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Cunningham, G.H. 1954: Thelephoraceae of New Zealand. Part III: the genus Corticium. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 82(2): 271-327.

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Cunningham, G.H. 1954: Thelephoraceae of New Zealand. Part III: the genus Corticium. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 82(2): 271-327.

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Hymenophore annual, adnate, ceraceous, effused, forming orbicular or linear areas to 20 x 8 cm., with several outlying islands; surface cream, then ochre, colliculose, not creviced; margin thinning out, white, byssoid, adnate. Context white, 200-350 µ thick, composed of a narrow base of densely compacted cemented hyphae, and an intermediate layer of woven mainly vertical hyphae densely compacted beneath the hymenium, embedding a few scattered crystals; generative hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, wall 0.5-1 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 90 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia densely compacted. Basidia subclavate or subcylindrical, projecting, 12-16 x 3-4 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, much smaller than the basidia. Gloeocystidia arising in the intermediate layer, projecting to 20 µ, or not, cylindrical, a few fusiform, 40-90 x 6-8 µ, wall 1-2 µ thick, some irregularly distributed in the context, inclined, to 60 x 12 µ. Spores broadly elliptical, some apiculate, 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead trunks.
Hymenophorum ceraceum, adnatum, effusum; , superficie cremea deinde ochracea, colliculosa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus afibulatae, 3-4 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 12-16 x 3-4 µ, 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia 40-90 x 6-8 µ. Sporae laete ellipticae, 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Specific features are the finely colliculose, closely adnate, non-creviced, ochraceous, ceraceous hymenophore, narrow cylindrical abundant gloeocystidia and small, broadly elliptical spores. Clamp connections are absent from hyphae of this and the following species [C. crystallitectum]. A few crystals are scattered in the base of the context of old specimens.
Corynocarpus laevigata Forst. Auckland: Buffalo Beach, Whitianga, November, 1947, E.E. Chamberlain, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7421.
Brachyglottis repanda Forst. Auckland: Hick's Bay, 300ft., May, 1952, G.H.C. Fuchsia excorticata L.f. Otago : Morrison's Creek, Dunedin, 500ft., June, 1952, G.T.S. Baylis. Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, May, 1951, J.M. Dingley; Great King Island, January, 1952, E.E. Chamberlain; Atkinson Park, Titirangi, 1,000ft., June, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Metrosideros robusta A. Cunn. Auckland: White's Stream, Piha, January, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11428; Oratia, Waitakeres, 1,000ft., July, 1951, J.M. Dingley; Mountain Road, Henderson, 1,000ft., September, 1953, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, chalky, effused, forming numerous small, elliptical colonies 2 x 1 cm., which may merge into linear areas to 10 x 2 em.; surface cream, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate. Context white, 50-180 µ thick, composed of a narrow basal layer of a few parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of woven hyphae branched at a wide angle, numerous collapsed spores and embedded masses of crystals, especially towards the base; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, naked, hyaline. septate, with small, inconspicuous clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 45 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia cylindrical, a few subclavate, occasionally fusiform, 40-56 x 6-10 µ, projecting, 4-spored; sterigmata stout, to 16 µ long. Paraphyses clavate, scanty, less than half the size of the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae numerous, filiform, with rounded apices, scarcely projecting. Spores long-elliptical, a few ovate, obovate, or pip-shaped, 16-20 x 6-8 µ, strongly apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.25 µ thick, often adhering in fours.
HABITAT. Scattered as small colonies usually on bark of living trunks or branches.
Hymenophorum cretaceum, adnatum, colonies crebris et plenis, ellipticas, 2 x 1 cm.; superficie cremea, aequa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus in crystallis conglomeratis et in sporis collapses sitae, fibulatae, 2.5-3 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 40-56 x 6-10 µ, 4 sporis. Hyphae paraphysatae adsunt. Sporae longo-ellipticae, obovatae vel maxime obovata attenuato-epiculatae, 16-20 x 6-8 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Characterized by the small elliptical chalky colonies usually growing upon living bark, woven context embedded in masses of crystals, large projecting basidia and large, elliptical, strongly apiculate spores. Because of the masses of crystals sections are difficult to prepare; in some collections they occupy the basal portions of the context, in others they may extend between the basidia and even occupy superficial layers of the substratum. Spores soon collapse, though remaining often adhering in fours, and are to be seen in sections scattered through the context. The surface of the collection from Great King Island is colliculose, and the specimen from Fuchsia excorticata is on decorticated wood. Both agree in microfeatures with the type.
The species resembles in several features C. amylaceum B. & G., differing in the much larger nonamyloid spores of distinctive shape, features of the context, and non-coniferous hosts.
Auckland: White's Stream, Piha, January, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11428
Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland: Hunua Falls, October, 1946, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4702. Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oerst. Auckland: Turangi, Lake Taupo, October, 1949, J.M. Dingley. Weinmannia racemosa L.f. Auckland: Kauaeranga, Thames, October, 1950, J.M. Dingley. Taranaki : Mt. Egmont, 3,000ft., March, 1951, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, closely adnate, chalky, effused, forming linear areas to 15 x 2 cm.; surface cream, then alutaceous, sometimes tinted pallid heliotrope, finely colliculose, not creviced; margin thinning out, concolorous, byssoid, adnate. Context white, 25-100 µ thick, composed of a delicate basal layer of a few repent hyphae, and an intermediate layer of mainly vertical hyphae embedded in masses of crystals; generative hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, crystal coated, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 20 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia subclavate, 8-12 x 3-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, smaller than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae cylindrical with rounded apices, or acuminate, projecting. Spores elliptical, 3-4.5 x 2-2.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark or decorticated decaying wood.
Hymenophorum cretaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie cremea deinde alutacea, subtiliter colliculosa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus in conglomeratis crystallis sitae, fibulatae, 3-4 µ diam., crystallis tectis. Basidia 8-12 x 3-5 µ, 4 sporis. Hyphae paraphysatae copiose adsunt. Sporae ellipticae, 3-4.5 x 2-2.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Crystals are produced in such masses as to obscure tissues completely. They are packed between hyphae, coat them, alid extend to the hymenium masking basidia and paraphyses. The context develops first as a tenuous layer of densely compacted hyphae. Among these crystals appear, and about the time basidia are formed develop as lenses among the hyphae, compressing them. Lenses gradually increase in size until blisters are formed which force the hymenial layer upwards above the surface level. Finally this ruptures and the crystal masses become exposed, giving plants a blistered, chalky appearance. In the collection from Nothofagus fusca, spores are appreciably larger, some being 7 x 3 µ; but as it agrees with the type in other features, it has been included herein.
Auckland: Hunua Falls, October, 1946, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4702.
Coprosma australis (A. Rich.) Robinson. Auckland: Off Anawhata Road, Waitakeres, 1,000ft., June, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4525; same locality, April, 1947, M. Ambler; Cutty Grass Road, Waitakeres, 1,000ft., April, 1949, J. M. Dingley; Upper Piha Valley, August, 1949, J.M. Dingley; Mt. Atkinson, Titirangi, 1,000ft., May, 1950, J.M. Dingley; Mountain Road, Henderson, 600ft., July, 1950, J.M. Dingley. Coprosma robusta Raoul. Auckland: Mt. Te Aroha. 1,100ft., December, 1953. G.H.C. Wellington: Lake Papaetonga, 50ft., September, 1953, G.H.C.
Hymenophore annual, tending to lift at edges of crevices and curl at margins when old, ceraceous, effused forming linear areas to 18 x 5 cm., with several orbicular outlying islands; surface cream, becoming fawn or tan, even, at length creviced; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate but tending to lift when old. Context white, 150-250 µ thick, composed of a compact basal layer of parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of loosely arranged upright hyphae somewhat corymbose beneath the hymenium, crystal coated or naked; generative hyphae 4-5 µ diameter commonly 3-4 µ, wall 0.5 µ thick, hyaline, somewhat oval in section, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer 50-60 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate or as often subcylindrical, 12-20 x 3-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical or subclavate, narrower than the basidia. Gloeocystidia confined to the hymenial region, elongate-fusiforin, ventricose, some flexuous-cylindrical, attenuate to the apex, or inflated in the middle and tapering to ends, 30-64 x 6-8 µ, projecting to 25 µ, or not, base rounded, sometimes inflated to 12 µ, wall 0.5-1 µ thick; vesicles pyriform or subglobose, to 16 µ diameter, wall 11 µ thick, attached by a narrow neck, scattered in the intermediate layer, collapsing. Spores pip-shaped, with rounded apex and attenuate base, 5-6 x 2.5-3 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.25 µ thick, sometimes adhering in fours.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead branches.
Hymenophorum ceraceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie cremea deinde alutacea, aequa, demum rimosa. Hyphae contextu fibulatae, 4-5 µ diam., prope basim crystallis. Basidia 12-20 x 3-5 µ, 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia fusiformia vel ventricosa, 30-64 x 6-8 µ; vesiculis pyriformibus vel subglobosis, ad 16 µ diam. Sporae obovatae, attenuato-apiculatae, quaternae conglutinatae, 5-6 x 2.5-3 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Gloeocystidia vary in shape and size, and are usually confined to the upper part of the context; they are often sparse and difficult to demonstrate save near growing margins. Associated vesicles are usually pyriform and attached by a narrow base, less often subglobose. Usually scattered through the context, sometimes arranged in a dense zone beneath the hymenial layer, vesicles may sometimes be seen only near margins. In mature specimens they usually disappear leaving cavities in the compact often pseudoparenchymatous tissues. Clamp connections are large and abundant in context hyphae, though absent from bases of gloeocystidia and vesicles. The fungus is probably a parasite, since collections have been taken from recently dead branches attached to living plants and still retaining some discoloured leaves.
Superficially the species resembles C. evolvens Fr. but differs in such microfeatures as much smaller spores and basidia, different gloeocystidia and presence of vesicles. It also resembles C. evolvens and C. gloeosporum Talbot in that the pip-shaped spores often adhere in fours.
Auckland: Off Anawhata Road, Waitakeres, 1,000ft., June, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4525
Cordyline australis (Forst. f.) Hook. f. Auckland: Purewa Bush, December, 1948, D.W. McKenzie; South-west King Island, January, 1950, G.T.S. Baylis, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7405.
Hymenophore annual, membranous, fragile, loosely attached, effused, forming orbicular or irregular areas to 10 x 4 cm.; surface flesh-pink, or pinkish-buff, becoming tinged vinaceous, colliculose, creviced irregularly, mainly centrally when dry; margin thinning out, white, to 3 mm. broad, fibrillose, loosely attached. Context pallid pink, 250-350 µ thick, composed of a stout basal layer of mainly parallel hyphae densely compacted and embedded in masses of crystals, hyphae in contact with the substratum thickened, partly sclerotioid and densely woven, intermediate layer of loosely arranged mainly upright hyphae embedded in scattered crystals; generative hyphae 3.5-4 µ diameter, 6-7 µ at the base, wall 0.25 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 50 µ deep, of basidia and paraphyses forming a dense palisade. Basidia subclavate, projecting slightly, 16-26 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical or subclavate, narrower than the basidia. Spores obovate, or pip-shaped, 4.5-6 x 3-3.5 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead stems.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, fragile, laxe adjunctum, effusum; superficie carnea vel roseo-bubalina, colliculosa, inaequaliter rimosa centrali siccitate. Contextus pallide roseus, hyphis in conglomeratis crystallis sitis, afibulatis, 3.5-7 µ diam., nudis. Basidia 16-26 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis. Sporae obovatae vel obovatae attenuato-apiculatae, 4.5-6 x 3-3.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Specific features are the loosely attached hymenophore with broad fibrillose margin, flesh-pink becoming vinaceous colliculose surface, small obovate or pip-shaped spores and broad basal layer of the context. Where in contact with the substratum hyphae are densely woven, sclerotioid and walls are thickened to 1 µ. Crystals are embedded freely in the basal layer and scattered through the intermediate layer, but do not occur in masses as in C. seutellare, C. tuberculatum, and related species.
South-west King Island, January, 1950, G.T.S. Baylis, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7405.
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Hymenophore annual, or biennial, adnate, chalky, effused, forming linear areas to 24 x 3 cm., or as frequently numerous small elliptical crowded colonies 1-25 mm. long; surface white, pallid cream when old, finely colliculose, deeply finely areolately creviced; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate. Context white, 100-140 µ thick, composed of a thin basal layer of parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of somewhat loosely arranged upright hyphae embedded in masses of crystals which may extend between tissues of the hymenium; generative hyphae 2.5-3.5 µ diameter, wall 0.5 µ thick, hyaline, naked, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 40 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia clavate, 16-24 x 5-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 10 µ long. Paraphyses scanty, subclavate, smaller than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae projecting, simple or more usually finely apically branched. Spores oval or obovate, 6-9 x 5-6 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.5 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused over bark of dead branches.
Hymenophorum cretaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie alba deinde pallide cremea, subtiliter colliculosa, alte subtiliter areolate rimosa. Hyphae contextus in conglomeratis crystallis sitae, fibulatae, 2.5-3.5 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 16-24 x 5-6 µ, 4 sporis. Hyphae paraphysatae apice uno vel aliquot ramulis. Sporae ovatae vel obovatae, 6-9 x 5-6 µ, apiculatae, laeves, hyalinae.
Both this species and C. scutellare possess a finely areolately creviced hymenohore and masses of crystals in the context. Occasional specimens exhibit two or three layers, somewhat vaguely defined by a few parallel compacted hyphae. C. corniculatum may be separated from C. scutellare by the oval spores and branched projecting paraphysate hyphae. The latter are branches of the context hyphae with apices simple or irregularly finely branched into two to five often curved arms. Sometimes they are basally inflated near the septum. Because of these branched paraphysate hyphae the species might be sought under Vararia. They are not dendrophyses, however, nor are basidia of the Vararia type; and as the species closely resembles C. scutellare it is herein regarded as a Corticium.
Kauri Glen, Northcote, August, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11339
Coprosma australis (A. Rich.) Robinson. Wellington: Ohakune, 2,000ft.. December, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Coprosma robusta Raoul. Auckland: Campbell's Bay, July, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Griselinia lucida Forst. f. Taranaki : Mt. Egmont, 2,500ft., March, 1951, J.M. Dingley. Metrosideros robusta A. Cunn. Auckland: Mt. Te Aroha, 2,750ft., November, 1946, G.H.C. Nothopanax colensoi (Hook. f.) Seem. Auckland: Mt. Hauhangatahi, 2,800ft., February, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11350. Taranaki Mt. Egmont, 3,000ft., March, 1951, .J.M. Dingley. Wellington: Obakune, 2,000ft., December, 1953, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, closely adnate, ceraceous, effused, forming linear areas to 30 x 6 cm.; surface rich cream to pallid yellow ochre, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, definite, cream, even, byssoid. Context 10-50 µ deep, white, composed of a few basal hyphae and an intermediate layer of mainly vertical hyphae; generative hyphae 2-3.5 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, naked, branched, septate, without clamp connections, sometimes inflated near septa. Hymenial layer to 70 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate, 20-24 x 5-6 µ, projecting, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, 6-8 µ long. Paraphyses clavate, shorter than the basidia. Gloeocystidia of two types: (a) arising in the sub-hymenium, aculeate, apex long-acuminate, 15-40 x 5-6 µ, projecting; (b) arising from the base of the context, flexuose-cylindrical, 40-80 x 6-8 µ, with rounded base and apex, some passing into the hymenium but not projecting, wall 0.25 µ thick. Spores globose or subglobose, apiculate, 4-6 x 4-5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on decorticated wood.
Hymenophorum ceraceum, adnatum, effusum, superficie cremea vel pallide ochracea, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus afibulatae, 2-3.5 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 20-24 x 5-6 µ, 2-4 sporis. Gloeocystidia strati hymenialis, longo-acuminata, contextus cylindricale flexuosa, 40-80 x 6-8 µ. Sporae globosae vel subglobosae, apiculatae, 4-6 x 4-5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Characterized by the two types of gloeocystidia, small globose smooth spores, absence of clamp connections, and widely effused, adnate, pallid ochre, thin and even hymenophore closely appressed to naked wood. Gloeocystidia of the hymenial layer are long-aculeate and project for about half their length. Because of their size, shape and position the species might be sought under Peniophora; without justification, however, since these bodies are true gloeocystidia with naked exterior and oily yellow contents. Those of the context are flexuous-cylindrical with rounded ends, often bent at an angle or allantoid and also contain oily yellow contents. Gloeocystidia may be abundant or scanty in different collections; sometimes the aculeate form may be wanting. All structures of the hymeniam are filled with conspicuous oil globules and each spore contains a large globule, sometimes almost filling the interior. Plants are so readily devoured by snails or insects that it is usually difficult to secure a fertile specimen for examination - hence the specific name.
Auckland: Mt. Hauhangatahi, 2,800ft., February, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11350.
Brachyglottis repanda Forst. Auckland: Hick's Bay, 300ft., May, 1952. G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11474. Pittosporum sp. Auckland: Whakapapa, Mt. Ruapehu, 3,000ft., October, 1949, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, membranous, effused, forming linear areas to 40 x 3 cm. with numerous outlying islands; surface cream, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate. Context white, 40-80 µ thick, composed of a narrow basal layer of parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of erect hyphae sparsely branched below, freely branched (corymbose) beneath the hymenium; generative hyphae 4.5-5 µ diameter, wall 0.5 µ thick, naked or occasional hyphae coated with fine crystals, hyaline, septate, without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 40 µ deep, of basidia and paraphyses compacted into a dense palisade. Basidia subclavate, slightly projecting, 16-20 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, similar to the basidia but narrower. Spores obovate or elliptical, with rounded apex and acuminate base, 6-7 x 3-3.5 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie cremea aequa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus in corymbis ordinatae, afibulatae, 4.5-5 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 16-20 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis. Sporae obovatae vel ellipticae, 6-7 x 3-3.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
In the type collection the hymenophore is closely adnate, with an even, non-creviced cream surface, thin context with hyphae scantily branched below, corymbose beneath the hymenium, arising from a narrow basal layer of parallel hyphae, naked save for occasional hyphae which are finely crystal coated. The collection from Pittosporum differs in that the fructification is loosely attached, has a deeply creviced surface, hyphae are thinner, with thinner walls, and the basal layer is stouter. Occasional hyphae bear crystals, but most are naked. When further collections come to hand it may prove to be distinct.
Auckland: Hick's Bay, 300ft., May, 1952. G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11474.
Blechnum filiforme (A. Cunn.) Ettingsh. Wellington: Lake Papaetonga, 50ft., September, 1953, G.H.C. Brachyglottis repanda Forst. Auckland: Cascade Kauri Park, Waitakeres. 650ft., March, 1950, J.M. Dingley; Piha, September, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Cyathea dealbata (Forst. f.) Swartz. Auckland: Swanson, Waitakeres, October, 1946, J.M. Dingley; Cascade Kauri Park, Waitakeres, 600ft., March, 1950, J.M. Dingley. Nothopanax arboreum (Forst, f.) Seem. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, May, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11240. Olea lanceolata Hook. f. Auckland: Mountain Road, Henderson, 1,000ft., September, 1953. J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, chalky, effused, forming irregular linear areas to 20 x 4 cm.; surface dingy white, then pallid cream, even, pruinose, not creviced; margin thinning out, white, even, membranous. Context white, chalky, 30-100 µ thick, composed of a few repent hyphae at the base and an intermediate layer of upright hyphae embedded in masses of crystals especially near the base; generative hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, naked, septate, branched, without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 40 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate, 24-35 x 5-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate or subcylindrical, appreciably smaller than the basidia. Gloeocystidia arising in the context, scarcely or not projecting, cylindrical, broadly fusiform or subclavate, apices rounded or bluntly acuminate; 25-50 x 8-10 µ, wall 0.5-1 µ thick. Spores broadly elliptical, some oval, 5-6.5 x 3.5-4.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead branches and stems and stipes of tree ferns.
Hymenophorum cretaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie fusco-alba, pruinosa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus in crystallis sitae, afibulatae, 3-4 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 24-36 x 5-6 µ, 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia cylindricalia, late fusiforma vel subclavata, 25-50 x 8-10 µ. Sporae late ellipticae, aliquot ovatae, 5-6.5 x 3.5-4.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Separated from C. afibidatum which is also without clamp connections, by the short, broad gloeocystidia, large basidia and masses of crystals. The last are of peculiar construction, as the illustration shows. Because of their abundance plants appear chalky in section.
One collection from Cyathea dealbata possesses a thin context with consequent shorter gloeocystidia, spores are smaller (4.5-5 x 3-3.5 µ) and many subglobose. Specimens from Blechnum filiforme are without crystals but agree in micro-features with the type.
Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, May, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11240.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Hook. f. & Benth. Auckland: Lake Rotoehu, 1,200 ft., May, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11475; same locality, December, 1953, G.H.C.
Hymenophore annual or biennial, adnate, membranous, effused, forming irregular linear areas to 18 x 3 cm.; surface seal-brown, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, adnate, byssoid, pallid greyish-brown. Context mouse-brown, 200-450 µ thick, composed of 1-5 obscure zones, each consisting of a basal layer of a few parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of mainly vertical hyphae partly cemented and collapsed when old, embedded in masses of brown mucilage; generative hyphae irregular, often inflated between septa, 4-6 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, naked, hyaline (a few tinted near the base), branched, septate, with large clamp connections. Hymenial layer irregular, of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia clavate, 20-36 x 6-9 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata stout, to 12 x 4 µ, often inserted laterally. Paraphyses cylindrical with rounded ends, narrower than the basidia. Spores commonly pyriform, some pip-shaped or subglobose, 6.5-9 x 6.5-7 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.5 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on decorticated decaying wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie colore phocae, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus 1-5 obscuris parallelis zonis brunneae mucilaginis, fibulatae, 4-6 µ diam.. inter septas inflatae, nudae. Basidia 20-36 x 6-9 µ, 2-4 sporis. Sporae pyriformes vel obovatae attenuato-apiculatae, 6.5-9 x 6.5-7 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Although surface and context are brown, context hyphae are hyaline, colour being produced by masses of fuscous mucilage which lie between hyphae and upon them at intervals, forming coloured zones which are conspicuous in sections.
The species is somewhat primitive; for the hymenial layer is composed not of a dense palisade, but of scattered basidia and paraphyses arising from different levels of the context. Paraphyses often develop at a wide angle, and may also be seen scattered through the context. Sterigmata are stout, and often inserted almost laterally. Spores do not appear until sterigmata are about three-quarters their full length. Spores are copiously developed, and occur scattered through the context.
The other brown species, C. singulare, differs in that hyphae are coloured brown, spores are smaller and elliptical, and clamp connections are extremely rare.
Auckland: Lake Rotoehu, 1,200 ft., May, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11475
Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland: Huia, October, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland: Kauri Park, Birkenhead, July, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4562; Huia, March, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Metrosideros tomentosa A. Rich. Auckland: Coromandel coast, November, December, 1946, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual or perennial, adnate, ceraceous-coriaceous, effused, forming linear areas to 30 x 3 cm., or irregular areas with a few outlying islands; surface white, becoming cream or alutaceous, sometimes tinted reddish-buff, laterally closely creviced; margin thinning out, white or tinted brown, abrupt, sometimes receding, membranous, adnate. Context white, 200-400 µ thick, of 1-3 obscure layers, defined partly by masses of crystals and tinted hyphae, mainly by rows of gloeocystidia, each layer composed of a narrow base of parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of compact vertical hyphae; generative hyphae 4-5 µ diameter, wall 0.5 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 50 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 4-5 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 8 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, similar to but smaller than the basidia. Gloeocystidia extending from the base of each context layer, projecting to 30 µ, or not, cylindrical or flexuous-cylindrical, 80-160 x 5-8 µ, wall 0.5-0.75 µ thick, contents densely granular and orange. Spores elliptical, some apiculate, 5-6 x 3-3.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on dead bark or decorticated wood.
Hymenophorum ceraceo-coriaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie alba deinde cremea vel alutacea, laterale rimosa. Contextus 1-3 stratis, multis crystallis et hyphis tinctis divisis; hyphis fibulatis, 4-5 µ diam., nudis. Basidia 12-16 x 4-5 µ, 2-4 sporis. Gloeocystidia cylindricale flexuosa, 80-160 x 5-8 µ, corpore aurantio expleta. Sporae ellipticae, 5-6 x 3-3.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Gloeocystidia are long, narrow,, flexuous-cylindrical, regularly spaced, and extend from the base to the surface of the hymenium, some projecting to 30 µ. Filled with granular orange contents, they are conspicuous and readily seen in sections; even in old specimens they are conspicuous, for they either retain the orange colour or contents appear dark-brown and resinous. When fully grown plants may consist of three definite layers, separated by zones of parallel tinted hyphae embedding masses of crystals; but as several specimens in the collections listed consist of a single layer this does not appear to be a constant feature. Crystals may be confined to the base, scattered through the context, or absent.
From other species with gloeocystidia containing bright orange contents--C. debile B. & C., C. leucoxanthum Bres., C. luridum Bres., C. leucocystidiatum Talbot and C. seriale Fr. it may be separated by the often stratose context, singularly even spacing of glococystidia, small basidia and spores.
Auckland: Kauri Park, Birkenhead, July, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4562
Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, May, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11273. Unknown Host. Auckland: Mohaka Valley, Kaimanawa Ranges, 2,000ft., May, 1953, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, membranous, adnate, effused, forming linear areas to 10 x 4 cm.; surface slightly farinose, cream, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, arachnoid, white, adnate. Context white, 60-80 µ thick, composed of a narrow base of parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of upright hyphae which become compact and cemented when old; generative hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, naked, wall 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer 45-60 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate, 30-70 x 8-10 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, 6-8 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, much smaller than the basidia. Gloeocystidia arising from the base of the context, crowded, projecting to 30 µ, or not, flexuous-cylindrical or a few subclavate, 50-96 x 8-12 µ, wall 1 µ thick. Spores globose or subglobose, 7-10 x 7-9 µ, wall finely sparsely verruculose, to 1 µ thick, non-amyloid.
HABITAT. Effused on decorticated wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, adnatum, effusum, superficie cremea, leviter pruinosa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus fibulatae, 3-4 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 30-70 x 8-10 µ, 2-4 sporis. Gloeocystidia cylindricalia, interdum subclavata, 50-96 x 8-12 µ. Sporae globosae vel subglobosae, 7-10 x 7-9 µ, tenuiter raro verruculosae, hyalinae.
Differentiated by the subglobose or globose verruculose spores, flexuous-cylindrical abundant gloeocystidia, scanty context and non-creviced, membranous, cream hymenophore. Verruculae of the spores are scanty, evenly spaced, broad at the base, and about 1 µ long. Gloeocystidia arise from the base of the context, singly or sometimes in groups when their bases may be fused to form small islands of pseudoparenchyma.
Judging from the description published by Bourdot & Galzin (1928, p. 260) their subspecies Gloeocystidium analogum is similar. Since authentic specimens have not been examined they are regarded as distinct, especially as Bourdot & Galzin stated their species resembled exteriorly and in spore form Corticiumm confluens, whereas our plant does not. Spores especially differ in being nearly spherical, with thick definitely echinulate walls.
Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, May, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11273.
Agathis australis Salisb. Auckland: Titirangi, Waitakeres, 900ft., April, 1947, J.M. Dingley; Waipoua Kauri Forest, April, 1947, J.M. Dingley; Huia, July, 1947, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5568; same locality, October, 1953, J.M. Dingley; Puketi Forest, Bay of Islands, June, 1948, J.M. Dingley; Clevedon, August, 1949, J.M. Dingley; Huia, 100ft., January, 1954, E.E. Chamberlain.
Hymenophore perennial, stratose, adnate, membranous-coriaceous, at first effused, forming small areas to 6 x 2 cm., becoming deeply areolately angularly fissured when each segment becomes separated, each appearing as a separate colony irregular in shape and 2-10 mm. long; surface white, becoming pallid cream, deeply creviced; margin at first thin, white, crustose, becoming thick and cliff-like. Context white, 0.7-2 mm. thick, arranged in 20-30 vague layers delimited by tinted zones of collapsed parallel hyphae, fertile layer of mainly vertical hyphae widely spaced with collapsed partly pseudoparenchymatous hyphae between; other layers of collapsed hyphae arranged into a coarsely cellular pseudoparenchyma; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 35 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia subclavate, 12-18 x 6-8 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses scanty, subclavate, about half the size of the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae filiform, projecting, with rounded or acuminate apices. Spores elliptical or suballantoid, 7-9 x 4-4.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Adnate on much decayed decorticated wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceo-coriaceum, adnatum, stratosum; coloniis inaequaliter crebris, 2-10 mm. longis; superficie alba deinde pallide cremea, alte rimosa. Contextus 20-30 stratis zonis tinctis collapsorum textuum. Hyphae fibulatae, 2.5-3 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 12-18 x 6-8 µ, 4 sporis. Hyphae paraphysatae adsunt. Sporae ellipticae vel suballantoides, 7-9 x 4-4.5 µ,laeves, hyalinae.
Readily recognised by the numerous small, tuberculate, white colonies crowded on rotten decorticated wood. They arise from fructifications which at first are plane and continuous. Soon these become deeply fissured, each segment continuing to develop as a separate entity, the plant being perennial, edges becoming rounded somewhat, though still retaining their vertical faces. Sections show thick specimens to consist of 20-30 rather vague layers, all save the fertile layer being composed of collapsed gelatinized hyphae arranged into a coarsely cellular pseudoparenchyma, separated by bands of parallel gelatinized collapsed hyphae tinted brown. The species appears to be confined to the one host, Agathis australis, the Maori name for which is kauri, hence the specific epithet.
Huia, July, 1947, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5568
Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland: Kaiinauawa Ranges, 2,500ft.. March, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11427. Podocarpus hallii Kirk. Taranaki : Mt. Egmont, 2,500ft., January, 1953, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, ceraceous, effused, forming irregular areas to 10 x 5 cm.; surface when fresh saffron- or chrome-yellow, drying buff or fawn, even, becoming deeply areolately creviced, and tending to peel away in flakes; margin thinning out, adnate, concolorous, vernicose when fresh. Context yellow, 100-200 µ thick, composed of a narrow basal layer of parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of compacted vertical hyphae coated with yellow mucilage granules, masses of crystals embedded in lower portions; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, naked, branched, hyaline, septate, with abundant clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 35 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae closely compacted. Basidia subclavate, 14-25 x 3-5 µ, not projecting, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical or subelavate, narrower than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae cylindrical or aculeate, abundant, projecting to 10 µ. Spores broadly elliptical, 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µ, abundant, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on dead standing decorticated trunks.
Hymenophorum ceraceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie primo crocea, siccitatae bubalina vel hinnulea, deinde alte areolato rimosa et saepe in lamellis decorticans. Contextus flavus, hyphis in conglomeratis crystallis sitis et flavis granulis mucilaginis tectis, fibulatis, 2.5-3 µ diam. Basidia 14-25 x 3-5 µ, 2-4 sporis. Hyphae paraphysatae copiosae adsunt. Sporae late ellipticae, 4-5.5 x 2.5-3 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Separated from other ceraceous species bearing mucilage by the chrome-yellow colour (when fresh) of the deeply areolated surface, small basidia and presence of abundant paraphysate hyphae projecting to 10 µ. Both context hyphae and tissues of the hymenium are coated with fine granules of yellow mucilage, which gives colour to the plant; and the lower part of the context contains additionally islands of crystals which may be scattered or arranged in the form of lenses. Type specimens were taken from bases of fire-killed decorticated trunks on which the fungus formed encircling sheets at or below the level of surrounding mosses.
In several features the species resembles the description of Peniophora sacchari Burt which was recorded from Porto Rico on sugarcane trash; but is not so referred since type material has not been examined.
Auckland: Kaiinauawa Ranges, 2,500ft.. March, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11427.
Acacia dealbata Link. Auckland: Tinopai, 100ft., April, 1947, J.D. Atkinson. Coriaria arborea Linds. Auckland: Kohekohe, Waiuku, February, 1953, J.M, Dingley, Leptospermum cricoides A. Rich. Auckland: Hautepe, Taupo, March, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Macropiper excelsum (Forst. f.) Miq. Auckland: Hick's Bay, 300ft., May, 1952, G.H.C. Melicytus ramiflorus Forst. Auckland: Huia, July, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Meryta sinclairii (Hook. f.) Seem. Auckland: South-west King Island, January, 1952, E.E. Chamberlain. Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Oerst. Auckland: Whakapapa, Mt. Ruapehu, 3,000ft., October, 1949, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11220. Otago : Routeburne Valley, February, 1948, J.M. Dingley. Nothopanax arboreum (Forst. f.) Seem. Auckland. Mt. Ruapehu, 3,000ft. October, 1949, J.M. Dingley. Rubus sp. Wellington: Ohakune, 2,000ft., December, 1953, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, ceraceous, effused, forming linear areas to 30 x 4 cm.; surface cream, becoming straw colour, pallid ochre or buff, even, at length creviced then tending to lift at creviced edges; margin thinning out, membranous, white, adnate. Context white, 75-500 µ thick, composed of a narrow basal layer of parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of vertical hyphae densely arranged, some crystal coated near the base and embedded in masses of crystals, or the latter may be wanting; generative hyphae 4-6 µ diameter, wall 0.5 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer 60-90 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia clavate, 24-48 x 5-8 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 10 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, same length but narrower than the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae scanty, cylindrical. Gloeocystidia arising from the context and projecting 30-70 µ, cylindrical with rounded apices, sometimes slightly moniliform, or strangulated near apices, 60-150 x 8-12 µ, wall to 1 µ thick. Spores long-elliptical, 10-16 x 4-6 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0,25 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead branches.
Hymenophorum ceraceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie cremea deinde pallide ochracea vel bubalina, aequa, demum rimosa. Hyphae contextus fibulatae, 4-6 µ diam., aliquot prope basim crystallis tectae, interdum in crystallis sitae. Basidia 24-48 x 5-8 µ, 2-4 sporis. Gloeocystidia ad 70 µ eminentes, cylindricalia, termini rotundis, aliquot prope apices constricta, 60-150 x 8-12 µ. Sporae longo-ellipticae, 10-16 x 4-6 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Large elliptical spores with one prominent guttula and long, stout, cylindrical gloeocystidia projectiing 40-70 µ are the main diagnostic features. When well developed and filled with oily contents gloeocystidia are conspicuous bodies in sections; but in old specimens they collapse and are sometimes difficult to detect. Tissues of the context become somewhat gelatinized when old, and tend to become pseudoparenchymatous. Crystals may be present then forming masses near the base and coating some of the context hyphae; in other collections they may be wanting.
Auckland: Whakapapa, Mt. Ruapehu, 3,000ft., October, 1949, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11220.
Hymenophore perennial, stratose, membranous-coriaceous, closely adnate, forming linear areas to 20 x 3 cm.; surface white, becoming pallid cream, even, sparsely creviced when old; margin receding in each successive layer, white, adnate, arachnoid, black creviced and vernicose where long exposed. Context 2-2.5 mm. thick, cream or isabelline, composed of 30-40 brown-tinted layers each 50-130 µ deep, of densely packed mainly vertical hyphae with narrow bands of parallel hyphae and crystals or crystal-coated hyphae between; generative hyphae 2-31 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia, to 25 µ deep. Basidia subclavate, 16-20 x 4-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, about half the length of the basidia. Gloeocystidia arising near the base of each layer, fusiform or clavate, 30-40 x 8-12 µ, not projecting, wall 0.5-1 µ thick. Spores pip-shaped, a few suballantoid, 3.5-5 x 2-3 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on decorticated wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceo-coriaceum, adnatum, stratosum, effusum superficie alba deinde pallide cremea, raro rimosa senectute. Contextus 30-40 stratosum in crystallorum et gloeocystidiorum zonis divisorum; hyphis fibulatis, 2-3 µ diam., crystallis tectis, basi omnis zonae. Basidia 16-20 x 4-6 µ diam., 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia fusiformia vel clavata, 30-40 x 8-12 µ. Sporae obovatae, attenuato-apiculatae, 3.5-5 x 2-3 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Recognized readily by the thick perennial hymenophore composed of as many as 40 layers, visible under a lens. Each layer consists of a palisade of gloeocystidia and is demarked at the base by masses of crystals tinted brown coating the ends of context hyphae and paraphyses or lying between them. From the current hymenium to the base there is progressive deterioration through gelatinization of walls of hyphae and gloeocystidia; consequently towards the base only a few hyphal remnants are discernible as such and the position of gloeocystidia indicated by cavities of irregular size and shape. Layers are not equal in width but may range from 50 to 130 µ in depth, and sometimes merge at intervals.
Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Auckland: Titirangi beach, October, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4761.
Hymenophore annual, membranous, loosely attached, effused, forming irregular areas to 10 x 6 cm.; surface pallid tan, polished, even, sparsely creviced when dry; margin thinning out, fibrillose, crenate, tan or bay brown, loosely attached. Context ferruginous, 300-400 µ thick, composed of a narrow layer of basal parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of woven hyphae branched at a wide angle, becoming vertically arranged beneath the hymenium; generative hyphae 6-8 µ diameter at the base, tapering towards the hymenium where 3-4 µ diameter, wall 0.25-0.5 µ thick, naked, fuscous, septate, practically without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 60 µ deep, of basidia and paraphyses arranged in a dense palisade. Basidia subclavate, 20-35 x 5-7 µ, 4-spored, not projecting; sterigmata slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical or subclavate, narrower than the basidia, often with fuscous walls. Spores elliptical, 4.5-6 x 2-2.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark and decorticated decaying wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, laxe adjunctum, effusum; superficie pallide alutacea, vernicosa, raro rimosa siccitate. Contextus ferrugineous, hyphis afibulatis, fuscis, 3-41 µ diam. sub hymenio, 6-8 µ prope basim, nudis. Basidia 20-35 x 5-7 µ, 4 sporis. Sporae ellipticae, 4.5-6 x 2-2.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Recognized readily by the fuscous hyphae, since it is the only species in the region with coloured hyphae. Context hyphae are 6-8 µ diameter at the base and taper gradually until beneath the bymenium they are 3-4 µ. Though listed in the section without clamp connections these are present, but occur so rarely that the plant would normally be sought herein. Only one clamp connection was seen in a section which contained 430 septa, and in other sections of similar size none was noted. Bridging hyphae are common.
Litsaea calicaris (Sol.) Benth. & Hook. f. Auckland: Waiotapu, June, 1950, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 10589.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Hook. f. & Benth. Auckland: Campbell's, Bay, February, 1953, Mrs. E.E. Chamberlain. Dysoxylum spectabile (Forst. f.) Hook. f. Auckland: Coromandel coast, December, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5035. Pseudotsuga douglasii Carr. Auckland: Campbell's Bay, January, 1953, Mrs. E.E. Chamberlain.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, membranous, effused, forming linear areas to 14 x 3 cm.; surface white, becoming pallid cream, finely pruinose, sparsely creviced when old; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate. Context white, 200-300 µ thick, composed of a narrow base of parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of upright hyphae more densely arranged beneath the hymenium, anastomosing when old; generative hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer 30-50 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses, paraphysate hyphae and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate, 16-24 x 6-9 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, narrower than the basidia; paraphysate hyphae scanty, projecting, cylindrical with rounded apices. Gloeocystidia obclavate or cucurbitiform, base rounded, apex long-acuminate, in context to 130 x 15 µ, in hymenial layer 30-48 x 6-10 µ, projecting to 20 µ, or not, wall 0.5 µ thick. Vesicles arising from lateral branches at bases of context hyphae, unequally two-celled, with a girdle of digitate processes 1-4 µ long encircling the septum, pyriform, to 14 x 10 µ, wall 0.5 µ thick. Spores elliptical or suballantoid, apiculate, 8-9 x 4-4.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.25 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on decorticated decaying wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, adnatum, effusum; superficie alba, deinde pallide cremea, pruinosa, demum rimosa. Hyphae contextus fibulatae, 3-4 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 16-24 x 6-9 µ, 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia obclavata vel cucurbitiformia, ad 130 x 15 µ in contextu, 30-48 x 6-10 µ, in hymenio, vesiculis duobus inaequalibus cellulis, pyriformibus, ad 14 x 10 µ, septo corona digitorum cincto. Sporae ellipticae vel suballantoides, apiculatae, 8-9 x 4-4.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Gloeocystidia may be abundant or scanty, are of two sizes, and in fresh specimens contain orange coarsely granular contents. Vesicles are unusual: they are two-celled, with the septum girdled by a band of digitate processes, a feature not recorded for any other species, hence the specific epithet. They also may be abundant or scanty, and arise in the base of the intermediate layer from short lateral branches. Paraphyses are irregular, some being clavate, others fusiform or ventricose, a few long-elliptical with acuminate apices. Occasional paraphysate hyphae project beyond the basidia.
Auckland: Coromandel coast, December, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5035.
Bambusa sp. Auckland: Mt. Eden, 350ft., March, 1950, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 10596. Rhipogonum scandens Forst. Auckland: Hick's Bay, 300ft., May, 1952, G.H.C.
Hymenophore annual, slightly adnate, membranous, effused. forming linear areas to 20 x 3 cm.; surface white, becoming pallid cream, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate. Context white, 15-25 µ thick, composed of a basal layer of compact parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of erect, densely compacted hyphae which collapse and become pseudoparenchymatous; generative hyphae 3-3.5 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 30 µ deep, of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia clavate, slightly projecting, 24-36 x 7-8 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata somewhat stout, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, cylindrical, or as frequently obclavate, about half the size of the basidia. Spores usually depressed-globose or subglobose, 8-10 x 7-9 µ, umbonate, wall minutely closely verruculose, hyaline, 0.5 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead stems.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, leviter adnatum, effusum; superficie alba deinde pallide cremea, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus fibulatae, 3-3.5 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 24-36 x 7-8 µ, 4 sporis. Sporae depresso-globosae, umbonatae, 8-10 x 7-9 µ, subtiliter dense verruculosae, hyalinae.
Identified readily by the unusual spores, somewhat large basidia, tenuous context and white, non-creviced, membranous hymenophore. Spores are commonly depressed-globose and attached to the sterigmata by a definite umbo on the middle of one flattened side. At first they lie with long axes nearly parallel with that of the basidium; as they mature spores become oriented with the umbo downwards, and when detached bear this structure permanently. The hymenial layer soon collapses so that developing basidia may be seen only in sections taken from the growing periphery. The base of the plant tends to lift from the substratum when the ventral surface is seen to be polished and discoloured.
TYPE LOCALITY: Auckland: Mt. Eden, 350ft., March, 1950, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 10596.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cum.) Hook. f. & Benth. Wellington: Pohangina Reserve, 300ft., September, 1953, G.H.C. Coprosma australis (A. Rich.) Robinsorn. Wellington: Pohangina Reserve, 300ft., September, 1953, G.H.C. Cupressus macrocarpa, Hartw. Auckland: Campbell's Bay, October, 1947, Mrs. E.E. Chamberlain. Hedycarya arborea Forst. Auckland: Huia, March, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Macropiper excelsum (Forst. f.) Miq. Auckland: Manaia, Whaugarei Heads, October, 1947, J.M. Dingley; Piha, November, 1952, J.M. Dingley. Melicytuss ramifloris Forst. Auckland: Waitekaruru, Waitakeres, November, 1948, J.M. Dingley; Oratia, 600ft., December, 1952, J.M. Dingley. Metrosidems scandens Sol. Auckland: Taneatua Reserve, 50ft., May, 1952, G.H.C. Pinus radiata Don. Auckland: Campbell's Bay, November, 1952, E.E. Chamberlain. Pseudopanax crassifolium (Sol.) Koch. Wellington: Pohangina Reserve, 300ft., September, 1953, G.H.C. Rhipogonum scandens Forst. Auckland: Huia Filters, November, 1948, J.M. Dingley; Lake Okataina, 1,500ft., June, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11505.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, membranous, effused, forming irregular linear areas to 15 x 4 cm.; surface white, becoming cream, pruinose, creviced when old; margin thinning out, arachnoid, white, adnate. Context white, 70-140 µ thick, composed of a narrow base of parallel hyphae and an intermediate layer of scanty upright hyphae branched more freely beneath the hymenium, with or without crystals; generative hyphae 3-4 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp comlections, sometimes crystal coated- near the base. Hymenial layer to 50 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia. Basidia subclavate, subcylindrical, some constricted in the middle region, 16-24 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored, projecting; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate or cylindrical, shorter and narrower than the basidia. Gloeocystidia confined to the hymenial region, fusiform or ventricose with acute apices, some capitate, 20-32 x 4-5 µ, projecting to 15 µ, or not, wall 0.25 µ thick. Vesicles arising from hyphae of the intermediate layer on short lateral branchlets, pyriform or abruptly capitate, 4-5 µ diameter, smooth, staining deeply. Spores oval, a few subglobose, 4-6 x 3-3.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of decaying branches.
Hymenophorum membranaceuin, adnatum, effusum; superficie alba deinde cremea, pruinosa, rimosa. Hyphae contextus fibulatae, 3-4 µ diam., prope basim crystalla interdum ferentes. Basidia 16-24 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia fusiformia vel ventricosa, aliquot capitata, 20-32 x 4-5 µ; vesiculis pyriformibus, 4-5 µ diam. Sporae ovatae, 4-6 x 3-3.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Specific characters are the fusiform or ventricose small gloeocystidia, small oval spores, and lateral. pyriform vesicles. Gloeocystidia are confined to the hymenial region, apices being usually long-acuminate and projecting slightly, though some are capitate. Vesicles arise from lateral branchlets of the upright hyphae of the intermediate layer; they may be abundant, then appearing in whorls on the hyphae, or scanty when but one or two may be seen near the base. In old specimens tissues may collapse and become somewhat pseudoparenchymatous. Crystals may be present or absent, consequently they have not been included in the drawing.
Auckland: Huia Filters, November, 1948, J.M. Dingley; Lake Okataina, 1,500ft., June, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11505.
Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Oerst. Auckland: Kaimanawa Ranges, 2,300ft., March, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11424. Rubus australis Forst. Westland: Staircase Creek, Reefton, 2,000ft., December, 1952, S.D. Baker.
Hymenophore annual, loosely attached, membranous-ceraceous. pelliculose, effused, forming many irregularly orbicular colonies 0.5-5 cm. diameter, or linear areas to 16 x 2 cm.; surface at first egg-yolk yellow, becoming reddish-brown in the centre with yellow periphery, vernicose, finally scantily creviced; margin thinning out, tending to lift, at first white, becoming yellow, byssoid, vernicose. Context white, 300-800 µ thick, commonly 300-400 µ, composed of a narrow basal layer of compact parallel hyphae, an intermediate layer of woven hyphae embedded in crystals, occupying the greater part of the context, and a subhymenium of densely compacted, closely septate, often obliquely arranged hyphae coated with mucilage granules which extend to the tissues of the hymenium; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, with abundant clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 40 µ deep, of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 16-24 x 5-6 µ, 2-4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 6 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, narrower than the basidia. Spores elliptical, 4-5.5 x 2-2.5 µ, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead standing saplings and stems.
Hymenophorum membranaceo-ceraceum, laxe adjunctum, effusum; superficie primo vitellina deinde centrale rubro-brunnea, margine flavea, vernicose, demum raro rimosa. Contextus albus, hyphis in conglomeratis crystallis sitis et flavis granulis mucilaginis tectis, fibulatis, 2.5-3 µ diam. Basidia 16-24 x 5-6 µ, 2-4 sporis. Sporae ellipticae, 4-5.5 x 2-2.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
In size and shape of spores and basidia the species resembles C. leptospermi; it differs in context structure, surface features and absence of paraphysate hyphae. Context tissues are arranged in three distinct zones: a basal narrow layer of compact mainly parallel hyphae, an intermediate layer of woven (not vertical) hyphae, and a narrow, compact subhymenium, cells of which are cubical and cemented together. Masses of crystals are packed between hyphae of the intermediate layer, and additionally granules of mucilage coat hyphae and basidia in the collection from Rubus. In young plants the surface is bright egg-yolk yellow, smooth and varnished; as specimens age the centre turns reddish-brown though still retaining its polished appearance, and finally deep fissures appear, though somewhat sparingly.
Auckland: Kaimanawa Ranges, 2,300ft., March, 1952, G.H.C., type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11424.

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28 March 2001
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