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Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury

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Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury, New Zealand J. Bot. 12: 535-538 (1974)
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus

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Slender erect annual to biennial or winter-annual herb up to c. 6 dm. tall, us. sparingly branched below infl. Stems sulcate, hispid with short white hairs, c. 5 mm. diam. at base. Lower lvs with lamina c. (3)-5-10 × 1-3 cm. on subamplexicaul petiole < lamina; submembr., oblong to elliptic-oblong in outline, coarsely irregularly sharply dentate to dentately lobed, scabrid on both surfaces; mid laminae similar; upper laminae subsessile, tapering to auriculate base. Infl. us. ample, lax, subcorymbose. Capitula ∞, ± 6-8 mm. long, 5 mm. diam., calyculate with a few small bracteoles. Phyll. c. 12, c. 5 mm. long, linear, us. sparsely scaberulous on back, keeled, margins scarious, narrowed gradually to subacute apex. Florets up to ± 30; ♀ filiform, 4-toothed; perfect narrow-funnelform, 5-toothed. Achenes subcompressed, narrow-cylindric, c. 2 mm. long, scaberulous in grooves. Pappus-hairs fine, white, c. 5 mm. long.

Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury

Erect annual to short-lived perennial herb. Mid cauline lvs hispid with short to long jointed hairs on upper surface and long jointed hairs on lower, apetiolate, narrow- to ovate-elliptic, dentate to pinnately lobed or 1-pinnatifid with triangular to narrow-oblong, few-toothed segments, not amplexicaul to amplexicaul and dentate or 1-3-fid at base, (3)-7-12-(18) × (0.5)-2-5 cm. Uppermost lvs smaller, usually lanceolate and more often dentate or only shallowly lobed. Supplementary bracts 4-6, 1-2 mm long. Involucral bracts 10-13, glabrous, (5)-6-7 mm long. Ray florets 0. Disc yellow, c. 2 mm diam. Achenes subcylindric, slightly constricted below apex, usually ± evenly hairy, (2)-2.2-2.6-(3), mm long.

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Erechtites hispidula Hook.f.
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Erechtites hispidula Hook.f.
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Erechtites scaberula Hook.f.
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Erechtites scaberula Hook.f.
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Erechtites scaberula var. chathamica Allan
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Erechtites scaberula var. chathamica Allan
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio hispidulus A.Cunn.
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio hispidulus A.Cunn.
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio hispidulus var. scaberulus (Hook.f) Belcher
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio hispidulus var. scaberulus (Hook.f) Belcher
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury

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New Zealand
Nelson Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.f.) D.G.Drury
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 June 2006
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