Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov

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Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov, Rec. Domin. Mus. 5: 143 (1965)
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
(Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
2n = 84
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Pale green, erect tufts, 15-35-(65) cm tall, with numerous, narrow, involute leaves often overtopping the lax, delicately branched panicles; innovations intravaginal. Leaf-sheaths membranous with few, distinct nerves, smooth or scabrous above, pale green to very light brown; ligule 2-4.5 mm, oblong but very slightly tapered above, truncate and denticulate at tip, abaxially ± scabrous, especially near base; leaf-blades 3.5—10—(15) cm × 1-2 mm, but often involute and 0.5-1 mm diam., abaxially sparsely to closely finely scabrous, adaxially ridged and closely ciliate-scabrous on ridges, margins finely scabrous, tip acute. Culms 3-18 cm tall, finely scabrous, often entirely enclosed by leaf sheaths. Panicle (3)—7—16 × 2-12 cm, very lax; rachis and capillary branchlets finely scabrous, with rather few spikelets at branchlet tips. Spikelets 4.5-5.5-(6.5) mm, light green. Glumes ± equal, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, green and submembranous at centre, with hyaline margins sparsely scabrous along edge near tip, midnerve with sparse prickle teeth except near base, elsewhere usually sparsely scabrous especially in upper half. Lemma 2.5-3 mm, c. ½ length of glumes, 5-nerved, with soft hairs scattered almost throughout except at tip, elliptic, truncate, with shortly excurrent lateral nerves; awn 4-6 mm, straight or ± curved, ± mid-dorsal or from upper 1/3 of lemma. Palea c. ½-2/3 length of lemma, elliptic, nerves not evident, margins with 1-2 minute hairs, tip very shallowly notched. Callus hairs ± dense, especially below lemma margins, fine, to c. 1 mm, ¼-1/3 length of lemma. Lodicules c. 1 mm, narrow-lanceolate, acute. Rachilla to 0.5 mm with fine hair tuft to 1 mm, or 0. Anthers (0.6)-0.8-1.2 mm. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm. Endemic.
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Pale green, erect tufts, 15-35-(65) cm, with numerous, narrow, involute leaves often overtopping the lax, delicately branched panicles; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath membranous with few, distinct ribs, smooth or scabrid above, pale green to very light brown. Ligule 2-4.5 mm, oblong, very slightly tapered above, truncate, denticulate, abaxially ± scabrid, especially near base. Leaf-blade 3.5-10-(15) cm × 1-2 mm, often involute and 0.5-1 mm diam., abaxially sparsely to closely finely scabrid, adaxially ribbed and closely ciliate-scabrid on ribs; margins finely scabrid, tip acute. Culm 3-18 cm, often included within leaf-sheaths, internodes finely scabrid. Panicle (3)-7-16 × 2-12 cm, very lax; rachis finely scabrid, branches capillary, finely scabrid, tipped by few spikelets. Spikelets 4.5-5.5-(6.5) mm, light green. Glumes ± equal, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, green and submembranous, usually sparsely scabrid especially above, midnerve with sparse prickle-teeth except near base, margins hyaline, sparsely scabrid near tip. Lemma 2.5-3 mm, c. ½ length of glumes, 5-nerved, with soft hairs scattered almost throughout except at tip, elliptic, truncate, lateral nerves shortly excurrent; awn 4-6 mm, straight or ± curved, ± middorsal, or from upper ⅓ of lemma. Palea c. ½-⅔ length of lemma, elliptic, nerves not evident, margins with 1-2 minute hairs, apex very shallowly notched. Callus hairs ± dense, especially below lemma margins, fine, to c. 1 mm, ¼-⅓ length of lemma. Rachilla prolongation to 0.5 mm with fine hair tuft to 1 mm; or 0. Lodicules c. 1 mm, narrow-lanceolate, acute. Anthers (0.6)-0.8-1.2 mm. Caryopsis c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Agrostis leptostachys Hook.f.
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Deyeuxia forsteri var. micranthera Hack.
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Lachnagrostis leptostachys (Hook.f.) Zotov
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
29 July 2005