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Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Recorded name Association type Associated organism (recorded name) Associated organism (current name) Reference
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Birch, T.T.C. (1937)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Click to expand Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Click to expand Boesewinkel, H.J. (1977)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Boesewinkel, H.J. (1977)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Click to expand Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Click to expand Boesewinkel, H.J. (1977)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Click to expand Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Click to expand Boesewinkel, H.J. (1977)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Boesewinkel, H.J. (1977)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1953)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1955)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1955)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1959)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
Click to expand Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
Click to expand Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1959)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Brien, R.M.; Dingley, J.M. (1959)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.
Click to expand Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.
Click to expand Burdon, R.D.; Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1991)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Burdon, R.D.; Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1991)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Burdon, R.D.; Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1991)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Burdon, R.D.; Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1991)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Click to expand Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cupressus macnabiana
Click to expand Cupressus macnabiana
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Lycium ferocissimum Miers
Click to expand Lycium ferocissimum Miers
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dingley, J.M. (1969)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Persea americana Mill.
Click to expand Persea americana Mill.
Click to expand Fletcher, W.A. (1976)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F.Liang & A.R.Ferguson
Click to expand Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F.Liang & A.R.Ferguson
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Click to expand Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Kirk
Click to expand Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Kirk
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière
Click to expand Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Click to expand Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Click to expand Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A.Rich.) de Laub.
Click to expand Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A.Rich.) de Laub.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Discaria toumatou Raoul
Click to expand Discaria toumatou Raoul
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
Click to expand Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Griselinia littoralis Raoul
Click to expand Griselinia littoralis Raoul
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Hedycarya arborea J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Click to expand Hedycarya arborea J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Click to expand Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Knightia excelsa R.Br.
Click to expand Knightia excelsa R.Br.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Laurelia novae-zelandiae A.Cunn.
Click to expand Laurelia novae-zelandiae A.Cunn.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Leycesteria formosa Wall.
Click to expand Leycesteria formosa Wall.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Liriodendron tulipifera L.
Click to expand Liriodendron tulipifera L.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Litsea calicaris (A.Cunn.) Kirk
Click to expand Litsea calicaris (A.Cunn.) Kirk
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Lycium ferocissimum Miers
Click to expand Lycium ferocissimum Miers
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Manoao colensoi (Hook.) Molloy
Click to expand Manoao colensoi (Hook.) Molloy
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W.C.Cheng
Click to expand Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W.C.Cheng
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn.
Click to expand Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Click to expand Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
Click to expand Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Persea americana Mill.
Click to expand Persea americana Mill.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus caribaea Morelet
Click to expand Pinus caribaea Morelet
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus elliottii Engelm.
Click to expand Pinus elliottii Engelm.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
Click to expand Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Ribes uva-crispa var. sativum
Click to expand Ribes uva-crispa var. sativum
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Click to expand Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
Click to expand Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
Click to expand Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
Click to expand Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) (2005)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1954)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1954)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1954)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1954)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1957)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1957)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1961)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1961)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1965)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1965)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1965)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1965)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1965)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W. (1966)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W.; Lancaster, M.E. (1955)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W.; Lancaster, M.E. (1955)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W.; Lancaster, M.E. (1955)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Gilmour, J.W.; Lancaster, M.E. (1955)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Hocking, G.H.; Mayfield, A.G.K. (1939)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Hocking, G.H.; Mayfield, A.G.K. (1939)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Hocking, G.H.; Mayfield, A.G.K. (1939)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Hocking, G.H.; Mayfield, A.G.K. (1939)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Hocking, G.H.; Mayfield, A.G.K. (1939)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Hocking, G.H.; Mayfield, A.G.K. (1939)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
Click to expand Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Hood, I.A.; Gardner, J.F. (2002)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Hood, I.A.; Sandberg, C.J. (1993)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
Click to expand Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
Click to expand Hood, I.A.; Sandberg, C.J.; Kimberley, M.O. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus ×domestica L.
Click to expand Prunus ×domestica L.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica var. nucipersica (Suckow) C.K.Schneid.
Click to expand Prunus persica var. nucipersica (Suckow) C.K.Schneid.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus salicina Lindl.
Click to expand Prunus salicina Lindl.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
Click to expand Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
Click to expand Johnston, P.R.; Parkes, S.L.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Jolliffe, W.H. (1941)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Knowles, F.B.; Miller, J.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Knowles, F.B.; Miller, J.B. (1997)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Knowles, F.B.; Miller, J.B. (1997)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Knowles, F.B.; Miller, J.B. (1997)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Laundon, G.F. (1973)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Laundon, G.F. (1973)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand McKenzie, E.H.C.; Buchanan, P.K.; Johnston, P.R. (2002)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Ecroyd, C.E. (1987)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1986)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1988)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1988)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Abies bracteata (D.Don) Poit.
Click to expand Abies bracteata (D.Don) Poit.
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Abies concolor (Gordon & Glend.) Hildebr.
Click to expand Abies concolor (Gordon & Glend.) Hildebr.
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Abies grandis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand Abies grandis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Abies magnifica A.Murray bis.
Click to expand Abies magnifica A.Murray bis.
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Abies procera Rehder
Click to expand Abies procera Rehder
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1989)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Miller, J.T.; Knowles, F.B. (1994)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Newhook, F.J.; van Geldermalsen, M. (1962)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Rawlings, G.B. (1953)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Malus ×domestica Borkh.
Click to expand Taylor, J.B.; Hawkins, J.E.; McLaren, J.D. (1974)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Taylor, J.B.; Hawkins, J.E.; McLaren, J.D. (1974)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Taylor, J.B.; Hawkins, J.E.; McLaren, J.D. (1974)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Click to expand Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand Buddleja davidii Franch.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière
Click to expand Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Murray) Parl.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Click to expand Citrus ×sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D.Don
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Discaria toumatou Raoul
Click to expand Discaria toumatou Raoul
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
Click to expand Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand Euonymus japonicus Thunb.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Click to expand Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Leycesteria formosa Wall.
Click to expand Leycesteria formosa Wall.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Liriodendron tulipifera L.
Click to expand Liriodendron tulipifera L.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Lycium ferocissimum Miers
Click to expand Lycium ferocissimum Miers
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W.C.Cheng
Click to expand Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W.C.Cheng
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Click to expand Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus caribaea Morelet
Click to expand Pinus caribaea Morelet
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand Pinus contorta Loudon
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus elliottii Engelm.
Click to expand Pinus elliottii Engelm.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand Pinus muricata D.Don
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold
Click to expand Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand Pittosporum crassifolium A.Cunn.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Podocarpus dacrydioides
Click to expand Podocarpus dacrydioides
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand Podocarpus totara D.Don
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Click to expand Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
Click to expand Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
Click to expand Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
Click to expand van der Pas, J.B.; Hood, I.A.; MacKenzie, M. (1983)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Salix alba × matsudana
Click to expand Salix alba × matsudana
Click to expand van Kraayenoord, C.W.S.; Slui, B.; Knowles, F.B. (1995)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand van Kraayenoord, C.W.S.; Slui, B.; Knowles, F.B. (1995)
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Click to expand Pinus palustris Mill.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Click to expand Pinus patula Schltdl. & Cham.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Click to expand Pinus pinaster Aiton
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Racosperma melanoxylon (R.Br.) Mart.
Click to expand Racosperma melanoxylon (R.Br.) Mart.
Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ has host
Click to expand Woodhead, C.E.; Chamberlain, E.E. (1940)

Click to collapse Metadata Info

scientific name
3 February 2005
10 October 2019
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