Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny

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Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny, New Zealand J. Bot. 42: 486 (2004)
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
(Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa
Perennial, closely branched, often forming subhemispherical masses 5-15 cm. diam. Stems ∞, much-branched from near base, ± 15-20 cm. tall, striate, margined. Basal lvs membr., ∞, 10-50-(75) × 15-20 mm., broad-obovate to obovate-spathulate, rounded, 3-5-nerved, gradually narrowed into broad flat petiole. Cauline lvs smaller, narrower, sub-sessile to sessile, lower ± 20 × 10 mm. Infl. of lax open to dense corymbose cymes sts almost concealing Ivs; pedicels narrowly margined. Calyx rather > 1/2 corolla-length, cut 3/4 way or nearly to base into linear-oblong obtuse lobes. Corolla white, 2-2.5 cm. diam., cut nearly to base into rounded broad-oblong lobes.
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
n = 18
2n = 36
2n = 36
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Plants monocarpic, biennial, possibly triennial, height in flower (40–)60–150(–200) mm. Caudex unbranched, c. 20 mm long. Root 2–6 mm diam. at stem base. Flowering stem terminal, 1.7–5.0 mm diam. at base, 1.4–4.0 mm diam. when dry, stem colour green, tinted slightly purpleblack, or bronze, lateral branches of the flowering stem erect to decumbent, flowering stem leaves 0–4 pairs per stem, lowest pedicels from near base of flowering stem to near apex of flowering stem. Rosette of leaves absent to distinct from flowering stem leaves; leaves elliptic or orbicular or obovate or narrowly obovate, 16–65 mm long, 7.5–21 mm wide, green, usually flat, sometimes V-shaped or channelled, slightly recurved or not; petiole indistinct, c. 13 mm long, 2.8–8.0 mm wide at leaf base; leaf apex rounded. Flowering stem leaves narrowly ovate. Pedicels 1 or 2 per leaf axil, 7–50 mm long, 1.0–1.9 mm diam., 0.5–1.2 mm diam. when dry. Flowers 11–60 per plant, 15–20 mm long, often female. Calyx 8.5–11.0 mm long, green or bronze, or green tinted purple-black at lobe apices, hairs at calyx–corolla fusion line absent; (4–)5(–7)-lobed, lobes 5.0–9.0 mm long, 2.0–5.0 mm wide at base, plane but surface often rugose, apices acute, margins smooth or minutely denticulate, sinus hairs sparse to abundant. Corolla (4–)5(–6)-lobed, 13.5– 18.6 mm long, white; tube 3.0–5.6 mm long; lobes 10.2–14.5 mm long, 5.2–9.5 mm wide, hairs below sinus present; nectary 0.6–1.9 mm from corolla base. Filaments 8.5–13.4 mm long from corolla base, 0.9–2.4 mm wide. Anthers 1.9–2.8 mm long, anther wall blue-black, mouth yellow or orangered, extrorse at anthesis. Stigma colourless, purple, crimson, or blue. Ovules 29–56(–76) per ovary, ovary yellow or purple-black in maturity. Capsule 15–17 mm long. FL Jan–Mar.
Taxonomic concepts
Gentiana aff. divisa (CHR 494906; Mt. Barefell)
Gentiana divisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
Gentianella bellidifolia var. divisa (Kirk) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
Gentianella divisa (Kirk) Glenny
scientific name
20 December 2002
24 August 2015