Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.

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Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 8 (1864)
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Slender glabrate herb, up to 15 cm. tall, often pilose on petioles and scapes; stock short, slender. Lvs all radical on petioles 2.5-12.5 cm. long, with broad membr. sheaths. Lamina narrow-oblong in outline, (a) pinnate with 2-6 pairs of rounded 3-4-lobed sessile or stalked Iflts 6-9 mm. long; segs oblong-cuneate, abruptly acute or subacute, or (b) biternately divided; Iflts stalked, cuneate, deeply lobed, 2-3 cm. long. Scapes us. 1-4, nude, slender, ± pilose, up to 15 cm. long, 1-fld. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, narrow-oblong, silky to glabrate, ± 5 mm. long; petals 8-10, ± 1 cm. long, narrow-obovate to cuneate, rounded to minutely retuse at apex, golden yellow; gland 1, small, basal. Achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, subturgid; style slightly hooked.
Slender herb up to 15 cm. tall, sparsely clad in long white hairs to glabrate; stock short, slender. Lvs all radical on very slender petioles up to 5 cm. or more long; sheath short, membr. Lamina narrow-oblong in outline, 2-5 cm. long, bipinnate to bipinnatisect to multifid, primary pinnae in up to 6 pairs, final segs linear to linear-lanceolate, acute. Scapes very slender, nude, up to 10 cm. or more long, 1-fld. Fls 1-2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, ± glab., oblong; petals 5-(10), twice length of sepals, golden yellow, narrow obovate, rounded to minutely retuse at apex; gland small, basal. Fruiting heads globose, small; achenes turgid, glab.; style short, subulate, straight.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
2n = 48
2n = 48
2n = 48
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Tufted perennial, 5-12 cm tall; rootstock stout, erect. Lvs all basal, ovate-oblong to linear-oblong, 1-2-pinnate or multifid, membranous to subcoriaceous, glabrous to pilose especially on petiole and rachis, 2-12 cm long; leaflets sessile, in 2-6 opposite pairs, entire or 3-partite or pinnate; segments linear to oblong, acute. Scapes 1-flowered, erect, pilose. Fls 1-2 cm diam. Sepals spreading, with silky hairs. Petals 5-(7), yellow, linear-obovate; nectary single, 1-1.5 mm from petal base, a cylindric pocket. Receptacle glabrous. Achenes 15-30, turgid, glabrous; body 2-2.5 mm long; beak straight, c. 1 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus sinclairii Hook.f.
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Ranunculus sinclairii var. angustatus Kirk
Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2007