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Zoysia pauciflora Mez

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Zoysia pauciflora Mez, Feddes Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 17: 145 (1921)
Zoysia pauciflora Mez

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New Zealand
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17: 145
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora

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Zoysia pauciflora Mez

2n = 40
2n = 40

Zoysia pauciflora Mez

Rhizome stout, long, 1-1.5 mm diam., shining, light brown; cataphylls smooth, grey or whitish; shoots 10-15 cm, branching several times intravaginally at or above ground. Leaf-sheath shining, white below, purplish above, striate, margins membranous, wide, glabrous. Ligule 0.2-0.3 mm, ciliate. Collar hairs few to many, 2-4 mm, rarely glabrous. Leaf-blade to 10 cm, divergent to erect, folded to flat and 1-2-4 mm wide, abaxially smooth, adaxially finely scabrid on ribs or glabrous; margins thickened, sparsely scabrid, tip blunt. Culm 3-10 cm, terete to laterally compressed, ridged, glabrous, bearing 1 leaf or leaf reduced to sheath, and a minute bract above. Raceme 0.5-2 cm, of (1)-2-5-9 lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, imbricate, spikelets c. 1-1.5 mm wide, frequently congested, rachis and pedicels flattened, scabrid on edges. Glumes indurated, lower glume if present a reduced bract, upper glume 4-6-(7) mm, minutely hairy above and on margins, ± golden ochreous often tinged pinkish at first, nerves 7 very weak; awn 0.5-2-(5) mm, scabrid. Lemma 3-3.75 mm, ovate-lanceolate, 1-nerved, firm-hyaline, glabrous. Palea 2.75-3.5 mm, transparent. Anthers c. 2-2.6 mm, apiculate, filaments ligulate. Gynoecium: ovary 0.75-1 mm; stigma-styles 3.5-5 mm. Caryopsis 1.5-2.0 × 0.75 mm; embryo 0.6-0.75 mm; pericarp thin, detaching with beak. Protogynous.

Zoysia pauciflora Mez

Plant perennial with extensive wiry rhizomes. Rhizomes mostly in series of three internodes — 2 very short and 1 long — the three internodes 1-3 cm long. The longer internode subtended by longer cataphyll. Cataphylls rounded to truncate, lingulate, more or less distinctly umbonate. Erect culms arise from short internodes, 4-10 cm high above ground, branching several times at and above ground. Branching intravaginal; 2-3 internodes elongated, uppermost mostly 2-5 cm long. Leaf sheath 1-3 cm long, glabrous, finely striated. Ligule 0.2-0.5 mm long, ciliar. Leaf collar distinct, more or less ciliate with long soft cushionbased hairs. Blade up to 7 cm long, more or less flat 1-1.5 mm wide, tapering, more or less finely striate on both sides, glabrous. Vascular bundles mostly about 15. Sclerenchyma bilateral, interrupted between vascular bundles, connected with primary bundles, more or less free from secondary bundles. Peduncle 2-5 cm long, glabrous. Racemes 7-12 mm long of 3-5 spikelets. Rachis and pedicels minutely scabrid. Pedicels 0.5-1 mm long, spikelets about 4 mm long, lanceolate. Glume 4 mm long, ± ovate, indurated with thin margins minutely hairy above and on margins, more or less golden ochreous, about 7-nerved, nerves weak, awn 0-5 mm long. Lemma about 3.5 mm long ovate-lanceolate, glabrous. Anthers about 2 mm long. Stigmas long, plumose (Fig. 1).
Plant perennial. Rhizome internodes mostly in series of three — 2 very short and 1 long — the three internodes 1-2 cm long. Cataphylls truncate, lingulate, almost quite bladeless. Erect culms arise from one or both short internodes, 8-15 cm high above ground, branching several times at and above ground. Branching intravaginal; 2-3 internodes elongated, uppermost 4-7 cm long. Leaf sheath 1-3 cm long, glabrous finely striated. Ligule a line of hairs 0.3-0.5 mm long. Leaf collar distinct, more or less densely long-ciliate, hairs soft, cushion-based. Blade more or less distinctly divergent rolled in bud, flat at maturity, up to 5 cm long 2-3 mm wide, tapering, finely striate on both sides, glabrous. Vascular bundles about 25. Sclerenchyma bilateral, interrupted between vascular bundles, connected with primary bundles, more or less free from secondary bundles. Peduncle 4-7 cm long, glabrous. Racemes 8-16 mm long, of 6-12 appressed spikelets. Rachis and pedicels minutely scabrid. Pedicels 0.5-1 mm long. Spikelets about 4 mm long, lanceolate. Glume 4 mm long, ovate, indurated with thin margins, minutely hairy above and on margins, stramineous, about 7-nerved, nerves very weak. Lemma about 3.5 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, more or less conduplicate, 1-nerved, firm, hyaline, glabrous. Anthers about 2 mm long. Stigmas long, plumose (Fig. 1).
Planta perennis. Rhizomatis internodia persaepe in tripartita serie disposita — duo brevissirna, unum longum — haec tria internodia 1 - 2 cm longa. Internodium longius longiore cataphyllo est subtentum. Cataphylla truncata, lingulata, paene omnino laminis carentia. Culmi erecti, 8 - 1 5 cm alti, oriuntur ex axillis brevium cataphyllorum vel unius vel amborum, aliquoties ramos emittentes ad soli superficiem vel supra. Ramificatio intravaginalis; 2 - 3 internodia elongata, supremum 4 - 7 cm longum. Folii vagina 1 - 3 cm longa, glabra, subtiliter striata. Ligula ciliaris, 0.3 - 0.5 mm longa. Folii collum distinctum plus minusve dense longeciliatum, pilis mollibus basi pulviniformibus. Lamina plus minusve distincte divergens, in gemma involuta, ad maturitatem plana, ad 5 cm longa, 2 - 3 mm lata angustata, in utraque facie subtiliter striata, glabra. Fasciculi vasculares circa 25. Sclerenchyma bilaterale, inter fasciculos vasculares interruptum conjunctum cum fasciculis primariis, ab fasciculis secundariis plus minusve disjunctum. Pedunculus 3 - 7 cm longus, glaber. Racemi 8 - 1 6 mm longi ex 6 - 12 spiculis appressis constantes. Rhachis pedicellique minute scabridi. Pedicelli 0.5 - 1 mm longi. Spiculae circa 4 cm longae, lanceolatae. Gluma 4 mm longa, oyata, indurata, marginibus tenuibus, minute pilosa supra et in marginibus, straminea, circa 7-nervis; nervi obscurissimi. Lemma circa 3 - 5 mm longum, ovato-Ianceolatum, plus minusve conduplicatum, 1-nerve, firmum, hyalinum, glabrum. Antherae ciica 2 mm longae. Stigmata longa, plumosa.

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Nardus digynus Sol.
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia planifolia Zotov
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
Zoysia pungens Willd. ex Hook.f.
Zoysia pauciflora Mez

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Zoysia pauciflora Mez
New Zealand
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Zoysia pauciflora Mez
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 February 2007
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