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Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954

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Corticium cordylines G. Cunn., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 82 323 (1954)

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954
NZ holotype
Corticium cordylines
LILIACEAE. Cordyline australis: New Zealand, Auckland, South-west King Island, holotype PDD 7405, isotype BPI 280788

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Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954

Cordyline australis (Forst. f.) Hook. f. Auckland: Purewa Bush, December, 1948, D.W. McKenzie; South-west King Island, January, 1950, G.T.S. Baylis, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7405.
Hymenophore annual, membranous, fragile, loosely attached, effused, forming orbicular or irregular areas to 10 x 4 cm.; surface flesh-pink, or pinkish-buff, becoming tinged vinaceous, colliculose, creviced irregularly, mainly centrally when dry; margin thinning out, white, to 3 mm. broad, fibrillose, loosely attached. Context pallid pink, 250-350 µ thick, composed of a stout basal layer of mainly parallel hyphae densely compacted and embedded in masses of crystals, hyphae in contact with the substratum thickened, partly sclerotioid and densely woven, intermediate layer of loosely arranged mainly upright hyphae embedded in scattered crystals; generative hyphae 3.5-4 µ diameter, 6-7 µ at the base, wall 0.25 µ thick, naked, hyaline, branched, septate, without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 50 µ deep, of basidia and paraphyses forming a dense palisade. Basidia subclavate, projecting slightly, 16-26 x 4-5 µ, 4-spored; sterigmata slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses cylindrical or subclavate, narrower than the basidia. Spores obovate, or pip-shaped, 4.5-6 x 3-3.5 µ, apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µ thick.
HABITAT. Effused on bark of dead stems.
Hymenophorum membranaceum, fragile, laxe adjunctum, effusum; superficie carnea vel roseo-bubalina, colliculosa, inaequaliter rimosa centrali siccitate. Contextus pallide roseus, hyphis in conglomeratis crystallis sitis, afibulatis, 3.5-7 µ diam., nudis. Basidia 16-26 x 4-5 µ, 4 sporis. Sporae obovatae vel obovatae attenuato-apiculatae, 4.5-6 x 3-3.5 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Specific features are the loosely attached hymenophore with broad fibrillose margin, flesh-pink becoming vinaceous colliculose surface, small obovate or pip-shaped spores and broad basal layer of the context. Where in contact with the substratum hyphae are densely woven, sclerotioid and walls are thickened to 1 µ. Crystals are embedded freely in the basal layer and scattered through the intermediate layer, but do not occur in masses as in C. seutellare, C. tuberculatum, and related species.
South-west King Island, January, 1950, G.T.S. Baylis, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 7405.

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Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. (1954)

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Corticium cordylines G. Cunn. 1954
New Zealand

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LILIACEAE. Cordyline australis: New Zealand, Auckland, South-west King Island, holotype PDD 7405, isotype BPI 280788

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31 May 1996
24 September 2019
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