Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu

Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu, 23: 61 (1993)
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
(Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda
Perennial, 7-25 cm. tall, with several to many striate close-set to ± fastigiate stems and branches, decumbent at base, then erect. Basal lvs lingulate or linear-spathulate, obtuse, rather crowded; lamina ± 15-20 × 4-5-(6), often ± wrinkled, on flat petiole up to 15 mm. long. Cauline lvs rather narrower, several to many, subacute, with flat petiole. Infl.-branchlets ± appressed to stem for upper 3/4 length, forming a narrow trichotomous cyme. Fls 6-8 mm. long, shortly pedicelled, bracted, solitary, axillary or on short 3-5-fld branchlets. Calyx < corolla, cut nearly to base into linear-oblong to sublanceolate, subacute lobes. Corolla narrow, white or with red streaks, cut c. ⅔ way into linear-oblong lobes.
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
2n = 36
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Plants monocarpic, biennial, height in flower 35–190(–240) mm. Caudex unbranched or branched (depending on the size of plant), up to 100 mm long. Flowering stems terminal and lateral, 2–20 per plant, 1.5–2.5 mm diam. when dry, yellow or tinted crimson, lateral flowering stems decumbent, flowering stem leaves 5–6 pairs per stem, lowest pedicels from halfway up fl owering stem. Rosette of leaves present but not very distinct from flowering stem leaves, leaves narrowly elliptic, 34–39 mm long, 4.8–6.2 mm wide, tinted crimson below or yellow, flat, not recurved, apex acute or rounded; margin thickened; petiole distinct, 3.2– 3.5 mm wide. Flowering stem leaves similar to rosette leaves but smaller. Pedicels 1 per leaf axil, 0.8–2.0 mm long, 0.6–0.9 mm diam. Flowers 73–83 per plant, 5.5–10.5 mm long. Calyx 4.7–8.0 mm long, hairs at calyx–corolla fusion line present; lobes 3.9–6.7 mm long, 0.9–1.3 mm wide at base, green or crimson, plane, apices narrowly acute, margins minutely denticulate, sinus hairs sparse. Corolla 5.5–10.5 mm long, white to purple, with veins uncoloured to purple; tube 1.6–2.9 mm long; lobes 3.9–7.6 mm long, 1.3–2.7 mm wide; hairs below sinus absent; nectary 1.0–1.4 mm from corolla base. Filaments 2.8–6.3 mm long from corolla base, 0.3–0.55 mm wide. Anthers 0.75–1.0 mm long, anther wall blue-black, mouth yellow, extrorse at anthesis. Stigma colour unknown. Ovules 3–9 per ovary. Capsule 2.9–7.2 mm long. FL Dec–Mar(– Apr).
Taxonomic concepts
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
scientific name
5 February 2003
7 November 2005