Quinn, C. J.; Brown, E. A.; Heslewood, M. M.; Crayn, D. M. 2005: Generic concepts in Styphelieae (Ericaceae): the Cyathodes group. Australian Systematic Botany 18: 439–454.

Quinn, C. J.; Brown, E. A.; Heslewood, M. M.; Crayn, D. M. 2005: Generic concepts in Styphelieae (Ericaceae): the Cyathodes group. Australian Systematic Botany 18: 439–454.
Taxonomic concepts
Acrothamnus colensoi (Hook.f.) Quinn
Acrothamnus hookeri (Sond.) C.J.Quinn
Acrothamnus suaveolens (Hook.f.) Quinn
Leucopogon suaveolens sensu New Zealand botanists
Styphelia suaveolens sensu New Zealand botanists
Cited scientific names
- Acrothamnus colensoi (Hook.f.) Quinn
- Acrothamnus hookeri (Sond.) C.J.Quinn
- Acrothamnus Quinn
- Acrothamnus suaveolens (Hook.f.) Quinn
- Androstoma empetrifolium Hook.f.
- Androstoma Hook.f.
- Cyathodes dealbata R.Br.
- Leucopogon obtusatus Hook.f.
- Leucopogon suaveolens sensu New Zealand botanists
- Styphelia hookeri F.Muell.
- Styphelia suaveolens sensu New Zealand botanists
18 May 2006