Luzula DC.

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Luzula DC.
- Luzula "Cobb"
- Luzula "Leatham limestone"
- Luzula "rhizomatous rufa"
- Luzula (Cobb Valley)
- Luzula (Leatham limestone)
- Luzula ×wettsteinii
- Luzula banksiana
- Luzula campestris
- Luzula celata
- Luzula cheesemanii
- Luzula colensoi
- Luzula congesta
- Luzula crenulata
- Luzula crinita
- Luzula decipiens
- Luzula flaccida
- Luzula leptophylla
- Luzula micrantha
- Luzula migrata
- Luzula multiflora
- Luzula picta
- Luzula pumila
- Luzula racemosa
- Luzula rufa
- Luzula subclavata
- Luzula sylvatica
- Luzula traversii
- Luzula triandra
- Luzula ulophylla
Vernacular names
Luzula DC.
Perennial grass-like herbs, tufted, or stoloniferous or rhizomatous, or cushion-forming. Stems glabrous, terete, erect, often with 1-2 cauline leaves. Leaves flat or channelled, almost glabrous to densely villous along margin, sheaths without auricles. Inflorescence a terminal cyme, congested to a single head, or much-branched, branches unequal with flowers clustered at tips; subtending bracts leaf-like. Flowers hermaphrodite; bracts and bractlets silver or light brown, membranous, ovate, margins ± lacerate, ± villous. Tepals 6, usually equal in length, with or without membranous margins. Stamens 3, or 6. Ovary 1-locular. Seeds 3, with a white basal caruncle (tail). A cosmopolitan genus of c.80 spp., mainly in extra-tropical regions; in the tropics at high altitudes only. Native spp.12, adventive 4.
Luzula DC.
Infl. a terminal cyme, congested to a single head, or much-branched, branchlets unequal in length with fls clustered at their tips; subtending bracts lf-like. Fls hermaphrodite, each enclosed at the base by 2 papery bractlets and subtended by a scarious bract; bracts and bractlets silver or light brown, membr., ovate, with ± lacerate, ± villous margins. Stamens 3, or 6. Ovary 1-locular. Seeds 3, with a white basal tail (caruncle), testa minutely striated in a reticulate pattern. Perennial grasslike herbs, tufted or stoloniferous, or cushion-forming. Stems glab., terete, erect, often with 1–2 cauline lvs. Lvs flat or channelled, almost glab., to densely villous along the margin, basal sheath without auricles. A cosmopolitan genus of c. 80 spp. mainly in extra-tropical regions; in the tropics at high altitudes only. 10 N.Z. spp. are endemic while L. traversii is recorded also from Mexico and South America. Luzula DC. nom. cons.: type sp., L. campestris (L.) DC.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
13 July 2016