Edgar, E. 1966: Luzula in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 4: 159–184.
Edgar, E. 1966: Luzula in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 4: 159–184.
Taxonomic concepts
Luzula banksiana E.Mey. var. banksiana
Luzula banksiana var. acra Edgar
Luzula banksiana var. migrata (Buchenau) Edgar
Luzula banksiana var. orina Edgar
Luzula campestris var. crinita (Hook.f.) Buchenau
Luzula campestris var. petrieana Buchenau
Luzula leptophylla Buchenau & Petrie
Luzula micrantha var. crenulata (Buchenau) Cheeseman
Robust tufts, usually many-leaved, individual shoots 5-10 mm thick above the stout, woody, rhizome-like base covered with fibrous remains of old leaves. Leaves flat, margins villous with long white hairs, especially at base of leaf. Inflorescence of one to numerous many-flowered clusters. Tepals acuminate. Stamens 6. Capsule shorter than tepals.
Leaves 2—5-(7) mm wide, often drooping. Flowering stems 3-15-(30) cm long, about equal to the leaves in length. Inflorescence a compact head, occasionally with 1-3 smaller lateral pedunculate clusters. Flowers 2.5-3-5- (4) mm long; tepals with a dark brown central stripe about ¼ width of tepals, membranous margins silver-white, distinct from tip to base of tepal. Capsule greenish brown to light red-brown.
Leaves 3-8 mm wide, rigid, usually erect. Flowering stems (6)—12—30— (40) cm long, overtopping the leaves at maturity. Inflorescence of several pedunculate clusters mostly c. 10 × 10 mm, peduncles subequal, 1-3 cm long, or contracted to a large, compact or semicompact head; subtending bracts 2—9, rigid, the longest as much as 3 times the length of the inflorescence. Flowers (2.5)-3-4.5 mm long; tepals with light brown centre and cream membranous margins, sometimes darker in forms with compact head. Capsule pale brown.
Folia rigida. Inflorescentia e multis capitulis composita, ramulis erectis subaequalibus, vel in unum magnum capitulum compacta; bracteae capitulis subjacentes, rigidae, conspicuae.
Leaves (3)-5-8-(11) mm wide, lamina often canaliculate just below the very dilated tip. Flowering stems (3)—10—30 cm long, usually much longer than the leaves. Inflorescence of numerous clusters on peduncles 0-5-7 cm long, or rarely a compact head. Flowers (2)-2-5—3.5-(4) mm long; tepals dark brown, membranous margins narrow. Capsule light brown to dark red-brown.
Leaves 3—7 mm wide, usually flaccid and drooping, former season's leaves long persisting. Flowering stems (10)—20—40 cm long, equalling the leaves. Inflorescence of 10-20 many-flowered clusters c. 5 × 5 mm, peduncles unequal in length, 1-13 cm long. Flowers 2.5—3—(3.5) mm long; tepals with a central light brown stripe about \ width of tepals, membranous margins cream. Capsule light greenish brown to very pale brown.
Folia pendentia. Inflorescentia e multis capitulis composita, ramulis pendentibus inaequalibus. Tepala pallidissima.
Leaves 1—3—(5) mm wide, exceedingly numerous, stiff and erect, former season's leaves persisting. Flowering stems 15—30 cm long, equal to or longer than the leaves. Inflorescence of numerous pedunculate clusters of 3-12 flowers, peduncles 0.5-3.5-(5) cm long, rarely contracted to a single head. Flowers 2-2.5—(3) mm long; tepals light or dark brown with cream membranous margins. Capsule sometimes almost as long as the tepals, light brown, darker towards the tip.
Plants of L. celata (from celatus L. hidden) are small and inconspicuous, sometimes half buried in sand with the inflorescence sunk within the leaves. Stoloniferous, in low-growing, small brownish tufts. Leaves 1-3 cm × 0.5—1.5 mm, lamina often involute towards the base, tip acute, margins villous with thickly clustered white hairs; sheath c. 2 mm broad, silver with red-brown striations. Flowering stems much shorter than leaves and hidden among them, scarcely elongating as fruit matures. Inflorescence 6-16- flowered, a single subsessile cluster of flowers, occasionally with a smaller pedunculate side cluster; subtending bracts 1-3, leafy, exceeding the inflorescence. Flowers c. 2 mm long; tepals membranous, almost entirely white except for a short, light brown stripe in the centre. Stamens 3, equalling the tepals, anthers very much shorter than the filaments. Capsule about equal to the tepals, pale brown, apex acute. Seeds 0.8-1.2 × 0.5-0.8 mm, dark brown, with a very minute caruncle.
Herba perennis, breviter stolonifera. Folia apice acuta, marginibus dense villosis. Caules brevissimi, inter folia celati, ad fructus maturitatem vix elongati. Inflorescentia parva, floribus paucis in 1—(2) capitula confertis. Tepala membranacea maximam partem alba, brevi, in medio, virga subfusca. Stamina tria. Capsula tepalis plus minusve aequilonga, subfusca.
Plants strict, dark green, very variable in size. Leaves rigid, usually with incurved margins, tapering very gradually to tip. Flowers 2-2.5 mm long; tepals dark brown, almost black at centre, with red-brown membranous margins. Stamens 6. Capsule about equalling the tepals, dark brown.
Leaves 1-5—5 mm wide, margins densely villous towards base. Inflorescence a rounded head with densely crowded flowers, sometimes with 1-3 smaller, lateral pedunculate clusters; margins of subtending foliaceous bracts and of floral bractlets densely villous with long white hairs.
Leaves 0.7—2.5—(3.5) mm wide, margins only slightly villous. Inflorescence varying from a single head to numerous clusters on erect branchlets up to 5.5 cm long; subtending foliaceous bracts and floral bractlets only moderately villous.
Tufts flaccid, usually few-leaved, often rhizomatous, individual shoots less than 4 mm thick at base. Leaves 2-3-(5) mm wide, margins moderately or scarcely villous. Flowering stems (4)-8-35-(50) cm long. Inflorescence of several clusters, central cluster subsessile, remaining clusters on slender peduncles. Flowers 2—3.5 mm long. Stamens 6.
Inflorescence of 2-10 flowered clusters, all of about equal size, c. 5 mm across, peduncles 1—3—(5) cm long, sometimes branched secondarily. Tepals lanceolate, acuminate, with a very conspicuous, narrow, dark brown central stripe contrasting with the white membranous margin. Capsule shorter than tepals, pale brown.
Plants invariably stoloniferous. Leaves reddish green. Inflorescence of several 3-25-flowered clusters, peduncles 1-6 cm long; subtending bracts usually much shorter than inflorescence. Tepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, bright chestnut brown with broad white membranous margins. Capsule more or less equal to or shorter than tepals, dark red-brown, often almost black towards tip.
Herba stolonifera. Tepala castanea, marginibus albis membranaceis. Capsula subfusca vel ad apicem fuscior.
Inflorescence of 1-3-(8) clusters, the central cluster larger, c. 10 mm across, from almost triangular to ellipsoidal in outline, subtended by 1-2 foliaceous bracts often much exceeding the sessile head, remaining clusters on flexuous peduncles 2-6-(8) cm long. Tepals lanceolate, acuminate, cream and membranous with a light brown central stripe. Capsule slightly shorter than the tepals, or sometimes as long as the tepals, greenish brown.
In scattered tufts. Inflorescence a single compact globose head, sometimes with 1-3 (rarely more) smaller lateral pendunculate clusters. Tepals ovatelanceolate, acute, pale rufous at first, later becoming darker, membranous margins narrow. Stamens 6. Capsule more or less equalling or slightly longer than tepals, red-brown or almost black.
Herba perennis in dissitis caespitibus. Influrescentia in unum multiflorum globosum capitulum compacta, interdum minoribus lateralibus pedunculatis capitulis. Tepala pallide rufo-fusca, tandem matura fusciora vel subnigra. Stamina 6. Capsula tepalis plus minusve aequilonga, vel paullo longior, rufo-fusca vel subnigra.
Leaves 2-5-6 mm wide, red-green, margin usually only slightly villous. Flowering stems (8)-15-30-(50) cm × 0.5-l-(1.5) mm. Flowers 2-2-5-(3) mm long.
Folia rufo-viridia, marginibus sparsim villosis.
Leaves 1.5-2.5 mm wide, dark green or reddish grey, tips acute in young leaves, later obtuse, margins thickly covered with white woolly hairs. Flowering stems (4)-7-12-(22)cm × 0.3-0.6 mm. Flowers 1.5-2.0-(2.5) mm long.
Folia angusta, marginibus dense villosis.
Leaves rather stiff, tapering very gradually to the acicular tip, margins usually slightly incurved, with long white hairs. Flowering stems (2)-10- 25-(40) cm long. Inflorescence usually pendulous with subsessile clusters of flowers congested into a pyramidal head. Flowers 1-7-2-5-(3) mm long; tepals chestnut to dark brown with broad or narrow silver membranous margins. Capsules more or less equal to tepals in length, chestnut to dark brown, almost black.
Leaves 1-5 mm wide. Stamens 3.
Leaves less than 2 mm wide. Stamens 6.
Folia angusta. Stamina sex.
Forming woolly-leaved patches. Leaves (1)-3-7-(15) cm × 2-3 mm, very much shorter than stems, gradually tapering to a subulate acute tip, margins incurved, upper \ of lamina covered on margins and abaxial surface with a dappled coating of tangled white woolly hairs. Flowering stems (5)-9-20-(25) cm long. Inflorescence a cylindrical or almost spherical spikelike head up to 2 cm long. Flowers 1.5-2 mm long; tepals dark brown with broad white membranous margins. Stamens 3-(4—6). Capsule more or less equal to tepals, dark brown to black.
Identification keys
Flowering stems very much shorter than leaves and hidden among them, scarcely elongating when fruit matures
Seeds with caruncle 1/10-1/5 total length of seed; rachis of flower clusters much condensed, all flowers borne at almost same level, clusters subglobose
Seeds with a conspicuous caruncle, to ½ total length of seed; rachis of flower clusters not much condensed, base of each flower visible, clusters oblong
Tepals rufous; inflorescence a compact head, occasionally with up to 3 smaller lateral clusters on peduncles rarely longer than 1.5 cm
Tepals cream with a brown central stripe to almost entirely brown or black; inflorescence of 3 or more equal-sized clusters on peduncles to 8 cm long, often more compact if pale or black-flowered
Robust tufts, usually many-leaved, individual shoots 5—10 mm thick above the woody stem base; leaves usually wider than 3 mm, or excessively numerous if narrower
Flaccid tufts, usually few-leaved, individual shoots less than 4 mm thick at base above rhizome; leaves usually less than 3 mm wide
Leaves crowded at lower 1/3 of stem, wider than 0.7 mm; inflorescence (2)-4-12-(20)-flowered
Leaves closely imbricating for about 2/3 length of stem, less than 0-7 mm wide; inflorescence (1)-4-(5)-flowered
Stoloniferous; cauline leaves with mouth of sheath only very slightly villous; flowering stems to 15 cm long
Not stoloniferous; cauline leaves with a thick tuft of long silky hairs at mouth of sheath; flowering stems 20-60 cm long
Inflorescence of 4-10 pedunculate, few-flowered clusters, each c. 5 mm in diameter
Inflorescence of 1—4 congested, subsessile clusters, whole head often more than 1cm in diameter
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
KEY TO VARIETIES [Luzula banksiana]
Leaves stiffly erect, exceedingly numerous, rarely more than 3 mm wide; flowers usually less than 2-5 mm long
Leaves flaccid, drooping, or more rigid but not exceedingly numerous, usually wider than 3 mm; flowers usually 2-5-4 mm long
Tepals with broad silver-white membranous margins, very distinct from the dark brown central stripe; flowering stems usually less than 15 cm tall
Tepals with narrow cream margins and dark brown centre, or with broad cream margins and light brown centre; flowering stems usually 10-40 cm tall
Tepals dark brown; inflorescence of several clusters, rarely a single head subtended by short bracts
Tepals usually cream to light brown; inflorescence of several clusters, or a single head (rarely dark brown) subtended by long bracts
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
- Luzula ×wettsteinii Bucheanu
- Luzula banksiana E.Mey.
- Luzula banksiana E.Mey. var. banksiana
- Luzula banksiana var. acra Edgar
- Luzula banksiana var. migrata (Buchenau) Edgar
- Luzula banksiana var. orina Edgar
- Luzula banksiana var. rhadina (Buchenau) Edgar
- Luzula campestris (L.) DC.
- Luzula campestris var. banksiana (E.Mey.) Buchenau
- Luzula campestris var. crinita (Hook.f.) Buchenau
- Luzula campestris var. floribunda Buchenau
- Luzula campestris var. migrata Buchenau
- Luzula campestris var. pallida Hook.f.
- Luzula campestris var. petrieana Buchenau
- Luzula campestris var. picta (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Luzula celata Edgar
- Luzula cheesemanii Buchenau
- Luzula colensoi Hook.f.
- Luzula colensoi var. macrostemon Buchenau
- Luzula congesta (Thuill.) Lej.
- Luzula crenulata Buchenau
- Luzula crinita Hook.f.
- Luzula crinita Hook.f. var. crinita
- Luzula crinita var. petrieana (Buchenau) Edgar
- Luzula leptophylla Buchenau & Petrie
- Luzula micrantha Buchenau
- Luzula micrantha var. crenulata (Buchenau) Cheeseman
- Luzula micrantha var. triandra (Buchenau) Cheeseman
- Luzula migrata (Buchenau) Ostenf.
- Luzula multiflora (Retz.) Lej.
- Luzula picta A.Rich.
- Luzula picta A.Rich. var. picta
- Luzula picta var. banksiana (E.Mey.) Buchenau
- Luzula picta var. cheesemanii Buchenau
- Luzula picta var. limosa Edgar
- Luzula picta var. pallida (Hook.f.) Edgar
- Luzula pumila Hook.f.
- Luzula racemosa var. traversii Buchenau
- Luzula racemosa var. ulophylla Buchenau
- Luzula rufa Edgar
- Luzula rufa Edgar var. rufa
- Luzula rufa var. albicomans Edgar
- Luzula subclavata Colenso
- Luzula traversii (Buchenau) Cheeseman
- Luzula traversii (Buchenau) Cheeseman var. traversii
- Luzula traversii var. tenuis Edgar
- Luzula triandra Buchenau
- Luzula ulophylla (Buchenau) Cockayne & Laing