Rubus L.

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Rubus L.
- Rubus ×barkeri
- Rubus ×orarius
- Rubus ×ursinus
- Rubus amplificatus
- Rubus anglocandicans
- Rubus argutus
- Rubus armeniacus
- Rubus australis
- Rubus caesius
- Rubus calycinoides
- Rubus cardiophyllus
- Rubus chamaemorus
- Rubus cissburiensis
- Rubus cissburiensis × Rubus ulmifolius
- Rubus cissoides
- Rubus conjungens
- Rubus echinatus
- Rubus eglanteria
- Rubus ellipticus
- Rubus errabundus
- Rubus erythrops
- Rubus flagellaris
- Rubus fruticosus
- Rubus grabowskii
- Rubus idaeus
- Rubus illecebrosus
- Rubus illecebrosus
- Rubus japonicus
- Rubus laciniatus
- Rubus leptothyrsos
- Rubus macrophyllus
- Rubus mollior
- Rubus moluccanus
- Rubus mucronulatus
- Rubus nemoralis
- Rubus occidentalis
- Rubus ostryifolius
- Rubus parvus
- Rubus pentalobus
- Rubus phoenicolasius
- Rubus polyanthemus
- Rubus praecox
- Rubus procerus
- Rubus radula
- Rubus rolfei
- Rubus rosifolius
- Rubus rugosus
- Rubus schmidelioides
- Rubus squarrosus
- Rubus subpauperatus
- Rubus tuberculatus
- Rubus ulmifolius
- Rubus vestitus
Vernacular names
Rubus L.
Fls perfect or unisexual, in panicles or racemes, rarely solitary; receptacle broad; sepals 5, persistent; petals 5; stamens ∞; carpels ∞, on convex receptacle. Fr. of aggregated 1-seeded drupelets; seed pend. Scrambling, us. ± prickly shrubs or lianes; lvs us. palmately lobed or compound, stipules adnate to petiole. Cosmopolitan with c. 1000 spp.; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Rubus L.
Shrubs or subshrubs, sometimes perennial herbs, often suckering or layering; habit partially erect with arching or flexuous branches, or lianoid or scrambling; stems biennial or perennial, sometimes rooting at apices, usually armed with prickles or pricklets or both, sometimes densely tomentose or pilose, sometimes glandular. Lvs distributed along stems, alternate, petiolate, imparipinnate or palmate with 3-7 toothed or lobed leaflets, occasionally reduced to a single leaflet or simple and palmately lobed with coalescing leaflets; stipules free or adnate to petiole, small- to medium-sized, persistent or deciduous. Fls often in leafy racemes or panicles, or solitary, usually born on shoots of previous year's growth, usually 5-merous, usually ☿, rarely unisexual, pedicellate, often showy. Hypanthium with a large, often convex carpophore. Epicalyx 0. Calyx of 5 sepals, sometimes conspicuous and leafy. Petals 5 or rarely more, white to pink or rarely yellowish or purple. Stamens numerous, rarely few, arising from hypanthium rim. Ovary superior; carpels usually numerous; styles usually deciduous; ovules 2 but 1 aborting. Fr. a fleshy aggregate of 1-seeded drupelets.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
28 January 2014