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Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov

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Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 73: 237 (1943)
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov

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New Zealand
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(Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima

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Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov

Rhizome stout, long, to 1.5 mm diam., whitish, smooth; cataphylls smooth, grey or whitish; shoots to 5-(10) cm, branching several times intravaginally at or above ground. Leaf-sheath shining white below, purplish above, striate, margins membranous, wide, glabrous. Ligule 0.1-0.2 mm, ciliate. Collar glabrous, swollen, recurved, very rarely with 1-2 long hairs. Leaf-blade 5-30 mm, distinctly divergent, folded, abaxially smooth, adaxially scabrid on ribs; margins incurved, thickened and scabrid. Culm to 2 cm, terete to usually laterally compressed, ridged, usually scabrid on ridges below spikelet otherwise glabrous, bearing 1 leaf or leaf reduced to sheath, and often a minute bract above. Spikelet 1, occasionally 2-3, peduncles narrowly ovate, lanceolate, c. 1 mm wide. Glumes indurated, lower usually absent, if present much reduced, occasionally complete and awned, to c. 4.5 mm, upper glume (3)-3.5-7 mm, minutely scabrid above and on margins, ± golden to golden-brown, nerves 7-9, very weak; awn 0.2-2.5 mm, scabrid. Lemma 3-4.5 mm, ovate-lanceolate, 1-nerved, firm-hyaline, shallowly bifid, glabrous. Palea 3-4 mm. Anthers c. 2 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 0.5-0.75 mm; stigma-styles 7-7.5 mm. Caryopsis 1.5-1.75 mm; embryo 0.75 mm; pericarp detaching with 0.25-0.35 mm beak. Protogynous.

Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov

Plant perennial. Rhizome internodes mostly in series of three — 2 very short and 1 long — the three internodes 1-2 cm long. Cataphylls rounded to more or less truncate, Ungulate, distinctly umbonate. Erect culms arise from short internodes, 2-5 cm high above ground, branching several times at and above ground. Branching intravaginal; 2-3 internodes elongated, uppermost, 0.7-3 cm long. Leaf sheath 5-15 mm long, glabrous finely striated. Ligule 0.2-0.4 mm long, ciliar. Leaf collar distinct, more or less long-ciliate, hairs up to 5 mm long, cushion based. Blade more or less distinctly divergent, folded, subulate, glabrous. Vascular bundles about 11. Sclerenchyma bilateral, interrupted between bundles; connected with primary bundles, more or less free from secondary bundles. Peduncle 1-2 cm (seldom more) long, finely striated and minutely scabrid above. Spikelet solitary (occasionally 2) terminal, erect, 3.5-5.0 mm long, lanceolate. Glume 4 mm long, ovate indurated, minutely hairy above, more or less golden to golden-brown, about 7- nerved, nerves very weak. Lemma about 3.5 mm long ovate-lanceolate, more or less conduplicate, 1-nerved, firm hyaline, glabrous. Anthers about 2 mm long. Stigmas long, plumose (Fig. 1).

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Gaimardia minima Colenso
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov

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Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
New Zealand
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Zoysia minima (Colenso) Zotov
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 February 2007
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