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Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954

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Corticium perenne G. Cunn., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 82 288 (1954)
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
NZ holotype
Corticium perenne
CONIFERAE. Dacrydium cupressinum: New Zealand, Auckland, Titirangi, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m, holotype PDD 4761.

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Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954

Hymenophore perennial, stratose, membranous-coriaceous, closely adnate, forming linear areas to 20 x 3 cm.; surface white, becoming pallid cream, even, sparsely creviced when old; margin receding in each successive layer, white, adnate, arachnoid, black creviced and vernicose where long exposed. Context 2-2.5 mm. thick, cream or isabelline, composed of 30-40 brown-tinted layers each 50-130 µ deep, of densely packed mainly vertical hyphae with narrow bands of parallel hyphae and crystals or crystal-coated hyphae between; generative hyphae 2-31 µ diameter, wall 0.2 µ thick, hyaline, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer of basidia, paraphyses and gloeocystidia, to 25 µ deep. Basidia subclavate, 16-20 x 4-6 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, about half the length of the basidia. Gloeocystidia arising near the base of each layer, fusiform or clavate, 30-40 x 8-12 µ, not projecting, wall 0.5-1 µ thick. Spores pip-shaped, a few suballantoid, 3.5-5 x 2-3 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on decorticated wood.
Hymenophorum membranaceo-coriaceum, adnatum, stratosum, effusum superficie alba deinde pallide cremea, raro rimosa senectute. Contextus 30-40 stratosum in crystallorum et gloeocystidiorum zonis divisorum; hyphis fibulatis, 2-3 µ diam., crystallis tectis, basi omnis zonae. Basidia 16-20 x 4-6 µ diam., 4 sporis. Gloeocystidia fusiformia vel clavata, 30-40 x 8-12 µ. Sporae obovatae, attenuato-apiculatae, 3.5-5 x 2-3 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Recognized readily by the thick perennial hymenophore composed of as many as 40 layers, visible under a lens. Each layer consists of a palisade of gloeocystidia and is demarked at the base by masses of crystals tinted brown coating the ends of context hyphae and paraphyses or lying between them. From the current hymenium to the base there is progressive deterioration through gelatinization of walls of hyphae and gloeocystidia; consequently towards the base only a few hyphal remnants are discernible as such and the position of gloeocystidia indicated by cavities of irregular size and shape. Layers are not equal in width but may range from 50 to 130 µ in depth, and sometimes merge at intervals.
Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Auckland: Titirangi beach, October, 1946, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4761.

Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954

In addition to Cunningham's description the type specimen shows some clavate to acuminate Cystidia, up to 70 µm long. Additional material is needed to ascertain the taxonomic position of this peculiar species.

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Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium perenne G. Cunn. (1954)

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Corticium perenne G. Cunn. 1954
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Stalpers (1985) was unable to assign species from examination of the type specimen.
CONIFERAE. Dacrydium cupressinum: New Zealand, Auckland, Titirangi, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m, holotype PDD 4761.

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29 May 1996
15 December 2003
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