Zoysia Willd.

Zoysia Willd.
Vernacular names
Zoysia Willd.
Perennials with extensive monopodial rhizomes. Culms few noded. Leaves distichous. Ligule ciliate; collar distinct, ± long-ciliate with cushion-based hairs. Leaf-blade linear to linear-lanceolate, tapering. Inflorescence a cylindrical raceme or a solitary terminal spikelet. Spikelets 1-flowered, disarticulating above pedicels and falling entire at maturity. Lower glume usually 0, occasionally present as small bract, very rarely complete; upper laterally compressed, enfolding floret, indurated, ± awned. Lemma entire, firmly membranous, 1-nerved. Palea nerveless. Lodicules 0. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous; styles 2; stigmas long, emerging apically. Caryopsis elliptic, laterally compressed; embryo c. ½ length of caryopsis, pericarp free.
Zoysia Willd.
Plant perennial, with extensive monopodial rhizomes. Culms few, noded. Leaf sheath non-auriculate; ligule ciliar; collar distinct, more or less long ciliate with cushion based hairs. Leaf blade linear to linearlanceolate, tapering. Silica cells round or slightly concave on upper and lower edges. Long cells finely papillate. Microhairs broad clavate; terminal cell more or less hemispherical; pediment somewhat bulbous. Vascular bundles of first order spaced by several bundles of second order. Chlorenchyma concentric. Inflorescence a raceme. Spikelets 1- flowered, disarticulating entire above pedicels. Lower glume absent. Upper glume laterally compressed, infolding the floret, indurated, more or less mucronate. Lemma entire, firm membranous, hyaline, 1-nerved. Palea Ungulate, nerveless. Lodicules absent. Stamens 3, ovary glabrous. Styles 2, distinct, approximate elongate. Stigmas long, emerge apically. Fruit elliptic, laterally compressed, free. Seed free within pericarp. Starch grains simple. Embryo about half as long as seed. Scutellum cochleariform. Epiblast broad, conspicuous. Plumule distinctly stalked. Coleorhim more or less free of scutellum. Chromosomes small (2-3 mcm long); basic number 10.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000