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Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov

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Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov, New Zealand J. Bot. 1: 99 (1963)
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica

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Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov

Tall, slender, often peat-stained, pale tussock with pungent leaves often spirally twisting above and deciduous. Sheath to 20 cm, dark above, pale shining below, persistent, glabrous though often with many very short hairs between nerves. Ligule to 2 mm. Lamina to 30 cm × 6 mm, flat or U-shaped, disarticulating at ligule, abaxially many nerved, glabrous, adaxially below with interlocking hairs from near margins, abundant papillae above; margin smooth. Culm to 1 m, internodes glabrous. Inflorescence to 15 cm, congested, ± triangular, glabrous except for long hairs at branch axils and below spikelets. Spikelets of up to 7 lightly purpled florets. Glumes sometimes purpled, acute or shortly awned, < adjacent lemma lobes; lower to 12 mm, 1- nerved or shortly 3-nerved, upper to 15 mm, 3-5- nerved, margin consistently with long hairs below otherwise glabrous. Lemma to 8 mm; hairs dense at margin and aside central nerve, sometimes in other intemerves but then fewer, ± reaching sinus; lateral lobes to 7 mm including awn to 3 mm or long triangular-acute; central awn to 20 mm reflexed from flat column up to 3 mm. Palea to 10 mm. Rachilla to 1 mm. Callus to 1 mm, hairs to 3 mm. Lodicules to 0.75 mm. Anthers to 3.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary to 0.75 mm, stigma-styles to 4 mm. Caryopsis to 2.5 mm.

Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov

2n = 42
2n = 42
2n = 42

Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov

Tall, slender, often peat-stained, pale tussock with pungent leaves often spirally twisting above and deciduous. Leaf-sheath to 20 cm, dark above, pale shining below, persistent, glabrous though often with many very short hairs between ribs. Ligule to 2 mm. Leaf-blades to 30 cm × 6 mm, flat or U-shaped, disarticulating at ligule, abaxially many glabrous ribs, adaxially below with interlocking hairs from near margins, abundant papillae above; margin glabrous. Culm to 1 m, internodes glabrous. Inflorescence to 15 cm, congested, ± triangular, glabrous except for long hairs at branch axils and below spikelets. Spikelets of up to 7 lightly purpled florets. Glumes sometimes purpled, acute or shortly awned, &lt; adjacent lemma lobes; lower to 12 mm, 1-nerved or shortly 3-nerved, upper to 15 mm, 3-5-nerved, margin consistently long hairy below otherwise glabrous. Lemma to 8 mm; hairs dense at margin and aside central nerve, sometimes in other internerves but then fewer, ± reaching sinus; lateral lobes to 7 mm including awn to 3 mm or long triangular-acute; central awn to 20 mm reflexed from flat column up to 3 mm. Palea to 10 mm. Callus to 1 mm, hairs to 3 mm. Rachilla to 1 mm. Lodicules to 0.75 mm. Anthers to 3.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary to 0.75 mm; stigma-styles to 4 mm. Caryopsis to 2.5 mm. 2n= 42. Plate 1A.

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Bromus antarcticus Hook.f.
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Danthonia antarctica (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
Danthonia flavescens var. hookeri Zotov
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov

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New Zealand
Southland Land District
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Chionochloa antarctica (Hook.f.) Zotov
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 April 2007
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