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Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller

Scientific name record
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller in Albrecht et al., Syst. Bot. 23: 328 (2010)
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata

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Prostrate shrub forming dense patches up to c. 4 dm. diam; branches ∞, ascending at tips; branchlets ascending. Lvs close-set, imbricate. erect, coriac., subsessile, glab., paler below; 3-5 × 1-2 mm., narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, us. minutely apiculate; margins ± thickened towards base. Fls minute, solitary, axillary and/or terminal. bracts ∞, investing peduncle. Calyx-lobes broad-oblong, obtuse, ciliolate. Corolla-tube cylindric, much > calyx; lobes acute, densely hairy on upper surface. Style minutely 5-lobed. Fr. dark, c. 4-5 mm. diam., globose; locules us. 5.

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Cyathodes dealbata R.Br.
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Cyathodes pumila Hook.f.
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller

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New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Montitega dealbata (R.Br.) C.M.Weiller
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
27 March 2012
27 March 2012
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