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Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002

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Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser in Peintner et al., Mycotaxon 81 180 (2002)
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002

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New Zealand
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Peintner & M.M. Moser
Peintner & M.M. Moser
replacement, replacement name
Cortinarius luteobrunneus

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Holotype (PDD 27063); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 67/153): 'Cave Stream, Craigieburn Range., Prov. Canterbury, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 14.X.1967'. - Herb HK. ZT 67/202: 'Cave Stream, Craigieburn Range., Prov. Canterbury, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 3.XI.1967'
Gastrocarp 25-35 x 25-40 mm, hemispherical or ovoid, peridium (1-2 mm thick) yellow or yellow-brown, glutinous, smooth, margin dehiscent from stipe, without conspicuous veil remnants. Gleba loculate, chambers up to 2 mm diam., indistinctly radially arranged, in aged carpophores dehiscent from stipe and then exposed but always covered with white, 1 mm thick 'cortina’, loculi not shining through, deep rust brown. Stipe 30-55 x 5-14 mm, cylindric or clavate, attenuated above and columella sometimes rudimentary or even lacking, white, silky, dry, occasionally covered with glutinous patches from the margin of the peridium. Context white. Odor and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on peridium: KOH, NH3 and HCl - negative.
Spores 15-18 x 10.5-12.5 µm, ovoid or broadly ovate, mostly axially symmetric, coarsely verrucose, perisporium well developed, ferruginous. Basidia 36-50 x 10-13 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia absent. Epicutis: a cutis consisting of strongly gelatinised hyaline hyphae with yellow pigment encrusting the thin-walled membranes. Clamp connections present.
On ground amongst litter of Nothofagus cliffortioides, in montane forests. New Zealand.
Gastrocarpio 25-35 x 25-40 mm, hemisphaerico vel ovoideo, glutinoso, ex luteo luteo-brunneo, velo nullo. Gleba lacunosa, e stipite dehiscente, haud exposita, ferruginea. stipite 30-55 x 5-14 mm, cylindraceo vel clavato, apicem versus conspicue attenuato vel obsoleto, albo, sicco. Sporis 15-18 x 10.5-12.5 µm, ovatis, grosse verrucosis, ferrugineis. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute ex hyphis gelatinosis, pigmento luteo incrustato vel plasmatico instructis cutem formantibus, septis fibulatis. Ad terram in silvis nothofagineis Novazelandia.
This species was observed several times in the montane Nothofagus cliffortioides- forests around the type locality. It appears that this species prefers to fructificate during late winter and early spring; therefore, no further records were obtained in other regions of New Zealand as at this time of the year no mycological fieldwork was undertaken.
Holotypus (PDD 27063): ‘Cave stream, Craigieburn Range., N.Z; leg. Horak, 14.X.1967'.

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Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser (2002)
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser (2002)
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser (2002)
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser (2002)
Thaxterogaster leoninus E. Horak (1973)
Cortinarius luteobrunneus Peintner & M.M. Moser 2002

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taxonomic status
Doubtfully distinct from C. epiphaeus/napivelatus. [JAC]

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scientific name
12 April 2002
16 December 2024
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