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Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper, Mycosphere 5 278
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper

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New Zealand
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J A. Cooper
G. Stev.
(G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
Rhodocollybia purpurata

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[GS] Pileus 1-4.5 Cm- diam pale testaceous, darker at centre, becoming somewhat striate and grooved at margins, plano-convex to plane with a waved margin, velvety; flesh pinkish, tough. Gills adnexed, moderately distant, pinkish fawn, paler at serrulate margins. Stipe 2-4 cm. X 2-4 mm., pale pinkish-buff, velvety, hollow, moderately tough. Spores8 X 4um non-amyloid, thin-walled (Fig. 2/24, p. 37); print white. Cuticle cellular of a faintly pseudo-amyloid palisade overlying woven pseudo-amyloid hyphae 5-8um, diam. HABITAT: on old Cyathea medullaris stump, Wellington Botanic Garden, 26.4.1949, Stevenson (type); on Nothofagus litter, Silverstream, 21.4.1958, H. Druce. [EH] Cuticle of interwoven, cylindrical, partially gelatinised hyphae with clamp connections. Spores comma-like, hyaline, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, smooth, 7.5-9 X 3.5-4 um Cystidia none. [JAC] stem is pruinose along entire length, stronger at apex and base. The cap has deposits of spores with a partial dextrinoid reaction and some thick-walled, typical of Rhodocollybia (cf JAC12478) and R. purpurata. The latter we know from sequencing has a broad morphology and I believe that is an earlier name, although it posible this represents one of the undescribed Rhodocollybia species. The synonymy with R. purpurata is also supported by at least one of Horak's collections under the name C. drucei which is R. purpurata although that may be a misidentification. Cap a hyaline cutis. Hyphae appear to have thin extra-cellular zebroid hyaline encrustation. Clamps probably present but not seen clearly. Spores length=6.0–7.8µm (µ=7.0, σ=0.56), width=2.8–4.2µm (µ=3.5, σ=0.38), Q=1.7–2.5µm (µ=1.99, σ=0.21), n=20
K(M) 235279, Stevenson 881. The collection has been cooked on drying, like much of Stevenson's material. The spores have a retracted and dextrinoid endospore, fully consistent with my recognition of this taxon as Rhodocollybia purpurata.

Marasmius drucei Stevenson (29 D) Fig. 7 = Collybia drucei (Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: M. drucei Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 40, 1964)

Cuticle of interwoven, cylindrical, partially gelatinised hyphae with clamp connections. Spores comma-like, hyaline, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, smooth, 7.5-9 X 3.5-4 µ. Cystidia none.

Pluteus purpuratus Stevenson (26D) Fig. 22 = Lepiotula purpurata (Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: P. purpuratus Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 73, 1962)

Spores dextrinoid, indistinctly spurred, smooth, germ pore none, 5.5-6 X 3.5-4 µ. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia not observed (type material in fragmentary condition). The dimensions of the spores given by Stevenson are based on measurements of alien Psathyrella spores. The free gills were obviously the reason for assigning the fungus to Pluteus.

Material. - New Zealand: Maungatua, 18. IV. 1953, STEVENSON-CONE, 881 (K, holotype).
Habitat. - On soil among litter in forests. - New Zealand.
Illustrations. - STEVENSON (1962:1. c.); HORAK (1971; 1980b).
Remarks. - The pink and free lamellae are probably the reason why STEVENSON identified this species as a member of Pluteus FR. The spores are, however, distinctly dextrinoid and slightly spurred. The basidia are 4-spored, 16-20x4-5 µm. The type material is in rather bad condition and therefore the structure of the cuticle could not be fully revived. By all means cellular elements are absent, and the cylindric hyphae observed are encrusted with grey (KOH) pigment. Clamp connections not observed.
New Zealand: North Island, Maungatua; 18.1V. 1953, leg. Stevenson-Cone 881 (K, holotype).
In forest litter. New Zealand.
Stevenson (1962), Horak (1971).
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Other collections at K Stevenson GS 1289
Pileus 4-5 cm. diam., nearly plane, purple-brown overlain with pink- fawn cottony fibrils, flesh purple-brown under the surface, otherwise whitish. Gills free, moderately crowded, dull-pink. Stipe 4 cm. x 5-10 mm., swollen at base, silky-fibrillose, whitish, hollow. Spores 3.5 x 8um, print pink. No cystidia. Cells of epicutis 10-20 x 10-12um mostly with dark contents; fibrils of cap consisting of thick-walled hyphae, 5um diam., with walls 1um thick, all with clamp connections, mostly dark-brown in colour, many covered thickly with tubercles about 1um long.
in forest litter, Maungatua, 18.4.1953, Stevenson
Pileus 4-5 cm. diam., fere planus, purpureo-umbrinus, fibrillis gossypinis roseo-hinnuleis tectus; caro sub epicute purpurea umbrina, ceterum albida. Lamellae liberae, mediocriter confertae, obscure roseae. Stipes 4 cm. x 5-10 mm., basi inflatus, sericeo-fibrillosus albidus, cavus. Sporae 3.5 x 8um, in cumulo roseae. Cystidia nulla. Cellulae epicutis 10-20 x 10-12um, plerumque intus fuscidulae; hyphae fibrillarum pilei crasse tunicatae, 5p diam., tunicis 1um crassis, septato-nodosae, plerumque obscure umbrinae, et saepe tuberculis 1um longis dense tectae.
Stevenson 881
Pileus 1-4.5 cm diam., pale testaceous, darker at centre, becoming somewhat striate and grooved at margins, plano-convex to plane with a waved margin velvety; flesh pinkish, tough. Gills adnexed, moderately distant, pinkish fawn, paler at serrulate margins. Stipe 2-4 cm x 2-4 mm, pale pinkish-buff velvety, hollow, moderately tough. Spores 8 x 4µm, non-amyloid, thin-walled (Fig. 24). Print white. Cuticle cellular of a faintly pseudo-amyloid palisade overlying woven pseudo-amyloid hyphae 5-8 µm diam.
On old Cyathea medullaris stump, Wellington Botanic Garden, 26.4.1949, Stevenson (type); on Nothofagus litter, Silverstream, 21.4.1958, H. Druce.
Pileus 1-4.5 cm-diam., pallide testaceus, (medio fuscius), marginibus substriatus et sulcatus, plano-convex usque planus, margine undulato, velutinus; came subpunicea tenaci. Lamellae adnexae, modice distantes puniceo-hinnuleae, marginibus serrulatis pallidioribus. Stipes 2-4 cm x 2-4 mm, pallide puniceo-bubalinus, velutinus, cavus, modice tenax. Sporae 8 x 4 µm, haud amyloideae, parietibus tenuibus, in cumulo albae. Cuticula cellularis, e sepimento aegre pseudo-amyloideo hyphis intertextis pseudo-amyloideis 5-8 µm diam. incumbente sistens.
Typus: Stevenson 592.

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Collybia druceae (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1971
Collybia druceae (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971)
Lepiotula purpurata (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971)
Lepiotula purpurata (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971)
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper

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Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand
Rhodocollybia purpurata (G. Stev.) J A. Cooper
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
ITS sequences of recent collections confirm identity as a Rhodocollybia. Placement in Lepiota due to misinterpretation of retracting dextrinoid endospore [JAC 2011]

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16 February 2012
5 March 2015
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