Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. 1954

Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn., Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 82 306 (1954)
G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. 1954
NZ holotype
Corticium ampullosporum
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. 1954
Brachyglottis repanda Forst. Auckland: Hick's Bay, 300ft., May, 1952, G.H.C. Fuchsia excorticata L.f. Otago : Morrison's Creek, Dunedin, 500ft., June, 1952, G.T.S. Baylis. Leptospermum ericoides A. Rich. Auckland: Glen Esk Valley, Piha, May, 1951, J.M. Dingley; Great King Island, January, 1952, E.E. Chamberlain; Atkinson Park, Titirangi, 1,000ft., June, 1953, J.M. Dingley. Metrosideros robusta A. Cunn. Auckland: White's Stream, Piha, January, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11428; Oratia, Waitakeres, 1,000ft., July, 1951, J.M. Dingley; Mountain Road, Henderson, 1,000ft., September, 1953, J.M. Dingley.
Hymenophore annual, adnate, chalky, effused, forming numerous small, elliptical colonies 2 x 1 cm., which may merge into linear areas to 10 x 2 em.; surface cream, even, not creviced; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid, adnate. Context white, 50-180 µ thick, composed of a narrow basal layer of a few parallel hyphae, and an intermediate layer of woven hyphae branched at a wide angle, numerous collapsed spores and embedded masses of crystals, especially towards the base; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, naked, hyaline. septate, with small, inconspicuous clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 45 µ deep, of basidia, paraphyses and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia cylindrical, a few subclavate, occasionally fusiform, 40-56 x 6-10 µ, projecting, 4-spored; sterigmata stout, to 16 µ long. Paraphyses clavate, scanty, less than half the size of the basidia. Paraphysate hyphae numerous, filiform, with rounded apices, scarcely projecting. Spores long-elliptical, a few ovate, obovate, or pip-shaped, 16-20 x 6-8 µ, strongly apiculate, wall smooth, hyaline, 0.25 µ thick, often adhering in fours.
HABITAT. Scattered as small colonies usually on bark of living trunks or branches.
Hymenophorum cretaceum, adnatum, colonies crebris et plenis, ellipticas, 2 x 1 cm.; superficie cremea, aequa, non rimosa. Hyphae contextus in crystallis conglomeratis et in sporis collapses sitae, fibulatae, 2.5-3 µ diam., nudae. Basidia 40-56 x 6-10 µ, 4 sporis. Hyphae paraphysatae adsunt. Sporae longo-ellipticae, obovatae vel maxime obovata attenuato-epiculatae, 16-20 x 6-8 µ, laeves, hyalinae.
Characterized by the small elliptical chalky colonies usually growing upon living bark, woven context embedded in masses of crystals, large projecting basidia and large, elliptical, strongly apiculate spores. Because of the masses of crystals sections are difficult to prepare; in some collections they occupy the basal portions of the context, in others they may extend between the basidia and even occupy superficial layers of the substratum. Spores soon collapse, though remaining often adhering in fours, and are to be seen in sections scattered through the context. The surface of the collection from Great King Island is colliculose, and the specimen from Fuchsia excorticata is on decorticated wood. Both agree in microfeatures with the type.
The species resembles in several features C. amylaceum B. & G., differing in the much larger nonamyloid spores of distinctive shape, features of the context, and non-coniferous hosts.
The species resembles in several features C. amylaceum B. & G., differing in the much larger nonamyloid spores of distinctive shape, features of the context, and non-coniferous hosts.
Auckland: White's Stream, Piha, January, 1951, J.M. Dingley, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 11428
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. 1954
= Dendrothele sp.
Hymenial surface cream to yellowish; subiculum white. Hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, 2-3.5 µm wide, somewhat irregular, with clamps. Hyphidia present, simple or more rarely branched (dendrohyphidia), 1.5-2.5 µm wide. Cystidia present, resembling young basidia, but with 1-3 dendroid projections at the apex, sulpho-negative. Intact basidia very rare, up to 18.5 µm wide; sterigmata up to 15 µm long. Spores hyaline, smooth, thin- to slightly thick-walled, ellipsoid to subcylindrical, 13-8 x7-9 x8-10 µm, not amyloid, not dextrinoid, slightly cyanophilous.
The type specimen is not in good condition. Mature basidia were rarely intact and the abundant crystals hindered examination. The species, which causes a white rot, belongs to Dendrothele Hohn & Litsch. and may be identical with D. alba Viegas. It fits Talbot's (1956) description of D. duthiae Talbot (a synonym of D. alba fide Lemke, 1964) except for the presence of hyphal pegs.
Taxonomic concepts
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. (1954)
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. 1954
Corticium ampullosporum G. Cunn. (1954)
Global name resources
NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, Piha, Whites Stream, Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. (bark), Jan 1951, J.M. Dingley, holotype PDD 11428, isotypes BPI 280245, BPI 280246
scientific name
30 May 1996
2 May 2011