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Gilmour, J.W. 1957: Forest pathology. Mycology. Fungi associated with radiata pine. New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Annual Report.

Reference record
Names_Fungi record source
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Organism (recorded name) Organism (current name) Association type Associated organism (recorded name) Associated organism (current name)
Click to expand Armillaria (Fr.) Staude 1857
Click to expand Armillaria (Fr.) Staude 1857
has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Armillaria (Fr.) Staude 1857
Click to expand Armillaria (Fr.) Staude 1857
has host
Click to expand Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ
Click to expand Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ
has host
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker
Click to expand Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ
Click to expand Armillaria sp. ('mellea') auct. NZ
has host

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5 March 2010
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