Castellano, M.A.; Trappe, J.M. 1990: Australasian truffle-like fungi. I. Nomenclatural bibliography of type descriptions of Basidiomycotina. Australian Systematic Botany 3: 653-670.

Castellano, M.A.; Trappe, J.M. 1990: Australasian truffle-like fungi. I. Nomenclatural bibliography of type descriptions of Basidiomycotina. Australian Systematic Botany 3: 653-670.
Cited scientific names
- Agrogaster coneae D.A. Reid 1986
- Austrogaster novae-zelandiae D.A. Reid 1986
- Chamonixia pachydermis (Zeller & C.W. Dodge) G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young 1985
- Gigasperma crypticum E. Horak 1971
- Gymnoglossum gunnii (Massee) G. Cunn. 1941
- Gymnomyces redolens (G. Cunn.) Pfister 1976
- Hymenogaster pachydermis Zeller & C.W. Dodge 1934
- Macowanites carmineus McNabb 1971
- Martellia redolens (G. Cunn.) G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young 1984
- Nivatogastrium baylisianum E. Horak 1971
- Nivatogastrium lignicola E. Horak 1971
- Nivatogastrium sulcatum E. Horak 1971
- Notholepiota areolata (G. Cunn.) E. Horak 1971
- Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
- Secotium areolatum G. Cunn. 1942
- Secotium cartilagineum G. Cunn. 1924
- Secotium coneae R. Heim 1951
- Secotium gunnii Massee 1891
- Secotium leucocephalum Massee 1891
- Secotium lilacense Berk. 1867
- Secotium porphyreum G. Cunn. 1924
- Stephanospora redolens (G. Cunn.) E. Horak 1979
- Thaxterogaster anisodorus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster aurantiacus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster carneolus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster epiphaeus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster leoninus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster leucocephalus (Massee) Singer & A.H. Sm. 1958
- Thaxterogaster luteolus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster napivelatus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster nivalis E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster pisciodorus E. Horak 1973
- Thaxterogaster porphyreus (G. Cunn.) Singer 1954 [1953]
- Thaxterogaster violaceovolvatus E. Horak 1973
2 December 2005