAOM 215250 [Holotype], Hongis Track, Scenic Reserve, Hwy. 30, New Zealand, 12.1 1974, B.Kendrick (KNZ 246b).
Foliicolous. Conidiomata stromatic, indeterminate, hypophyllous, occasionally amphigenous, scattered to gregarious, rarely confluent, appearing as indistinct, minute, rounded to oval, dull brown specks, intra-epidermal to subepidermal in origin, immersed or partly erumpent, subconical in sectional view, 100-140 µm diam., 70-100 µm deep, unilocular, locules 50-80 µm diam., 30-50 µm deep, glabrous, dark brown; lacking an ostiole, but opening by an irregular split in the apical wall; wall 10-15 µm thick, of textura angularis, cells thick-walled, dark brown. Conidiophores arising all around the cavity of the conidioma, mostly reduced to conidiogenous cells, occasionally branched and 1-septate at the base, colourless, invested in mucus. Conidiogenous cells narrow conical to ampulliform, colourless, thin-walled, smooth, 4-7 X 2-3 [mean = 5.5 X 2.5] µm, with up to 3 annellations. Conidia fusiform to naviculate, 3-septate, septa thin, wall thin, smooth and without constrictions at the septa, colourless, 10-18 X 2-2.5 [mean = 14 X 2.2] µm, bearing appendages; basal cell cuneiform with a truncate base, 3.5-5 [mean = 4.2] µm long; median cells 2, cuboid to short cylindric, together 4.5-6.5 [mean = 5.5] µm long (second cell from the base 2-3 [mean = 2.5] µm long, third cell 2.5-3.5 [mean = 3] µm long); apical cell narrow conical with an acute apex, 3.5-6 [mean = 4.7] µm long; appendages filiform, flexuous, unbranched; apical appendage single, polar, (4-)5-7 [mean = 6] µm long; basal appendage single, polar, excentric, 5-7 [mean = 6] µm long; mean conidium length/width ratio = 6.4:1.
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On dead leaf of Beilschmeidia taraire.
Foliicola. Conidiomata stromatica, indeterminata, hypophylla, subinde amphigena, dissita vel gregaria, raro confluentia, atque quasi guttae indistinctae, minutae, orbiculares vel ovales, brunneae visa, origine intraepidermalia vel subepidermalia, immersa vel partim erumpentia, subconica, 100-140 µm lat., 70-100 µm alt., unilocularia, glabra, atrobrunnea, loculo 50-80 µm lat., 30-50 µm alt., sine ostiolo, sed per rimam parietis apicalis dehiscentia; paries 10-15 µm cr., e textura angulari, cellulis crassitunicatis et atrobrunneis compositus. Conidiophora circum cavitatem conidiomatis orientia, vulgo ad cellulas conidiogenas reducta, interdum ramosa et 1-septata, hyalina, in muco involuta. Cellulae conidiogenae anguste conicae vel ampulliformes, hyalinae, tenuitunicatae, laeves, 4-7 X 2-3 [mean = 5.5 X 2.5] µm, usque ad ter prolificantes. Conidia fusiformia vel naviculata, 3-septata, septis tenuibus, pariete tenui, laevi, sine constrictione ulla ad septa, hyalina, 10-18 X 2-2.5 [mean = 14 X 2.2] µm, appendices ferentia; cellula basalis cuneiformis, basi truncata, 3.5-5 [x = 4.2] µm long.; cellulae medianae duae, cuboideae vel brevicylindraceae, ambae simul 4.5-6.5 [x = 5.5] µm long. (a basi cellula secunda 2-3 [mean = 2.5] µm, tertia 2.5-3.5 [mean = 3] µm); cellula apicali anguste conica, apice acuto, 3.5-6 [mean = 4.7] µm long.; appendices filiformes, flexuosae, nonramosae; appendix apicalis singularis, polaris, (4-)5-7 [mean = 6] µm long.; appendix basalis singularis, polaris, excentrica, 5-7 [mean = 6] µm long.; ratione conidii long./lat. = 6.4:1.
Taxonomic concepts
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj (1993)
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj 1993
Discosia novae-zelandiae Nag Raj (1993)
Global name resources
Holotype DAOM 215250, Hongis Track, Scenic Reserve, Hwy. 30, New Zealand, 12.1.1974, B .Kendrick (KNZ 246b).
scientific name
24 May 1994
17 November 2006